Data visualization tool for transactions in a Map - visualization

What data visualization tools should I consider using to make something like this Obama | One People visualization?
ComponentArt has something similar, but it only show points; I want to draw lines to represent relationships between points.
I'd prefer a solution that uses WPF.

Nowadays, after 4 years of your questions, there are rich tools to visualize map and curves on it.
Java Script tools:
Any Charts
Data Matic
Hope my answer will be useful after more than 4 years :)


How to embed custom plots in the H2O flow UI in Scala or R?

After some investigation, I have found out that the sparkling water H2O flow UI has a very limited set of plots - just Box plots, and distributions, for data visualization in Scala.
But if I want to use a third party library (need recommendations on this, I have already checked the Scala-charts library), how would I embed the generated plots in the H2O flow UI itself?
I’ve seen a couple of examples of this over the years, but the real answer is this really isn’t supported well.
Here is a pointer to the best example I can remember:
If you really want to do this, the best guide is the source code of H2O Flow.

Recommendation on Charts library (JS / HTML5 / etc)

I'm looking for a chart library that fulfils most or not all of the requirements:
Bar charts with support for point labels, and custom labels for X/Y axis, and multiple series.
Pie charts (simple pie chart)
Is responsive to devices of different screensizes
Is free for production / commercial use
Ease of use and reasonable sized support community
Does anyone have any recommendations?
I'm working on data visualization using a Cakephp and PHP environment.
Well, this is quite a hefty requirement list, but you might find that ZingChart would be a viable candidate.
Includes bar, pie, and many other chart types. ( )
Multiple series, custom labels for axes (custom labels for anything, really) -
Free for production use with a small watermark in the corner and flexible licensing options
Straightforward, CSS-like syntax
Plenty of demos in our gallery rand documentation, used by some Fortune 500 companies, and fully supported by our team in San Diego
You’ve probably realized by now that I am with the ZingChart team :-) We are here to answer any questions you might have.

Symbolizing OpenStreetMap layers in MapBox

Newbie post here, so forgive me if there's a better place for this, or if my question has been answered already.
I am trying to develop an interactive trail map for my town. I have added all of the trails into the OSM database, with good topology and tags for technical difficulty, quality etc:
I am looking to develop the map using MapBox and Tilemill. My question is: If my main goal is to symbolize the OSM highway=cycleway features based on their difficulty tags, can I skip the whole tile creation process? If so, how would I go about symbolizing the various trails based on difficulty?
If I'm not interested in a custom basemap, is there any other advantage to using MBTiles? Here is my current working MapBox map, which is using a single MBTile:
Thanks in advance for any guidance here...
I have no experience with Tilemill but AFAIK it is designed to create webmabs on tile base only. So you might use another desktop renderer as Maperitive for example. Please also keep in mind, that there are already various approaches to create hiking maps online, for GPS and printing ;).

Big data visualization using "search, show context, and expand on demand" concept [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to visualize a really huge network (3M nodes and 13M edges) stored in a database. For real-time interactivity, I plan to show only a portion of the graph based on user queries and expand it on demand. For instance, when a user clicks a node, I expand its neighborhood. (This is called "Search, Show Context, Expand on Demand" on this paper).
I have looked into several visualization tools, including Gephi, D3, etc. They take a text file as input, but I don't have any idea how they can connect a database and update the graph based on users' interaction.
The linked paper implemented a system like that, but they didn't describe the tools they were using.
How can I visualize such data with above criteria?
There are several solutions out there, but basically every one is using the same approach:
create layer on top of your source to let you query at high level
create a front end layer to talk with the level explained above
use the visualization tool you want
As miro marchi pointed, there are several solutions to achieve this goal, some of them locked to particular data sources others with much more freedom but that would require some coding skills.
I would start with the choice of the source type: from the type of data probably I would choice either Neo4J, Titan or OrientDB (if you fancy something more exotic with some sort of flexibility).
All of them offer a JSON REST API, the former with a proprietary system and language (Cypher) and the other two using the Blueprint / Rexster system.
Neo4J supports the Blueprint stack as well if you like Gremlin over Cypher.
For other solutions, such other NoSQL or SQL db probably you have to code a layer above with the relative REST API, but it will work as well - I wouldn't recommend that for the kind of data you have though.
Now, only the third point is left and here you have several choices.
Generic Viz tools
Sigma.js it's a free and open source tool for graph visualization quite nice. Linkurious is using a fork version of it as far as I know in their product.
Keylines it's a commercial graph visualization tool, with advanced stylings, analytics and layouts, and they provide copy/paste demos if you are using Neo4J or Titan. It is not free, but it does support even older browsers - IE7 onwards...
VivaGraph it's another free and open source tool for graph visualization tool - but it has a smaller community compared to SigmaJS.
D3.js it's the factotum for data visualization, you can do basically every kind of visualization based on that, but the learning curve is quite steep.
Gephi is another free and open source desktop solution, you have to use an external plugin with that probably but it does support most of the formats out there - graphML, CSV, Neo4J, etc...
Vendor specific
Linkurious it's a commercial Neo4J specific complete tool to search/investigate data.
Neo4J web-admin console - even if it's basic they've improved a lot with the newer version 2.x.x, based on D3.js.
There are also other solutions that I probably forgot to mention, but the ones above should offer a good variety.
Other nodes
The JS tools above will visualize well up to 1500/2000 nodes at once, due to JS limits.
If you want to visualize bigger stuff - while expanding - I would to recommend desktop solutions such Gephi.
I'm part of the the Keylines dev team.

Online graphing and data visualization frameworks

I have been looking around at web applications and websites with rich graphs, charts, and data visualization and for the most part have been able to determine which frameworks or tools websites are using. However I was looking over '' and couldn't determine what they are using. Does anyone know off hand or can you tell? It doesn't seem like any javascript framework i've seen unless its it some sort of flash or flex framework? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I apologize in advance for not being able to hyperlink everything. StackOverflow is placing a limit on the number of link I can put here. Had to shrink 9 links down to 2.
I'm not too familiar with ResumUP, so I can't speak directly to that. Though, since it is on Facebook, my guess is that it is almost certainly uses homebrewed, javascript-based visualization code.
Speaking more broadly to the web as a whole, and to the first part of your post, D3 is becoming the most popular option for web-based visualizations (particularly those that are interactive). An example of D3 that you've might have seen is The New York Times' 2013 budget visualization (and most other interactive visualizations on the NYT, for that matter). However D3 is capable of more than just making visualizations. Compare The New York Times example to's Inequality In America site, which is also made using D3.
For more basic visualizations like bar charts, many companies offer APIs for creating visualizations, like Google's Chart Tools. And even more don't use any toolkit. Take for instance the popular wind visualization tool by Fernanda Viegas & Martin Wattenberg. This website showing visualizations for the civil war only depends on jQuery for javascript code (and on the Google Maps API).
Other frameworks include, but are not limited to, Protovis (I'd use D3 instead), processing.js, and countless others.
I'm not sure if you have any plans on making web-based visualization tools, but if you do, I'd highly recommend using D3. There's a bit of a learning curve, but it gets you thinking about visualizations in terms of data, which can only help improve the quality of what you end up making. As an added benefit, D3 is one of the better toolkits in terms of how it treats the creation of visualizations. How you create and combine visual primitives in D3 is fairly natural. Not perfect, but definitely better than most alternatives.
Finally, on top of visualizations, the internet is abound with infographics (see's blog for examples). While these can theoretically be made with frameworks like D3, they are more likely than not made with Adobe Illustrator, saved as images, and then uploaded.