CocoaPods Linter: Cannot Find Interface Declaration - iphone

I'm having an issue with CocoaPods and it finding interface files in my project. The root of the problem is:
- ERROR | [xcodebuild] ios-etsy-sdk/ios-etsy-sdk/SOSEtsyShopResult.h:22:32: error: cannot find interface declaration for 'SOSEtsyResult', superclass of 'SOSEtsyShopResult'
- NOTE | [xcodebuild] ios-etsy-sdk/ios-etsy-sdk/SOSEtsyShopResult.h:22:12: warning: class 'SOSEtsyShopResult' defined without specifying a base class [-Wobjc-root-class]
- NOTE | [xcodebuild] ios-etsy-sdk/ios-etsy-sdk/SOSEtsyShopResult.h:22:29: note: add a super class to fix this problem
The full output from running the CocoaPods linter is available at When I look at the /tmp/CocoaPods/Lint directory on my machine, SOSEtsyResult is available. is the .h file in question and it inherits from, so I'm not sure why the compilation fails when I run the linter.
Any ideas on this?

This is most likely because you're expecting cocoapods to pull in the PCH file and to turn that into the PCH file for all of the libraries. Which it does not do ( ideally we don't want to pollute user pchs )
Nothing says a real answer like a pull request though.


Error when Call curlHelperSetOptString from module CCurl - swift -Kitura

i use CCurl ( in my project (Kitura then i call func curlHelperSetOptString , compile "swift build" and get an error:
duplicate symbol _curlHelperSetOptString in:
/Users/xxxx/Documents/server/ServerSwift/.build/debug/ /Users/xxxx/Documents/server/ServerSwift/.build/debug/
ld: 1 duplicate symbol for architecture x86_64 :0: error:
link command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
:0: error: build had 1 command failures
import CCurl
var handle=curl_easy_init()
if (handle != nil) {
let url = "http: //"
let buffer=url.cString(using: .utf8)
curlHelperSetOptString(handle, CURLOPT_URL, buffer)
Help me ,plz
Actually it may be because we have defined the CCurl helper functions as extern inline, rather than as static inline. Apparently extern inline causes one of the references to the defined function to become an external name, which can cause problems if it is imported more than once.
We'll look into this.
IBM-Swift/CCurl.git 0.2.2 has been tagged. It contains a fix for the problem mentioned here.
You're probably including CCurl directly in your Package.swift when it's already included in Kitura-Net/Package.swift.
With most Swift modules, this wouldn't be a problem, but CCurl has to have a hack in it because libCurl contains mostly variadic functions and Swift doesn't import variadic functions from C libraries. The hack creates static functions in the C header file to create non-variadic version of the libCurl functions. It's those static functions that are being duplicated here (and each module is compiled separately, so you can't #ifndef around them because they can't see each other).
Try removing the CCurl dependency from your Package.swift file and just depend on the fact that it's being included for you, and hopefully you'll be okay.
Check that you don't have multiple entries under Build Phases/Compile Sources. If yes, remove them.
Also you could try cleaning your project or even run swift package generate-xcodeproj again.
It's because you are importing ccurl which is already imported in the kitura-net package.

Early grey environment setup

I'm trying to get Earlgrey setup on my computer by following the steps for Cocoapod installation as described here
After performing all the steps I keep on getting compilation error during build
EarlGrey.swift:17:27: Use of undeclared type 'EarlGreyImpl'
There are 13 such compilation errors all related to unresolved identifier.
I re-tried the steps multiple times with same results. My folder structure matches with what is shown in the instructions.
Any suggestions where should i look further to get this resolved.
For reference i'm using this swift project as base for writing test cases.
So the issue was related to BridgingHeader.h file setting in
test target -> build Setting -> Swift compiler -Code generation -> Objective-C bridging Header
I copied the file from demo project, but did not specify it in the above setting. Once specified there, the compilation errors was gone.
Try importing EarlGrey using #import <EarlGrey/EarlGrey.h> instead of #import EarlGrey;

ProGuard - unexpectedly contains class

While I'm trying to obfuscate simple DataLoader.class file in ProGuard I get this error:
Reading program directory [C:\Users\uzytkownik\Documents\NetBeansProjects\ProTest\build\classes\Files\DataLoader.class]
Warning: class [DataLoader.class] unexpectedly contains class [Files.DataLoader]
Warning: there were 1 classes in incorrectly named files.
You should make sure all file names correspond to their class names.
The directory hierarchies must correspond to the package hierarchies.
If you don't mind the mentioned classes not being written out,
you could try your luck using the '-ignorewarnings' option.
Please correct the above warnings first.
Here is the project:
I will be grateful for your help.
Warning: class [META-INF/versions/9/module-info.class] unexpectedly contains class [module-info]
This is the issue I had and I tried few options mentioned below:
-keep class module-info
-keepattributes Module*
-dontwarn module-info
The option worked for me is 3.
Not sure why but it solves my problem and I am able to make the jar.
This issue comes when you upgrade something like I upgrade the spring-boot version and the project starts failing.
Please check the maven dependencies as well.
With the options -injars and -libraryjars, you should specify the proper base directory (or jar) of your classes, just like a classpath. In this case: classes, not classes\Files\DataLoader.class.
See the ProGuard manual > Troubleshooting > Warning: class file ... unexpectedly contains class ...

Error running Simulator: duplicate symbol for architecture i386

I added ShareKit framework to try and here is the error running it in Simulator:
duplicate symbol _LFHRReadStreamClientCallBack in
for architecture i386
I looked at previous posts Build Error - missing required architecture i386 in file and tried to edit project.pbxproj commenting FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS lines out as well as looking for .framework files accidently added to my project but with no luck.
What else can I try?
You've included LFHTTPRequest in your project twice. It's possible that another library (such as sharekit) included it for you, doublecheck the files sharekit includes and remove one copy of LFHTTPRequest and things should compile.
This can also happen if you move coredata-generated classes into a group, like "Models" and then regenerate the NSManagedObjectModel subclasses. The generated files will be placed in the project root and added into the build twice.
I got the same error when working with TessBaseAPI. I had two c++ files and both had the following declaration:
namespace tesseract {
class TessBaseAPI;
tesseract::TessBaseAPI *tesseract1;
uint32_t *pixels;
The I read the full error message. I got a line there:
duplicate symbol _tesseract1 in
And later, which files contains the duplicate also included (the file name).
So, I changed the instance name as follows:
namespace tesseract {
class TessBaseAPI;
tesseract::TessBaseAPI *tesseractNew;
uint32_t *pixelsNew;
That solved my problem.

mpglib_interface.c 'interface.h' file not found

I an trying to compile the WunderRadio app source code available here After making all the modifications to the project to compile on iOS5 i get the following error:
Lexical or Preprocessor Issue 'interface.h' file not found.
Of course i tried getting the interface.h from the lame library that i previously downloaded, and added it to the project with no luck. Apparently its not the right file.
What am i missing ?
I found this file at: