PostgreSQL bulk insert with ActiveRecord - postgresql

I've a lot of records that are originally from MySQL. I massaged the data so it will be successfully inserted into PostgreSQL using ActiveRecord. This I can easily do with insertions on row basis i.e one row at a time. This is very slow I want to do bulk insert but this fails if any of the rows contains invalid data. Is there anyway I can achieve bulk insert and only the invalid rows failing instead of the whole bulk?

When using SQL COPY for bulk insert (or its equivalent \copy in the psql client), failure is not an option. COPY cannot skip illegal lines. You have to match your input format to the table you import to.
If data itself (not decorators) is violating your table definition, there are ways to make this a lot more tolerant though. For instance: create a temporary staging table with all columns of type text. COPY to it, then fix offending rows with SQL commands before converting to the actual data type and inserting into the actual target table.
Consider this related answer:
How to bulk insert only new rows in PostreSQL
Or this more advanced case:
"ERROR: extra data after last expected column" when using PostgreSQL COPY
If NULL values are offending, remove the NOT NULL constraint from your target table temporarily. Fix the rows after COPY, then reinstate the constraint. Or take the route with the staging table, if you cannot afford to soften your rules temporarily.
Sample code:
COPY ...
-- repair, like ..
-- UPDATE tbl SET col = 0 WHERE col IS NULL;
Or you just fix the source table. COPY tells you the number of the offending line. Use an editor of your preference and fix it, then retry. I like to use vim for that.
For an INSERT (like commented) the check for NULL values is trivial:
To skip a row with a NULL value:
INSERT INTO (col1, ...
SELECT col1, ...
To insert sth. else instead of a NULL value (empty string in my example):
INSERT INTO (col1, ...
SELECT COALESCE(col1, ''), ...

A common work-around for this is to import the data into a TEMPORARY or UNLOGGED table with no constraints and, where data in the input is sufficiently bogus, text typed columns.
You can then do INSERT INTO ... SELECT queries against the data to populate the real table with a big query that cleans up the data during import. You can use a lot of CASE statements for this. The idea is to transform the data in one pass.
You might be able to do many of the fixes in Ruby as you read the data in, then push the data to PostgreSQL using COPY ... FROM STDIN. This is possible with Ruby's Pg gem, see eg .
For more complicated cases, look at Pentaho Kettle or Talend Studio ETL tools.


fastest way of inserting data into a table

I have a Postgres database, and I have inserted some data into the table. Because of issues with the internet connection, some of the data couldn't be written.The file that I am trying to write into the database is large (about 330712484 rows - even the ws -l command takes a while to complete.
Now, the column row_id is the (integer) primary key, and is already indexed. Since some of the rows could not be inserted into the table, I wanted to insert these specific rows into the table. (I estimate only about 1.8% of the data isn't inserted into the table ...) As a beginning, I tried to see of the primary keys were inside the database like so:
conn = psycopg2.connect(connector)
cur = conn.cursor()
with open(fileName) as f:
header = f.readline().strip()
header = list(csv.reader([header]))[0]
for i, l in enumerate(f):
if i>10: break
row_id = l.split(',')[0]
query = 'select * from raw_data.chartevents where row_id={}'.format(row_id)
Even for the first few rows of data, checking to see whether the primary key exists takes a really large amount of time.
What would be the fastest way of doing this?
The fastest way to insert data in PostgreSQL is using the COPY protocol, which is implemented in psycopg2. COPY will not allow you to check if target id already exists, tho. Best option is to COPY your file content's into a temporary table then INSERT or UPDATE from this, as in the Batch Update article I wrote on my blog a while ago.
With a recent enough version of PostgreSQL you may use
SELECT * FROM copy_target_table
Can i offer a work around. ?
The index will be checked for each row inserted, also Postgres performs the whole insert in a single transaction so you are effectively storing all this data to disk before its being written.
Could i suggest you drop the indexes to avoid this slow down, then split the file into smaller files using head -n [int] > newfile or something similar. then performing the copy commands separately for each one.

postgresql: alter multiple columns

My database has severals table with some column type 'money'. I would like to alter all these columns (in different tables) in a single statement rather than change type column by column, to avoid omissions.
You'll have to repeat the altering query for every column.
You might want to create a program code to do that for you. You know, with loops.
In order for the database to alter all the tables atomically you should enclose all the altering queries in a transaction (PostgreSQL supports transactional DDL).

How can I copy an IDENTITY field?

I’d like to update some parameters for a table, such as the dist and sort key. In order to do so, I’ve renamed the old version of the table, and recreated the table with the new parameters (these can not be changed once a table has been created).
I need to preserve the id field from the old table, which is an IDENTITY field. If I try the following query however, I get an error:
insert into edw.my_table_new select * from edw.my_table_old;
ERROR: cannot set an identity column to a value [SQL State=0A000]
How can I keep the same id from the old table?
You can't INSERT data setting the IDENTITY columns, but you can load data from S3 using COPY command.
First you will need to create a dump of source table with UNLOAD.
Then simply use COPY with EXPLICIT_IDS parameter as described in Loading default column values:
If an IDENTITY column is included in the column list, the EXPLICIT_IDS
option must also be specified in the COPY command, or the COPY command
will fail. Similarly, if an IDENTITY column is omitted from the column
list, and the EXPLICIT_IDS option is specified, the COPY operation
will fail.
You can explicitly specify the columns, and ignore the identity column:
insert into existing_table (col1, col2) select col1, col2 from another_table;
Use ALTER TABLE APPEND twice, first time with IGNOREEXTRA and the second time with FILLTARGET.
If the target table contains columns that don't exist in the source
table, include FILLTARGET. The command fills the extra columns in the
source table with either the default column value or IDENTITY value,
if one was defined, or NULL.
It moves the columns from one table to another, extremely quickly; took me 4s for 1GB table in dc1.large node.
Appends rows to a target table by moving data from an existing source
ALTER TABLE APPEND is usually much faster than a similar CREATE TABLE
AS or INSERT INTO operation because data is moved, not duplicated.
Faster and simpler than UNLOAD + COPY with EXPLICIT_IDS.

Need a bulk insert tip

I need to insert a table data into another table. Where it is not guaranteed that the source table have all rows correctly where some of the not null fields are having null values. So with this source table I need to enter all valid rows into the table and find all unvalid rows which failed to insert and return them.
I know we can do this by validating all rows before hand. But as this is a bulk insert from a csv and parsed by .net code so from db we wil not validate it but directly enter.
We can also do this by running a loop but performance might hit.
so my question is is any way where we can use a single statement for insert and skip rows which has a problem and insert which are valid.
BULK INSERT is all-or-nothing. SQL Server does not have the ability to shunt erroneous rows into a separate table, alas.
The best thing you can do is to validate all data thoroughly before inserting it. If the insert still fails (maybe due to a bug) you need to retry all rows one-by-one and log the errors that are occurring.
You can also bulk insert to a temp table and move the rows from there to the final table one-by-one.

PostgreSQL Creating an Insert Trigger which Remaps Columns

I'm wondering if I can use a trigger on a table to "ignore" columns that are in a COPY statement from STDIN but which are not in the target table. Sorry if the wording/syntax of the question is off, but here is and explanation of what I'm trying to say. I'm new to triggers so any advice is helpful.
I'm using the PostGIS Shapefile importer to copy shapefiles to the spatial tables in my PostgreSQL database.
This creates a COPY statement which contains all the fields in the shapefile something like:
COPY "public"."stations" ("column1","column2","column3","column4", geom) FROM stdin;
column1 and column2 are in the file but not in the target table, so the COPY fails.
Is there a way to create a trigger to create something that would have the same result as:
COPY "public"."stations" ("column3","column4", geom) FROM stdin;
No, you cannot skip columns that are present in the input file. This will error out, before triggers are even invoked. And you cannot use rules either. I quote the manual:
COPY FROM will invoke any triggers and check constraints on the
destination table. However, it will not invoke rules.
You can either edit the file or use a temporary staging table:
COPY to a temporary table with matching columns.
Use INSERT to write the desired columns to the final target table(s) - or the whole range of SQL DDL commands for more sophisticated matters.