i want to replace comma from decimal string
For example: i have a text
"Sample content 2.6g ident. 2um the 84.45gm with 2,8g and some 23.83 that it".
Expected output:
"Sample content 2,6g ident. 2um the 84,45gm with 2,8g and some 23,83 that it".
Please suggest me how to replace comma from decimal in php
You can for example test if the comma is surrounded by digits:
$str = preg_replace('~(?<=\d)\.(?=\d)~', ',', $str);
i have a code in perl $str =~ s/([^\w ])/'%'.unpack('H2', $1)/eg; i am not undestanding what value will be stored in $str
Assuming $str is encoded using UTF-8, and assuming the code you provided is followed by $str =~ s/ /+/g, the result is a url-encoded string safe for use in URLs.
Specifically, the line of code in question replaces every non-word except spaces with a three character sequence starting with % and followed by two hex digits representing the character number.
For example,
foo's ⇒ foo%27s
20% ⇒ 20%25
A better solution would be to use uri_escape (for strings encoded using UTF-8) or uri_escape_utf8 (for strings of Unicode Code Points aka decoded strings) from URI::Escape.
Provided line of code modifies $str value according substitute rule set s/([^\w ])/'%'.unpack('H2', $1)/eg.
How does it work:
[^\w] - look at $str for character not \w known as complement to \w
\w - represents range [A-za-z0-9_], punctuation chars and Unicode marks see perlre
([^\w]) capture found character, 'store' it in $1
regex modifier e evaluates '%'.unpack('H2',$1) as substitution string
unpack('H2',$1) - unpack $1 with template 'H2' (hex representation of byte associated with $1)
take '%' and concatenate it with unpacked result
use result from step 6 as replacement string
regex modifier g instructs to make this operation for all occurrences in the $str
Without knowing initial $str value before this operation, impossible to evaluate final result.
If initial value is known then you can evaluate result by visiting https://regex101.com/ website.
Nothing could speak louder than sample code demonstrating transformation
use feature 'say';
$msg = "Date: Mar 6 2020, Msg: soon Alex's birthday";
$msg =~ s/([^\w ])/'%'.unpack('H2', $1)/eg;
say $msg;
Date%3a Mar 6 2020%2c Msg%3a soon Alex%27s birthday
Following code demonstrates how "Hello World\n" will look as hex representation (for Dada).
use feature 'say';
my $msg = "Hello World!\n";
print $msg;
my $a = unpack('H*',$msg);
say $a;
Hello World!
You could start by trying it out and seeing if that gives you a hint.
$ perl -E'$str = "&*("; $str =~ s/([^\w ])/"%".unpack('H2', $1)/eg; say $str'
So, we have a substitution operator that looks like this:
Our pattern is ([^\w ]) which means "match every individual character that isn't a 'word character' or a space and capture that character in $1.
The replacement string is "%".unpack('H2', $1). Which means "the character '%' followed by the result of running unpack('H2', $1). unpack() here is being used to convert characters to the hexadecimal equivalent of their ASCII code. "H" means "convert to hex" and "2" means produce two hex digits".
The options are /e which means "run this code and use the output as the replacement string" and /g which means "do this for every match in the input string".
Putting that all together, you have code that:
Looks for non-word characters
Converts them to their hexadecimal escape code
Replaces them in the string
Using URI::Escape is probably a better approach.
I have lines in a text file which looks like this example:
"2009217",2015,3,"N","N","2","UPPER DARBY FIREFIGHTERS "PAC"","","","","7235 WEST CHESTER PIKE","","UPPER DARBY","PA","19082","","6106220269",4245.0100,650.0000,.0000
I want to replace every double quote in multiple partial strings similar to this "UPPER DARBY FIREFIGHTERS "PAC""across the whole file.
So the result should be as below for each instance of the recurring double quotes:
"2009217",2015,3,"N","N","2","UPPER DARBY FIREFIGHTERS PAC","","","","7235 WEST CHESTER PIKE","","UPPER DARBY","PA","19082","","6106220269",4245.0100,650.0000,.0000
I came to this sed line:
cat file.txt | sed "s/\([^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*,\)\([^,]*\),\(.*\)/\1\2\3/"
But now I don't know how to replace the double quote within \2.
Is that possible with sed?
I would personally use awk for that because it is more readable:
#!/usr/bin/env awk
# Use ',' as the input and output field delimiter
# Iterate through all fields. (NF is the number of fields.)
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
# If the field starts and ends with a '"'
if($i ~ /^".*"$/) {
# Replace all '""
# Wrap in '"' again
$i = "\"" $i "\""
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r ':a;s/^((([^",]*,)*("[^",]*",([^",]*,)*)*)"[^",]*)"([^,])/\1\6/;ta' file
This removes extra double quotes from strings surrounded by double quotes and delimited by ,'s.
It does this by eliminating properly constructed double quotes strings and non-quoted strings (in this example numbers) and then removes double quotes that are not followed by ,
[^",]*, # non double quoted strings
"[^",]*", # properly quoted strings
(([^",]*,)*("[^",]*",([^",]*,)*)*) # eliminate all properly constructed strings
"[^",]*"([^,]) # improper double quotes
I found how to split a string by whitespaces, but that only takes into an account a single character. In my case, I have comments pasted into a file that includes newlines and whitespaces. I have them separated by this string: [|]
So I need to split my $string into an array for example, where $string =
This is a comment.
This is a newline.
This is the end[|]This is second comment.
This is second newline.
[|]Last comment
Gets split into $array[0], $array[1], and $array[2] which include the newlines and whitespaces. Separated by [|]
Every example I find on the web uses a single character, such as space or newline, to split strings. In my case I have to use a more specific identifier, which is why I selected [|] but having troubles splitting it by this.
I have tried to limit it to parse by a single '|' character with this code:
my #words = split /|/, $string;
foreach my $thisline (#words) {
print "This line = '" . $thisline . "'\n";
But this seems to split the entire string, character-by-character into #words.
[, |, and ] are all special characters in regular expressions -- | is used to separate options, and […] are used to specify character sets. Using an unquoted | makes the expression match the empty string (more specifically: the empty string or the empty string), causing it to match and split on every character boundary. These characters must be escaped to use them literally in an expression:
my #words = split /\[\|\]/, $string;
Since all the lines makes this visually confusing, you should probably use m{} quotes instead of //, and \Q…\E to quote a range of characters instead of a separate backslash for each one. (This is functionally identical, it's just a little easier to read.)
my #words = split m{\Q[|]\E}, $string;
For example if the string is blahblah02baboon - I need to get the "baboon" seperated from the rest and the variable would countain only the characters "baboon". Every string i need to do this with has alphabet characters first then 2 numbers then more alphabet characters, so it should be the same process everytime.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
My advice is to learn about regular expressions.
'blahblah02baboon' -replace '\D*\d*(\w*)', '$1'
Or use regex
$MyString = "01baaab01blah02baboon"
# Match any character which is not a digit
$Result = [regex]::matches($MyString, "\D+")
# Take the last result
$LastResult = $Result[$Result.Count-1].Value
# Output
Write-Output "My last result = $LastResult"
i want to retrieve a string which falls between two specified strings multiple times in a file
i tried this, but this doesnt work
/(?m)"String 1"!.*?"String2":/;
i want every thing that falls between "String 1" and "String 2"
Please help
Assuming your input string is like this
$str='String 1GIANT FISHString 2'
this will work
($wanted)= $str =~ /String 1(.*)String 2/
$wanted is now "GIANT FISH"
dah..multiline in a file...edit coming up
ok with multiline, assuming input of
String 1Line oneString 2
String 1GIANT FISHString 2
String 1String2
this will get all the strings
(#wanted)= $str =~ /String 1(.*)String 2/g
#wanted has three entries
('Line one','GIANT FISH','')
In the second regex, g for global finds all matches in the string
Below will do:
perl -lne 'push #a,/string(.*?)string/g;END{print "#a"}'
the two strings are string and string and anything lying between them will be stroed as an array element.Below is the example that i have tested for the purpose.you can anyhow change the two string to which ever string you need.
> cat temp
> perl -lne 'push #a,/string(.*?)string/g;END{print "#a"}' temp
123 234 456 789