How to add Bullet in the newline text in Webview - iphone

I need to know how to add bullets in the web view as we can see in the MSWord Doc files.
I am trying to find out this thing but could not find any success.
If anyone can help then please help me out from this....
Here is my code
function moveCursorToNextLine(x, y, newX, newY) {
var label3= iOS.UI.createLabel({
text:'speaks and \nsolution world oneself has ',
I am waiting for your valuable help

try this :
[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"document.execCommand(\"insertunorderedlist\")"];


Leaflet draw plugin disable double Click event to finish drawing polyline

im stuck for 4 days trying to find a way to disable the dblclick event for finishing drawing of polyline using leaflet draw plugin...
any help, trick or idea would be appreciated
thanks in advance.
You could include in class L.Draw.Polygon new _updateFinishHandler function which binds this handlers. It will be something like this :
var markerCount = this._markers.length;
if (markerCount > 1) {
this._markers[markerCount - 1].on('click', this._finishShape, this);
if (markerCount > 2) {
this._markers[markerCount - 2].off('click', this._finishShape, this);

How to capture mouse click on Gtk.Stack

I would like to load the contents of a tab only when the user clicks on the same. Is there some property of the Stack or the Widget which I can use for this. I'm coding in Vala and I have currently worked around this by loading the content on the build of the UI. A sample piece of code will help a lot.
Thanks in advance !
Taken from OPs comment:
stack.add_titled (ports_layout_box, "my-tab", "FOO");
stack.notify["visible-child-name"].connect ((sender, property) => {
if ("my-tab" == stack.get_visible_child_name ()) {
// TO DO

Jquery UI : Use slider for changing element opacity

I come to you because Jquery slider makes me crazy since hours, I've to use it for changing opacity of my div. When I try to add :
slide: function(event, ui) {
var canvas = $('#canvas');
canvas.css('opacity', '' + ui.value + '');
The Handle is blocked and slider stops to work. I'm using piece of code I found here but when I start to edit it, everything breaks.
Here is the Jsfiddle link :
Any help will be appreciated.
Here is the line of code I added into your repositionTooltip function:
you can find the exemple here :

Line chart Dot update issue in D3

I am facing an issue while updating the dots on line chart. if total number of data remains same, it works but if number of data changes, i am not able to update the circle and tool tip.I know there is isssue with enter and update section. Here is the Fiddle Link
.attr("r", 4)
.attr("cx", function(d) { return x(d.qName); })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return y(d.close); })
.style("fill", "white")
.style("stroke", "blue")
.style("stroke-width", "2px")
Any help in this regard is highly appreciated
I know this is a late answer.
But if someone searches for a solution this might help.
The problem was this line:
var svg ="body").transition();
After I cleaned it out, I got rid of some strange errors and was able to add circles to the svg.
Here is a working fiddle:

How to hide Y-axis values in invientcharts

Is there a way to hide a InvientChart NumberYAxis? The yaxis is meaningless on logic analyzer display.
Don't know about hiding simply with a method, but this should work.
InvientChartsConfig.YAxisDataLabel label = new InvientChartsConfig.YAxisDataLabel(true);
label.setFormatterJsFunc("function() { return ''; }");
It should replace the numeric values with empty space.
#miq, sorry for late reply, I don't know whether that works. But after serious struggling, I did this..
YAxisDataLabel yLabel=new YAxisDataLabel();
And its working like charm...anyways thanks for your answer. I will consider that and will try it int future..