I need to pull just the year from a field - tsql

I have a date field (work_date) that I just need the 4 digit year from and be in number form. the field looks like this 2020-04-28 00:00:00.000 I just need the 2020 from it.
In sql studio this works,
select left((convert(varchar(4),[Work_Date],112)),4)
but in crystal reports it say missing ( by convert

Try this:
Or this:

DatePart yyyy

No need to use any formula, just right click the report field and format it, click customize and get the output you desire, its just the same as you format in excel


Power BI - Date Format

I'm attempting to change the date format of a column from 01 Jan 2021 to 01 Jan 21 but it looks like that's not one of the formats available in power Bi. Is there a formula that might do this for me?
Kind regards,
Is possible to do what you want without using any formula.
First, go to the Model View and select the desired column. In my case is Date2. Then open the Properties tab that is at the left.
Now, go to Formatting, select Custom and at the Custom format textbox paste d MMM yy
By doing that you should get the expected result.

Date Parameter to Cache SQL

I am very new to Cache. I am trying to develop a report with date parameters. When I issue the SQL command:
SELECT TOP 2 ad.admission_date from system.admission ad WHERE convert(sql_date,ad.admission_date) >= convert(sql_date,'08-01-2014' )
I get what I expect two records.
One of which is 10/1/2010 12:00:00 AM.
Then if I issue the command
SELECT TOP 2 ad.admission_date from system.admission ad WHERE convert(sql_date,ad.admission_date) <= convert(sql_date,'08-01-2014' )
I get no values returned?
When I issue the command
SELECT TOP 2 {fn convert('10-03-2010', sql_date) } FROM system.admission_data
I get two NULL values. Clearly I am confused about how Cache works.
I have found that if you use the standard ODBC format (yyyy-MM-dd) for the date you don't need to use the convert and it is much more efficient:
WHERE ad.admission_date <= '2014-08-01'
I formated date incorrectly. I have my code working now. Should look something like select top 2 convert(DATE, '10/03/2010 12:00:00 AM') .... and then I can actually do comparisons.

Converting string to date in Crystal Reports

I'm new to Crystal Reports, I'm trying to extract and display month and year from the string (In DB the data type of the column is varchar). Following is an example of the data.
05-JAN-12 AM
I need it in following format
I have used cDate to convert the string to date format but was unsuccessful, maybe I didn't do it right way.
Alter the formula to extract the date portion, then convert it to a date:
DateValue(Split("05-JAN-12 AM")[1])
Apply formatting to the field as desired.
This may work
Date (Year ({reportfield}) * 10000 + Month ({reportfield}) * 100 + Day ({reportfield}))
Then format the field to display the date as your choosing.
MonthName(DatePart ("m", <<Date field>>))+"-"+totext(DatePart ("yyyy", <<DAtefield>>),0,"")

Jasper Report Date Format

In Jasper Reoprt, crosstab, I have displayed my date as like "2012-09-13". Is there a way to display it in reverse as "13-09-2012" using any String methods? And another thing is that I retrieve the date from SQL dB.
Thanks in advance!
You can do the above in the query level itself instead of doing it on ireport.
You may want to refer to the below link on how to format dates
format date
In ireport, you can use SimpleDateFormat/DateFormat and format your dates as you require
You can refer the link

SSRS Future Date

Im building a basic SSRS report that is a quote. I have a date field of when data was put into the system. On the quote I want to take that field and add 30 days to it so I can show that the quote is good for the next 30 days out. How would I write that in my expression in SSRS?
What I have so far:
=First(Fields!Date.Value, "DataSet1")
Use the DateAdd function.
Example: DateAdd("d", 30, First(Fields!Date.Value, "DataSet1"))