Are users auto redirected to success url in paypal? - paypal

There is a success url option when you create the buy now button. But also there is this option on Website Payment Preferences. What I wonder is, are users auto redirected to success url or return url ?

When creating the buttons, the success url that you set in the button code will override the return URL that you set in the account. Also keep in mind that buyers only making a payment with a PayPal account will be automatically returned to your site. Buyers that make the payment using a credit card, will have to click a link/button once they have made the payment on the PayPal page to return to your site. This is done so that they can either print a copy of the receipt from that page, write the info down or etc before they are returned to your site. Unlike buyers that use PayPal accounts to make the payment, these buyers that use credit cards can not always get back to these details. Some one that pays with their PayPal account can simply log into their account and view these details at any time.


PayPal API - How to keep the payment process on my website?

I run a small marketplace with multiple sellers where buyers can buy items and pay with PayPal. The problem is, when someone makes a payment, they are then displayed the "Payment Confirmation" on the PayPal website and are given a choice to either return to their PayPal account, or return to the website.
Is there any way to keep the payment flow on my website, except for the payment part? I notice when buying on Etsy for example, the buyer goes to PayPal to make the payment and is then immediately returned to Etsy for the payment confirmation. They never see the PayPal payment confirmation page.
I assume it could be because Etsy and PayPal have a special arrangement that isn't available to other sites? Or am I missing something in the API?
Right now, with the normal PayPal API, this is what buyers see:
NAME, you've just completed your payment.
Your transaction ID for this payment is: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
We'll send a confirmation email to
Go to PayPal account overview.
Go back to "".
I can't even figure out how to change the "Go back to..." link to my website name in the hidden fields. PayPal just chooses to display the seller's (the person that received the payment) email address.
Is there any way to at least set a website name for them to return to with hidden variables? Keep in mind that I have different sellers, so it's not something I could set inside each seller's PayPal account.
Thank you :)
I assume you are using Express Checkout with Set/Get/Do EC API integration. Please check the below document for experience options available with Express Checkout API.
The 'useraction=commit' in the PayPal payment auth url triigers the 'Buy' button. If you do not send that request paramter then it will show 'continue' button and you can complete rest of the process on your site.
However, if you are using Paypal Payment Standard product then you need to use Express Checkout to accomplish the outcome you are seeking.

useraction parameter in URL

Please some one explain what happens if we send useraction=commit in paypal site url.
> And what parameters we need to send to paypal in SetExpress checkout request to make visible purchase value at PayPal site page.
With Express Checkout, you can shorten your checkout flow to let buyers complete their
purchases on PayPal. Then, you can skip your order confirmation page.
Generally, buyers select payment methods as the last step before they complete their
purchases. If you collect no additional information after buyers return from PayPal, you can
skip the confirm-order page on your website. If you collect additional information that does
not affect the payment, PayPal recommends that you collect it after buyers complete their
The useraction URL parameter in your redirect to PayPal determines whether buyers
complete their purchases on PayPal or on your website. If you set useraction to commit,
PayPal sets the button text to Pay Now on the PayPal Review your informaton page. This
text lets buyers know that they complete their purchases if they click the button.
As for your other question about what parameters you need to send to PayPal in SetExpressCheckout request to make visible purchase value at PayPal site page, I am not sure I completely understand what you are asking. If you pass over the amount, this will show up on the checkout page. If you are wanting items to show up on these pages, you would need to pass over the line item details. These variables can be found in the Express Checkout Developers Guide, they will be slightly different depending on if you are using SOAP or NVP.
NVP Developers Guide
SOAP Developers Guide

Auto Return Not Working In PayPal Pro Hosted Solution?

I am using the new PayPal Pro Hosted Solution on a new site, and all seems to work 'OK' apart from auto return does not work?
I have auto return enabled in my paypal account along with IPN and payment data as I have the auto return working with normal Paypal on my old site (So I know its setup correctly). And I have all the correct fields INCLUDING the 'return' variable set and sent to PayPal on this pro-hosted form.
After successful payment I just get the standard Paypal pro hosted thank you page (There is no delay redirect, I left it on the page for over a minute)??? There is a return link on the page, which if pressed returns me to the correct page.
BUT I need the users auto returned? Or this solution is useless to me as I won't be able to track conversions? I can't be the only person needing this surely?
I solved this. it IS possible with credit cards and PayPal. Just make sure you add the following variables
return with your return url in it
showHostedThankyouPage with a value of false
Was the buyer paying with their PayPal account or credit card. With Auto Return, the buyer is automatically returned when the buyer pays with their PayPal account, however if the buyer pays with their credit card they are not automatically redirected. They are given time to write the information down or print the page. Unlike someone that pays with their PayPal account, they can not always get back to the transaction details. The buyer that pays with a credit card will have to click the link to return back to the merchants site. This is why it is better to rely on IPN than auto return. IPN will take place regardless if the buyer returns to your site.

Paypal Payment Standard: Callback URL

On Paypal Sandbox:
After logging in using a test account and then clicking the "Pay Now" button, the user is redirected to "Thanks for your order" page inside Paypal. The page has three(3) links below the message that says:
Return to Test Store
Go to PayPal account overview
Add funds from your bank
Clicking the "Return to Test Store" will redirect me to the return URL I specified on my query string. This marks the order as "Completed" or whatever the value of the payment_status returned by Paypal is.
The Problem:
Clicking the other links bypasses the return URL and goes to user account profile which leaves the order incomplete even if the transaction was successfully paid because the return URL has the script to mark the outcome of the transaction.
The Question:
Is there a way to bypass the Thank you page and just redirect to my return URL so the transaction can be concluded accordingly?
BTW, I have my Test Business Account set to autoredirect to the return URL after the order.
You want to read about PayPal's Instant Payment Notification and about Identifying Your IPN Listener to PayPal.
You have the option to be notified whenever a transaction takes place, regardless of what users clicks on. Paypal's servers will make requests to a Notification URL you provide and give you informations about that transaction.

Paypal Payment Gateway without shopping cart

I need guidelines to integrate paypal payment gatway. Here is my requirement
User would click on pay button on my website to open paypal payment gateway page.
User may not have a paypal account. He/she need to enter details of credit card only. (It should not force user to login)
User will enter what amount he want to pay?
I do not need any response or confirmation from gateway. I would see details of transaction in my email.
1.User would click on pay button on my website to open paypal payment gateway
Create payment buttons using our button creation tool. Learn how
2.User may not have a paypal account. He/she need to enter details of credit
card only. (It should not force user
to login)
AFAIK this is not possible. User should have paypal account and one of the main advantage of using paypal is that users need not reveal the credit card details.
3.User will enter what amount he want to pay?
Similar to Donations button from paypal
4.I do not need any response or confirmation from gateway. I would see
details of transaction in my email
What email??? If you dont need the result then how will you know that the payment was successful or not???
What you are trying to do above is not possible. If You are using other paid payment gateway providers then you will be able to solve issue 2. Other than I dont think what you ask is possible.