Facebook API changes massive? - facebook

I don't quite know if my question fits here, but I don't know who else to ask...
I recently upgraded my socialengine plugin, which should allow me login to my site via Facebook. The reason I had to upgrade it because it didn't work anymore since Facebook changed the API (API-KEY --> APP-ID). I think this was around 2010!?
Now I bought the latest version of the plugin, just to find out that it still requires an API-KEY. Their support told me that it's not supported anymore because the version of my CMS is not supported anymore (nice to find that out after paying for it). However they offered me to make the plugin work for me, if I am willing to pay, with a hint that due to the massive changes in the API it will need a lot of work.
To come to my question: Have there really been such massive changes? Has a task like logging into a site via Facebook become that different? I am coming from a programming background, may i be able to fix this myself?

The Facebook API is constantly evolving with breaking changes all the time. 2010 is a long time ago for the FB API, so it sounds likely it'll be a lot of work updating the plugin (if the required API features are even still available!)


Is there any way to be informed when Microsoft update an essential package?

Every so often there will be a package updated that the bot framework service requires to be up to date. This time, it was something to do with the identity model. My bot is just sitting and running, and then we found out that it hasn't even been reporting errors (why we didn't look sooner) because nothing could authorise a request to it.
I think it's a bit ridiculous that a simple out of date package could bring down the entire bot, and I'm not sure if there's any documentation or newsletters telling us that certain things will be updated.
Any ideas?

Crossrider Extensions - are they safe

I have started writing an extension using Crossrider, and really like it. But I have read some negative stuff about them being a browser hijacker - in particular search.crossrider.com
I am unsure if search.crossrider.com is a malicious extension built using Crossrider, or Crossrider itself. Among other places, this is a link which recommends you delete this.
Before I continue developing in this, I thought I would ask the experts.
Any comments, gratefully received.
Crossrider is very safe to use!
We had some incidents in the past where developers had tried to write malicious extensions using our framework, but with our security co-operations with Google and Facebook we managed to mitigate them. (and the fact that we are a cloud-based solution allows us to remotely disable any malicious use that is against our T&C.)
Besides being very safe Crossrider is also a free and a must-have tool for any extension developers. (There are more than 20,000 developers the Crossrider community)
Crossrider not only provides the technical solution of building the API to support all major browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari, but also gives the developer further tools and features to solve and simplify all the heavy lifting tasks when it comes to developing and publishing browser extensions:
Full statistical dashboards with information on numbers of Installations, Active Users, Uninstalls which can be broken down to per-country and per-browser usage.
Crossrider provides an online IDE that developers can actually start coding extension online in matters of seconds. The developer doesn't need to download any development packages to their computer (unless they really want to), and as you develop, you see your code changes take affect in real-time on your browser.
Another feature is Crossrider's auto code update mechanism, where any code change (including new releases or bug fixes) is getting published to all existing users (and new obviously) in matter of hours. Regardless if you have several users or millions.
Crossrider also provides advances publishing tools such as embeddable installation widget for your website, direct download links and more.
One of those publishing tools is the Advanced Window Installer that can install your extension on all browsers automatically. This installer can be easily configured to the developers needs and we even supply with an automated Code Signing Service where developers can sign their installers in real-time.
24/7 Support - We are really keen about our support. We always strive to keep our response time to the minimum and we treat the smaller developer(s) as it was our most important client. We even try to help developers when it's not 100% Crossrider related questions as we also believe in good karma :)
Hope this helps your decision of working with Crossrider.
p.s Not sure 100% about the search.crossrider.com thread you have mentioned but as we do not have any affiliation with this subdomain (in fact, it does not even exists on our DNS records) you can rest assure this has nothing to do with Crossrider as a framework.
(Disclosure: I work for Crossrider)

GAPI Class, Google Analytics API

I am about to start a new project in the Google Analytics API & PHP.
I read that Google Analytics will be deprecating XML v2.3 and v2.4 and in 6 months time, so aparently you will only be able to use v3 and retrieve information in JSON format.
My question is the following: Does this means that GAPI class won't work any longer? Anyone who has used this class before can help me answering this question ??
In that case, any alternative suggestions of PHP classes that do the same thing.
Thanks so much
I've been using GAPI for a while now. And I can say with some confidence that yes it will break, if not due to XML it will be due to some other change google makes.
Having said that GAPI is the best solution I have found out there for php. It does break every 6 months to a year, usually needs one or two lines changing to fix. But GAPI is pretty popular so at least you know when your clients are calling saying analytics is throwing errors at them, you wont be the only dev tearing your hair out.
9 times out of 10, by the time I've got a problem someone else has found the fix - which is nice.
There are a few other php options out there but GAPI seems to be the most popular (usually the best way to go imho)
My approach is to build an analytics summary in the dashboard and provide a link to google analytics underneath so clients can see the full data or go there when GAPI breaks. I have been putting all my sites on the same modular system for a while now. I keep GAPI as a library in my admin layout module, this means I can make the fix once and roll it out to all my sites without too much drama.
In summary, use it but expect it to break - that way you wont be disappointed when it does.

App fails to work after a few years

I have had an app for a long time now, there are a few hundred people who play it daily but I no longer actively do Facebook development.
Today I got a bunch of emails complaining it no longer works, sure enough it's just a blank page.
I don't want to rewrite anything and am looking for the bare minimum I can do to get things rolling.
I have no desire to upgrade my Facebook library. I use $facebook->require_login() which seems to be where the problem is.
It is an FBML app and viewing source shows that it has outputted the correct JavaScript redirect it just simply does nothing.
Previously I had turned a bunch of options off in the app settings to correct other problems created by constant updates but now it seems they no longer give that option.
https://github.com/facebook/php-sdk/blob/master/examples/example.php is about all you need to know.
I didn't upgrade some functionality (some fql queries etc) simple because they are not critical to the application although I don't think that would take much longer.
Less than an hour to get things rolling.

"new" restfb vs. "old" Facebook API

For a new J2EE Facebook Connect project, do you recommend:
restfb (http://www.restfb.com), or:
Facebook Java API
The requirements cover pretty much everything supported by Facebook Connect.
Completeness, ease of use, stability, etc are important. But what matters the most to us are the odds that the selected library flourishes and ends up being the winner, if there is such at thing.
Thank you.
With the new OAuth2 based authorization flow and the Graph API, the amount of "work" an SDK does has been greatly reduced. I'd suggest that you choose a library that does not try to provide very high level abstractions, and instead understand and leverage the fact that you're making HTTP API calls (for instance, for parallelization of HTTP requests). We recently released an Android SDK which while not related to your question, may be a good point of reference.
For full disclosure, I mavenized RestFB and have commit rights to the project. That said, I was in the same position some time ago, needing some Java library for working with FB's Graph API. Originally, I tried out facebook-java-api, but it didn't support all the newer APIs. I peaked into the code at the time and saw some inherent inflexibility that made it overly complicated to do what I needed so I looked around for alternatives. In all fairness to facebook-java-api, perhaps I just caught them at a bad time (around 6 months ago, there were only minor updates to 2.x and no 3.x in sight at the time. I see they've released 3.0.2 recently).
Anyhow, I then found RestFB. What I liked about it from the very beginning was how clean and extensible the code was and that it didn't require any extra dependencies. The basic Graph API objects are built-in and it's very simple to create new ones. There were one or two minor things that didn't work out of the box, so I opened issues and Mark Allen, the founder of the RestFB project, seemed pretty responsive with fixing them so I stuck to using it. More recently, I contributed Maven build to the project since I was keen on seeing the RestFB libs on Maven Central to make it easier for myself to use them.