Using variables and elements together in jQuery multiple selectors - jquery-selectors

So...I'm trying to shrink down some JS code a bit, and I have things like...
Is there a reliable way I can smash these down into one statement without taking a performance hit?
I tried:
...but that just gave me an error, which actually is what I thought would happen.
I also tried:
...but I also got an error from that.
The only other possibility I can think of is:
But doesn't that create a new object, in effect taking up more memory??
What should I do?? Or am I better off just leaving them as separate commands?

You need to pass a single selector string:
$('#element-A'+idx + ', #element-R'+idx + ', #element-Z'+idx).hide();
Or, better yet, add a common class to all of the elements, and just use that instead.

Your commas need to be inside the quotes:
should be
$('#element-A' + idx + ', #element-R' + idx + ', #element-Z' + idx).hide();


EF Core raw query with Like clause

I want to create queries using EF FromSqlInterpolated or FromSqlRaw that allows me to use Like clauses, but I don't know what is the right way to do it without opening the application to SqlInjection attacks.
One first approach has took me to the following code
var results = _context.Categories.FromSqlInterpolated(
$"Select * from Category where name like {"%" + partialName + "%"}");
First test worked fine, it returns results when providing expected strings, and returns nothing when i provide something like ';select * from Category Where name='Notes'--%';
Still I don't know much about SqlInjection, at least not enough to feel safe with the query shown before.
Does someone know if the query is safe, or if there is a right way to do it?
From this document
The FromSqlInterpolated and ExecuteSqlInterpolated methods allow using
string interpolation syntax in a way that protects against SQL injection attacks.
var results = _context.Categories.FromSqlInterpolated(
$"Select * from Category where name like {"%" + partialName + "%"}");
Or you can also change your query to Linq-to-Entity like this way
var results = _context.Categories.Where(p => ));

Only add existing variables in Matlab

I would like to add the sums of 5 one-column arrays in Matlab. The catch is that depending on previous inputs, any of these arrays may or may not exist, thus throwing an error when I try to add the sums of these arrays for post-processing.
After doing some digging I found the following function which I can use to return a logical statement if a certain variable exists in the workspace:
exist('my_variable','var') == 1
I'm not sure this helps me in this case though - Currently the line in which I add the sums of the various arrays looks as follows:
tot_deviation = sum(var1) + sum(var2) + sum(var3) + sum(var4) + sum(var4);
Is there a short way to add only the sums of the existing arrays without excessive loops?
Any help would be appreciated!
You can use if statements:
if ~exist('var1','var'), var1 = 0;end
if ~exist('var2','var'), var2 = 0;end
if ~exist('var3','var'), var3 = 0;end
if ~exist('var4','var'), var4 = 0;end
tot_deviation = sum(var1) + sum(var2) + sum(var3) + sum(var4) + sum(var4);
To my knowledge there is no quick way to do this in matlab. It seems to me that, depending on the structure of your code, you have the following alternatives:
1- Initialize all your variables to column arrays of zeros with something like
var = zeros(nbLines, 1);
2- Put all your columns vectors side to side in a single array and the use tot_deviation = sum(sum(MyArray)); which will work no matter how many columns and lines there is in the array.
3- If you pass your variables to a function you can check the number of inputs arguments inside the function using 'nargin' and then only proceed to sum the right number of variables.
I would recommend using the second method for it seem to me that it is the one that allows you to take the most advantage of matlab's array system which good.
The most robust solution is to initialise all of your variables to 0 at the top of the function. Then there is no chance they don't exist, and they influence the summation correctly.
You could (read: shouldn't) use a really nasty eval trick here for flexibility...
vars = {'var1','var2','var3','var4'};
tot = 0;
for ii = 1:numel(vars)
if exist(vars{ii}, 'var')
tot = tot + eval(var);
I say it's "nasty" because eval should be avoided (read the linked blog). The check on the variable name existence mitigates some of the strife, but it's still not ideal.
As suggested in the MathWorks blog on evading eval, a better option would be a struct with dynamic field names. You could use almost the same syntax as above, but replace the if statement with
if isfield( myStruct, vars{ii} )
tot = tot + myStruct.(vars{ii});
This will avoid dynamically named variables and keep your workspace clean!

Cannot get values from Lark AST

I cannot and do not know how to retrieve the values of an AST that I generated using the Lark parser.
My grammar is as follows, saved in a .lark file :
start: (un_handle ": ")? AMOUNT "|" p_handle ("," p_handle)* (" \"" MESSAGE* "\"")?
AMOUNT: /[0-9]+(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?/
un_handle: HANDLE
p_handle: HANDLE
HANDLE : /[A-Z][A-Z]/
MESSAGE : /[^"]+/
I then run:
testText = '10|GP "Bananas"'
testTree = parser.parse(testText)
and get:
Tree(start, [Token(AMOUNT, '10'), Tree(p_handle, [Token(HANDLE, 'GP')]), Token(MESSAGE, 'Bananas')])
But, what now?
I realize that I have to probably have to build a transformer, but what methods should I define and what should I call them? I just want to extract the values for AMOUNT, un_handle, p_handle (there may be more than one p_handle), and message into Python variables.
Thank you so much in advance! Have been debugging for hours.
First off, try adding a "line" rule to provide a reference point. Yes, your application does not probably use multiple lines, but it is usually good to include one just in case.
Now, write a subroutine to find each "line" token in the AST, and append it to a list.
Finally, I suggest that you process the resulting list using a subroutine based upon the eval() subroutine in LisPy.

Matlab - With ... End structure

Does Matlab have a kind of with...end command?
I have a variable in my workspace which contains a lot of nested data. Now I don't want to have to type this all the time:
Root.ChildLevel1.A = Root.ChildLevel1.B + Root.ChildLevel1.C
But rather something like:
with Root.ChildLevel1
A = B + C
is this possible?
I'm not aware of such functionality in Matlab.
What you can do is
cur = Root.ChildLevel1;
cur.A = cur.B + cur.C;
According to comment by #Nick, if Root.ChildLevel1 is not subclass of handle,
then one should add the following line:
Root.ChildLevel1 = cur;
I would also recommend to
clear cur;
at the end.
I have to say that I would not recommend using this function very often, but I once tried a FEX contribution that allows you to unpack structs.
Of course this will still require you to update the struct after you have done the calculations so I only use it for subfunctions that mainly use the struct as input.
I am not sure, but I think this is the one I tried:

Powershell controlling MSWord: How to select the entire content and update?

I am dealing with a whole load of Word documents that make heavy use of fields and cross-references (internally and between documents).
To update these and make everything consistent again after a change I have to open each file, select the entire file's content (equivalent of hitting Ctrl-A) and update all fields (the equivalent of hitting F9). And I have to do this twice for all files, so that also all inter-file cross-references are also updated properly.
Since this is a rather tedious and lengthy process I wanted to write me a little PowerShell-script that does that for me. The relevant function to update a file looks like this:
function UpdateDoc([object]$word, [object]$fileHandle) {
Write-Host("Updating: '" + $fileHandle.Name + "' ('" + $fileHandle.FullName + "'):")
# open the document:
$doc = $word.Documents.Open($fileHandle.FullName)
# select the entire document:
# update it:
# then save it:
Write-Host("'" + $fileHandle.Name + "' updated.")
But I am stuck on how to select the file's content and update it all, i.e. what has to go into this code instead of the two ???-markers to achieve what I want?
Did you try:
$doc.Fields | %{$_.Update()}
That should update all the fields