Can we develop and deploy WSRP producer on not portlet container? - portlet

if the WSRP producer is a web service but with specific WSDL form and request and response contains HTML, can we develop WSRP producer to be deployed on just web container without using portlet container for producing WSRP.

Since WSRP is a standard you should be able to code to the standard and make a web application that is compliant with it. So I would say yes you can, but I feel like it would be a relatively large and involved project compared to just making a portlet application and installing a portlet container that already implements the WSRP standard.
It would be the same thought process as "HTTP is standard, can we write our own HTTP library?" Yes you can but someone else has already done that difficult work in creating one so you would have to come up with a very good justification to want to write your own.


Developing a Java based web service client

I have a couple of web services running on JBoss 5.1.0 GA with JBossWs native stack (shipped with JBoss 5.1.0 GA binary)
These web services are simple POJO services. Many of the WebMethods exposed by the services are of Complex Object type (I call these Complex types as DTO's) and a lot of custom defined exceptions. These DTO's are also bundled in a jar file, so that they can be used at the Client end as well.
I started creating a client using Eclipse (which I understand is using wsconsume to generate the client stub) and I saw that the utility would generate the DTO's from the WSDL and I could not find any way of enforcing the utility to use the DTO & exception classes provided in the jar file.
I had earlier asked a question on this on SO and could not find any answers.
From reading of various resources on wsconsume and generating client stub using eclipse (which would use JBossWS) i have now started to believe that what I am trying to achieve might not actually be possible using wsconsume.
My question is:
Is there a better way to create a client stub which would use the DTO classes from the jar files. I am open on changing the Client generation mechanism and move to axis or any other library for Client generation if that is possible. It would also be ideal if an ant task can be created for Client stub generation.
PS: My knowledge on web services is very limited and if I am being stupid with my question here, please pardon me for that.
Why do you want to use Data Transfer Objects in Your Web Service ? Is that necessary? Because If you use such objects, those web services can be use only in Java I think. That is a interoperability issue. So If you can avoid those kind of objects that will be a good practice.

Fat/Thick Client vs Thin Client

I have a question, I was developing a desktop web application based on a REST API in Java using Servlets and JSP, but my boss said that it's not the best way to create a web application, because servlets and JSP are working as fat/thick clients( a request to the server make the application to download all content of data not a part like GWT does) and he suggested to go with GWT because it is working as a thin client.
As I was looking on the Internet I didn't see that servlets are working as fat clients, so my question is why is better GWT than servlets?
GWT solves a different problem than servlets. GWT is a tool to make clients, and servlets/JSP are tools for telling servers what to send to clients.
For example, my server uses a JSP to serve a GWT client, and servlets to connect the client to my database. I use all at once! You could use just one.
You can make your GWT client arbitrarily thick or thin. You can even run a GWT application with no server at all.
Use GWT if you want a nice tool for making complex, cross-browser web apps in Java. The decision to use JSP or servlets should be made separately.

What is the underlying technology behind ServiceAsync interface?

I developed a web application (works properly) which registers a user to the system and allows user to upload a file to system via https. The client side code is totally developed by using GWT 2.4 and the back end is several servlets. Except the upload code, all the client-server communications are done via using ServiceAsync interface as it is the common practice in GWT. The upload code is based on a form which is communicating with the upload servlet directly.
This project is developed as a course work and my Professor is keen on knowing the underlying architecture of google web toolkit specificly focused on the client-server communication. His question was,
"How the client code knows the server's url so that all the communication is done?"
His question is legitimate for the ServiceAsync interface. I am calling a function on the server side which seems interesting to him and he wants to know the underlying process behind it.
For uploading, I just defined uploadForm.setAction(GWT.getModuleBaseURL()+"upload"); where upload is the name of the upload servlet in web.xml.
I told him that the compiler generates Javascript code which contains all the web application code (whole system developed dynamically) and the url to the servlet is placed in that script file however the answer did not satisfy him. Please let me know the inner facts of the client-server communication with GWT.
Please give me some answers that can help my Professor to understand GWT's asynchronous client-to-server RPC communication.
The underlying technology is shown here as a diagram. Google says "GWT provides an RPC mechanism based on Java Servlets to provide access to server side resources. This mechanism includes generation of efficient client and server side code to serialize objects across the network using deferred binding."
The client knows the URL to query because you would have annotated your service interface with a #RemoteServiceRelativePath tag. This associates the service with a default path relative to the module base URL. That URL is where Javascript sends your request.
There's a lot more to learn about GWT's RPC if you care to, and you can start picking it apart here and here.
There are multiple ways in GWt how to bind RPC service to the specific url.
First is an annotation #RemoteServiceRelativePath which is placed on synchronous interface. Using deferred binding rule GWT will discover this URL and will set it to the service instance automatically.
Second is casting instance of GWT-RPC async service to the ServiceDefTarget and setting an url manually.
But this answer alone will not satisfy your professor, because most likely he will want to know some other details, so I recommend you to learn how exactly GWT-RPC works.
Regarding the basic question of how the client knows the url of the server, it sounds as though the professor may be asking about the full url of the site (the domain name), and not just the sub-directories for the services as they are defined in #RemoteServiceRelativePath and the web.xml.
For this more fundamental aspect of the question, I think the "Same Origin Policy" (SOP) that browsers have for javascript security could be an important part of the answer. This is explained in one of the GWT FAQs. The first thing that the browser is doing on the client side (after the HTTPS connection is established, which I think could be another important part of the answer) is reading the host html file, where the bootstrap nocache.js file is referenced. Once this file is loaded, the SOP is going to guarantee that all of the subsequent JS application files are coming from the same server as the bootstrap and the host html files. Once the application files are loaded, then everything is happening within that context, with specific internal url paths being defined for RPCs as already mentioned.

Embedding GWT application in ChromiumEmbedded

I have read through the chromiumembedded usage and looked at the cefclient application. Now i would like to provide my gwt application as an standalone application to my customers. Is it possible to package the gwt client code using chromiummebedded.
I am not sure how to make the RPC/RC calls to the server if its packaged in CEF.
I think you need to include an embedded webserver in your application, and serve the generated GWT application files from this.
Since the url for your server will be different, you could disable the same origin policy in ChromiumEmbedded to use normal RPC calls, but it might be better to use cross domain calls as describe in Googles tutorial

RESTful WebServices in without Tomcat (or any other container)

Is there a way to implement RESTful WebService using Spring 3 (or not) that does not use any web container?
Thank you !
I assume that the RESTful request will arrive over HTTP? So something needs to listen on the appropriate port and dispatch requests off to the service code. Obviously you can write such code, but you are likely to end up with something not very different from a Web Server.
If your objective is to embed this capability in some context then a lighweight container such as Jetty (as proposed by skaffman) seems like an answer - I'd be reluctant to write my own code instead
Using a framework such as JAX-RS makes writing REST services very easy, so if the actual objective is develop RESTful services quickly then I'd be prepared to live with a container that does the work for me.
In theory, yes - the various Spring-WS components are decoupled from the Servlet API. So you could, in theory, use the webserver built in to the Sun Java6 JRE.
In practice, this would be a lot of extra work. You'd have to bridge the Sun Web Server API to the Spring-WS API.
As an alternative to traditional Servlet containers, I can highly recommend Embedded Jetty, where your app can start up a lightweight servlet container within itself, and serve Spring-WS from that.