Android studio VCS integration - version-control

I'm trying to setup a VCS, in Android studio, to sync my android project between my desktop and my laptop. But it's not looking an intuitive procedure for a noob.
Can someone tell me the exactly steps I need to do?
I'd like to add a remote private Bitbucket repository (mercurial preferred over git), and push/pull changes using Android studio GUI. That's all, no branch, no merge, just a simple sync of java source files and xml resource files.
Is this possible?
Thank you all in advance.

I get occasional upvotes for this answer, so a bit of clarification is needed. The original answer was written, and true, when AS was in beta, before the 1.0 release. Nowdays, as of AS 1.1.0, the VCS integration is included in the IDE out of the box.
It works directly with both Bitbucket, Github (git and mercury) and some other VCS:es. So there is no need to play around with plugins for that. Just use the VCS menu and find what you need.
Old outdated answer:
Im regularily using the bitbucket plugin. To install it download the BitBucket plugin. In Android studio
File->Settings->Plugins and Install plugin from disk where you choose the entire plugin zip. That installs it without fuzz on win 8.

Try the bitbucket plugin:
In general, for anything that is a generic IDE function (not specific to Android), you can simply follow IntelliJ's documentation.

In Android studio
Enable Enable Subversion Integration checkbox and Apply
Then, Restart Android Studio and SVN will be integrated


Does Visual Studio Code has a extensions similar to PTP (project sync tool) in Eclipse?

I was using Eclipse PTP plugin to sync the code between my local and build server. It does not require the remote side to install anything (which is my requirement too as I can't install any software at that side), I believe internally it use Git. I am wondering does Visual Studio Code has a similar plugin.
I am using an extension call Sync-Rsync which work very well for me. I am able to use it because I confirmed that both local and remote has rsync installed. And I am very happy with this tool.

Source Control for Xamarin /VS2010 cross-platform solutions

I would like to know how to connect Xamarin Studio with a TFS (Team Foundation Server) for source control purposes or, if it's not possible, how to connect Visual Studio 2010 to Git.
I am already trying to use TFS from and it's working great with VS2010 but I couldn't find a way to connect it to Xamarin Studio.
The goal is to manage all source codes in the same way - the developers are located in different places so the server should be placed in internet - and I think I will decide among TFS or Git. I tried to use the Git Plugin but it doesn't work with VS2010.
Is there anyone who already found a good solution? I know there's a plugin for VS2012 (Using Git with Visual Studio) but I found nothing for 2010 version.
I tried to use this too: but I think it's not what I am looking for (reliable way to manage source codes from a server)!
I am ready to install and use other source control systems too, if they can manage sources from VS and Xamarin Studio.
First, you have to have a git-enabled team project. Then from Xamarin Studio click on version control menu then choose checkout. Enter your team project url tfs credentials to git clone it.
Xamarin studio integrates with git and subversion out of the box now, and will connect to any tfs projects that have been git enabled. (i don't use subversion so i can't speak to that one)

Saving code online (Java Eclipse)

Currently I'm saving an online copy of my code on dropbox. I was wondering if there is any other convenient option, such as an Eclipse plugin (that can maybe do this automatically?).
Note: The project's code is private and I'm thus looking for an option that doesn't make it public.
have you considered putting your code in an online repository? BitBucket gives you free unlimited Git or Mercurial repositories and they both work with Eclipse. You can also use SVN, and eclipse has a plugin for it with the name of Subclipse. and it works perfect.
There are several free source management systems out there.
However - if you want to use them freely you'll need to opensource your code.
Check out github or googlecode for example.
You are looking for a SCM tool (Source Control Management). GIT or Subversion are the things you are looking for. Have a look at or Google Code (ups sorry I didn't notice that you're looking for a private solution). BitBouquet is probably the best public server for closed source. If you have your own server (i.e. on a cloud), or you may install GitBlit or Gitosis tools; for subversion you can set up your own server following my tutorial.
Eclipse supports CVS and Subversion built-in, afaik. Maybe latest versions also have git; by the way there is Egit eclipse plugin to support Git.

Eclipse EGit and GWT/GAE

I have a central GIT repository, so that i can work on the project from different computers.
However when i pull the project on the other computer i get the error "Unbound classpath container: 'GWT SDK [missing]' in project 'Test Project'" (I also get a similar error for GAE).
So my question is: How do i setup my project so the same version of GAE/GWT is used on all computers.
I suspect the problem could be caused by the different versions of GAE and GWT on the machines. For example: GWT (1) is not the same version on the machines as it depends on when you updated GWT.
I ran into this problem too, and solved it by installing the GAE and GWT sdks under specific names, manually. That is, instead of relying on eclipse's software update tools, I downloaded the specific SDK version I wanted from the googlecode sites, and then added them manually to eclipse. This way their names include the numbers, and your git repository can store information about which versions it's using.
I do have to install the sdks manually on each developer machine, which is a drag.
To install an sdk manually:
Download it
Right-click on the sdk container in eclipse (in project explorer, it probably says GWT SDK [missing])
Choose properties
Click configure SDKs
follow the path to install a new sdk
You don't have to set the new sdk as default or anything - your project will pick it up immediately after you install it.
Note to any GPE developers: it'd be nice if the sdks were installed automatically with a version-specific name for the benefit of source control!
You can Change the project's SDK target.
In eclipse go to Marker [it is a tab next on the extreme left of the tabs including Console and Development] --> Left Click problem indication --> Click Quick fixes and choose the option which re-configures the project. This should fix the problem. Note that if your code uses features that changed between SDK versions you will have to make changes.
Combined with Rilev Lark's answer This is a chance to Update your projects or your environments whenever the problem occurs.

TFS support for netbeans ide

I need to checkout and manage a project from TFS (Team Foundation Server) and was wondering if there is an easy way to do this.
I usually use SVN, but for this particular project, TFS is a requirement.
The best way I've found so far with a bit of Googling is at
Short answer, no I don't think there is any easy way to integrate the Netbeans IDE and TFS. However there are some options.
Firstly you could use the SVN bridge this allows subversion clients to connect to TFS. If that is viable then you should be good to go. Here are a couple of blog posts that you may find useful when using TFS if you have a SVN background. SVN to TFS. If SVN Bridge doesn't meet your needs then there are other ways to use TFS but none of them are integrated in to the Netbeans IDE.
If you're developing on Windows then you can install Team Explorer (Use the version that matches the version of TFS you're using e.g. if you're connecting to TFS 2010 then install Team Explorer 2010), this will install a Visual Studio Shell and the Team Explorer plugin. Along side that it will install the "tf" command line utility, you then have a choice of using either a GUI with the VS plugin, or the command line.
You should also install the TFS power tools, they add some usefull functionality such as extra command line tools (using the "tfpt" command) they will also install windows explorer integration, this will allow you to do some basic Source Control functions from the Right Click menu in windows explorer (Check out, check in, diff etc)
You should also look at Team Explorer Everywhere, I don't think it does Netbeans integration but it does do Eclipse. If you're developing on an OS other than Windows then this is your only option.
To use any on these tools you must have a TFS CAL to be licenced properly. If you have an MSDN licence that will probably include a CAL, if not then someone needs to spend some cash and buy one :-).
Since TFS started to support Git repositories, it is possible to:
create TFS project for Git
after project creation use url from Code tab
to configure Git Repository Location in NetBeans IDE
Once you have the tf.exe (from Visual Studio or Team Explorer) there is a plugin that can be configured to do the TFS commands from NetBeans:
Download plugin from:
Install the plugin in NetBeans: Tools\Plugins\Downloaded\Add Plugins…
Configure the plugin in NetBeans: Tools\Options\Path Tools
At Edit Commands For File enter: "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf" checkout "{path}"
Press Ok
With a file selected in the editor, or the package explorer press the “Edit Path…” toolbar button.
The file is now checked out in TFS.
Make sure to use the proper path to tf.exe.
There are 3 buttons, so you can configure 3 TFS actions (I use checkout, add, delete).
Microsoft actively supports only Eclipse for TFS integration.
At this page there are more info and the possibility to upvote, to report your interest in such a feature directly to Microsoft.
In NB 8.2 you can setup Kenai Team Server.
then you will be able to login into a team server : menu Team->Team Server -> login