error sharing eclipse project in tfs - eclipse

I think I am missing something really silly here. Recently our team began trying to integrate eclipse and TFS. We are using the plug-in provided by microsoft for eclipse. Everything seems to work fine as you go through the "share project" wizard but then it gives an error while it is adding the files to the server about the $TF folder. It cites the full path with $TF ON THE SERVER and says to remove the $ from its name.
My understanding is that this folder should not be on the server. Anyone have ideas on what may be the problem here?

This occurred because the $TF folder was somehow created in the eclipse project. The solution was to delete the folder and proceed. It is important to choose the local workspace when sharing the project (and not the one on the server).


Issues with Liferay 7.1 workspace imported from Github

I have cloned my Liferay 7.1 workspace from my Github repository. When I try to get Assistance in Liferay IDE using Control+Space, I get error:
This compilation unit is not on the build path of a java project
This happens on the new module project created in the same workspace(that was cloned from Github).
But when I create/import module from my local workspace that was created by Liferay for first time, this issue is not there.
I feel like there is some extra workspace setting that I am not doing in my Github workspace. Like we had to create in the SDK folder for Liferay 6.2. Totally stuck and no solutions anywhere.
I tried fixing Project Build path and Project Facets but did not help.
The way you did it in your own answer obviously solved it. My take on this is: The problem was most likely the .project file, because it contains all the configuration that eclipse requires, and the error message you post is an indicator that eclipse doesn't know what to do with these files.
The .project file can be regenerated from gradle settings, typically by choosing "gradle / refresh" (from memory, from the context menu of the project/workspace in Project Explorer), which will read the gradle settings and apply them to the eclipse world. This might happen automatically, but it might also need some manual push - next time you might want to try this, because just copying random files rarely is a good idea. You might end up pointing to other directories far outside of your workspace, and wonder why a local change is not picked up.
There were some differences between the workspace that I imported from Github and the one that Liferay was creating on my local. I opened both the workspaces in Beyond Compare. Following are the files that had major differences. I made them same and it started working after Gradle Refresh in Eclipse.

Eclipse: sharing project failed. already a working copy for a different URL

I am using eclipse luno (4.4) in the linux environment.
When I sharing project with svn repository in eclipse, it gives this error.
"Sharing failed. ... is already a working copy for a different URL; perform update to complete it"
I added normal java project to that svn repository successfully. But when I add another project (a java web project) it gives this error.
May be this is because I have tried to add this project so many times. But I deleted those directories with "svn delete [URL]" command and they were successfully deleted.
Can anyone tell me how to fix it?
The error occur at the last step in eclipse sharing project dialog.
how can I update it? svn update is not working
Following steps will help you
-Remove .svn directory from your project
-refresh your project on eclipse
-share project to svn

TFS Cannot Reconcile Local Workspace With Server Error

I am using the Eclipse plugin for TFS and it would not let me upload my project file to the TFS folder I created. In an attempt to fix this issue I deleted the folder from TFS.
I am also using Visual Studio 2013 for my C# projects.
After deleting the folder in TFS I am not able to connect to source control from Eclipse and when I log into VS I get an error that says Cannot Reconcile Local Workspace With Server.
I have tried removing all mapping from TFS but when I do it automatically shows back up. I even undeleted the folder that started the issue and still get the same error.
Any one have any ideas?
In my case It solved by doing in IDE==> Eclipse IDE go to help--> Check for Updates--> any Updates regarding to Team foundation server/ Team Server Explorer===> update it and next==> Next==> click to restart ==> close the Eclipse IDE and again open it try to connect to TFS.
We had this problem too under Windows and the solution was to use one workspace per IDE, that is, one for Eclipse and another one for all Visual Studios. This way, the TFS plug-in for Eclipse (Team Explorer Everywhere) doesn't interfere with VS and vice-versa.
I have tried removing all mapping from TFS but when I do it
automatically shows back up. I even undeleted the folder that started
the issue and still get the same error.
When you see strange things like this, you have to clear the TFS client caches:
For Visual Studios:
Close all Visual Studio instances.
Using Windows Explorer:
Browse to folder "%localappdata%\Microsoft\Team Foundation".
Delete all subfolders (or look for subfolders named "cache" and delete them).
I had this issue in Mac machine and using Eclipse for connecting with TFS,
I tried uninstalling eclipse, clearing eclipse cache/files from all these below folders
~/Library/Application Support/
~/Library/Caches/ Folders
Still the issue was there & it showed below errors
An internal error occurred during: "Reconciling local TFS workspace".
ExceptionMessage="The specified path, file name, or both are too long.
The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and
the directory name must be less than 248 characters."
An internal error occurred during: "Refreshing TFS Repository
information for".
ExceptionMessage="The specified path, file name, or both are too long.
The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and
the directory name must be less than 248 characters."
Then I followed and looked for the below file/folder
/Users/xyzusername/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Team Foundation/4.0/Cache/
This file was always showing the Mapped Paths even if I removed them early. I think this is taking from Mac's cache or from some other loaction.
Then I followed the below steps to remove the workspace association and it worked!!
What you have todo is just Open Team Explorer => go to TFVC Pending changes => Click on Actions => Manage Workspace => Add a new Workspace & remove the existing one (Note: If you have any changes that are still there at your local machine you might want to copy them to a different location, this activity will remove any pending tracking in local). I am attaching the screenshots so that it will be helpful for someone who got a similar issue.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
I had similar issues and it helped to run Eclipse as Administrator.
I had this same problem in my mac. I deleted all mapped folders and restarted eclipse. Issue resolved.

eclipse workspace missing projects deleted file

I'm using Eclipse Modeling Tools (Version: Indigo Service Release 2 Build id: 20120216-1857).
One of my projects in the workspace has disappeared from the Package Explorer (the View of all projects). Or better said, it is in the list, but it seems closed and when I try to open it, I get this error message: "The project description file (.project) for 'xxxxx' is missing. This file contains important information about the project. The project will not function properly until this file is restored."
What I really worry me: the project folder isn't available on the filesystem either.
I don't know why or how ... the only thing 'different' that I can remember is that I have switched the workspace to a new one, when that project was open.
Any idea to recover the folder/project?
Maybe you moved it by a mistake?
Check the other workspace (on filesystem) or maybe the project is in another project.
You should always do backup's or/and checkin in a VCS.
A recovery-tool can help, if the bit's are still there.
Good luck.

Subclipse complains "Path is not a working copy" after moving workspace

I recently moved my Eclipse workspace directory and now Subclipse complains every time I open a file, dumping to the console something like:
Path is not a working copy directory
svn: '[original (pre-move) directory path]' is not a working copy
No such file or directory
This also happens when I explicitly try to view the history of a file. This persists across SVN cleanups, closing and re-opening Eclipse, etc.
Update, checkin, checkout and so on all seem to work fine, and Tortoise doesn't complain at all, so clearly it's not the SVN metadata that's screwed up, it's some Subclipse-specific metadata. Can anyone tell me how to blow this broken metadata away?
Edited to add: "Team > Disconnect" followed by "Team > Share" doesn't solve the problem.
Edited again to add: I've grepped through the whole .metadata directory and one of the project directories for a unique element of the old path and can't find it anywhere except in .metadata/.log (the error message itself) and some old Findbugs warnings. Very nice.
You need to delete the .syncinfo files. This is easily done (in most cases) by closing and opening Eclipse, however you can also do so manually as in the following:
To delete the cache, close Eclipse. The cache is stored in:
So you can just find and delete all files named .syncinfo in
Quoted from this article:
I just did a "Team -> Cleanup" and this exact error went away! I also got this error because I moved between machines and the path wasn't the same.
Using Eclipse 3.6 and the Subversion 1.6 plugin.
Update in 2016: Still works perfectly with Eclipse 4.5.2 and Subclipse 1.10.
Edited to add: Nope, spoke too soon. This doesn't fix it. Some files just seem not to exhibit the problem.
The following seems to solve the problem:
Team > Disconnect.
Quit Eclipse.
Blow away .metadata/.plugins/org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.*.
Restart Eclipse.
Team > Share.
Not sure how the old path was actually being stored in the plugin prefs, but it must have been in there somehwere. It's kind of pathetic of Subclipse to store absolute paths, but apparently it is.
There's a bug filed on this, or at least on the same error message. No context. Fifty cents says it gets rejected.
I'm sure there are many causes with different solutions, but I found the one that worked for me at Dan Wilson's blog. Simply remove the offending folders from the workspace (probably saving them if they have new content), update (letting Subversion recreate the folders), then move the contents back into the fresh folders in your workspace.
I got the error when I tried to rename a class by changing the case from DAO to Dao in Eclipse.
I had to rename it to something like Dao2 and then was able to rename it to Dao.
What worked for me:
Do a "refactor - rename" on the project => after that do it again to rename it back to the original name.
I was having the same error message using subclipse with javahl on a project that is out of the workspace directory. Changing to svnKit has resolved my problem.
Hard to say without further information.
Did you move the whole workspace or just the content?
Also, you can try creating new workspace from scratch and check out the whole project again.
Alternatively, you may try deleting the .metadata directory and relink the project again using File -> import -> existing project into workspace and then relink the SVN data through Team -> Share projects (with an 's'), or maybe just do this last bit after first disconnecting the project from SVN.
Right click the project folder : Team -> Update to Head
This will bring back the directory. Delete it again and Commit
In my case I had the folders of the projects in the Project Explorer and just had to reopen the project
For me, this error message was caused by an out-of-date installation of Subclipse, and the underlying SVNKit and JahaHL libraries. I have been using TortoiseSVN outside of Eclipse to manage my project directories, and my recent upgrade to the 1.8.x series of (Tortoise)SVN tools broke my working copies for Subclipse.
All I had to do to fix, was go to Help->"Install New Software..." and click "Add..." to add a new update site. I picked the latest update site for the latest release on and upgraded Subclipse from there.
Then all my existing projects just worked, and I could reconnect to the one I had already tried disconnecting from without problems.
I have the same problem
I had a new project, added it to SVN. Then everything works as normal, until I try and refactor-rename any java file, I get:
move D:/dev/sk_ws/ge-parent/ge-core/src/main/java/com/skillkash/ge/beans/ D:/dev/sk_ws/ge-parent/ge-core/src/main/java/com/skillkash/ge/beans/
Path is not a working copy directory
svn: Path 'D:\dev\sk_ws\ge-parent\ge-core\src\main\java\com\skillkash\ge\beans\' is not a directory
Now the SVN URL is:
and the repository root is:
Obviously just sharing the project then trying to move a file using subclipe does not work - it must be a bug. I have to do all my refactoring outside eclipse, and hand edit all the files which are affected.
checkout the whole project to a temp dir, then I copied the first level .svn directory and replaced my working copy .svn folder with this.
It woks for me.
I had added a png file to my project, but I got this error trying to rename or delete it. Cleaning and refreshing the project didn't do anything.
I went into the svn Team Synchronizing perspective, right clicked on the file and deleted it. That solved my problem.
Right click on the project and select Teams -> Switch to another Branch/Tag/Revision.
Select the appropriate Branch/Tag/Revision that the project should be tied to and click OK.
Give Eclipse some time to process the changes.
Restart Eclipse for the changes to take affect.
I just got this error when I was trying to update some .java files. The problem was I was trying to update the files but the folder that contains that files didn't exist in the path so when I sync and update the folder it works at the first try.
So, dont try to sync files, try to sync the folder.
Sometime ago I had a similar issue. Seems that Subclipse (or Eclipse) stores the absolute path of your working copies. The cleanest solution is to export again your repository to the new path.
If you have non-committed code, then you can copy it on top of the clean export (without the .svn folder)
I too had this issue and I simply deleted the project from the workspace (leaving the files on the files system in tact).
I then imported an svn project into the workspace.
Import->SVN->Checkout Project From SVN.
I used my existing repository location to pull the files in.
This issue was caused when I changed Eclipse editions and used a Subclipse plug-in that was a version ahead of what I should have used.
I uninstalled the newer version and installed the correct older version and all worked well.