Change UInavigationbar title back page - iphone

i have two screen. i want click button first screen after navigation bar change in second screen.
i using storyboards
first screen code
-(IBAction) ChangeSecondPageTitle: (id) sender {
SecondViewController *second=[[self storyboard] instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"second"];
[self presentModalViewController:second animated:YES];
second screen.h
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UINavigationBar *detailTitle;

I guessing you are trying to set title for your second screen navigation bar.
Use a navigation controller to present your second screen.
In SecondDetailViewController instance, maintain a NSString property.
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *navBarTitle;
In viewDidLoad, just set the title.
[self setTitle:navBarTitle];

Actually the reason your code is not working is you set the property to your nav bar and then your viewDidLoad get called. In viewDidLoad it loads the nib file and return new allocated navBar. So to Solve this take a global string set it from first view and then in second in viewDidLoad set your navbar's title. Follow
Adithya's answer for that.

In second screen declare a property
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *newTitle;
and in viewDidLoad
self.title = _newTitle;
and in your first screen
second.newTitle = #"NEW_TITLE";


iOS 6 issue during setting text on a label

I've a problem with some label. I made a public method that takes information from a table view and shows this info in 3 label, a text view and it load a pic from the web. I setup all the variable in the table view didSelectRowAtIndexPath method, but I'm having some issue to display that info. I made so:
in the table view controller I called the other method so:
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
self.detailCharacterViewController = [[DetailCharacterViewController alloc] init];
[self.detailCharacterViewController setupDetailViewControllerWithName:[self.arrayCharacters[indexPath.row] objectForKey:#"name"] andSurname:[self.arrayCharacters[indexPath.row] objectForKey:#"surname"] andKind:[self.arrayCharacters[indexPath.row] objectForKey:#"kind"] andDescription:[self.arrayCharacters[indexPath.row] objectForKey:#"description"] andImage:[self.arrayCharacters[indexPath.row] objectForKey:#"URLpic"]];
and I implemented the method so:
- (void)setupDetailViewControllerWithName:(NSString*)name andSurname:(NSString *)surname andKind:(NSString*) kind andDescription:(NSString*)description andImage:(NSString*)url {
NSLog(#"name = %#", name);
self.labelName.text = name;
self.labelSurname.text = surname;
self.labelKind.text = kind;
self.textDescription.text = description;
NSURL *urlPic = [NSURL URLWithString:url];
NSData *dataPic = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:urlPic];
[self.imagePic setImage:[UIImage imageWithData:dataPic]];
If I look to the log i see the right things, but if I look to the GUI on iPhone or iPhone simulator it will remain blank. What's wrong with this code?
Thank you for the suggestion.
#Alex Blundell
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface DetailCharacterViewController : UIViewController
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *labelName;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *labelSurname;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *labelKind;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIImageView *imagePic;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextView *textDescription;
- (void)setupDetailViewControllerWithName:(NSString*)name andSurname:(NSString *)surname andKind:(NSString*) kind andDescription:(NSString*)description andImage:(NSString*)url;
The problem is that your DetailCharacterViewController's view is not loaded yet when you call setupDetailViewControllerWithName:..., so none of the outlets are connected (yet). Instantiating a view controller via alloc-init does not load its view automatically.
You could force loading the view by calling [self view] at the beginning of your setup method. This works because accessing the view property will automatically load the view if it wasn't loaded before.
Alternatively, you could make the name, surname, etc. NSString properties of the view controller and set the corresponding labels in viewDidLoad.
Are you using Interface Builder/Storyboards to design your interface? Have you made sure to connect the IBOutlets for each UITextField/View?
You should identify the objects in the header file on your view controller class, and ensure they're prefixed by IBOutlet for them to appear in Interface Builders connections pane. E.g.
IBOutlet UITextField labelName;
Then you need to go to IB and go to the connections pane for the view controller to connect each text field/view.
This problem happened to me as well.
It has to do with the fact that iOS actually hooks up your outlets really really late.
If you put a breakpoint in your setupDetailViewControllerWithName: and check your IBOutlet variables, they will be nil. That's why you are seeing a blank view. (The good old nil erroring)
The work-around I will do is to declare properties in the DetailCharacterViewController class. (Such as #property (copy, nonatomic) NSString* name).
And in the place where you are calling setupDetailViewControllerWithName:, set those properties instead such as: = name;
Finally in your DetailCharacterViewController's viewDidLoad:, you set the values of the labels using the saved properties. (The outlets are for sure hooked up then).
(By the way, this problem exists for prepareForSegue: as well. The destination view controller's outlets are all still nil in prepareForSegue:. So you cannot set them directly there yet)

How to pass a value to parent view controller? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
dismissModalViewController AND pass data back
I'm new to ios development and stuck on this problem:
I'm using storyboarding and have a navigation controller, vcA, with a TableView in it which shows some data from a MutableArray (which is initialized in viewdidload of the same class). After selecting any cell, a second view controller, vcB, is shown with a TextField in it and a button called "Add to list".
What I want is that when I enter some text in the TextField and press the "Add to list" button the text should be added to the array of previous view (which gets shown in the TableView) and when i tap the "Back" button on vcB's navigation bar, vcA should show the updated TableView with the new entry in it (on the top of list). Basically I want to add the text from vcB's TextField to the array of vcA and show the new array after clicking the BACK button.
I have searched a lot about this issue and seem to find that delegate and protocols is the way to achieve the desired result but I'm having trouble understanding delegation.
I have the second view controller presenting itself as modal in this example:
In the second view controllers h file:
#protocol SecondViewControllerDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)addItemViewController:(id)controller didFinishEnteringItem:(NSString *)item;
#interface SecondPageViewController : UIViewController <UITextViewDelegate>
NSString *previouslyTypedInformation;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextView *textView;
#property (nonatomic) NSString *previouslyTypedInformation;
#property (nonatomic, weak) id <SecondViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
In the second view controllers m file make sure to synthesize properties and add then add this:
- (IBAction)done:(id)sender
NSString *itemToPassBack = self.textView.text;
NSLog(#"returning: %#",itemToPassBack);
[self.delegate addItemViewController:self didFinishEnteringItem:itemToPassBack];
//dismiss modal view controller here
Then in the first view controllers h file set it as delegate:
#interface FirstPageViewController: UIViewController <SecondViewControllerDelegate>
#property (nonatomic) NSString *returnedItem;
Then in the first view controller's m file synthesize and add the method:
- (void)addItemViewController:(SecondPageViewController *)controller didFinishEnteringItem: (NSString *)item
//using delegate method, get data back from second page view controller and set it to property declared in here
NSLog(#"This was returned from secondPageViewController: %#",item);
//add item to array here and call reload
Now you have the text of what was returned! You can add the string to your array in the first view controller's viewDidLoad and call
[self.tableView reloadData];
and it should work.

NavigationController and ToolBar Issue

I have a Navigation Controller with two Views. The First View is a ViewController with a TableView and the Second View is UIView with some UILabels and a UIWebView. When selecting a cell from the TableView, the Navigation Controller pushes to the Second View.
I've added a UIToolBar to Navigation Controller and some buttons.
My problem is when the Navigation Controller pushes to the Second View (UIView), my UIToolBar appears but without the buttons.
I would like to either show different buttons or remove the UIToolBar from the Second View.
I think I need to do something within the AppDelegate, I'm just not sure what and how.
Here is how my XIBS look:
- App Delegate
- Window
- Navigation Controller
-- Navigation Bar
-- ToolBar
-- View Controller
--- Bar Button Item
--- Navigation Item
---- Bar Back Item
--Web View
#interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate>
UIWindow *window;
UINavigationController *navigationController;
UIToolbar *toolBar;
#property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIWindow *window;
#property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UINavigationController *navigationController;
#property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIToolbar *toolBar;
#implementation AppDelegate
#synthesize window;
#synthesize navigationController;
#synthesize toolBar;
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
// Override point for customization after app launch
[window addSubview:[navigationController view]];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application {
// Save data if appropriate
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
You have to specify the toolBarItems for each View you load onto the stack. So,
[self setToolbarItems:myArrayOfItems];
//do this in every view controller
//other code.
I cant get you clearly. i suggest this with the assumption. If you want add button in the top bar of the nextview means, you dont use toolbar for that. You can add button in the navigation bar itself.
you can add the button using addsubview method.
Initialize UIbutton using initwithframe. then add that as a subview of navigation controller.
[navigationcont addsubview:button];

adding view controller in navigationcontroller issue

I have the following class:
#interface DiscountDetailViewController : UIViewController {
UILabel * titleLabel;
UILabel * offerLabel;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UILabel * titleLabel;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UILabel * offerLabel;
and I tried to do the following in the previous view:
discount = [[DiscountDetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"DiscountDetailViewController" bundle:nil];
discount.titleLabel.text = temp.vendor;
discount.offerLabel.text = temp.description;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:discount animated:YES];
The issue is that, discount.titleLabel.text when printed is always null... I think it's because I define the titleLabel using interface builder.. so is there a way to resolve this?
I've hooked it up with IB as well..
i don't believe the iboutlets get hooked up until the view is on screen for the first time.
you could try setting the label after its displayed, or add another property to store the label text, then set the iboutlet label based on this new property in viewDidLoad in your DiscountDetailViewController.
If your outlets are properly connected then it is only because your titleLabel will not be available until your viewIsLoaded around -(void)viewDidLoad, I recommend you use an NSString property that can set the title label once view is loaded and update it when it is changed (override setter), or if you know your view is about to show try calling view first.
discount = [[DiscountDetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"DiscountDetailViewController" bundle:nil];
//Force view to load, do not really recommend (though for some reason I am showing you how)
[discount view];
discount.titleLabel.text = temp.vendor;
discount.offerLabel.text = temp.description;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:discount animated:YES];

Sharing a UIView between UIViewControllers in a UITabBarController

I have a UIScrollView that houses a gallery of images the user can scroll through. This view needs to be visible on each of three separate UIViewControllers that are housed within a UITabBarController. Right now, I have three separate UIScrollView instances in the UITabBarController subclass, and the controller manages keeping the three synchronized (when a user scrolls the one they can see, programmatically scrolling the other two to match, etc.), which is not ideal.
I would like to know if there is a way to work with only ONE instance of the UIScrollView, but have it show up only in the UIViewController that the user is currently interacting with. This would completely eliminate all the synchronization code. Here is basically what I have now in the UITabBarController (which is where all this is currently managed):
#interface ScrollerTabBarController : UITabBarController {
FirstViewController *firstView;
SecondViewController *secondView;
ThirdViewController *thirdView;
UIScrollView *scrollerOne;
UIScrollView *scrollerTwo;
UIScrollView *scrollerThree;
#property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet FirstViewController *firstView;
#property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet SecondViewController *secondView;
#property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet ThirdViewController *thirdView;
#property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet UIScrollView *scrollerOne;
#property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet UIScrollView *scrollerTwo;
#property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet UIScrollView *scrollerThree;
#implementation ScrollerTabBarController
- (void)layoutScroller:(UIScrollView *)scroller {}
- (void)scrollToMatch:(UIScrollView *)scroller {}
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[self layoutScroller:scrollerOne];
[self layoutScroller:scrollerTwo];
[self layoutScroller:scrollerThree];
[scrollerOne setDelegate:self];
[scrollerTwo setDelegate:self];
[scrollerThree setDelegate:self];
[firstView setGallery:scrollerOne];
[secondView setGallery:scrollerTwo];
[thirdView setGallery:scrollerThree];
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
[self scrollToMatch:scrollView];
The UITabBarController gets notified (as the scroll view's delegate) when the user scrolls one of the instances, and then calls methods like scrollToMatch: to sync up the other two with the user's choice.
Is there something that can be done, using a many-to-one relationship on IBOutlet or something like that, to narrow this down to one instance so I'm not having to manage three scroll views? I tried keeping a single instance and moving the pointer from one view to the next using the UITabBarControllerDelegate methods (calling setGallery:nil on the current and setGallery:scrollerOne on the next each time it changed), but the scroller never moved to the other tabs.
Thanks in advance!
Certainly you should use only one instance of your scroller view. And it will works fine without any troubles. Use method setGallery: like you did, just ensure you add your singleScrollerForAll view to view of current controller in setGallery method:
-(void)setGallery:(UIView *)aScrollerView{
[self.view addSubview:aScrollerView];
and call:
[firstView setGallery:singleScrollerForAll];
[secondView setGallery:singleScrollerForAll];
and no need to do anything in other two controllers, because when you call addSubview: the subView will be automatically removed from previous superview.