Use Qt4 widget in Qt5, without recompiling - plugins

I have written some code that relies on the Qt4 library and was using it in some projects. It deals with displaying PDFs, printing and so on and employs the poppler library
My new project is made using Qt5, and I need those functionalities in it.
My qt4 library is represented by DLL that simply returns an object of QWidget-derived class.
Is it possible to use this QWidget inside my new qt5 project? Maybe after some wrapping?
Also, while exploring this issue I came by to Qt plugins. I haven't researched this field yet, but may be it's possible to resolve the problem using them?
Thanks in advance.

Qt 4 and Qt 5 are not binary compatible, so no, you can't use the widget directly. Using both Qt 4 and Qt 5 inside the same application sounds like a dangerous idea...
The best bet is of course porting libpoppler to Qt 5 (have you evaluated how complex such a port would be? Probably not too much). The second best would've been using QX11Embed, but those classes are currently missing from Qt 5, awaiting for someone to port them to QPA / XCB.


How to use GtkSocket in Windows OS?

New to Gtk. I tried to compile a GtkSocket example in c, but it gives error unknow type name 'GtkSocket'.
Is it supported in Windows OS?
If not, is there any way I can embed gvim in a gtk+3 applicaton?
Also is there any link where can I know which Gtk feature is supported on which OS?
From reference manual:
The GtkPlug and GtkSocket widgets are now X11-specific, and you have
to include the gtk/gtkx.h header to use them.
Afaik, there is no list of features supported by which backend/os. For APIs difference, GtkSocket is pretty much the biggest difference. But there are several backend specific APIs, usually with a different namespace, such as x11/win32.. This is quite common with portable libraries.
I don't know a proper way to embed an application on win32. There are other stackoverflow questions about this, since this is not gtk specific. For example QT How to embed an application into QT widget that you could adapt to Gtk+ application.

XLET - how to create a simple xlet MHP javax.TV

I'm trying to create my first xlet project.
Can you help me?
I don't know which library I need to download.
What kind of project I have to create? (I'm using netbeans)
This site has a lot of useful info:
You can use XletView to view your Xlet.
You will need to get a hold on the various API's, which is somewhat troublesome (I've heard).
But there are also other ways of getting them. For example, if you own PowerDVD, you'll be able to find BDJ.jar somewhere in that package. Add that to your classpath, and you'll be able to compile your Xlet.
If you're running Windows, you can probably develop Xlets with JavaME SDK 3.0 too (sadly not available for Linux though).

Scala on iOS using Avian

There is a relatively-new lightweight JVM called Avian that can produce executables for iOS targets.
There isn't too much documentation on the website (and not much can be found searching with Google). I was wondering if anybody was aware of a step-by-step tutorial on how to get a basic Scala program running on iOS, using Avian.
Another alternative JVM to iOS compiler is RoboVM. Although it is at an early stage, it looks quite promising, with examples on how to compile Scala for iOS.
EDIT This was an old answer, valid at that time, but, as #JamesMoore points out, RoboVM is no more. What looks very promising now, and may well be the way to run Scala code in iOS in the near future is Scala Native
Compiled Scala sources are completely standard class files. You should be able to follow the instructions (look for “Embedding”) on the website without large changes, just treat scala-library.jar as a dependency of your code.
I managed to bootstrap the complete compiler and the standard library running on Avian a few days ago.
Some parts might still be a bit rough around the edges, e. g. there is one mandatory fix which will be part of the next release of Scala (2.10.1) but is not in 2.10.0. If you want to play with it right now, you need to use a nightly build until 2.10.1 is released.
If you encounter any additional issues, please report them!
I may not need it anymore, now that Oracle is making JavaFX open-source on iOS and Android!
EDIT: Oracle updated the article to announce that they will not release a JVM, so it looks like JavaFX+Avian may be the way to go.
Running Java byte code on iOS (not-rooted) is not only running that or those JVM. As far as I understand iOS memory management doesn't allow executable memory pages to be writable in user mode. That basically prohibits any JIT compilation.
So even if it's possible to run some compiled (either from Java or Scala) classes on specific Java VM I would carefully check how this VM supports Ahead-Of-Time compilation in order to be runnable on iOS.
As I have seen Avian AOT works well on a desktop. For iOS you will have to check it yourself, although the project looks promising in AOT area.

Porting app from LWUIT to CodenameOne

I have 3 apps developed in LWUIT using the Resource editor and adding more functionallity with Netbeans. I want to port them to codenameone. What is the best way to do that?
I see that the navite Componentsfrom LWUIT have an equivalent Componentin codenameone, but J2ME methods and classes , now have to be ported to J2SE, is that right?
The methods in the StateMachineBase have changed too. showForm() for example, doesn't exist now.What further changes are in StateMachineBase?
Start by creating a new Codename One project then just copy your source code/resource files and fix the import statements.
You can't use the MIDP API's anymore (and you can't use J2SE either), there are new API's and a new lifecycle object which you can use for pretty much everything. showForm does exist and wasn't modified, I'm not exactly sure why you didn't find it.
Generally Codename One is much simpler since it doesn't have the project hierarchy issue and you don't need to deal with MIDP/RIM/Android differences. Its all handled for you.

C++ static library to be used in XCode

This is probably not a simple question so I am not looking for a definite answer but just some pointers to get me in the right direction.
I have absolutely no experience with C/C++ but have good knowledge of Objective-C. I also don't know much about different compilers and architectures so please be nice if I am talking stupid :)
I have some MatLab code that needs to be ported to Objective-C to run on an iPhone application. My first tentative path to get this done would be to check if MatLab can export the code as a static C/C++ library that I can call from within my Objective-C code.
This seems to be the case but I am not entirely sure what to do next, and what things I need to keep in mind when compiling the library on the MatLab side (i.e. architecture, compatibility, PC vs Mac, etc).
I have been provided with a .DLL and .LIB files which I believe are Windows compiled so they will not be useful for me, is this correct? From working with previous static libraries I can see they all have a .a extension - what do I need to do to get one that is compatible with the iPhone architecture?
And once I get the library compiled, how to I import and use it within my project? Will I just be able to call the public methods directly from within my code?
What else do I need to know or be aware of?
Any help is very much appreciated!
Static libraries contain binary code tailored for some specific operating system and platform. That means that it will use the OS to internally acquire memory (if it uses dynamic memory) or to perform any other OS specific operation (logging, output).
Even if the generated code was completely OS-agnostic (basic math could be implemented without OS support), the platform is completely different, matlab will generate code for an intel platform and the iPhone runs in an ARM architecture, with a different instruction set calling conventions...
Unless matlab is able to generate static libraries for the iPhone or at the very least for an ARM platform and make it OS-agnostic, you are out of luck.