Running Octave in TextMate - matlab

I am trying to use Octave within TextMate. I have installed the appropriate bundles, and have Octave installed. I am able to run Octave from within the Terminal, but would like to run programs from within TextMate itself. When I hit Build and Run, I get an error stating that the directory I am using does not contain an Xcode project, and an attempt to build with Xcode that fails.
My files are in .m format, and I've successfully used TextMate for other programming languages. Does anyone know why I can't get it to run with Octave?

You might find this useful:

.m is typically used as an file extension for Objective-C source files, so it seems like TextMate interprets it accordingly. You could see if the correct bundle is used and, if neccessary, deactivate the Objective-C bundle.


How to run a .mexw64 file on Mac?

I've downloaded a file (ListFunc.mexw64) containing some functions I'd like to use in my algorithm. I am using Mac OS but, it seems incompatible with OS as well as the MATLAB software itself.
Is there a way to get it to work or to see the content of the file?
A mexw64 file is compiled for Win64 systems, the equivalent extension for macOS is mexmaci64 - this file simply wasn't meant to be used on a macOS.
You should try to contact the authors of the file and ask them to recompile it for Mac, or ask for the source code and compile it yourself, according to these instructions.

Using OpenCV with Matlab: mex does not find header files

I am trying to connect Matlab and OpenCV following this tutorial:
Since I work on a Linux system I can't follow the instructions for the mexopts.bat file since the Linux equivalent ( seems to be rather different and i find none of the options mentioned in the tutorial in the file.
So I try to set the options in Matlab.
I downloaded the most recent OpenCV Version (2.4.8) and compiled it according to the instructions on their site ( without the make install).
The structure of the OpenCV directory seems to be a problem, since there are multiple include directories and I was unsure which to specify.
there was a lot of pointless code here which has all been made superfluous as #Peter made me aware that I simply misunderstood how make/make install worked.
"Without the make install" is the problem. The include files and built libraries are scattered all over the source tree, as determined by the build system. make install collects all the headers that are appropriate for use by users of the library and puts them in one directory for including. It does the same with the libraries themselves. make install may also "strip" the libraries, which drastically reduces the size and improves the load time.
If you don't want the installation in a system directory, you can set the install path to be somewhere in your home directory.

Linking MATLAB to a DLL library

I am trying to execute some example code from a MATLAB toolkit, 'oscmex'. This toolkit allows for communication using the OSC protocol over MATLAB. I presume this question is non-specific; it should apply to any toolkit that is set-up in the manner that this one is.
Reasons aside, I'm having some simple trouble getting the toolkit up and running. The toolkit comes with no documentation whatsoever; just a set of six DLL files (in one directory), and a set of four MATLAB '.m' example code files (in another directory). Every toolkit I've used in the past has either been a built-in kit or has had an intuitive (semi-automated) install procedure.
After downloading the toolkit, the first thing I tried was to simply run one of the '.M' example codes. This failed as the first line of the code contained the function osc(), which is not (currently) recognised by MATLAB.
So, I figured maybe I need to move the '.M' files into the same folder as the DLLs; perhaps MATLAB would see the functions inside the DLLs. No dice.
So, I realise that I have to somehow link MATLAB to the DLLs on startup. I tried adding the DLLs to a folder and adding an entry to that in the 'pathdef.m' file. This also failed.
I've read somewhere I can load a DLL file by using the loadlibrary() function. So, I tried doing this for the DLL files. This failed on the first file:
>> loadlibrary('osc_free_address.dll')
Error using loadlibrary>lFullPath (line 587)
Could not find file osc_free_address.h.
I'm starting to run out of options... How can I get this set of DLLs up and running?
Browsing this library's web page it would seems these DLLs are just old form of mex files.
Therefore, they should not be used in the context of shared library (e.g., using loadlibrary and calllib), but rather compiled directly to mex files.
To do so, I would suggest the following steps:
Make sure you have a working mex compiler configured for your Matlab.
In matlab, type:
>> mex -setup
this will guide you through the configuration process. I understand that you are working on a windows machine, I usually work with visual studio compiler - works best for me.
This library's README file suggests that OSC
requires liblo 0.22 or later. See
Make sure you have this library and it is located in you LD_LIBRARY_PATH (see e.g., this question for details, or the mex docs).
Get the source code for OSC library from their repository.
Compile the sources in matlab using
>> mex -O -largeArrayDims osc_free_address.c
>> mex -O -largeArrayDims osc_free_server.c
and so on for all 7 c source files. After mex-ing the c files you'll have mex files that you can run from Matlab as if they were regular functions.
You may find it useful to use the library's make file, as suggested by Andrew Mao.
Good luck,
If you look at the build for that software, it is compiling mex files, not DLLs (shared libraries):
I would try using the mex commands instead of the dll commands (perhaps the files are just misnamed.) Even better, I would compile the files yourself with mex using the build file in source.
Note that the instructions also say that you need liblo-0.22 in order to run the library, so make sure you have that accessible as well.
I took a look at your OSC Toolkit. It seems they have been compiled by MATLAB mex. But, it is not mentioned for which kind of architecture they have been built. You can type mexext at MATLAB command prompt to find the extension for your MATLAB mex files. Then, change the DLL extensions to the given extension. If the original mex is compatible with your matlab, the DLL can be easily accessed by MATLAB. Just make sure to add the folder to your MATLAB path.
Try changing the extension from .dll to .mexw32 (in win32), or .wexw64 (in win64). It's a long shot but it might work.
The Shared Libraries cannot be used directly. As you have mentioned, you need to load them into MATLAB using loadlibrary. According to the documentation, loadlibrary takes two arguments (at least). The first argument is the name of the file, and the second one is the header file which contains definition of functions and external variables. If you do not provide the header file, the MATLAB looks for the a file with the same name as the DLL. Having said that, you need to have access to the header file or at least if you know how the function looks like, you need to write a header for the DLL.
I have worked with the DLLs in MATLAB. The MATLAB is not very user-friendly as long as DLL is concerned. Especially, if the DLL is written in a language other than C (or C++) you will have trouble loading the function into MATLAB.
Besides, MATLAB can only support some specific DLLs. Based, on your version of MATLAB, you need to find out whether or not the shared library is supported by MATLAB. Have a look at Here
In a nutshell, it is not easy to load a DLL into MATLAB. You need to have some information from DLL.

How to run the PJSIP in xcode?

I'm new with XCode and still trying to understand objective-C. I'm using xcode 4.3.2, and I have to create an app that integrates with PJSIP.
I found this link. I am still confused about that link, because the article said that we must have installed the command line tool. But the command line tool is already installed in my XCode. How can i use it?
Do I need to create a view base application? how can I run the command line tool like the link says?
The command line tools allow you to compile "traditional UNIX programs" from source, generally using make. If you are using Xcode to create your projects then you don't even need them installed.
EDIT OK you have edited your question, stating the real issue you are facing; You don't know how to use the PJSIP package you have installed. The link you reference is about building PJSIP, not using it, so you can still forget about the command line and concentrate on how to configure your Xcode project to use PJSIP. This will require setting the header search paths and library search paths to find the header files and library file, in order to compile and link against it. Hopefully it's a static library as that will be easier to use; if it's a dynamic library or framework then you have your work cut-out as that's much harder to use.
In newer XCode (4.3 or above) you might have to install command line tools since it has been made optional. Open XCode and go to XCode->Preferences
Open the Downloads panel and click on "Components". If Command Line Tools are not installed already, you will get an option to install them from here.
Do so and you are set.
I done with it by myself. if you face the same problem, you can refer to this link, I already tried and run it. It works both on simulator and device. thanks.

What is a makefile in iPhone development environment?

i have been developing iPhone apps for a few months now, i have gone through some examples of some iphone open source apps which have "makeFile" file in them. Just like cydia has got here
Cydia Source Code
i googled for it but couldnt get any satisfactory explanation of it. All explanations are somewhat complex.
Can somebody please explain me in simple language what this makefile is?
In Xcode, you select "Build" from the menu and it compiles your project. A Makefile does the same thing, except from the command line. A Makefile contains information about which files need to be rebuilt if you change a certain file.
Makefiles are nice because they work on a very wide variety of systems.
A make file is like an executable in windows. It has a preset list of commands to run in order to "make" your application work and it can manage your dependencies so you don't have to constantly respecify them. The alternative to a make file is running the application in a console.
The problem with running applications in a command line is that you may need to repeatedly specify all the project parameters whenever you want to run an application. Another downside to running an application from the command line is that you have to open the terminal/dos in order to run your application. Most end users of you application are not going to want to have to do this. Having a makefile makes starting up your application as easy as clicking on a makefile.
The main difference between a makefile and other files like .exe is they are platform independant and can be run in multiple operating systems.