Search for calls to method in C# programatically - c#-3.0

I want to programatically search my code base for references to a certain C# DateTime method that people on the project I am working on should not use.
I will then hook this up to my build process
Is there a way I can do this without a C# recursive directory search?

You could use StyleCop and create your own rule.


How to highlight prefix match in SQLite FTS5

I have a SQLite FTS5 virtual table and am trying to highlight text in my prefix query results. I am aware of the highlight() and snippet() auxiliary functions, however they don't seem to support exactly what I am trying to do. If my data looks like:
and I want to query using a prefix match such as
select * from fts where fts match 'j*';
The highlight and snippet functions (assuming <b>...</b> tags) will return
But I only want to highlight the exact part of the prefix that was matched, before the wildcard:
There does not seem to be any way to do this using the existing FTS5 auxiliary functions. I realize FTS5 offers an API so that you can create your own auxiliary functions. I might also be able to implement the solution in application code (I am using Swift), although I suspect this problem has the potential for a lot of issues trying to implement in application code (for example, how to handle stemming). Does anyone know if what I am trying to do is actually possible using the existing highlight and/or snippet functions before I go to the trouble of implementing my own solution? If so, could you explain how?
Also, I have observed several other existing apps (Contacts+ for example) offer this capability so I know it is possible somehow, and am also wondering how they do it if anyone knows how.
For anyone else looking for a resolution to this issue, I was able to figure out how to solve this issue.
The trigram tokenizer was added as one of the built-in tokenizers in SQLite 3.34.0 (released December 1, 2020).
In my case, I was deploying to iOS, which at this current time, only has SQLite 3.32 bundled with it by default, as confirmed by this wiki page. So I was able to download the SQLite source code and add it as a project to my XCode workspace as a "Static Library" and reference the resulting .a static library file from within my app's project. I also had to set the appropriate C Flags in the XCode compiler options for the SQLite project to get everything to work correctly. But I am now able to distribute my own supplied version of SQLite (3.34.1), compiled with my specific options, with FTS5 and the trigram tokenizer.

Creating a folder from a space template via REST API

Well, I formuled this cuestion before but seems like I didnt do correctly, so I will try again explaining myself better.
Im working on a event handler in openbravo that creates a structure of folders via rest api, I have been able to make a single folder so I could make the structure via java but i need to add alot of stuff to all the folders idividually so my work will be x100 harder, so Im searching on internet a way of creating from a space template but cant find nothing, would be nice if u could lend me a hand, its my first time using Rest apis too so Im not that good on this, thx for ur time.
Something cool about Alfresco is that if you look at the Alfresco public REST API and you don't see what you are looking for you can simply write your own RESTful end point.
To do that, you use the Web Script Framework (tutorial). With the web script framework you can implement controllers using either server-side JavaScript or Java.
That gives you access to the entire foundational API of Alfresco, which includes the ability to create folders from space templates.
For example, when using Java to create a folder from a space template, you can use the fileFolderService to copy the template folder to a parent folder, like this:
fileFolderService.copy(template, parentFolder, folderName).getNodeRef();
That template variable is a nodeRef. How you get that nodeRef is up to you. One way would be to do a search for it.
So, to re-cap, write a web script. The web script can use the foundational API to create a folder from a template. Your web script can accept arguments for things like where to put the new folder, what space template to use, etc. That's up to you.

is it possible to get an xPages build number?

I do all development in a single application. when a new version is ready I create a template and give it a version number. this way I can store a history of all previous versions.
the development templates are used to push the new design to many applications via replace design.
Creating manual version number or template names is fine but I am looking for a more automatic way of finding out which build the different applications are inherited from
When I visit the different applications I would like to be able to see which build number each application are inherited from. is this possible?
A simple build time stamp could do, but is there a built in build number that can be used and that can be displayed on the xpage.
e.g Build 2012092712345
Thank you for all your answers, many good suggestions but it looks like all require manual work.
The best solution would be if there is a way to read (from ssjs) a timestamp from any file within the nsf that is always updated during a build. is this possible?
In classic notes, there was a method to add a shared field with a special name to the application. Cannot remember the details, but have it somewhere on the disk.
Then you can see the build number in the design tab of the application properties. And you can of course display the value in your applikation as well.
But you have to fill the item manually on each build. Or use teamstudio Buildmanager. This tool adds the value automatically.
And I also guess that you can write some code that changes the value whenever you create a new build.
Another option would be to use a versioning system like CVS/SVN. This is possible since 8.5.3.
Source control
I think I know what you are meaning. Your a pushing out design and want to check thru code what version each database has. I usually do this with a Build form. In this form I have computed fields with all the data I want to retrieve. Then I open the database with an agent create a document
and set the form field to "BuildForm" and do a computewithform.
Now I can see all information about this database.
I once wrote a rudimentary build system for "classic" Notes, and had the last part of the build pipeline create a form named _BUILDID_, and put the build id in the $Comment field.
The main reason to create a form instead of a shared field was that I could dynamically fetch the form using NotesDatabase.Forms, and open up the desired field.
I sure hope there are simpler solutions nowadays... :-)

How to extend Alfresco Share existing activity list dashlet with my own activity type?

In Community 4.0.a, I'm posting my custom activities in the repo following this:
I have defined my own activity type, with custom bundles and pagelink to display custom needs in the activity dashlet.
But I face an issue, I need to specialize the output based on the activity-type in a similar way of what is done already in activity-list.get.js in the specialize() function.
I can't hack the js cause I'm packaging things in my own amp for Share.
What is the best way to do it? Is there some kind of extension point or do I need to override completely the dashlet?
The old way (3.x) to change the behaviour of a webscript controller is to copy the code and overwrite the Javascript by placing it under web-extension: alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/dashlets/activity-list.get.js. There you can modify the specialize() function or whatever you need to do.
All files you place in the alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts folder will replace original files in the share.war WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-webscripts classpath. Best practice is to place your customizations in the tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension folder so you don't need to modify the WAR file.
Alfresco 4.0 provides a new way to change the javascript controllers of a webscript. You can add additional Javascript code that will run after the original code. This is preferable because you don't need to change original code and you can upgrade more easily later. To use it you need to get familiar with the new Share extension modules concept. See David Draper's Blog for more info on that.

How to extract labels from Symfony forms I18n Extract Task

I am quite aware that the extract task accepts application as a parameter, and thus one can't expect it too look into the forms folder.
However, I referred the link (below) and tried a couple of ways:
1. defining my proxy __() method
2. including the I18n helper in App Configuration
However, both aren't working.
Can anyone tell me how to extract these from the form classes?
You need to use the i18n helper and add the translated strings manually to your XML/XLIFF files. The translations themselves work, it's just the i18n:extract task that doesn't look inside form classes so it has to be done manually. I hope they add this feature in Symfony 2.0.
See the first few paragraphs here:
There's a way to extract it altough it's not recommended by the developers:
In lib/i18n/extract/sfI18nApplicationExtract.class.php add:
to function extract()
In your form class's configure method add:
This way you can use the __() function in your form class.
I'm currently testing it. Will share my findings.