Command Flood Protection mIRC - mirc

I have the following auto-responder on my bot
on *:TEXT:*sparky*:*: { msg # $read(scripts/name-responses.txt) }
on *:ACTION:*sparky*:*: { msg # $read(scripts/name-responses.txt) }
I wanted to know how can I tell write a code, I'm guessing with an IF statement, that if a user types sparky more than twice that the user gets ignored for 120 seconds. This way, my bot doesn't flood the chat due to the auto-responder feature.
Any help would be appreciated!

I would recommend keeping track of all users that have used the command, and when they have last used it. This can easily be done by saving all data in an INI file.
You can save this information by using the writeini command. To write the data to this file, use something along the lines of the following:
writeini sparky.ini usage $nick $ctime
$ctime will evaluate to the number of seconds elapsed since 1970/01/01. This is generally the way to compare times of events.
Once a user triggers your script again, you can read the value from this INI file and compare it to the current time. If the difference between the times is less than 10 seconds (for example), it can send the command and then ignore them for 120 seconds. You would read the value of their last usage using:
$readini(sparky.ini, n, usage, $nick)
Your final script could look like something along the lines of the following script. I've moved the functionality to a separate alias (/triggerSparky <nick> <channel>) to avoid identical code in the on TEXT and on ACTION event listeners.
on *:TEXT:*sparky*:#: {
on *:ACTION:*sparky*:#: {
alias triggerSparky {
; Send the message
msg $chan $read(scripts/name-responses.txt, n)
if ($calc($ctime - $readini(sparky.ini, n, usage, $nick)) < 10) {
; This user has recently triggered this script (10 seconds ago), ignore him for 120 seconds
ignore -u120 $nick
remini sparky.ini usage $nick
else {
writeini sparky.ini usage %nick $ctime
Of course, a slightly easier way to achieve a similar result is by simply ignoring them for a predefined time without saving their data in an INI file. This would stop you from checking whether they have triggered twice recently, but it would be a good way to only allow them to trigger it once per two minutes, for example.


Anylogic: Queue TimeOut blocks flow

I have a pretty simple Anylogic DE model where POs are launched regularly, and a certain amount of material gets to the incoming Queue in one shot (See Sample Picture below). Then the Manufacturing process starts using that material at a regular rate, but I want to check if the material in the queue gets outdated, so I'm using the TimeOut option of that queue, in order to scrap the outdated material (older than 40wks).
The problem is that every time that some material gets scrapped through this Timeout exit, the downstream Manufacturing process "stops" pulling more material, instead of continuing, and it does not get restarted until a new batch of material gets received into the Queue.
What am I doing wrong here? Thanks a lot in advance!!
Kindest regards
Your situation is interesting because there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with what you're doing. So even though what you are doing seems to be correct, I will provide you with a workaround. Instead of the Queue block, use a Wait block. You can assign a timeout and link the timeout port just like you did for the queue (seem image at the end of the answer).
In the On Enter field of the wait block (which I will assume is named Fridge), write the following code:
if( MFG.size() < MFG.capacity ) {;
In the On Enter of MFG block write the following:
if( self.size() < self.capacity && Fridge.size() > 0 ) {;
And finally, in the On Exit of your MFG block write the following:
if( Fridge.size() > 0 ) {;
What we are doing in the above, is we are manually pushing the agents. Each time an agent is processed, the model checks if there is capacity to send more, if yes, a new agent is sent.
I know this is an unpleasant workaround, but it provides you with a solution until AnyLogic support can figure it out.

How can I calculate business/SLA hours with iterating over each second?

Before I spend a lot of time writing the only solution I can think of I was wondering if I'm doing it an inefficient way.
Once a support ticket is closed, a script is triggered, the script is passed an array of 'status-change-events' that happened from call open to close. So you might have 5 changes: new, open, active, stalled, resolved. Each one of these events has a timestamp associated with it.
What I need to do is calculate how much time the call was with us (new, open, active) and how much time it was with the customer (stalled). I also need to figure out how much of the 'us' time was within core hours 08:00 - 18:00 (and how many were non-core), and weekends/bank holidays count towards non-core hours.
My current idea is to for each status change, iterate over every second that occurred and check for core/non_core, and log it.
Here's some pseudo code:
time_since_last = ticket->creation_date
foreach events as event {
time_now = time_since_last
while (time_now < ticket->event_date) {
if ticket->status = stalled {
} else {
work out if it was our fault or not
add to the appropriate counter etc
Apologies if it's a little unclear, it's a fairly longwinded problem. Also I'm aware this may be slightly off of SO question guidelines, but I can't think of a better way of wording it and I need some advice before I spend days writing it this way.
I think you have the right idea, but recalculating the status of every ticket for every second of elapsed time will take a lot processing, and nothing will have changed for the vast majority of those one-second intervals
The way event simulations work, and the way I think you should write your application, is to create a list of all events where the status might change. So you will want to include all of the status change events for every ticket as well as the start and end of core time on all non-bank-holiday weekdays
That list of events is sorted by timestamp, after which you can just process each event as if your per-second counter has reached that time. The difference is that you no longer have to count through the many intervening seconds where nothing changes, and you should end up with a much more efficient application
I hope that's clear. You may find it easier to process each ticket separately, but the maximum gain will be achieved by processing all tickets simultaneously. You will still have a sorted sequence of events to process, but you will avoid having to reprocess the same core time start and end events over and over again
One more thing I noticed is that you can probably ignore any open status change events. I would guess that tickets either go from new to open and then active, or straight from new to resolved. So a switch between with your company and with the customer will never be made at an open event, and so they can be ignored. Please check this as I am only speaking from my intuition, and clearly know nothing about how your ticketing system has been designed
I would not iterate over the seconds. Depending on the cost of your calculations that could be quite costly. It would be better to calculate the borders between core/outside core.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $customer_time;
my $our_time_outside;
my $our_time_core;
foreach my $event ($ticket->events) {
my $current_ts = $event->start_ts;
while ($current_ts < $event->end_ts) {
if ($event->status eq 'stalled') {
$customer_time += $event->end_ts - $current_ts;
$current_ts = $event->end_ts;
elsif (is_core_hours($current_ts)) {
my $next_ts = min(end_of_core_hours($current_ts), $event->end_ts);
$our_time_core += $next_ts - $current_ts;
$current_ts = $next_ts;
else {
my $next_ts = min(start_of_core_hours($current_ts), $event->end_ts);
$our_time_outside += $next_ts - $current_ts;
$current_ts = $next_ts;
I can't see why you'd want to iterate over every second. That seems very wasteful.
Get a list of all of the events for a given ticket.
Add to the list any boundaries between core and non-core times.
Sort this list into chronological order.
For each consecutive pair of events in the list, subtract the later from the earlier to get a duration.
Add that duration to the appropriate bucket.
And the usual caveats for dealing with dates and times apply here:
Use a library (I recommend DateTime together with DateTime::Duration)
Convert all of your timestamps to UTC as soon as you get them. Only convert back to local time just before displaying them to the user.

Repeat task, random message Mirc Scipt

Currently it reads the text.txt at random and it displays on a channel
on *:TEXT:!command:#channel:{
/msg $chan $read(text.txt)
I don't understand how to make it auto execute at x minute intervals, whitout using the !command
I've beginner at this, I want to make it like a /timer but can add read random lines from the text everytime
It's been a while since I last worked with mIRC, so I had to look up the documentation on /timer, but you should be able to do something like this:
on *:TEXT:!command:#channel:{
/timer 0 60 /msg $chan $!read(<textfile>)
This will execute /msg $chan $!read(<textfile>) an infinite number of times at 60 second intervals once !command has been entered into a channel.
If you need to cancel the timer for some reason, you would need to name the timer, which can be done by appending a name to the command, such as /timerMESSAGE or /timer1, and then including a command to turn the timer off, such as:
on *:TEXT:!timeroff:#channel:{
/timer<name> off
replacing <name> with the name of your timer.
EDIT: Thanks to Patrickdev for pointing out the difference of $!read() versus $read() for timer commands.
i suggest you to use this
if you disconnect from a network for whatever reason
ping timeout,broken pipe,connection reseted by peer,netsplit
it wont stop
the most efficient way is
using an on join event
on me:*:join:#channel:{
.timerrepeat 0 60 msg $chan $read(text.txt)
on me:*:part:#channel:{
.timerrepeat off
on *:disconnect:{
.timerrepeat off
this script will only triggers when you join on #channel
replace #channel with channel you want

Newbie perl serial programming

I have a RFXCOM transceiver for 433 mhz signals. I managed to put together a program that can transmit signals without a problem (and for example turn on a lamp). However I also want to be able to receive signals from my remote control. A bit of googling gave me this working code;
use Device::SerialPort;
my $PortObj=Device::SerialPort->new("/dev/ttyUSB1");
my $STALL_DEFAULT=10; # how many seconds to wait for new input
my $timeout=$STALL_DEFAULT;
$PortObj->read_char_time(0); # don't wait for each character
$PortObj->read_const_time(1000); # 1 second per unfulfilled "read" call
my $chars=0;
my $buffer="";
while ($timeout>0) {
my ($count,$saw)=$PortObj->read(1); # will read _up to_ 255 chars
if ($count > 0) {
print $saw;
# Check here to see if what we want is in the $buffer
# say "last" if we find it
else {
if ($timeout==0) {
die "Waited $STALL_DEFAULT seconds and never saw what I wanted\n";
One thing I can't figure out - this script gives me the output after about 10 seconds, but I want to see the received data instantly. Any idea what I need to change? I don't think it has to do with the timeout part since that just seems to measure the time since the last received signal. Any ideas?
Suffering from buffering? Set
$| = 1;
at the top of your script.

How do I check if a user is authenticated with NickServ using POE::Component::IRC::State in Perl?

I'm trying to test whether a user is registered on FreeNode. nick_info() doesn't seem to return information about this, so I want to use $irc->yield(whois => $nick); and then grab the irc_whois event's reply. The problem is that I want to wait until this event is fired, so I created a global variable $whois_result and wrote a sub like this:
sub whois {
my $nick = $_[0];
$whois_result = 0;
$irc->yield(whois => $nick);
while($whois_result == 0) { }
return $whois_result;
with the irc_whois handler looking like:
sub on_whois {
$whois_result = $_[ARG0];
print "DEBUG: irc_whois fired.\n";
Unfortunately, the event can't fire while the loop is running so this hangs. I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but I'm not familiar enough with this kind of programming to know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
On the sub for states in POE... You have to yield or call it in another state.
Also, when you have data from the IRC command, yield to another state to process it.
- Start up a timer, etc.
- yield on_whois
- run who is
- Set data
- yield to the next timer
- Kill the timer
- flush the data
I run a bot on Freenode and resolved the issue by asking Nickserv the command:
ACC [nick] *
Nickserv will then reply with a notice in the format:
[nickname] -> [registerd nickservname] ACC [level]
Where level 3 means that the user is identified to nickserv.
The following applies to FreeNode at least (or any server supporting the identify-msg feature).
If you are reacting to a message (irc_msg, irc_public, or irc_ctcp_action) from a user, you can tell whether he has identified to NickServ by looking at the third argument ($_[ARG3]) provided to the event handler. It will be true if the user has identified, false otherwise.