not displaying fliepicker on deployed Meteor site - deployment

I have set up and working perfectly on the localhost of the Meteor site I am developing. However, when I do a deploy:
meteor deploy -P
it bundles everything, uploads it, but...there's no button or drop area. Instead, just this:
<input type="filepicker-dragdrop" id="attachment">
I'm confused, because I'm not sure if I need to do anything else to have it recognize the particular domain, or something else.

Sounds like the filepicker js isn't being run.
Looks like this question should help: trouble with filepicker script loading in meteor


link database to php script to c# on a server

I need some help! i just cant figure it out. i have made a game (WebGL) added a database script using unity UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post and i have a PHP file. i uploaded the game build and the PHP file to a server. in the root directory of the domain, i want to use. i have my index.html (game) its folders and a SQL connect folder with the PHP script inside. I have made a database in PHPMyAdmin and put the connections in the PHP script. well, i can't get it to work. i really need some help!! please! on localhost it works fine but i cant get it to work online
so it turns out it was the CORS header that was missing once i added that everything showed

How to create a page extension in Directus 7

I have a working Directus CMS environment and would like to include some custom pages in there as well. According to the documentation!, I "can build page modules for custom dashboards, reporting, point-of-sale systems, or anything else".
The CMS is downloaded from directus, installed in localhost and then moved with FTP to the server as my client doesn't have terminal access allowed.
I already tried the boilerplate from, created a vue page with it, ran npm to transpile it, but now I don't know where to put it. If I put it to public > extensions > custom > pages (I put here the whole created folder), it's not shown anywhere and I can't really find any tutorial or help on how to do it. Not even in the docs.
You have to copy only the dist subdirectory of the extension to your server.
directus-extensions create page orders
directus-extensions build
rsync ./dist/
You should now see your page extension listed in the sidebar when you log in to your Directus app (provided your user role is configured to display extensions in the sidebar).

Accessing an Ember CLI app's config from within an addon

I'm developing an addon for Ember CLI which requires me to dynamically load files from the app. I should be able to do this with a command like require('my-app/models/load-me'). The only problem is that my-app could be anything, depending on what the developer named their application. If I had access to the my-app/config/environment file, I could just get the modulePrefix from there, but unfortunately, that's also namespaced under my-app.
So does anyone know of another way to access the modulePrefix? I'm assuming there must be a way, because Ember CLI itself needs to get that prefix before it can load any files.
Found the answer here. Basically, you can look it up through the container like so:

how save file on server using HostingEnvironment.MapPath()

in this code iam trying to save text document on server / wwwroot folder. nothing happens :(!
if i am working on localhost and doing the same routine like this, everything works fine and i can save text document on local pc.:
If the same code works in your Dev machine and not working in Production, It should be folder Permission issue. I guess you have to change the folder permissions in server so that ASP.NET can write to that directory.
Checkout this link which explains how to do that.
Make sure you are not giving Write/Modify Permission to "Everyone"

Symfony 2 without CSS in FF and images in IE on server

I deployed my site to a OVH server with filezilla following the steps in this tutorial
After deployment I find that my site works fine but without CSS content in FF and Chrome, so when I check in firebug I find all CSS styles are loaded correctly but empty without content,also JS file are loaded with content and all images too.In IE I have the style that works fine but no image is loaded ??I work on Ubuntu and I use a Virtual Machine to use IE...
I published my asset with assets:install web,I almost did everything, I cleared the cache and I changed the access rights of all files, I specify for files => 705, the CSS and JS => 604,finally I put everything to 777 but still no change ...
That get me crazy really,i dont know what i do to get my website work,i thinked about rebuild my website again,I liked symfony 2 before but now I hate it...
An idea?
Are you using assetic to manage your assets ?
$ app/console assetic:dump
$ php app/check.php
can tell you more about your host configuration.