SBT sources in IDEA - scala

I'm using *.scala files in the project folder for configuring my SBT project. I'm using IDEA12 with the Scala Plugin and sbt-idea for generating the project. After calling gen-idea in the SBT shell, everything works fine except for one thing. When I click go to declaration on some method in my project code, IDEA shows me how it is implemented (redirects me to the library sources). But when I'm trying to "inspect" SBT's internal sources it shows me something like this:
def settings: Seq[Setting[_]] = { /** compiled code **/ }
How can I attach SBT sources to my IDEA project?
I'm using SBT 0.12.3.

In SBT there are two command which may interest you:
update-classifiers - will download all sources and documentation for all libs in your project
update-sbt-classifiers - downloads sbt sources and docs
This will download all the sources you need. To make an IDEA project with them just call gen-idea sbt-classifiers.
If you don't want to call each time this commands for re-generating you project, you should add something like this to your build.sbt: addCommandAlias("make-idea", ";update-classifiers; update-sbt-classifiers; gen-idea sbt-classifiers").

As of sbt version 1.2.8, the command is changed to:
sbt updateClassifiers - to download all sources and docs
sbt updateSbtClassifiers - to download sbt sources and docs.


Inside IDE(IntelliJ), could not find sbt dependies from External Libraries

I am starting a Scala project and I'm using SBT and Intellij 2020.2.3 as my IDE.
I have the following build.sbt file from the project, but I can't seem to get the dependencies in the Idea IDE "External Libraries" section to show up in "libraryDependencies" of SBT after running "sbt update".
The Idea version is that:
The Idea External Libraies are that:
The Sbt libraryDependencies are that:
In my experience , Intellij is very slow to pickup on dependencies and display them.
Bare in mind this is not a reflection on sbt , and asides for the annoyance, you should still be able to sbt compile from the console.
That is the first thing I suggest you test. If you can compile , that means the dependencies were downloaded, are available on the classpath, and its just a matter of getting Intellij to recognize that
You can try one of 2 things, hover over the dependencies in your build.sbt file and you might see a refresh project option , or you can go to module section in project settings and reimport

Editing Build.scala in Intellij

I want to migrate our build from maven to SBT, so now I work separatedly on Build.scala file. However I don't benefit from any syntax highlighting (that is quite obvious, I don't have SBT in my classpath). What is the correct way to get SBT to my classpath, adding sbt-launch.jar does not seem to help.
IntelliJ 13 has built-in SBT support; if you're running a lower version, then you can have a look at their sbt plugin.
There's also an sbt plugin on github for generating idea project files. I've had success with running the gen-idea task it provides.
Run sbt gen-idea. It will create a "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME - build" project within your main project (for whatever your YOUR_PROJECT_NAME happens to be). Under the project folder of the build project, I was able to write a Build.scala with the following code:
import sbt._
object Build extends Build {
The SBT Build trait is recognized just fine. I'm running IntelliJ 13 build #IU-133-696, Scala plugin 0.30.378.
Eventually what I did is finished to write my build.sbt stub, and opened a project with it. Now everything seem to work.

Compile scala files from a sbt plugin

I am developing a sbt plugin. In this plugin I generate some new scala sources packaged in a sbt project. Then I need to compile these new files programaticaly so that I could add the generated class in my classLoader.
I do not find any way to compile programaticaly sources from a given sbt project path (and eventually from a classLoader) in the sbt API, something as simple as the sbt command (sbt compile) line would be very convenient, something like:
I suggest you have a look at sbt-boilerplate which is an sbt plugin that generates code, works well and is really simple.
Here's a link to the file that you probably want to take a look at

Maven SBT dependency artifacts?

I manage my project using Maven and SBT at same time. The reasons for this are:
Intellij IDEA cannot import SBT
project.(idea-sbt plugin doesn't
work very well)
I don't know how can get sources and
javadocs from SBT.(I'd like to see any answers about this)
The problem is I don't know how to let Maven download SBT dependency. I search through maven repository and couldn't find anything about sbt. I wanna use Maven or SBT to manage all the jars in my project.
If you put a pom.xml to the root of your project, it will be recognized by SBT. When you specify no managed dependencies in the project definition, SBT relies on Maven dependencies.
As it said in SBT doumentation,
sbt performs this dependency handling
when the update action is executed. By
default, sbt does not update your
dependencies before every compilation,
but only does so when you execute
update. sbt supports three ways of
specifying these dependencies:
* Declarations in your project definition
* Maven POM files
* Ivy configuration and settings files
Maven knows nothing about SBT as of now (at least, I've not heard about any plugins so far), so, the best you can do to manage your project both in Maven and SBT, is to generate POMs by SBT. See SBT to Maven Converter for more details.
idea-sbt plugin works great for me with IDEA 10 - all it's really intended to do is open an SBT shell within the IDE and it does that well enough.
A plugin you should look into if you're interested in getting the Maven out of your build is sbt-idea plugin ( ). This is a great plugin that generates IDEA files from an SBT project. It couldn't be easier to use. At an SBT prompt, run the following commands:
*sbtIdeaRepo at
*idea is com.github.mpeltonen sbt-idea-processor 0.3.0
Note the asterisks - they should be included.
At this point, you can open your project in IDEA. It won't complain about the SBT dependencies. Any time you add new dependencies to your project file, simply run the 'idea' command again to tell IDEA about it. I do that in the SBT window provided by idea-sbt.
As far as getting sources and docs with dependencies, you can do something like this (from the SBT docs):
val sc = "org.scalacheck" % "scalacheck" % "1.5" withSources()
There is a corresponding withJavadoc() method. Hope that helps.

How to create SBT project with IntelliJ Idea?

I just got started with Scala/LiftWeb/Sbt developing, and I'd like to import a Sbt project in IntelliJ Idea.
Actually, I managed to import my project in two different ways:
1) with Maven. I created a Maven project, and of top of that I created a Sbt project, which I then imported in IntelliJ. I could then easily start, stop the jetty server, and do other stuff.
But that's not what I want. I want to do the same stuff, just Maven-free.
That lead me to
2) with Eclipse. So, I created a new Sbt project (with a little script I wrote, configuring the Sbt project to be a WebProject). I used then the sbt-eclipsify plugin to 'convert' the project for Eclipse, which I then imported in IntelliJ (existing source -> eclipse).
But the problems started here: I cannot get the IntelliJ Sbt plugin to work.
Can anyone help me with this?
There are three basic ways how to create a project - modern versions of IntelliJ can import sbt project out of the box, otherwise you can either use sbt plugin to generate IntelliJ project, or use IntelliJ Scala plugin to create sbt project. Basic features work out of the box using both solutions, some complex builds can have problems, so try other tools to see if it works there.
IntelliJ IDEA has become so much better these days. The current version (14.0.2) supports sbt projects out of the box with the Scala plugin. Just install the plugin and you should be able to open up Scala/sbt projects without any troubles.
With the plugin, just point at a sbt project and IDEA is going to offer you a wizard to open that kind of project.
IntelliJ Scala Plugin
IntelliJ plugin can be found here or can be installed directoly from within the IDE using Settings -> Plugins dialog. Afterwards one can just do File -> New Project -> Scala -> SBT based. IntelliJ will generate basic build.sbt, download necessary dependencies and open project.
SBT Plugin
Sbt plugin that generate an idea project based on the sbt files can be found here:
SBT 12.0+ & 13.0+
Simply add addSbtPlugin("com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "1.5.2") to your build.sbt; no additional resolvers are needed.
Older Versions:
SBT 0.11+
Create and add the following lines to ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt OR PROJECT_DIR/project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += "sbt-idea-repo" at ""
addSbtPlugin("com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "1.6.0")
Use gen-idea in sbt to create IDEA project files.
By default, classifiers (i.e. sources and javadocs) of sbt and library dependencies are loaded if found and references added to IDEA project files. If you don't want to download/reference them, use command gen-idea no-classifiers no-sbt-classifiers.
SBT 0.10.1
(according to the plugin author, 0.10.0 won't work!)
Create and add the following lines to ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt:
resolvers += "sbt-idea-repo" at ""
libraryDependencies += "com.github.mpeltonen" %% "sbt-idea" % "0.10.0"
Use gen-idea sbt task to create IDEA project files.
By default, classifiers (i.e. sources and javadocs) of sbt and library dependencies are loaded if found and references added to IDEA project files. If you don't want to download/reference them, use command gen-idea no-classifiers no-sbt-classifiers.
SBT 0.7
To use it, simply run this from your sbt shell, it will use the plugin as an external program:
> *sbtIdeaRepo at
> *idea is com.github.mpeltonen sbt-idea-processor 0.4.0
> update
> idea
You can also add trait in your project definition, as you want:
import sbt._
class MyProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends ParentProject(info) with IdeaProject {
lazy val mySubProject = project("my-subproject", "my-subproject", new DefaultProject(_) with IdeaProject)
// ...
For now I do this by hand. It is quite simple.
Create the project with SBT
Create a new IDEA Project with the same root path
Create a module with the same root path
Set src/main/scala as a src path on the module
Set src/test/scala as a test path on the module
Add scala-library.jar as a library
Add lib (if it is present) as a jar directory within a module library
Add lib_managed/compile (if it is present) as a jar directory within a module library
Add lib_managed/test (if it is present) as a jar directory within a module library
That's it from memory. It would be better if it were automated, but it's no big deal as it is now.
One note of caution: The above approach doesn't work well with new-school sbt, i.e. versions 0.10 and newer, because it doesn't copy dependencies into lib_managed by default. You can add
retrieveManaged := true
to your build.sbt to make it copy the dependencies into lib_managed.
Tempus fugit and IntelliJ IDEA has become so much better these days. It's 2015 after all, isn't it?
Having said that, the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA 14.0.2 supports sbt projects out of the box with the Scala plugin. Just install the plugin and you should be able to open up Scala/sbt projects without much troubles.
I'm using the Early Access version of the plugin which is as of the time of the writing.
With the plugin just point at a sbt project and IDEA is going to offer you a wizard to open that kind of project.
About sbt-idea in sbt 0.12.4
For sbt 0.12.4 the system-wide plugin configuration file - ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt or PROJECT_DIR/project/plugins.sbt - should have the following lines:
resolvers += "Sonatype snapshots" at ""
addSbtPlugin(dependency="com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "1.5.0-SNAPSHOT")
Run sbt gen-idea to generate IDEA project files.
Read the sbt-idea plugin website for more up-to-date information. You may also find my blog entry Importing sbt-based project to IntelliJ IDEA 13 (with sbt-idea, Scala 2.11 and sbt 0.12) useful.
For sbt 0.7
See the answer elsewhere on this page.
For sbt 0.10
Clone and build Ismael's sbt-idea:
git clone
cd sbt-idea
git checkout sbt-0.10
./sbt package
Create an sbt plugin lib directory if you don't have one already
mkdir -p ~/.sbt/plugins/lib
Copy the jar built in step one into here
cp sbt-idea/target/*.jar ~/.sbt/plugins/lib
Restart or reload sbt, then you can run gen-idea (or gen-idea with-classifiers if you want sources and javadoc in intelliJ too)
Source: Tackers' suggestion on the message group.
In IntelliJ IDEA 13.x itself
You can open an SBT-based project in IDEA nowadays. It will create the necessary project and modules, and keep your dependencies up-to-date whenever you make changes to the build scripts.
I just went through all this pain. I spend days trying to get an acceptable environment up and have come to the conclusion that ENSIME, SBT and JRebel are going to be my development environment for some time. Yes, it is going back to Emacs, but ENSIME turns it into a bit or an idea with refactoring, debugging support, navigation, etc. It's not nowhere near as good as Eclipse (Java), but unless the scala plugins work better it's the best we have.
Until the Scala development environments get up to snuff (Eclipse or IntelliJ) I'm not going to bother. They're just way too buggy.
See the discussion on the lift site.
Within that thread, there is a link to a HOWTO for IntelliJ, but although it kinda works, there are many issues that render it a little less that useful.
The answers are old for 2014.
In IntelliJ 13.x, the plugin Scala is ver 0.41.2 ( SBT is included).
My SBT version is 0.13.5 (terminal : sbt sbtVersion )
Go to the project's root folder and enter in the terminal
sbt idea
You will see two new hidden folders .idea and .idea_modules.
Then in IntelliJ, File > Open > select the project.
It should open the project without any problem.
Before you start creating your SBT project, make sure that the Scala plugin is downloaded and enabled in IntelliJ IDEA.
below link explains everything you need to know.