i want to format as table an Array of PSObject my code is:
$object = #()
Foreach ($Alarm in Get-AlarmDefinition) {
Foreach ($AlarmAction in Get-AlarmAction -AlarmDefinition $Alarm) {
$obj = New-Object PSObject -property #{Definition = $Alarm.Name; Action =""; GY=""; YR=""; RY=""; YG=""}
Foreach ($AlarmActionTrigger in Get-AlarmActionTrigger -AlarmAction $AlarmAction) {
$obj.Action = $AlarmAction.ActionType
If ($AlarmActionTrigger.StartStatus -eq "Green") {
$obj.GY = $AlarmActionTrigger.Repeat
} Else {
If($AlarmActionTrigger.StartStatus -eq "Red") {
$obj.RY = $AlarmActionTrigger.Repeat
} Else {
If ($AlarmActionTrigger.EndStatus -eq "Green") {
$obj.YG = $AlarmActionTrigger.Repeat
} Else {
$obj.YR = $AlarmActionTrigger.Repeat
$object += $obj
$object | Format-Table Definition, Action,GY,YR,RY,YG -auto
But returns this error:
Can some please Help?
You may want to try setting up the format for the table before you call the "Format-Table"
Like this:
$myformat = #{Expression={$_.*one*};Label="*name*";width=10},
$Result = $object | Format-Table $myformat -Wrap | Out-String
Write-Host $Result
Microsoft's Documentation
I have an array of hashtables and I need to find if there are elements who has the same Name.
I have this HasDuplicate function which return True or False if the array contains duplicate or not.
What I am doing here is that I am iterating through each element and add Name of it to another array, and then check it if it exists. But this code does not looks good, and I was thinking if there is another way of achieving this
# object looks like this
$array = #(
#{ Name = 'First', Passed = $True }
#{ Name = 'First', Passed = $False }
Function HasDuplicate
$all = #()
foreach($item in $array)
$item_name = $item.Name
if($all -contains $item_name)
Write-Error "Duplicate name ""$item_name"""
return $True
$all += $item_name
return $False
Group-Object is probably the easiet, something like this:
$array = #(
#{ Name = 'First'; Passed = $True }
#{ Name = 'First'; Passed = $False }
$array.Name | Group-Object | Where-Object Count -GT 1
Another way you could do it using an hash table:
$array = #(
#{ Name = 'First'; Passed = $True }
#{ Name = 'First'; Passed = $False }
$h = #{}
$array | % {$h[$_.Name] += 1 }
$h.GetEnumerator() | Where value -GT 1
This might not be very good looking compared to the other answers, but you could just count your names in another hashtable then output the duplicates afterwards.
$array = #(
#{ Name = 'First'; Passed = $True }
#{ Name = 'First'; Passed = $False }
# Count names in array
$counts = #{}
foreach ($object in $array) {
$name = $object.Name
if (-not $counts.ContainsKey($name)) {
$counts[$name] = 0
$counts[$name] += 1
# Output duplicates
foreach ($name in $counts.Keys) {
if ($counts[$name] -gt 1) {
Write-Output ("Duplicate Name: " + $name)
Duplicate Name: First
I am trying to write the values of the PowerShell cmdlet Get-NetTCPConnection to an array but nothing is being written to the list.
$list= #()
$outputs = Get-NetTCPConnection
foreach ($output in $outputs) {
$obj = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
TheLocalAddress = "EMPTY"
TheLocalPort = "EMPTY"
TheRemoteAddress = "EMPTY"
TheRemotePort = "EMPTY"
$obj.TheLocalAddress = $output.LocalAddress
$obj.TheLocalPort = $output.LocalPort
$obj.TheRemoteAddress = $output.RemoteAddress
$obj.TheRemotePort = $output.RemotePort
$list += $obj
If the prefix The isn't required for the properties, why not use
$list = Get-NetTCPConnection | Select-Object LocalAddress,LocalPort,RemoteAddress,RemotePort
Or a more efficient [PSCustomObject] ?
$list = foreach ($Conn in Get-NetTCPConnection) {
TheLocalAddress = $Conn.LocalAddress
TheLocalPort = $Conn.LocalPort
TheRemoteAddress = $Conn.RemoteAddress
TheRemotePort = $Conn.RemotePort
I would like to find all cells in a range based on a property value using EPPlus. Let's say I need to find all cells with bold text in an existing spreadsheet. I need to create a function that will accept a configurable properties parameter but I'm having trouble using a property stored in a variable:
$cellobject = $ws.cells[1,1,10,10]
$properties = 'Style.Font.Bold'
None of these work and cause a call depth overflow.
If this way wont work, is there something in the library I can use?
Edited: To show the final solution I updated the function with concepts provided by HanShotFirst...
function Get-CellObject($ExcelSheet,[string]$PropertyString,[regex]$Value){
#First you have to get the last row with text,
#solution for that is not provided here...
$Row = Get-LastUsedRow -ExcelSheet $ExcelSheet -Dimension $true
while($Row -gt 0){
$range = $ExcelSheet.Cells[$Row, 1, $Row, $ExcelSheet.Dimension.End.Column]
foreach($cellObject in $range){
if($PropertyString -like '*.*'){
$PropertyArr = $PropertyString.Split('.')
$thisObject = $cellObject
foreach($Property in $PropertyArr){
$thisObject = $thisObject.$Property
if($thisObject -match $Value){
if($cellObject.$PropertyString -match $Value){
#The ExcelSheet parameter takes a worksheet object
Get-CellObject -ExcelSheet $ws -Property 'Style.Font.Bold' -Value 'True'
Dot walking into properties does not really work with a string. You need to separate the layers of properties. Here is an example for an object with three layers of properties.
# create object
$props = #{
first = #{
second = #{
third = 'test'
$obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $props
# outputs "test"
# does not work
# outputs "test"
$a = 'first'
$b = 'second'
$c = 'third'
In your example this would be something like this:
$cellobject = $ws.cells[1,1,10,10]
$p1 = 'Style'
$p2 = 'Font'
$p3 = 'Bold'
Or you can do it a bit dynamic. This should produce the same result:
$cellobject = $ws.cells[1,1,10,10]
$props = 'Style.Font.Bold'.Split('.')
$result = $cellobject
foreach ($prop in $props) {
$result = $result.$prop
And since its Friday, here is a function for it :)
function GetValue {
param (
if ($PropertyString -like '*.*') {
$props = $PropertyString.Split('.')
$result = $InputObject
foreach ($prop in $props) {
$result = $result.$prop
} else {
$result = $InputObject.$PropertyString
# then call the function
GetValue -InputObject $cellobject -PropertyString 'Style.Font.Bold'
So currently, I know you can grab an account using the ldap filter for something like $adSearchFilter = "(&(objectCategory=User)(samAccountType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=805306368)(SamAccountName='Account1')). Is there a way the ldap filter will allow you to pass through a list of names, like instead of using = I can use something like -contains?
Below is the code, and as you can see, it searches one user at a time for the whole search process in a foreach loop...
Function GetUsersInfoFromDomain
Param ([String]$searchPropertyName, [String[]]$searchPropertyValues, [String[]]$DcWithCred,[String]$domainShortName, [String[]]$userProperties)
$queryTable = #()
ForEach ($searchPropertyValue in $searchPropertyValues)
$adSearchFilter = "(&(objectCategory=User)(samAccountType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=805306368)($searchPropertyName=$searchPropertyValue))"
Write-Host "Searching domain $domainShortName with $searchPropertyName $searchPropertyValue"
$searchDomainResultsTable = powershell -command {
Param ([String]$adSearchFilter, [String[]]$userProperties,[String[]]$DcWithCred, [String]$domainShortName)
[string]$DC = $DcWithCred[0]
[string]$Username = $DcWithCred[1]
[string]$Password = $DcWithCred[2]
[string]$domain = "LDAP://$DC"
$adDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($domain, $Username, $Password)
$adSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($adDomain)
$adSearcher.Filter = $adSearchFilter
$adSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.AddRange($userProperties) | out-Null
$userRecords = $adSearcher.FindAll()
$adSearcher.Dispose() | Out-Null
[System.GC]::Collect() | Out-Null
# The AD results are converted to an array of hashtables.
$userPropertiesTable = #()
foreach($record in $userRecords) {
$hashUserProperty = #{}
foreach($userProperty in $userProperties){
if (($userProperty -eq 'objectGUID') -or ($userProperty -eq 'objectSid') -or ($userProperty -eq 'msExchMasterAccountSid')) {
if ($record.Properties[$userProperty]) {
$hashUserProperty.$userProperty = $record.Properties[$userProperty][0]
} else {
$hashUserProperty.$userProperty = $null
} Else {
if ($record.Properties[$userProperty]) {
$hashUserProperty.$userProperty = ($record.Properties[$userProperty] -join '; ').trim('; ')
} else {
$hashUserProperty.$userProperty = $null
} #end Else
} #end ForEach
$userPropertiesTable += New-Object PSObject -Property $hashUserProperty
} #end ForEach
[System.GC]::Collect() | Out-Null
# Fixes the property values to be a readable format before exporting to csv file
$listOfBadDateValues = '9223372036854775807', '9223372036854770000', '0'
$maxDateValue = '12/31/1600 5:00 PM'
$valuesToFix = #('lastLogonTimestamp', 'AccountExpires', 'LastLogon', 'pwdLastSet', 'objectGUID', 'objectSid', 'msExchMasterAccountSid')
$extraPropertyValues = #('Domain Name')
$valuesToFixCounter = 0
$extraPropertyValuesCounter = 0
$valuesToFixFound = #($false, $false, $false, $false, $false, $false, $false)
$extraPropertyValuesFound = #($false)
ForEach ($valueToFix in $valuesToFix)
if ($userProperties -contains $valueToFix)
$valuesToFixFound[$valuesToFixCounter] = $true
ForEach ($extraPropertyValue in $extraPropertyValues)
if ($userProperties -contains $extraPropertyValue)
$extraPropertyValuesFound[$extraPropertyValuesCounter] = $true
$tableFixedValues = $userPropertiesTable | % {
if ($valuesToFixFound[0]) {
if ($_.lastLogonTimestamp) {
$_.lastLogonTimestamp = ([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.lastLogonTimestamp)).ToString('g')
}; if ($valuesToFixFound[1]) {
if (($_.AccountExpires) -and ($listOfBadDateValues -contains $_.AccountExpires)) {
$_.AccountExpires = ""
} else {
if (([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.AccountExpires)).ToString('g') -eq $maxDateValue) {
$_.AccountExpires = ""
} Else {
$_.AccountExpires = ([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.AccountExpires)).ToString('g')
}; if ($valuesToFixFound[2]) {
if (($_.LastLogon) -and ($listOfBadDateValues -contains $_.LastLogon)) {
$_.LastLogon = ""
} else {
if (([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)).ToString('g') -eq $maxDateValue) {
$_.LastLogon = ""
} Else {
$_.LastLogon = ([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)).ToString('g')
}; if ($valuesToFixFound[3]) {
if (($_.pwdLastSet) -and ($listOfBadDateValues -contains $_.pwdLastSet)) {
$_.pwdLastSet = ""
} else {
if (([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.pwdLastSet)).ToString('g') -eq $maxDateValue) {
$_.pwdLastSet = ""
} Else {
$_.pwdLastSet = ([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.pwdLastSet)).ToString('g')
}; if ($valuesToFixFound[4]) {
if ($_.objectGUID) {
$_.objectGUID = ([guid]$_.objectGUID).Guid
} Else {
$_.objectGUID = ""
}; if ($valuesToFixFound[5]) {
if ($_.objectSid) {
$_.objectSid = (New-Object Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($_.objectSid, 0)).Value
} Else {
$_.objectSid = ""
}; if ($valuesToFixFound[6]) {
if ($_.msExchMasterAccountSid) {
$_.msExchMasterAccountSid = (New-Object Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($_.msExchMasterAccountSid, 0)).Value
} Else {
$_.msExchMasterAccountSid = ""
}; If ($extraPropertyValuesFound[0]) {
If (!($_.'Domain Name')) {
$_.'Domain Name' = $domainShortName
[System.GC]::Collect() | Out-Null
$sortedTableColumns = $tableFixedValues | Select-Object $userProperties
[System.GC]::Collect() | Out-Null
return $sortedTableColumns
} -args $adSearchFilter, $userProperties, $DcWithCred, $domainShortName
[System.GC]::Collect() | Out-Null
Write-Host "Search Complete."
Write-Host ""
if ($searchDomainResultsTable)
$queryTable += $searchDomainResultsTable
} # End ForEach Loop
Write-Host 'Exporting domain search results to table...'
Write-Output $queryTable
I thought about doing something like $adSearchFilter += "($searchPropertyName=$searchPropertyValue)". However due to the 10mb limit - What is the LDAP filter string length limit in Active Directory?, I'm not sure if this would be the best method while looking up 200,000++ users.
Does anyone know a way to pass a list instead of 1 string value per search?
LDAP doesn't have a -contains-like statement, but you can use the OR operator (|) to construct a filter expression that matches multiple exact values:
This is how I would build the filter string:
$FilterTemplate = '(&(objectCategory=User)(samAccountType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=805306368){0})'
$ClauseTemplate = "($searchPropertyName={0})"
$AllClauses = $searchPropertyValues |ForEach-Object { $ClauseTemplate -f $_ }
$adSearchFilter = $FilterTemplate -f $($AllClauses -join '')
That being said, why would you pass 200000 specific values to search for in a single search? LDAP supports wildcard matching (eg. (samaccountname=*)).
In any case, you could calculate the final size of your string, by calling Encoding.GetByteCount on the biggest string in $AllClauses, and then use that to partition the array (let's cap it at 9.5 MB to be on the safe side):
$LongestString = $AllClauses |Sort -Property Length |Select -Last 1
$LongestByteCount = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetByteCount($LongestString)
if(($LongestByteCount * $AllClauses.Count) -gt 9.5MB)
$MaxCount = [int](9.5MB / $LongestByteCount)
for($i = 0; $i -lt $AllClauses.Count; $i += $MaxCount)
$ClauseSubset = $AllClauses[$i..$($i + $MaxCount - 1)]
$adSearchFilter = $FilterTemplate -f $($ClauseSubset -join '')
# Do your search
I am using the following to get the status of tracert
Currently it stores it in a New-Object psobject but the problem I am running into is that when I try and filter on Status wanting just to return Success I get the following returned instead #{Status=Success}, how can I remove the #{Status=} from around the results?
function Invoke-Trace() {
$BeginHop = 1,
$EndHop = 30,
$timeout = 1000,
$addrtype = [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork;
if($v6.ispresent) {
$addrtype = [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetworkV6;
$targetIPActual = $null;
if(![net.ipaddress]::TryParse($targetIP, [ref]$targetIPActual)) {
$target = [net.dns]::GetHostEntry($targetIP);
$targetIPActual = $target.addresslist | where {$_.addressfamily -eq $addrtype} | select -First 1
} else {
$target = New-Object psobject -Property #{"HostName" = $targetIP.tostring()}
for($i = $BeginHop; $i -lt $EndHop; $i++) {
$ping = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.ping;
$pingo = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions $i, $true;
$sendbytes = #([byte][char]'a'..[byte][char]'z');
$pr = $ping.Send($targetIPActual, $timeout, $sendbytes, $pingo);
try {
$rtn = New-Object psobject -Property #{
"IP" = $pr.Address;
"RoundtripTime" = $pr.RoundtripTime;
"Status" = $pr.Status;
} catch {
$rtn = New-Object psobject -Property #{
"IP" = "*";
"RoundtripTime" = $pr.RoundtripTime;
"Status" = $pr.Status;
try {
if($GetHostname.ispresent) {
Add-Member -InputObject $rtn -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hostname -Value ([net.dns]::GetHostEntry($pr.Address).hostname)
} catch{}
try {
if($pr.Address.tostring() -eq $targetIPActual) { break; }
} catch{}
If your $rtn is a PSObject and you want to just return one property of it, then don't return the whole object. The line above #$pr is where your object is being returned, so you could do this instead:
It's a bit unclear to me why you're putting it in that object in the first place since you don't seem to want to use it, but I'm just going to assume you have a reason and give you this quick answer. Feel free to edit your question and clarify if there's something that might be missing.