Distribution through Apple Enterprise : employees only? - iphone

Take the situation in which I have created a number of apps and would like to distribute it to people for testing, but without having to know their UUID. Each app would only be distributed to a few people but I don't want to have to ask for their UUID.
Does the enterprise distribution program support this? So that I can archive and distribute the app without specifying UUIDs to people who are non-employees?

The enterprise distribution program does allow you to distribute apps to select users without knowing their UUID. The iOS Enterprise Distribution guide explains everything you need to know to distribute apps outside of the app store. In short, you can host your app on a web server that requires authentication.
Check out this link for more information http://help.apple.com/iosdeployment-apps/mac/1.1/


How to create in-house app store for iPad

We are planning to create multiple apps for our different customers. For the distribution of the same, we are thinking if we can create an app-store of our own and ask the clients to get the apps from that space. Also, can I control the visibility of these apps so that client A doesn't see an app which is visible for client B?
Also, in such scenrios, how can I push updates of the application to the consumers?
I'm not sure, if this falls in Enterprise Distribution as the application is not within the company boundaries but for an external audience.
Thanks in advance.
Apple does not allow in-house App stores for distributing apps to other than the employees of an Enterprise enrolled iOS Developer. Thus in-house App stores can not be used for an external audience.
Ad Hoc deployment is limited to 100 devices per year, so is probably unsuitable for this as well.
The alternatives are to have each customer enroll as an Enterprise developer under their own name, and create their own app store behind their own employee-only firewall; or for you to try and distribute the apps in Apple's public App store, which means that downloading can not be restricted to only particular clients.

how to create binary which can be installed in all iphones without creating App Store or Ad Hoc?

i want to create an application which will not launch in AppStore but all my clients can install my application in their devices. the problem is that i do not have all my clients devices UDID. how they can insert my application because i can't create Ad Hoc since i do not have all my clients UDID and i do not want to create an App Store binary.
Please tell me this is possible or not.?
Use InHouse distribution, see
In short, you'll need an Enterprise account. With it, you can create inhouse-distributions that work the same as ad-hoc (i.e. you can distribute them directly or via Over-the-air), except that you don't need to specify UDIDs.
However, since this is a major security "flaw" you have to make sure that everyone who downloads/gets this app is properly authenticated one way or another.
Important: If your clients are not members or subcompanies of your company, I'd check the legal status of using InHouse distribution for this. I'm not sure myself.
If you can turn your app into a web app, then yes you can do it.
But assuming you are talking about a native iOS app, and you don't want to require clients to jailbreak their phones, then no, Apple have a single distribution channel and that's the App Store.
If your clients are 'internal' clients, ie you want to distribute within your own organisation, then the enterprise program is an option for you;
If your clients are large, and want to buy in volume and then re-distribute internally, another option may be the custom B2B program;

How do we publish our ios application for only our customers via our servers?

We have an application which will be used only by customers nationwide and for this reason we do not want to put the application on appstore. Shortly we want to publish it on one of our servers like a zip file then the customers will connect to that server and download the application. Yesterday when I called to apple support, one of the customer represantatives said to me that this is not possible even if we choose the enterprise license. But today I found a link which it says it can be possible. http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#featuredarticles/FA_Wireless_Enterprise_App_Distribution/Introduction/Introduction.html
Now, I want to know that is there anybody had same problem in here? What are the differences between enterprise license and company license? And the most important is that how can we do what we want to do if it is possible?
It's not officially possible.
You could try Enterprise distribution as others have mention, though it's not designed for distribution outside your company. I'm not saying it will happen, but if Apple find you're doing it they might close your developer account. I've never heard of that happening; only you can decide whether it's an acceptible risk.
Apple would say that you should put the app in the App Store. Unless Apple would reject your app I don't see why this wouldn't work. You don't have to make it easy to find and you don't have to make it cheap.
You can limit it to your customers by requiring a log in. Many, many apps do this, from Salesforce to Skype to Twitter.
Your options are:
Use solutions like TestFlight (free AFAIK) and HockeyApp (paid
service / 1 month free trial) which use UDIDs for app distribution - they
allow seamless ad-hoc distributions.
Use Apple's corporate license ($99/yr) + enterprise license
($299/yr) at the same time and use the latter to distribute your
betas/products without managing UDIDs (i.e. anyone with a link to
your server can install the app, but you can introduce serial numbers etc.).
NOTE: using enterprise license obliges user to not share the app
outside the company, but most companies breach the license agreement
(sharing the apps outside company is not traceable AFAIK).
If you plan to distribute your app outside App Store, option 2 with enterprise license is a way to go, but mind the license agreement on other hand.
The Apple representitive was wrong.
With an enterprise account you can sign an application using an enterprise distribution certificate and provisioning profile, which lets the app run on any device with no restrictions.
You can also use Over-The-Air distribution which lets people install the app through a simple http link in Safari (for example).
We use this a lot at my workplace. We have hundreds of people around the world using our (private) apps, all installed via safari.
The standard Corporate license only lets you manage a maximum of 100 devices on your developer account, but if you take this route you can still use Over-The-Air distribution with an ad-hoc distribution certificate/profile. But you have to manage each device id yourself.
If the cost of the enterprise account is not too much for you, that is definitely the route to take.
It's like Apple said, not possible.
You can add device to the ad-hoc profile, this will allow your app to run on 100 device maximum.
You can use the Enterprise license but you will still need to register the device before the app can be installed and there is still a a maximum.
See the comment of Mike Weller.
you can generate your OTA(Over-The-Air) file in which you set your appropriate profile(with client`s UDID) and send that link to your client and easily provide your update.with using little bit help of your web-developer.check here.
hope this is helpful to you mate...

Iphone dev app for companies

Lets say I have a client that wishes me to build a business app for the iphone. I would still need to enroll to the standard developer program so that the app can be installed on real devices and the only way for my client to install the app is through the app store? I cannot just distribute it to my client directly?
I'm just reading about how to start developing for iphone, so i'm a total noob. Any information is appreciated.
Yes you do need a developer license. No you can distribute it directly if you have each device setup on your account to do so. I am also pretty sure apple has a special license that makes it easier for handling enterprise applications you might want to send them an email to ask about it.
Ok I found a link. It is more expensive the normal but this is definitely what you want for your company. It lets you do adhoc distribution across your company.
You need a developer certificate to put an app on any iOS device with a stock OS.
What kind of certificate and how many you need depends on the type and amount of distribution you require, and the size of your client's company.
You most likely will need to join the iOS developer program ($99/annum) yourself to install and test your apps as you develop them. In addition you can deploy Ad Hoc installations for up to 100 devices (including your own, your testers, your clients, plus, very importantly, including all repair replacements and upgrade devices).
Your client may not need any license if they only want a few copies and are willing to have you renew your Ad Hoc installs a few times per year.
If your client wishes to deploy an app in their own name outside their company or through the iTunes App store, then they need to apply to the iOS developer program themselves.
If your client is large enough to have a published Dunn & Bradstreet rating, and wishes to deploy only to their employees, then they can apply to the more expensive Enterprise iOS Developer program, and run their own internal app store.

Does an iPhone Enterprise provisioning profile need to specify phone UUIDs like an ad-hoc provisioning profile does?

We are an iPhone Developer Program member. We've got a DUNS number but not the 500 employees necessary to join the iPhone Developer Enterprise Program. Therefore I can can't see how things exactly operate for the Enterprise level. But we have customers that are big enough to be Enterprise developers and we could distribute our applications to them, and let them build and distribute them on their own. Ideally they could build our app, and distribute it and the associated enterprise distribution provisioning profile via their web site, and users could install both via iTunes.
But... do they need to put every potential user's iPhone UUID in the enterprise distribution provisioning profile as we have to do as individual developers when we do ad-hoc distribution? I am thinking that they don't (have to include all UUIDs) but can't really find anything that specifically says this. Does anyone have experience with this and could shed some light on it, even better with pointers to where this is detailed or explained?
Using an iOS Enterprise Program distribution deployment method does NOT require you to enter every device id.
All you need is a distribution certificate for signing and a provisioning profile built for it. Note that ANYONE that has the profile can run the app on their device, although you can revoke the profile if necessary.
You are also given the standard test and Ad Hoc deployment mechanisms as with the standard Development Program. The Ad Hoc is limited to 100 devices, which I don't understand, but anyway, there it is.
In September 2010, the program was modified by Apple to allow any organization with a DUNS number to apply. Prior to this date, only organizations of 500 or more employees were allowed to join the program. This change should provide much wider access to development of "enterprise apps". See http://www.apperian.com/technotes/Apple_iOS_Enterprise_Developer_Program.html for more information.