How to do a replace segue on an iPhone? - iphone

I want to change between two view controllers using a button, on an iPhone. I don't want to use UITabBarController because it takes too much space, but I want the same kind of segue. How do I do that? Do I need to write a custom segue ?

A Push Segue is probably what you want as its operation can be reversed allowing the button (or stepper) to dictate navigation.
To initiate;
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"DestinationViewController" sender:self];
To return either use the back button that will appear in the navigation bar or programmatically with a hidden back button.
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
To hide the back button:
self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = YES;
called in the -(void)viewWillAppear part of the lifecycle.


If "setNavigationBarHidden:YES", then how to come back to previous controller?

I don't want to let the navigation controller show its navigation bar in the whole project.
Now there are three view controllers
(1) Login view controller
(2) Sign up view controller
(3) Home view controller.
I just hope to use action(which can be triggered by any kind of event, i.e. drag gesture, not necessary the pressing button) to switch between these view controllers. But I found once I get to the "signup view controllers", I can not go back to the login view controller, since there is no "BACK" navigation bar.
How "PUSH" in one view controller, then "POP" in the other view controller?
Or there is some different way to solve this problem?
Thank you so much, any suggestion is great.
To programmaticaly go backward in a navigation controller's navigation stack, call this method:
[self popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
When and where you call this is up to how you want your app to flow. Essentially, the default navigation controller calls this automatically when the navbar's back button is pressed. But if you hide the navbar and still need to pop back, you can call this method to pop back.
As for pushing forward, it's simply a matter of creating a Push segue on the storyboard, giving it a name, and then in your code, call this method:
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"segue_YOUR_SEGUE_ID" sender:self];
On the question of your app, what probably makes most sense is for the login view be a view by itself. It should contain a modal segue to a sign up view for new users as well as a modal segue to the home view controller (which may or may not need to be embedded in a navigation controller).
Performing a modal segue works exactly the same as a push segue (if you're using storyboards. Hook up the segue, choose a modal segue, then call the performSegueWithIdentifier: method in your code when you need the segue to occur.
Dismissing a modal view is slightly different, but still quite simple. It goes like this:
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
It's fairly check to do with an 'if' statement...
if (self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden == NO) {
Hope that helps!

How to make transition from RootController to DetailController UITableview iphone sdk

I have a UITableView with some Cells.
I don't use NavigationController, so I'd like to use UIModalTransition to Switch from RootController, my TableViewcell, to my DetailView, but want to add a Navigation bar to attribute some actions, like Backbutton.
I don't want to use seguesTransition, I only used XIB File and any Storyboard.
I really don't know how to use the Modal Transition in TableView, anyone know how i can do it ?
have you tried
[self presentModalViewController:yourViewController animated:YES];
then you can set certain styles for transitions in it.
On the other view add a navigationbar and place a backbarbuttonitem and add an action to it to go back to your previous view.
Although why do you want to do it is unclear to me.
if you dont want a navigation controller on the first view, you can just set it to hidden.
self.navigationController.navigationBar.hidden = YES;
and then in the viewDidLoad of other view you can do the reverse i.e
self.navigationController.navigationBar.hidden = NO;
this is quite an easy way of achieving what you want with relatively less amount of code!!

stop view from disappearing

I am launching a viewController from another view controller via the push on its table views cell. Now on the second view controller I have a whole bunch of controls mainly test fields. I would like to by using the default back button provided in the second view controller so it'll be the title of the first view controller and keep in mind like I said default, so I don't want to create my own button for back on the second view controller. So would like to detect if the second view controller is exiting or disappearing or will disappear and based on certain conditions stop it from going back to the original caller view controller. I originally assumed it could be done in here:
-(void) viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
if ([self.navigationController.viewControllers indexOfObject:self]==NSNotFound)
// So back button was pressed on the second view controller, so how do I stop it
// here from going back to the original view controller.
Or how do I do it? I can't seem to find a view controller return type BOOL method to call and stop it.
Note that method is called viewWillDisappear, not viewShouldDisappear, so Apple won't let you stop the view from disappearing at that point. And from the user's point of view, pressing the back button should indeed take them back. Instead you might consider hiding the back button under the circumstances where it's not allowed.
You can't prevent the view controller from closing however you can emulate it.
This line will replace the close button with a button that will call a homemade function
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemCancel target:self action:#selector(closeBtn)];
So you will be able to close the view if you want:
- (void) closeBtn
bool shouldClose=true;
// Your conditions here
if (shouldClose) [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
sorry,i'm not good at english,so reading so long text is a little difficult for me.i can only get that you want to go back without a button. i known navigationController has a method to go back to previous view.
Make a custom back button and use self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton=YES
Add target to your custom back button and use it as you like. When you want to move the view you can use [self.navigationController popViewcontroller].

Keep new view in a tab when switching to another tab

This is the situation:
I have a tab bar with 2 tabs. Tab01 and Tab02.
In Tab01 I have a button which pushes repVC:
repVC.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical;
[self presentModalViewController:repVC animated:YES];
[(UIViewController *)[tabController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:0] setView:repVC.view];
[repVC release];
Inside repVC I have another button which pushes an MFMailComposerViewController:
MFMailComposeViewController *mail = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
[self presentModalViewController:mail animated:YES];
[mail release];
The problem is: when mailView is shown(in Tab01) and I click Tab02, then back to Tab01, the mailView is hidden and even if I click the email button again, the view won't be presented.
So what I have is: Tab01.view -> repVC.view -> mail.view
For repVC, I use this line when I push the view so that even if I go switch tabs, that view will still be activated:
[(UIViewController *)[tabController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:0] setView:repVC.view];
But I can't do the same for mail because tabController is declared in another class which I cannot import. So I can't access the tabController and set the view for Tab01.
Hope the edit helped the understanding.
I still would suggest to use a Navigationcontroller. Would make things way easier, is conform to apple guidelines and suggestions and is pretty fast implemented. (Just create a Navigationcontroller, put the View of Tab1 as main view and hand it over to the TabbarController. Then for the mailView use [self.navigationController pushViewController:mail animated:YES]; Then the navcontroller "saves" the present view for you when u switch tabs)
But if for some Reason you have to use a modalViewcontroller you could either just deactivate the tabbar while the ModalView is shown or try to implement a switch or a simple if...else case in your ViewWillAppear where u check what screen to load.
Then Clean out the Window and load the right screen.
Hope you get the idea of what I mean, sometimes my way of writing seems to confuse people. ^^
A little more information would be great.
How did u set up your TabbarController?
How do u push the new view? Within a UINavigationController? If not, then do it with a navController, he should save the actual state of view and your problem should be solved.
If u already use a navController please post your ViewDidLoad and ViewWillAppear of the Viewcontroller of Tab 1
As #Amandir points out you could probably solve your problems by using a UINavigationController. I get a feeling that you are trying to abuse the modal view controller concept a bit and that's why it doesn't work as you expect. When you use presentModalViewController:animated: the intention should be that you are displaying a view that is modal, i.e. the user must interact and dismiss the modal view before she can continue.
What the paragraph above means that when you present a modal view controller it shouldn't be possible to use the tab bar. Since you are using the word push I'm guessing that you would like change the view of Tab01 while still being able to use the functionality of the tab bar. The problem is that there isn't any built-in method of pushing view controllers besides UINavigationController. persentModalViewController:animated: should only be used in case where you want a modal view, which on the iPhone means a full screen view.
The easiest way would probably be to use an UINavigationController and hide the navigation bar. Then you would get the functionality I think you are after. The other option is to manually add and remove sub views.
[self.view addSubview:repVC.view];
[repVC.view removeFromSuperview];
[self.view addSubview:mail.view];
You can use block animations if you want some fancy transitions.

UINavigationController return to first view

I am using a UINavigationController to slide from a UITableViewController to another view. In that second view I have created a custom "Back" button which is attached to an action.
What code do I use to return to dismiss the current view and slide back to my first view? I need something that is the equivalent to [super dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:true]; but obviously this is not a modal view.
Look at one of the following three methods on your navigation controller:
Depending on how you want to handle it of course. Generally one just uses the first method to go back to the last view (the one that pushed your current view onto the navigation stack).
Use popToRootViewControllerAnimated method in UINavigationController:
[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:animated];