Mongo: Ensuring latest nested attribute has a value between given arguments - mongodb

I have a mongo collection 'books'. Here's a typical book:
name: 'Test Book'
author: 'Joe Bloggs'
print_runs: [
{publisher: 'OUP', year: 1981},
{publisher: 'Penguin', year: 1987},
{publisher: 'Harper-Collins', year: 1992}
I'd like to be able to filter books to return only books whose last print run was after a given date, and/or before a given date...and I've been struggling to find a feasible query. Any suggestions appreciated.

There are a few options, as getting access to the "last" element in the array and only filtering on that is difficult/impossible with the normal find options in MongoDB queries. (Unfortunately, you can't $slice with find).
Store the most recent published publisher and year in the print_runs array and in a special (denormalized/copy) of the data directly on the book object. Book.last_published_by and Book.last_published_date for example. Queries would be simple and super fast.
MapReduce. This would be simple enough to emit the last element in the array and then "reduce" it to just that. You'd need to do incremental updates on the MapReduce to keep it accurate.
Write a relatively complex aggregation framework expression
The aggregation might look like:{ $project :
{ _id: 1, "print_run_year" : "$print_runs.year" }},
{ $unwind: "$print_run_year" },
{ $group : { _id : "$_id", "newest" : { $max : "$print_run_year" }}},
{ $match : { "newest" : { $gt : 1991, $lt: 2000 } }
As it may require a bit of explanation:
It projects and unwinds the year of the print runs for each book.
Then, group on the _id (of the book, and create a new computed field called, newest which contains the highest print run year (from the projection).
Then, filter on newest using a $gt and $lt
I'd suggest option #1 above would be the best from an efficiency perspective, followed by the MapReduce, and then a distant third, option #3.


Difference between aggregation and operator

I have been reading up on some mongodb documentation and ran across some confusing terminology, namely how to differentiate when a symbol will be used as an aggregate function or as an operator.
For example, the $size function either calculates the number of items in an array, or checks if the number of elements in an array is equal to a number, is there any way to know what the function will do at what time? Through trial and error I discovered that the $size will throw an error unless a number is passed to it in the $match step, but is there some rule/guideline so I can know what it will do beforehand?
$project: {
key: 1,
number: {
$size: "$key"
$match: {
key: {
$size: 1
For querying data in MongoDB you can use the find method or the aggregate method. There are operators which you can use with these methods.
These query operators are used with the find method. Some of these can also used with the $match stage of the aggregate method (details later in the post).
These aggregation pipeline operators are used within the aggregate's stages. Some of these can also be used with the find method (details later in the post).
You will notice that, there are common operator names; for example, $eq, $gte, $or, $type, $size, etc. But, their usage and / or functionality can be different. The $eq operator has same function but different usage syntax and the $typeoperator has different functionality (and usage syntax).
And, some of these operators can be used with both the methods.
Some Usage Scenarios:
Lets consider a users collection and some queries:
{ "_id" : 1, "age" : 21, "firstname" : "John" }
{ "_id" : 2, "age" : 18, "firstname" : "John" }
{ "_id" : 3, "age" : "39", "firstname" : "Johnson" }
The query:
db.users.find( { firstname: { $eq: "John"}, age: { $gt: 20 } } )
This query's filter is same as { firstname: "John"}, age: { $gt: 20 } }. This uses the query operators $eq and $gt. The same query can be written in the aggregate method's $match stage:
{ $match: { firstname: "John", age: { $gt: 20 } } },
The operators used in this case are the same query operators. The query comparison operators can be used with the aggregate method's $match and $lookup stages.
Another Scenario:
{ $project: { ageGreaterThan20: { $gt: [ "$age", 20 ] } } },
This is the usage of aggregation comparison operator $gt. Note this is used within the aggregation query, but within the $project stage.
As you had used the query operators in the aggregation query, you can also use the aggregation operators within the find method. But, this must be used with the "special" $expr operator. For example:
db.users.find( { $expr: { $gt: [ "$age", 20 ] } } )
The advantage of the $expr is that - there are number of aggregation operators which can be used within the find queries. For example, using the $strLenCP:
db.users.find( { $expr: { $gt: [ { $strLenCP: "$firstname" }, 4 ] } } )
You can also use the $expr within the aggregation, within the $match or $lookup stages:
{ $match: { $expr: { $gt: [ "$age", 20 ] } } },
I have been reading up on some mongodb documentation and ran across
some confusing terminology, namely how to differentiate when a symbol
will be used as an aggregate function or as an operator. ... but is
there some rule/guideline so I can know what it will do beforehand?
Reading helps, practicing helps better and experience helps the best. You use a specific operator in a specific scenario or use case. To achieve some functionality you use an appropriate method and operator(s).
Reference: Operators
As per my understanding, I'm pointing out few things :
Difference between aggregation and operator
You'll have certain basic functions for crud operations like .find() or .insert() or .delete() or .update() on MongoDB (There are few others like .count(), .distinct() but those are primary)
aggregation is a whole framework heavily used for complex reads, only two stages in aggregation is capable of writes $out and $merge.
Operators :
There are different types of operators :
Query and Projection Operators : These operators are crucial and are used to filter docs and to transform fields of docs in the response, Usually used in filter and project part of .find(filter, project) or .update(filter, update, project/options) etc.. These are also used in $match stage of aggregation pipeline ($match is similar to filter in .find()). Ex. :- $and, $or, $in, $or & more.
Update Operators : By name, these operators help to update documents in the collection. Usually used in update part of .update() or .findOneAndUpdate() etc.. Ex. :- $set, $unset, $inc & more.
Aggregation :
When it comes to aggregation they call it aggregation framework, definitely for a reason as you can do a lot of things with data using aggregation.
Aggregation has aggregation pipeline , which has syntax .aggregate([]). pipeline is an array with stages. Each stage in aggregation does certain operation on data flowing through them. Ex. :- $match, $project, $group etc..
As we know each document is independent on it's own, most of aggregation stages operate independently on each doc flowing through them.
Aggregation pipeline Operators :
These operators are generally used to achieve what you're looking for, certain operators can't be used in conjunction with other operators or in a stage.
Let's say in $match stage you would mostly use Query operators but not Aggregation operators as aggregation operators can't directly be used in $match in contrast with $project or $addFields stages.
Example with Stages & Operators :
Let's say you got to make Smoothie :
Out of a bunch of groceries you would filter needed fruits(docs in fruits collection) by matching with what you wanted to blend using $match stage ($and to match fruits/veggies, $lt to filter only fruits that hasn't expired and $size to limit no.of fruits needed).
You would peel off skin or chop into pieces to keep just keep useful parts of fruits(docs) using $project.
You would group all of the fruits into a blender using $group & add ingredients like cream & sugar using $addFields - You're too cautious about sugar quantity so you'll use operators like $size to check size and $multiply no.of nutrients based on conditions ($cond) you would $divide both sugar/nutrients to count nutrition value.
You'll iterate on adding ice pieces again and again using $map, $filter to remove un crushed ice pieces.
uhh, you always forget to add veggies (A different collection needs to be merged) based on fruits that already got blended you use $lookup to lookup for matching veggies(docs) & either blend in again with group or just put it on top.
Finally either you drink it from blender (just return the docs no more stages) or take into glass using $out or $merge stage (Remember as I said, only two stages that can write to a collection).
Off course every stage is Optional - You can eat fruits as is instead of blending (get all docs and all their fields) but you know what you wouldn't do that (for many reasons like performance, unnecessary data flowing through network) unless it's pre-prepared product (like a small configuration collection which has limited data with few docs & every doc is need & can be easily retrieved in one DB call).
Note :
Usually you can't use aggregation operators in filter part i.e; .find(filter) or in '$match' stage unless you use $expr.
Starting MongoDB v4.2 you can run aggregation pipeline in update-with-an-aggregation-pipeline where you can take advantage of aggregation stages/operators in update part.
While you search MongoDB's documentation often you would find the same operator in multiple places, Let's say if you search for $size you would find multiple references one is Query operator or as Projection operator or as aggregation operator - So depends on need/where you wanted to use you can refer their documentation for usage cause though name seems to be similar or does almost same but functionality may differ & syntax also differs.
You can always MongoDB for free at MongoDB University.

getting the latest xx records with mongoose, How to order them?

I'm trying to get the last 20 records of user collection with mongoose:
This works well, show the last 20 items.
But the items inside the array are sorted from the most recent to the oldest, Is there any way to reverse this with mongoose?
You can certainly do this with an aggregation, such as this:
{ $match : {"owner" :}},
{ $sort : {"date" : -1}},
{ $limit : 20},
{ $sort : {"date" : 1}}
Notes on this aggregation:
The first three parts do the same job as the Find in your question
The fourth part applies a further sort, which re-orders the returned 20 records from oldest to most recent
I have written it in native MongoDB aggregation syntax; you will need to adjust the code to generate the same aggregation from Mongoose.
Update: I think this is not possible with a find() with cursor methods, because you would need two different sort() operations. But, MongoDB does not treat them as a sequence of independent operations; the docs give an example of methods written in one order — sort().limit() — being equivalent to the opposite order — limit().sort(), showing that the order cannot be relied upon as meaningful.
Find total and select only latest 20 , may be this is not effective way you found , but this will solve your problem.
var skipItem=count-20;
{ $match: {
{ $unwind: '[arrayFieldName]' },
{ $sort: {
'[arrayFieldName]': -1/1,

Inner query using mongo template

I am new to MongoDB and Spring mongotemplate. I would like to build a query using mongotemplate whose equivalent in Postgres would be
select * from feedback
where feedback.outletId in (
select outletId from feedback
where feedback.createdOn >= '2013-05-03'::date
Is this even possible in MongoDB?
Well there is no concept of inner queries in MongoDB so basically it can be achieved by 2 queries but probably you already know that and want a 'better' solution. Since you asked if it is possible, I think it can be achieved by aggregation however that can be tricky.[
{$project : {
'outletId' : 1,
'feedback._id' : '$_id',
'feedback.createdOn' : '$createdOn',
'feedback.a' : '$a'
{$group : {
_id : $outletId,
feedbacks : {$addToSet : '$feedback'}
{$match : {
'feedbacks.createdOn' : {
$gte : ISODate('2013-05-03')}
{$unwind : '$feedback'}]);
You can add one more $project stage in the end to turn child object into values as it was in the document. I know it doesn't look pretty, but I would explain it stage by stage,
first we project a document with putting all the needed field inside a child field called feedback,
in second stage we grouped it by outletId and put all the child feedback into an array named feedbacks,(so for each outletid we get all feedbacks).
in third stage we use $match to filter out where there is not even a single feedback in array which createdOn field is greater than set date,
after those outletIds are filtered out we call unwind to get each child in feedbacks array as a single document.
Now if we talk about mongoTemplate, yes it accepts all these parameter for aggregation including the nesting of child in feedback in first stage. just see some example of TypedAggregation
if you are saving the createdOn field as a string instead of timestamp or ISODate even normal mongo queries won't work on that when you need to find range as its working in your postgres example.
Hope it helps.

Result from "aggregate with unwind" is different from the "find with count"?

Here is a few documents from my collections:
{"make":"Lenovo", "model":"Thinkpad T430"},
{"make":"Lenovo", "model":"Thinkpad T430", "problems":["Battery"]},
{"make":"Lenovo", "model":"Thinkpad T430", "problems":["Battery","Brakes"]}
As you can see some documents have no problems, some have only one problem and some have few problems in a list.
I want to calculate how many reviews have a specific "problem" (like "Battery") in problems list.
I have tried to use the following aggregate command:
{ $match : { model : "Thinkpad T430"} },
{ $unwind : "$problems" },
{ $group: {
_id: '$problems',
count: { $sum: 1 }
And for battery problem the count was 382. I also decided to double check this result with find() and count():{model:"Thinkpad T430",problems:"Battery"}).count()
Result was 362.
Why do I have this difference? And what is the right way to calculate it?
You likely have documents in the collection where problems contains more than one "Battery" string in the array.
When using $unwind, these will each result in their own doc, so the subsequent $group operation will count them separately.

Return only matching subdocs with Mongo aggregation

I have a schema with subdocs.
// Schema
var company = {
_id: ObjectId,
publish: Boolean,
divisions: {
employees: [ObjectId]
I need to find all the subdocs (divisions) that match my query. It appears that I have to use 2 matches - one to filter out initial docs and a second one to filter out the matching subdocs from the resulting $unwind operation. Is there a more efficient way?
// Query
$match: {
'publish': 1,
'divisions.employees': new ObjectId(userid)
}, {
$unwind: '$divisions'
}, {
$match: {
'divisions.employees': new ObjectId(userid)
I found this ticket but I am unsure this does what I need.
Doing both matches is the right thing here. You could eliminate the first match stage and just unwind, but having an initial $match allows you to narrow down the pipeline to exactly those documents that will produce at least one output document (i.e. those documents for which publish : true and some employees ObjectId matches the given ObjectId). You will be able to use indexes, like an index on { publish : 1, divisions.employees : 1 }, to perform the first match stage quickly.
However, you should ask yourself why you are using the aggregation pipeline here and if it is appropriate. Will you commonly be querying for a given employee that's part of a company with publish : 1? Is this one of the main queries for your use case? If it's infrequent or not critical then the aggregation is a good way to do it. Otherwise, you should reconsider the schema. You could make this query easy with a schema like
"_id" : ObjectId,
"publish" : Boolean,
"company" : (unique identifier, possibly a String or ObjectId)
that models employees as documents and denormalizes company information into the employee document. Then your query is as easy as
db.employees.find({ "_id" : ObjectId(userid), "publish" : true })
which will be much quicker than the aggregation (not that the aggregation will be slow; this is just relatively quicker). I'm not telling you to do it this way - use your own knowledge of your use case to make the right call.