PayPal API - accept a credit card donation from a desktop app - paypal

We have a kiosk type of application with an attached credit card reader.
It allows a person to swipe a credit card and select a specific amount of $ to donate.
What are the steps for passing this data to PayPal and conducting an actual donation transaction?

Can you make HTTPS calls from your kiosk app? If so, you should be able to do this with the new REST based APIs fairly simply. Here's the link:
Hope this helps.


Accept Credit Cards without Businness Account

I have a personal project and I want to be able to accept donations from users in a kiosk-like fashion using an Android tablet as the display/interface and a credit card reader. I was planning on using the REST API, however, this project is not associated with any business so I can't get a business PayPal developer account to enable accepting payments directly from credit cards.
Is it possible to accept credit cards directly without a business account, or create a business account for an individual/personal? Would it be possible for me to get the credit card information and amount first, then pass that information to the PayPal UI to streamline the process so the user only has to tap a confirmation button?
My ideal user story:
User swipes card through card reader
User enters amount to donate
User confirms donation and is done
Simple and easy.
I realize that I can use a PayPal donate button but that is a much more complex user story and, as far as I know, without hacking the UI it will not be possible to support swiping the card and the user will have to enter the card information manually. Using the mobile SDK it might be possible to support card swiping but I still do not like the added layers of the PayPal log-in screen, having to select "Pay as guest", entering the amount in the textbox, etc. It needs to be an extremely simple process as I outlined above.
Possible (bad) Solution:
My last hope would be to collect the information, then in the background invisible to the user a web view would automate the donation process through PayPal by programmaticly going through the pages and filling out the textboxes. The web view would then be shown to the user once the final confirmation page is displayed for the user to tap the confirmation button. This is extremely hacky and a bad solution, however.
Side Question:
Why can I accept credit card payments through the PayPal UI (via a guest PayPal "account") without a business account, but I can't use the API to do so?
Unimportant Details:
I am building a KegBot which is a "smart" kegerator that tracks beer consumption and other data. The Android tablet displays this information and other fun stuff. I have a donation jar to help pay for the kegs but a common problem (or excuse) is that people don't have cash and only have plastic. My plan is to connect a card reader to the tablet as an accessory (or maybe use PayPal's card reader) to give drinkers a way to easily swipe a card and donate.
I am considering simplifying down the user story even more and making it so when the user swipes their card it automatically donates $5 without any other interaction needed. Maybe a confirmation button.
I tried going through the application to register my developer account as a business account and the form had changed. I was able to select Individual as the business type and use my home address and phone number. The application was approved and I now have a business account capable of processing credit cards using the rest API.

accepting credit card payments ios

How can I accept credit card payments in my iphone app?
I wanted to do the following
Allow users to give their credit card information
When they do, send credit card to my server using https and proces credit card using stripe on my server.
Is that the right way to do this technically? How can I make sure the credit card information will stay secure?
You can use Stripe's iOS bindings to easily accept your customers' payment information.
This library uses our create token API call to securely send any sensitive data to our servers. We'll then turn that into a token and pass it back to your application – you can submit this to your server to create an actual charge as normal.

Selecting optimal PayPal API

I've been given a task to integrate PayPal API to an already existing website, where buyer details should be taken out from the existing user database and all front-end design should be custom - created as part of whole system design.
I basically need to select PayPal API that will allow me to simply authorize and invoke credit card charge for selected amount of cache based on user details and credit card information.
Which of the PayPal API's is designed for this?
You would want to use Payments Pro for that.

Credit card payment using paypal in Iphone application

I want to implement like this application
Different kind of credit card payment through PayPal in my native iPhone application. I searched, most documents in paypal sites, they are showing, I need to entry paypal account/email address also to transact. But upon the application, I can see, directly he entered only credit card name, careditcard type, cvv and amount for his transaction?
Anybody any idea? How i implement this??
That application is using the PayFlow Pro merchant API:
Note that PayFlow Pro requires an existing merchant account -- you can't just use it to send money to your Paypal account. (This is probably why the iOS application you linked to has had poor reviews: the description doesn't make it clear that the application is useless on its own.)

PayPal API to pay via credit card

I need to allow users to pay via Credit Card on my site. I'm trying to find suitable API option but can't find it. I have implemented payment via PayPal so far, but now I need to allow users to pay via credit card without account on PayPal.
Anyone knows what specific payment type that is?
Here is one way:
First, you'll need a Website Payments Pro merchant account with PayPal. Then, become familiar with the DoDirectPayment API, which will allow you to
process transactions on your site with PayPal working in the background. Customers will be able to fill out their credit card information, etc., on your site without visiting PayPal directly.
This also means that customers will not be required to have a PayPal account in order to make a transaction on your site.
If you proceed this way, you will need SSL certificates, and are required to implement Express Checkout for customers who do not want to make their transaction on your site.
Sample Code to get your feet wet. Good luck!