Show AlertDialog from ViewModel using MvvmCross - mvvm

I am using MvvmCross for creation my Android-app and I faced with the following problem:
When I'm trying to show AlertDialog, that was created in ViewModel, the
"Unhandled Exception: Android.Views.WindowManagerBadTokenException" appears.
public class MyViewModel : MvxViewModel
public ICommand ShowAlertCommand { get; private set; }
public AuthorizationViewModel()
ShowAlertCommand = new MvxCommand(() =>
var adb = new AlertDialog.Builder(Application.Context);
adb.SetTitle("Title here");
adb.SetMessage("Message here");
adb.SetPositiveButton("OK", (sender, args) => { /* some logic */});
adb.SetNegativeButton("Cancel", (sender, args) => { /* close alertDialog */});
When I was researching I have found that it happens because of transmission of the reference to the Context but not on the Activity in the AlertDialog.Builder.
In this topic I found the following decision:
Receive references to the current Activity through the use of GetService(), but I didn't found mvvmcross plugins for work with IMvxServiceConsumer, IMvxAndroidCurrentTopActivity interfaces.
My question is can I show AlertDialog from ViewModel? And how can I get the reference to Activity, but not to the Application.Context?
And what is the correct way to close AlertDialog that the user would stay on the current View?

In general, you should try not to put this type of code into ViewModels
because ViewModels should stay platform independent
because ViewModels should be unit testable - and it's hard to unit test when the code shows a dialog
I'd also recommend you don't put code like this inside a ViewModel Constructor - these constructors are generally called during navigations and displaying a Dialog during a transition is likely to be problematic.
With those things said, if you do want to get hold of the current top Activity within any code, then you can do this using the IMvxAndroidCurrentTopActivity
public interface IMvxAndroidCurrentTopActivity
Activity Activity { get; }
Using this, any code can get the current Activity using:
var top = Mvx.Resolve<IMvxAndroidCurrentTopActivity>();
var act = top.Activity;
if (act == null)
// this can happen during transitions
// - you need to be sure that this won't happen for your code
throw new MvxException("Cannot get current top activity");
var dlg = new AlertDialog.Builder(act);
The use of IMvxAndroidCurrentTopActivity is discussed in MvvmCross: How to pass Android context down to MvxCommand?
The approach taken in that question/answer is also one of the ways I would generally approach showing dialogs from a ViewModel:
I would create an IFooDialog interface
Ideally I would probably make this interface asynchronous - e.g. using async or using an Action<DialogResult> callback parameter
on each platform I would implement that in the UI project
the ViewModels can then use IFooDialog when a dialog is needed and each platform can respond with an appropriate UI action
This 'Dialog Service' type of approach is common in Mvvm - e.g. see articles like (although that article is very Windows specific!)
There are also a few other questions on here about MvvmCross and dialogs - although they may contain reference to older v1 or vNext code - e.g. Alerts or Popups in MvvmCross and Unable run ProgressDialog - BadTokenException while showind


Navigate to page on start in .NET Maui app

Seems like a simple question, but I haven't been able to find a simple answer. Essentially I want to choose which page in the app to start on based on some stored state. I added a GoToAsync call in the AppShell constructor, but this didn't work--which makes sense because the AppShell hasn't been fully constructed yet.
I found this answer, but it feels like it kind of skirts around the issue:
Maui AppShell - Navigate on Open
Where is the best place to inject some code that will run once on startup and can successfully navigate a .NET Maui app to a chosen page?
After playing around with overrides, it seems like overriding Application.OnStart works! Shell.Current is set at this point and navigation works.
Here's additional code that allows for asynchronous initialization and uses a Loading Page until the initialization is complete:
using MyApp.Services;
using MyApp.UI;
namespace MyApp;
public partial class App : Application
ConfigurationProviderService m_configProvider;
public App(ConfigurationProviderService configProvider)
m_configProvider = configProvider;
MainPage = new LoadingPage();
protected override void OnStart()
var task = InitAsync();
task.ContinueWith((task) =>
MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
MainPage = new AppShell();
// Choose navigation depending on init
private async Task InitAsync()
await m_configProvider.InitAsync();

JavaFX Model View ViewModel where should I implement tasks?

There are several tutorials and examples on this topic out there but they are all a sort of generic build only in one class to show how it works generally.
So my question is when I would like to follow the MVVM pattern where I have to implement all my tasks?
Given the following:
class Model {
/* When I place the Task here how can I deal with arguments and results from ViewController? */
public BufferedImage bigTask (String this, String and, Image that){
// Some code to build a BufferedImage
class ViewController {
private BufferedImage myBufferedImage;
private Button aButton;
/*Should I implement my Task here? But how I get information about progress? */
final Task<Integer> myTask = new Task<Integer>(){
protected Integer call() throws Exception{
updateProgress( // How to get here? Is it the right place? )
return null;
void setOnAction(ActionEvent actionEvent){
myBufferedImage = Model.bigTask("this", "that", new Image("path"));
Hope I could explain the problem.
Thanks in advance!
In general your tasks should be implemented in the ViewModel.
The actual implementation of business logic should be done in the Model for example in a service class. The ViewModel can then use this service and handle all the ui specific actions like creating a Task for async execution and updating a progress value. However the ViewModel may not directly update a ProgressIndicator but instead the viewModel could have a DoubleProperty "progress" that is updated in the ViewModel. In the ViewController/CodeBehind you bind the actual ProgressIndicator to this progress property of the ViewModel. This way the ViewModel is independent from actual UI controls and the View doesn't contain any business logic.
Your example is a little bit special I think. Normally I would say that "BufferedImage" is a ui specific class that only belongs to the View and not the ViewModel nor the Model. However your example looks like BufferedImage is the result of a business action. In this case I would create a ObjectProperty<BufferedImage> in your ViewModel and put the task to load the image in the ViewModel too. In your ViewController I would add a listener to this property and put the image into the ui when it changes.
This way your View class is independet of how the image is loaded.

Where is good place to register Messenger responsible for showing Windows to ensure MVVM pattern Separation of Concerns and Testability not violated?

MainWindow has a Menu About which relates to AboutWindow.
About Meny is triggered by command:
<MenuItem Header="_About" Command="{Binding OpenAbout}"/>
OpenAbout is property like that:
private RelayCommand _openAbout;
public RelayCommand OpenAbout
return _openAbout ?? (_openAbout = new RelayCommand(() => Messenger.Default.Send(new NotificationMessage("ShowAboutView"))));
Notification message is registered in App.cs class as follows:
static App()
public App()
public void RegisterMessenger()
Messenger.Default.Register<NotificationMessage>(this, ProcessShowAboutView);
private void ProcessShowAboutView(NotificationMessage message)
AboutWindow view = new AboutWindow();
I analysed another questions like that:
How to open a new window using MVVM Light Toolkit
WPF MVVM - How to Show a view from MainWindowViewModel upon Clicking on button
I like Messenger functionality but however I am not sure If above solution is a good one.
I would be thankful for any advise!
As depicted above, Registering messages is done in App Config.
I consider it not be a good place therefore I need to know what place would be better.
Another place to consider would be Locator
I personaly would register the messages in App.xaml.cs in the OnStartup method (WPF) and in the set up method of the unit test (dont forget to unregister everything in the tear down method).

How to bind view model to a UserControl in MVVMCROSS?

I am using the excellent Mvvmcross and Ninja Coder for Mvvmcross for building a cross platform app. For my windows store app I have created a view and a view model using Ninja coder. I have also created a UserControl which will be referenced in the view. Hence I need to bind the same viewmodel to the User control also. I have been trying to set the Data context of the user control to the singleton instance of viewmodel. I have set the data context of the user control like below.
public sealed partial class SearchResultsGridViewControl : UserControl
private SearchresultsViewModel _viewModel;
public SearchResultsGridViewControl()
_viewModel = Mvx.IocConstruct<SearchresultsViewModel>();
this.DataContext = _viewModel;
But when I refer this User Control in my main view, it throws an error in XAML saying "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object. Cannot create an instance of SearchResultsGridViewControl".
This is my viewmodel:
public class SearchresultsViewModel : BaseViewModel
private ISearchResultsService _searchResultsService;
public SearchresultsViewModel(ISearchResultsService searchResultsService)
_searchResultsService = searchResultsService;
var items = _searchResultsService.DisplaySearchResults();
SchoolDetails = new ObservableCollection<School>(items);
private ObservableCollection<School> _schoolDetails;
public ObservableCollection<School> SchoolDetails
get { return _schoolDetails; }
_schoolDetails = value;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => SchoolDetails);
public ICommand RefineCommand
refineCommand = refineCommand ?? new MvxCommand(FilterSearchResultsBasedOnRefine);
return refineCommand;
public void FilterSearchResultsBasedOnRefine()
SchoolDetails = new ObservableCollection<School>(_searchResultsService.FilterSchoolsBasedOnRefine(MidDayMeals, PlayGround, DigitalClassroom, DayBoarding, TransportationFacility));
The grid view in my usercontrol is getting populated when it loads for the first time. But when RefineCommand is called to update the collection from the main view, the grid view in usercontrol is not getting updated. And I am guessing its because of that error earlier in setting the data context of the user control to view model. Please let me know what could be going wrong. I have been banging my head about it for days.
I've been using MVVMCross with Windows Store fairly recently. Without looking back at my code, I'm pretty sure that the Datacontext will inherit from it's parent unless overridden.
So as long as the MvxPage that you have presented has a viewmodel, any user control that you add to it, either in XAML or in code-behind, should share the same data context. If you are looking at doing some MVVMCross data-binding from the User Control, you should probably make sure your User Control implements IMvxStoreView, and ensure that the ViewModel property is set to the value of DataContext.
Hope that help.
I think your first problem "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object" is a design time only issue - because you are trying to set the viewmodel using Mvx. at design time. You can workaround this issue if you want to by using design time viewmodels and possibly also by using one of the design time helpers (see
I've no idea what your second problem is "The grid view in my usercontrol is getting populated when it loads for the first time. But when RefineCommand is called to update the collection from the main view, the grid view in usercontrol is not getting updated" - this sounds like an issue either in your xaml or in the results returned from FilterSearchResultsBasedOnRefine. From the current level of detail, I can't see what it is. My "gut feeling" is that the problem won't be MvvmCross specific - it'll just be a general Mvvm/data-binding issue.

MvvmCross navigation on screen

Our designer created a layout something like the screen above. The main idea was to create an application with only one screen, just the red part of the screen is changing (i.e. 2 textbox instead of 1 textbox) when you tap on a button. This application will be a multiplatform application and I'm using MvvmCross to create it. My question is that how can i achieve this behavior in Mvvm? My first thought was sg. like the code below, but I'm not satisfied with this solution. Do you have any better solution to this problem? Should i somehow overwrite default navigation on ShowViewModel()?
public class MainViewModel : MvxViewModel
private MvxViewModel _currentViewModel;
public MvxViewModel CurrentViewModel
get { return _currentViewModel; }
set { _currentViewModel = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => CurrentViewModel); }
public MainViewModel()
CurrentViewModel = new DefaultViewModel();
public void OnButtonClick()
CurrentViewModel = new SecondViewModel();
public partial class MainViewModel : MvxViewController
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
private void ViewModelPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs args)
if (args.PropertyName == "CurrentViewModel")
if (Model.CurrentViewModel != null)
if (Model.CurrentViewModel is SecondViewModel)
//remove bindings
//change View
//bind new viewmodel
The alternatives for this kind of 'non-page navigation' are similar to those in MvvmCross Dialog:
You can:
Customize the MvxPresenter to allow ShowViewModel to be used
Put a special interface in the Core project and use Inversion of Control to inject the implementation from the UI project to the Core project
Use the MvxMessenger plugin and share messages between the Core and UI project which trigger this type of navigation.
Use a property with a special interface (like IInteractionRequest) on the ViewModel - that property will fire an event when the UI needs to change.
Personally, for your situation, I quite like the first of these options - intercepting ShowViewModel using a presenter.
One other alternative which I might consider is to use some kind of 'Adapter-driven' control which could very easily update it's child contents based on the CurrentViewModel property. On Android, this would be as easy as using an MvxLinearLayout with an adapter. On iOS, however, I think you'd have to write something new to do this - just because iOS doesn't really have a LinearLayout/StackPanel control.