Eclipse shortcut for minimize / expand method has stopped working - eclipse

I'm using the shortcuts to expand / minimize methods quite a lot. For some reason all of these have suddenly (after starting Eclipse this morning) stopped working, and I'm a bit dumbfounded as to why. All other shortcuts (at least that I know of, and have tested) work just fine.
I've attempted to restart Eclipse and checked the error logs (nothing there).
Running latest (stable, not RC) Eclipse Juno on Ubuntu 12.04.

Turns outs it was a very simple (and stupid) fix: I had accidentally hit CTRL + numpad_Divide, this toggles "Folding" which in turn determines if it's possible to expand / minimize methods.


vs code: incredibly laggy terminal (on mac)

using the latest vs code, on a new installation, with only 1 plugin (which i know not to be causing the problem, since i have repeated the whole thing with another plugin; same issue) on a mac also using the latest catalina os.
writing a couple of pages (2 or 3) to the terminal, either from the terminal itself or from within the plugin, the terminal becomes unbearably slow, scrolling up or down freezes it entirely.
i found some previous links talking about this issue, but they are with older versions of vs code, and the responses have always been "this is now fixed in version xxx".
is there some general setting in vs code that will prevent this?
or do you just have to wait for the next "updating", the next "breaking", the next "updating", etc?
Try this, now my terminal works faster also in Big Sur:
codesign --remove-signature /Applications/Visual\ Studio\\ Helper\ \(Renderer\).app

How can I get Eclipse IDE to default to "Selected lines" in the Find/Replace dialogue when multiple lines are selected?

When working in Eclipse and hitting Ctrl+F with lines of code selected, the default behavior I expect is for the Find/Replace dialogue to open with the "Selected lines" option and, perhaps, either buffer contents or a previous search query in the "Find" prompt. On my home machine, what happens instead is the entire selection gets automatically copied to the "Find" prompt and Scope is reset to "All" instead of "Selected lines" every time.
I somehow do have this working by default on my work machine: "Selected Lines" scope option is chosen automatically when more than one line is selected in the editor.
Possibly unrelated: I do have CDT installed and I work mostly with C++ in Eclipse. Home machine is running Ubuntu 18.10, work machine is running Ubuntu 18.04.
I tried:
Re-downloading Eclipse, reinstalling CDT & cmake4eclipse
Changing to a new Workspace in Eclipse (without copying settings)
Searching high and low online for recipes on how to control this.
How do I change the IDE at home to the desired "Selected Lines" behavior?
[Edit 1 hour later]: I am now almost convinced the issue has to do with the Ubuntu version somehow. I'm running 18.04 on my Laptop (same as my work computer) and I just upgraded CDT & Eclipse Platform to latest stable versions (9.7 and 4.11/2019-03, respectively), which I have everywhere else. The new "wrong" behavior didn't appear. I will also start a thread on the Eclipse forums or perhaps even open a bug report. I don't want to reinstall the whole system or downgrade it (slim chance of success) just to get this back; if it's an Eclipse bug, I'd rather work on fixing it.
[Edit 2 days later] The bug did not manifest on a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.10. I still have no idea what was different on the 'culprit' machine. I ended up wiping the drive and reinstalling 18.04 on the same machine and the problem went away.

Eclipse freezes when adding a breakpoint

When I add a breakpoint, Eclipse freezes for some about 5 seconds. Sometimes it takes much longer until I can continue work, up to one minute. It does not depend on how I set the breakpoint (double-clicking on line numer, or via shortcut ctrl + shift + b) or which view is open (Java View, Debug View...) or if Debugging is active.
Removing a breakpoint works immediately without any problem.
The problem also only occurs in one workspace. I can't see any entry in the Error Log.
I'm using Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)
What could cause this effect?
This appears to be due to a bad index file. I deleted *.index in
{WORKSPACE}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core and this fixes the problem. Note that by doing this, you're forcing Eclipse to re-index all .java files. Thus, the first time you go to add an Exception breakpoint, you can expect a wait of several minutes while all classes.
But once all things are settled for the first time, it will become smother.
I upgraded to Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a), but still had the issue. Then I deleted my workspace and set it up newly. The issue dissapeared. My assumption is that there were some corrupted configurations. However, it is solved with a new workspace (that worked for the older Neon version, too).
I am working in Linux Ubuntu 16.04 using OpenJDK 1.8 and eclipse v4.15 by installing java-2020-03. Eclipse froze occasionally during debugging but not always. To get around the freezing, I passed the VM argument -Dsun.awt.disablegrab=true. Now I can debug without freezing.

Error message failure and crash when using pydev embedded jython interpreter

I have a strange problem when using Pydev on my work machine (others at work have the same issue). It does not occur when I do this at home, which makes me think it's something to do with the environment at work. We are running Windows 7.
I am using Pydev 3.9.2 but the same thing happens with earlier versions. It occurs with all versions of Eclipse after 3.7. The problem is this. When I create a jython console (the one running in the Eclipse VM), the error output doesn't work. If I type an invalid python command, there is no output on the console. It just appears that the command worked. If I type a command such as "print 100", the output prints as you would expect.
The second problem is that if I hit the red square which is supposed to remove the console window, Eclipse crashes. There are no errors or any indication of what is going wrong.
I have tried different versons of eclipse, different versions of Pydev, different machines and it doesnt make any difference.
Has anyone seen this? I've tried everything I can think of to debug this issue so any help is appreciated.
Unfortunately those quirks are expected...
The internal console in Eclipse is mostly a developers SDK for experimenting with Eclipse itself and is not meant as a general shell (you should configure an interpreter and use it for that).
I don't have plans on improving on that situation (there's already a multi-year backlog on PyDev and this isn't really critical), but if you'd be willing to spend some time and fix those issues, pull requests would be definitely welcome -- see: for details on getting the code and setting up the environment.

Whats the shortcut to Debug in PyDev using Eclipse

The shortcut key is F11 to start debugging. But issue is that I have to be on that file and then hit F11 to start debugging.
my file to launch the application is "" and "". is open in the editor whereas is not.
Now, if I hit F11 it will try to launch the application using "" and terminates due to error (as expected).
So then I have to open the "" in the editor and then hit F11 to start debugging the application.
Is there any neater way to configure the debugging, so that it starts the application in single hit/key?
Edit: is some other file (some module). It does not launch the application.
As this PyDev Eclipse Tutorial suggests:
After the first run, if you type Ctrl+F11, the last file ran is re-run. Or, if you type just F11, a debug session is started with your last run. Let's test this...
Note: This behavior changed in Eclipse 3.3 -- but it's generally recommended to restore it in the preferences at: window > preferences > Run/Debug > Launching and set the Launch Operation to Always launch the previously launched application.
This tutorial will always consider this as the default option.
So, did you have this option selected?
If you have launch at least once, then you can re-launch it easily.
Although this isn't strictly an answer to what was asked initially, it might help someone looking here that had the same problem as me...
I'm a Java developer mainly, so have the Java view open almost all the time. However, sometimes I want to run some python file to test something (or just create a quick python script, and run it)...
In the Java editor, if the current class has a main(String[] args) method, I run it with (and popup the dialog to ask me what exactly I'd like to run in the middle)
alt+shift+x, j
Unfortunately, that doesn't work in the Python view, and I've not found a similar solution - it just asks me if I'd like to run it as a Java app... however, as the VonC says, you can run the last run thing (provided you've set the preferences accordingly) with
and this seems work well with python run configurations too.
But... What if the last thing I ran was a Java program, but I now want to run the active .py file? Previously, to run the .py file, I'd have to go digging through the buttons on the toolbar with the mouse, and I tend to prefer keyboard shortcuts...
Solution! So, finally I come to the actual useful bit of this answer - I just discovered by accident (typing Ivan's suggested shortcut, but missing!), it appears that
will run the currently active python file.
Hope that helps someone get just that little bit faster...
I use CTRL+SHIFT+F9 to relaunch the previous debug configuration in Pydev.