I've this url : http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks.json?client_id=4346c8125f4f5c40ad666bacd8e96498&title=alejandro&limit=50
How can I change it to search query (q) only in title?
The tracks resource will filter on title (and possibly description) when the general q parameter is passed:
I have a list of URL's in my data. This URL information also include the URL parameters. I want to find out a list of unique url's. I mean
https://root/member_portal/javax.faces.resource/beanvalidation.js.xhtml?ln=js&v=6.0.0 should be the same.
Is there a text operation to create a calculated field which will find the substring before the "?" sign in the URL?
Assuming that your parameterised URL data is kept in [URL] field; you may use below formula to strip the main URL part:
LEFT([URL],FIND([URL], "?")-1)
FIND returns the position of "?" character in our URL field data. And LEFT returns everything before that index - 1.
I am searching the facebook status which contains the specific keywords as follows.
the above query returns the result correctly,
But when i search the keyword contains the space (ex: graph api). It doesn't returns the status which contains the keyword "graph api".
It returns the results of the keyword search graph and api seperately.
Is there any possible way to search the keywords which contains the space?
Methods which have been tried by me:
https://graph.facebook.com/search?q="facebook search"&date_format=U&
limit=60& access_token={{MY_ACCESS_TOKEN}}
the above all gave the same result.
What you might want to try is taking your query and performing a URL encode on it. You can try these two options -
These two options attempt to encode the space character in the query first with a + character, and then with %20. I'm fairly sure that one (or both) of these options will provide the results you are looking for.
I am looking for a way to catch total number of results to a search on google (the "About **** results" field). I searched on google API but it seems that you can't get total number. Does anyone have informations that way ? How can I implement it in Scala (or any other language...) ?
Thank you
You can use HTML agility pack. Simply navigate to
"https://www.google.com/search?q=" + WhatYouWantToSearch
and get content of it. After getting that urlcontent you can use code below
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode hnc = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[#id='resultStats']");
string[] text = hnc.InnerHtml.Split(' ');
return Convert.ToInt32(text[1].Replace(",", "").Replace(".", "").Trim());
in the Opengraph actions docs there is an Optional Parameters: ref property, that suppose to help with A/B testing by:
By default, the ref parameter will accept 500 unique values for ref in
a 7 day period. These values will be used to display graphs grouped by
each unique value of ref in your application's insights.
I've start using it, i see that the ref property saved for my actions view graph API and i have have the fb_ref in the actions links, but i don't see any "graphs grouped by each unique value of ref"
Did i understand it wrong or could be its isn't implemented?
You can see the Ref Parameter values on the insights under Open Graph › Demographics.
It's a shame its not documented well.
I want to use some keywords that include special characters like & in Facebook search api. I tried the query below but I cannot get useful results. Is there any chance for this usage in search api? How should I build my search query?
My example queries and keywords are "H&M", "marks & spencer",
http://graph.facebook.com/search?type=post&limit=25&q="marks & spencer"
My team worked on this forever, ended up finding this as a solution that provides relevant results for a query with an ampersand, such as 'H&M'.
This is the hex equivilent to &
So your example link would be
We found the solution thanks to Creative Jar
You want %26 which is the URL encode for ampersand so
http://graph.facebook.com/search?type=post&limit=25&q="H%26M" http://graph.facebook.com/search?type=post&limit=25&q="marks %26 spencer"
Depending on your language, it may have a URL encoding function or you can just use string replacement.
It seems, that all of solutions suggested here are not working any more.
Searching for q=H%26%bM returns empty data set. The same for q=H%26M.
It must have changed recently, in last 2 months.
If you try to search for postings about H&M on Facebook site (type H&M in search, then "Show me more results" on the bottom of list and then public posts on menu on the left side) the list is empty.
The only query that returns any results is q=H&M but it is not helpful, as the results are irrelevant for that query.