row number always return 1 for each row in sql server - row-number

(SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by t.NotificationID)) as RowNumber,
FROM tblIA_Notifications t
WHERE IsDeleted = 0 AND IsActive = 1
The above query always returns rownumber 1 for each row. When I use the select statement outside, its problem. Otherwise if I remove the outer select statement its fine.
I don't understand the behavior.

Uou are getting row_number 1 for each row because you are selecting the Row_Number for each row
try this--->
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by t.NotificationID) as RowNumber,
FROM tblIA_Notifications t
WHERE IsDeleted = 0
AND IsActive = 1

Try this...


Selecting the 1st and 10th Records Only

Have a table with 3 columns: ID, Signature, and Datetime, and it's grouped by Signature Having Count(*) > 9.
select * from (
select s.Signature
from #Sigs s
group by s.Signature
having count(*) > 9
) b
join #Sigs o
on o.Signature = b.Signature
order by o.Signature desc, o.DateTime
I now want to select the 1st and 10th records only, per Signature. What determines rank is the Datetime descending. Thus, I would expect every Signature to have 2 rows.
I would go with a couple of common table expressions.
The first will select all records from the table as well as a count of records per signature, and the second one will select from the first where the record count > 9 and add row_number partitioned by signature - and then just select from that where the row_number is either 1 or 10:
With cte1 AS
SELECT ID, Signature, Datetime, COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY Signature) As NumberOfRows
FROM #Sigs
), cte2 AS
SELECT ID, Signature, Datetime, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Signature ORDER BY DateTime DESC) As Rn
FROM cte1
WHERE NumberOfRows > 9
SELECT ID, Signature, Datetime
FROM cte2
WHERE Rn IN (1, 10)
ORDER BY Signature desc
Because I don't know what your data looks like, this might need some adjustment.
The simplest way here, since you already know your sort order (DateTime DESC) and partitioning (Signature), is probably to assign row numbers and then select the rows you want.
select o.Signature
from (
select s.Signature
from #Sigs s
group by s.Signature
having count(*) > 9
) b
join #Sigs o
on o.Signature = b.Signature
order by o.Signature desc, o.DateTime
WHERE [Row] IN (1,10)

Use WHERE statement in OVER()

I'm trying to create a query, which will give me a row_number for all the returned records. I can do that for all records present in the database. The problem is, i need to somehow retrieve a row number for a query with WHERE statement inside (WHERE posts.status = 'published').
My original query looks like that:
row_number() over (ORDER BY posts.score DESC) as position
FROM posts
However, adding a where statement inside over() throws syntax error:
row_number() over (
WHERE posts.status = 'published'
ORDER BY posts.score DESC
) as position
FROM posts
SELECT posts.*, row_number() over (ORDER BY posts.score DESC) as position
FROM posts
WHERE posts.status = 'published'
Not quite sure what you are after. Maybe show an example of expected output. Here is an an example of an approach:
create table posts(id int, score int, status text);
insert into posts values(1, 1, 'x');
insert into posts values(2, 2, 'published');
insert into posts values(3, 3, 'x');
insert into posts values(4, 4, 'x');
SELECT, x.score, x.status
,CASE WHEN x.status = 'published' THEN null ELSE x.position END
FROM (SELECT posts.*,
row_number() OVER (ORDER BY posts.score DESC)
-SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'published' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
OVER (ORDER BY posts.score DESC) as position
FROM posts
) x
4 4 x 1
3 3 x 2
2 2 published
1 1 x 3

TSQL - LEAD for Next Different Row

Is there a way to use the lead function such that I can get the next row where something has changed, as opposed it where it is the same?
In this example, the RowType can be 'in' or 'out', for each 'in' I need to know the next RowNumber where it has become 'out'. I have been playing with the lead function as it is really fast, however I haven't been able to get it working. I just need to do the following really, which is partition by a RowType which isn't the one in the current row.
,RowType --In this case I am only interested in RowType = 'In'
, Lead(RowNumber)
OVER (partition by "RowType = out" --This is the bit I am stuck on--
order by RowNumber ASC) as NextOutFlow
from table
order by RowNumber asc
Thanks in advance for any help
Rather than using lead() I would use an outer apply that returns the next row with type out for all rows with type in:
select RowNumber, RowType, nextOut
from your_table t
outer apply (
select min(RowNumber) as nextOut
from your_table
where RowNumber > t.RowNumber and RowType='Out'
) oa
where RowType = 'In'
order by RowNumber asc
Given sample data like:
RowNumber RowType
1 in
2 out
3 in
4 in
5 out
6 in
This would return:
RowNumber RowType nextOut
1 in 2
3 in 5
4 in 5
6 in NULL
I think this will work
If you would use a bit field for in out you would get better performance
;with cte1 as
SELECT [inden], [OnOff]
, lag([OnOff]) over (order by [inden]) as [lagOnOff]
FROM [OnOff]
), cte2 as
select [inden], [OnOff], [lagOnOff]
, lead([inden]) over (order by [inden]) as [Leadinden]
from cte1
where [OnOff] <> [lagOnOff]
or [lagOnOff] is null
select [inden], [OnOff], [lagOnOff], [Leadinden]
from cte2
where [OnOff] = 'true'
probably slower but if you have the right indexes may work
select t1.rowNum as 'rowNumIn', min(t2.rownum) as 'nextRowNumOut'
from tabel t1
join table t2
on t1.rowType = 'In'
and t2.rowType = 'Out'
and t2.rowNum > t1.rowNum
and t2.rowNum < t1.rowNum + 1000 -- if you can constrain it
group by t1.rowNum

How to match records for two different groups?

I have one main table called Event_log which contains all of the records that I need for this query. Within this table there is one column that I'm calling "Grp". To simplify things, assume that there are only two possible values for this Grp: A and B. So now we have one table, Event_log, with one column "Grp" and one more column called "Actual Date". Lastly I want to add one more Flag column to this table, which works as follows.
First, I order all of the records in descending order by date as demonstrated below. Then, I want to flag each Group "A" row with a 1 or a 0. For all "A" rows, if the previous record (earlier in date) = "B" row then I want to flag 1. Otherwise flag a 0. So this initial table looks like this before setting this flag:
Actual Date Grp Flag
1-29-13 A
12-27-12 B
12-26-12 B
12-23-12 A
12-22-12 A
But after these calculations are done, it should look like this:
Actual Date Grp Flag
1-29-13 A 1
12-27-12 B NULL
12-26-12 B NULL
12-23-12 A 0
12-22-12 A 0
How can I do this? This is simpler to describe than it is to query!
You can use something like:
select el.ActualDate
, el.Grp
, Flag = case
when el.grp = 'B' then null
when prev.grp = 'B' then 1
else 0
from Event_log el
outer apply
select top 1 prev.grp
from Event_log prev
where el.ActualDate > prev.ActualDate
order by prev.ActualDate desc
) prev
order by el.ActualDate desc
SQL Fiddle with demo.
Try this
;with cte as
SELECT CAST('01-29-13' As DateTime) ActualDate,'A' Grp
UNION ALL SELECT '12-27-12','B'
UNION ALL SELECT '12-26-12','B'
UNION ALL SELECT '12-23-12','A'
UNION ALL SELECT '12-22-12','A'
, CTE2 as
SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by actualdate desc) rn
FROM cte
when A.Grp = 'A' THEN
END Flag
from cte2 a
LEFT OUTER JOIN CTE2 b on a.rn + 1 = b.rn

How to update a table with a list of values at a time?

I have
update NewLeaderBoards set MonthlyRank=(Select RowNumber() (order by TotalPoints desc) from LeaderBoards)
I tried it this way -
(Select RowNumber() (order by TotalPoints desc) from LeaderBoards) as NewRanks
update NewLeaderBoards set MonthlyRank = NewRanks
But it doesnt work for me..Can anyone suggest me how can i perform an update in such a way..
You need to use the WITH statement and a full CTE:
;With Ranks As
Select PrimaryKeyColumn, Row_Number() Over( Order By TotalPoints Desc ) As Num
From LeaderBoards
Update NewLeaderBoards
Set MonthlyRank = T2.Num
From NewLeaderBoards As T1
Join Ranks As T2
On T2.PrimaryKeyColumn = T1.PrimaryKeyColumn