The use case is the following
you modified some files and git status shows them to you
you want to edit one of those files in Sublime
you feel hacky and want to do this from command line
using Vim you can do the following:
vim 'git status --porcelain | grep "myfile.txt" | cut -c 4-'
I use Sublime and Windows and don't know how to accomplish the same. Sublime seems to have --command command, but I can't get it to work. So the question is how to do that? (I am okay with powershell)
In powershell you can do it like that:
sublime $(git status --porcelain | grep "myfile.txt" | cut -c 4-)
Open all modified/deleted/new files:
vim `git status --porcelain | awk '{print $2}'`
I'm using using VSCode Remote SSH from my laptop (Linux) to work on projects that resides on a Linux host.
If I open an internal terminal in VSCode I can open files from the host by doing code some_file.txt. I frequently want to be able to do the same from terminals that are not originating from VSCode.
Is there anyway to open files in the VSCode-server while connected to a standard (Non VSCode internal) terminal?
From another StackOverflow answer, I learned that if you open an integrated terminal and find the VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI environment variable, and set it to the same value in the non-integrated terminal, then run code from the code server install directory ~/.vscode-server, it will work. That article didn't mention that you can have more than one install in the ~/.vscode-server directory. The current install can be extracted from the VSCODE_GIT_ASKPASS_MODE variable, it looks like this:
Just chop off the node and add bin, and so run something like
$ /home/<user>/.vscode-server/bin/054a9295330880ed74ceaedda236253b4f39a335/bin/code myfile.txt
Here is a small script that will connect the terminal to the latest created vscode window.
❯ cat ~/.local/bin/
export PATH="${HOME}/.vscode-server/bin/$(ls -t1 ${HOME}/.vscode-server/bin | head -n 1)/bin:${PATH}"
export VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI="$(ls -t1 /run/user/$(id -u)/vscode-ipc-* | head -n 1)"
# Tell tmux to set these variables for new windows/panes.
# Remove if you don't use tmux
tmux setenv PATH "$PATH"
None of the answers on this thread worked for me (due to more recent versions of VS-Code changing it's internal paths and I'm running a preview version).
I'm linking this similar/identical question+my solution:
VSCode Remote SSH doesn't open file from terminal
Hope it helps. 😉
C. R. Oldham's answer covers the technical detail of why/how.
If you want a 1-liner that works as an alias in your ~/.bash_profile:
# Open file in most recently-connected remote VSCode session.
alias code=$'VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI=/run/user/`id -u`/$(ls -lt /run/user/`id -u`/ | egrep \.sock$ | head -1 | awk \'END {print $NF}\') `ls -lt ~/.vscode-server/bin/** | fgrep bin/remote-cli/code | head -1 | awk \'END {print $NF}\'`'
I have the following command to fuzzy find files in the command line and to open the selected file in VSCode.:
fzf --print0 -e | xargs -0 -r code
Now I want to be able to search also file contents for a string. I am able to find the searched string in the command line:
rg . | fzf --print0 -e
but now it does not work anymore to open the file in VSCode using this command:
rg . | fzf --print0 -e | xargs -0 -r code
because to VSCode is passed a file name which contains the file name itself and the search string which is of course an empty file.
How can I combine to two above commands to pass the file name to VSCode which contains the searched string?
The --vimgrep option to rg returns just what the doctor ordered. That's what I used in the vscode extension issue request you put in:
It returns data like:
$ rg --vimgrep
extension.ts:5:5:let fzfTerminal: vscode.Terminal | undefined = undefined;
extension.ts:6:5:let fzfTerminalPwd: vscode.Terminal | undefined = undefined;
Then you can cut out the first 3 fields and pass them to code -g:
rg --vimgrep --color ansi | fzf --ansi --print0 | cut -z -d : -f 1-3 | xargs -0 -r code -g
I wrote some code that generates a github contributions-style heatmap in the terminal given a csv file that contains timestamps and some unsigned value.
I'd like to generate a csv that contains dates and the number of github contributions I made on that date.
Is there a simple way to do this?
You could use git log and a custom format:
git log --date=short --format="%an %ad [%h] %s" | cut -d ' ' -f1 -f2 -f3 -f4- | sed -E 's/ /,/' | sed -E 's/ /,/' | sed -E 's/ /,/'
I get:
Lachlan,Miller,2019-03-25,[e20b847] Rename method
Lachlan,Miller,2019-03-25,[6c47dbf] Add a POC using JS
lmiller1990,2018-04-12,[c295307],Add song class
lmiller1990,2018-04-12,[876cbe2],Add timer
You could use grep for this job. Also, flags like i, A and color will help you cleaning things up a bit. Also, output the result in a .csv file using >
use man grep to know a more about its flags.
Try using:
git log | grep -E -A 2 --color "commit|Date" > output.csv
You could also add --summary flag to log.
I'm trying to get this command line working in Fish.
git show $(git log --pretty=oneline | fzf | cut -d ' ' -f1)
What is supposed to happen is git log --pretty=oneline | fzf | cut -d ' ' -f1 lets you select a commit interactively from git log and then returns the commit hash which is passed to git show.
I thought Fish uses parentheses for "subcommands" but this doesn't work.
git show (git log --pretty=oneline | fzf | cut -d ' ' -f1)
It goes straight to the default output of git show which is the HEAD commit.
I suspect my idea of how the shell works is incorrect. Any help appreciated.
This is the output from the pipeline
$ git log --pretty=oneline | fzf | cut -d ' ' -f1
As answered by #faho, this is a bug in Fish.
You can workaround for now by using a tempfile
git log --pretty=oneline | fzf | cut -d ' ' -f1 > $TMPDIR/fzf.result; and git show (cat $TMPDIR/fzf.result)`
Or, more succinctly using xargs
git log --pretty=oneline | fzf | cut -d ' ' -f1 | xargs -o git show
This is fish issue #1362, which is also mentioned in fzf's readme.
There's an easy workaround: Instead of a command substitution, use read, like
git log --pretty=oneline | fzf | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | read -l answer
git show $answer
(fzf currently uses a tempfile in its fish bindings, but I'm working on rectifying that)
Let's say I checked in a changelist (in Perforce) with lots of files and I'd like to revert the entire changelist. Is there an easy way to "revert" the entire changelist in one fell swoop?
Currently I do something like this for each file in the changelist:
p4 sync //path/to/file#n (where "n" is the previous version of the file)
cp file file#n
p4 sync //path/to/file
p4 edit //path/to/file
cp file#n file
rm file#n
As you can imagine, this is quite cumbersome for a large changelist.
The posted answers provide correct answers, but note also that there is an actual menu option in P4V to do this for you now. It's in the latest 2008.2 Beta, and so should be officially released the the next week or three.
This link gives details.
It should be a lot simpler to use than the earlier answers, but I've not had the opportunity to try it myself yet.
Update This has now been fully released. See Perforce downloads.
This looks interesting. I haven't tried it personally.
The official answer from Perforce is at but the procedure is not all that much easier than the one you suggest. The script suggested by #ya23 looks better.
For some reason, the awk step does not work for me. I'm running from a Windows environment with emulated Unix command line tools. However, the following does work:
p4 describe -s [changelist_number] | grep // | sed "s/\.\.\. //" | sed "s/#.*//" | p4 -ztag -x - where | grep "... path " | sed "s/\.\.\. path //"
Here are possible locations to get Unix command line tools in a Windows environment:
I have the same problem when I want to delete an entire changelist. so I use the following script (notice that it also deletes the changelist's shelve and the changelist itself. if you only want to revert, copy the relevant lines).
Also, make sure the sed applies to your version of p4.
set -e
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "usage: $(basename $0) changelist"
exit 1
#make sure changelist exist.
p4 describe -s $CHANGELIST > /dev/null # set -e will exit automatically if fails
p4 shelve -d -c $CHANGELIST 2> /dev/null || true # changelist can be shelveless
files_to_revert=$(p4 opened 2> /dev/null | grep "change $CHANGELIST" | sed "s/#.*//g")
if [[ -n "$files_to_revert" ]]; then
p4 revert $files_to_revert
p4 change -d $CHANGELIST
The problem starts when you want to revert an entire changelist ( as a bulk ) that you've just submitted, and you need to start reverting files of #n-1 one by one fast ( because it's production ) ...
Wanted to support ya23's answer- the link of a Python script - it's really really easy to use ( and really easy to miss his comment )
You give it the revision you want to rollback, and it prepares everything automatically ( each file's #n-1 & merging and everything ) ... you just submit.