Facebook share via app loads two popups - facebook

The problem can be watched here
On sharing via fb app ui loads two popups — feed dialogue and blank page.
Can't get the problem. Any ideas why it happens and how to resolve it?
The code for forming
objFB = {
method: 'feed',
link: document.location.href,
picture: fullPathImage + numimg +".jpg",
name: dataBl.title,
caption: dataBl.title,
description: dataBl['text description']};
_share = _share.replace(/href="javascript:;"/g, 'onclick="postToFeed(); return false;"' );
$( "." + mainBlockClass + " #overlay_" + mainBlockClass ).html( _share );
(function(d){FB.init({appId: "151107748411463", status: true, cookie: true});}(document));
function postToFeed() { function callback(response) { /*console.log(response);*/ }FB.ui(objFB, callback);}

All I’m getting when I’m trying you FB share is
An error occurred. Please try again later.
API Error Code: 1
API Error Description: An unknown error occurred
Error Message: kError 1349040: Invalid App ID: The provided app ID is invalid.
I added &show_error=true at the end of the feed dialog URL your page creates as you can see, which is always (OK, make that most of the times) helpful to find errors with FB dialogs.
So first of all check your app id in your code.


How to fetch page list from Facebook Graph API?

I can download user events but not user managed pages. Why? What is the difference?
Using react-facebook-login to get user access token
import FacebookLogin from "react-facebook-login";
Adding Facebook login to the screen, it has the pages_show_list permission:
And here is the handler:
responseFacebook = response => {
accessToken: response.accessToken,
isLoggedIn: true,
userID: response.userID,
name: response.name,
email: response.email,
picture: response.picture.data.url
.then(response => {
console.log("aaa " + response);
console.log("bbb ");
Second breakpoint will not be reached.
But get a lot of strange error:
Facebook API Explorer returns the data
Code is here: https://gitlab.com/j4nos/ticket-portal/blob/master/src/App.js
But get a lot oof strange error:
The main part of importance here is that it shows that you are getting a 400 Bad Request response from the API, with that URL you tried to request there.
How does the query string portion of a URL start again ...?
Question mark, not ampersand.

Facebook Feed Dialog Returns API Error Code: 191

In my Facebook App I'll always get the following error :
An error occurred. Please try again later.
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application.
I just want to feed a post via button my code is
function postToFeed() {
// calling the API ...
var obj = {
method: 'feed',
link: 'https://mydomain.com/',
picture: 'https://mydomain.com/img/feed.png',
name: 'BLABLADialog',
caption: 'UeberschriftBLABLA',
description: 'DescriptionBLABLA',
show_error: true
function callback(response) {
document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = "Post ID: " + response['post_id'];
FB.ui(obj, callback);
my Canvas-URL is "http://mydomain.com/"
my Secure Canvas-URL is "https://mydomain.com/"
my Tab-URL is "https://mydomain.com/tab.php"
my Secure Tab-URL is "https://mydomain.com/tab.php"
my Website with Facebook Login SITE URL is "https://mydomain.com/"
so what I am doing wrong ?
You need to include a redirect_uri in your var obj array. On the Feed Dialog documentation, redirect_uri is specified as:
The URL to redirect to after the user clicks a button on the dialog. Required, but automatically specified by most SDKs.
So it must be specified, and it must a URL that falls under the Site URL of your app.

Facebook API Error 100 Error Message: redirect_uri URL is not properly formatted trying to Public Post

Im getting this error when I try to post in a wall via my FBApp, the application used to
work, but yesterday I notice that is throwing this error.
API Error Code: 100
API Error Description: Invalid parameter
Error Message: redirect_uri URL is not properly formatted.
My app is loging the user and everything works, it throw the error trying to post.
The code that I use to post is this:
method: 'feed',
name: 'My Title',
link: "http://mysite.com?"+query_string,
caption: '',
description: 'My Description'
function(response) {
if (response && response.post_id) {
//alert('Post was published.');
} else {
//alert('Post was not published.');
Another thing is that the https domain that im using is a hosting shared ssl:
Any ideas?
FWIW, I just had the same problem because I was using an application with underscores in its URL’s subdomain.
I was using:
changed it to
and I didn’t get the "Error 100" anymore.

FB.ui is giving me Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application

Help please! I'm creating a Facebook tab/app on facebook for a contest, part of the contest is to have a user have the option to share the contest on their wall. This is the error I'm receiving -
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application.
This is my facebook auth code:
<div id='fb-root'></div>
FB.init( {
appId : 219691398094935,
status : true,
cookie : true,
xfbml : true
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
<script src='http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js'></script>
This is my FB.ui Code:
function showStreamPublish() {
method: 'feed',
name: 'I signed up to win an iPad 2 from Upillar.com',
link: 'http://www.facebook.com/pages/udev/121216321302968?sk=app_219691398094935',
picture: 'http://static.upillar.com/fb/images/logo.png',
description: 'I entered the iPad 2 Sweepstakes from Upillar.com which only requires you to create a listing to enter! Enter the contest now by by clicking this link.',
app_id: '219691398094935'
function(response) {
if (response && response.post_id) {
This is the information in my app:
Site/App Domain: upillar.com
Site URL: http://fb.upillar.com/contest.php
Page Tab URL: http://fb.upillar.com/contest.php
Secure Tab URL: https://fb.upillar.com/contest.php
Please tell me what am I missing! Thank you so much.
Got same problem - solution is simple, but not even mentioned by Facebook Dev DOCS. Take a look at this:
method: 'feed',
redirect_uri: 'http://www.yourdomain.com', // that caused the problem
message: 'getting educated about Facebook Connect',
name: 'Connect',
caption: 'The Facebook Connect JavaScript SDK',
description: (
'A small JavaScript library that allows you to harness ' +
'the power of Facebook, bringing the user\'s identity, ' +
'social graph and distribution power to your site.'
link: 'http://www.yourdomain.com',
picture: 'http://www.yourdomain.com/f8.jpg',
actions: [{
name: 'yourdomain',
link: 'http://www.yourdomain.com'
user_message_prompt: 'Share your thoughts about RELL'
function (response) {
if (response && response.post_id) {
alert('Post was published.');
} else {
alert('Post was not published.');
site URL should not be a file, try to set this as your domain only, without contest.php
if that does not work, set the canvas URL as your domain, with "/" at the end too.
Sorry to bump an old post, first I should say i'm relatively new to facebook development but i've been getting the same problem, basically it seems like facebook does some fairly nifty detection in terms of what qualifies as a redirect when you land on your page.
For example I was detecting if it was a new user and then displaying a colorbox, whose onclick event redirected to a newuser creation form. That gave me error 191 redirect_uri not owned. It seems because the javascript was in the <HEAD> element it qualified as a redirect.
I simply changed the login process to fully render the main page and display a normal div telling them to click here to login.
Sorry for grave-digging!
I just had the same problem and found the solution. You do not have to change anything on your sources.
Just head over to http://developers.facebook.com open your app and navigate to "Settings" and "Basic".
There is a textfield that says "App Domains" - enter the domain name where the app is currently hosted at there, save the settings and you are done.

Share button/post to wall - Facebook API?

I don't want to use the FB like button and apparently "share" has been deprecated.
What I am trying to do is have users click "share"/"post to wall" from my website, and it then places a post on their newsfeed/profile with information on my website/url.
I can't seem to find any code around that will do this- does anyone have an example?
And do they have to connect first? Or can it check if they're logged in, if not, login and it shares automatically?
This is possible in two ways:
You can use the facebook Javascript SDK if you have an app:
method: 'feed',
link: 'absolute url',
name: 'testtitle',
caption: 'testcaption',
description: 'testdescription',
picture: 'absolute picurl',
message: ''
Note that "message" MUST be empty, you can also just remove it.
Without an app (no user can block the app and never get anything from the app anymore, but only possible with popup):
open a popup window with Javascript for the facebook sharer:
http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=<url to share>&t=<title of content>
Note that everything needs to be urlencoded. Of course you can also just use it as a link. And don't forget the og tags in this case.
Edit: Please be aware that "auto sharing" is not allowed on facebook. you have to present the user what you want to share in his name and he has to be able to accept it and add his personal message. would only be possible with an app and an authorized user anyway.
Btw, both methods explained here work without user login/authorization.
Edit2: There is also a "share" method with FB.ui now, to post a link or use Open Graph Actions/Objects.
If you have a dynamic web site as I do, you may strongly want my code.
Note 1: You can't do that if you don't have an app! If you don't have
an app you can simply go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps and
create one.
Note 2: Read my code comments!
$redirect = "http://www.SITE.com/thanks.html"; //After sharing, you redirect your visitor to thanks.html or just to the home page. Note that the URL given is the URL you set for your app!
$link = curPageURL(); //URL to the shared page (I will give you the function curPageURL() later).
$title = Title(); //Title of the shared page (Note If you don't have a dynamic website you can simply ignore the PHP part)
$descriptionTag = Description(); //Description of the shared page
$pic = Img(); //Image of the post or the logo of your website
echo "<script>
FB.init({appId: \"YOU_APP_ID_HERE\", status: true, cookie: true});
function postToFeed() {
// calling the API ...
var obj = {
method: 'feed',
redirect_uri: '".$redirect."',
link: '".$link."',
picture: '".$pic."',
name: '".$title."',
caption: '".$descriptionTag."',
description: 'You_May_Want_To_Say_Something_About_Your_Web_Site_Here!'
function callback(response) {
document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = \"Post ID: \" + response['post_id'];
FB.ui(obj, callback);
</script>"; ?>
<a href="#" onclick='postToFeed(); return false;'>Share To Facebook</a>
Don't forget to set YOUR APP ID in the code!
You need to use the function curPageURL() in order to share the current PHP page!
function curPageURL() {
$pageURL = 'http';
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on") {$pageURL .= "s";}
$pageURL .= "://";
if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
} else {
return $pageURL;
Don't forget to declare the function curPageURL() at the beginning of the code I'm giving to you!