jQuery UI autocomplete shows value instead of label in the input field - jquery-ui-autocomplete

A potentially simple issue with jQuery UI autocomplete is stumping me. My source is
var ac = [
label: "One Thing",
value: "One-Thing"
label: "Two Thing",
value: "Two-Thing"
I am invoking the widget with
$(function() {
$( "#search" ).autocomplete({
source: PK.getAutocompleteSource(),
focus: function( event, ui ) {
return false;
select: function( event, ui ) {
All works fine. When I type in the #search input field, the matching label shows up in the dropdown, and when I select the correct search is performed. The widget even shows the label in the #search input field as I select different items in the dropdown using the arrow keys (or the mouse). Except, soon as I hit enter, the widget fills the #search input field with the value instead of the label. So the field shows One-Thing instead of One Thing.
How can I correct this? Surely what I am expecting is the more reasonable behavior, no?

if you want the label to be your value, just have the source be
var ac = ["One Thing", "Two Thing"]
alternatively, the select method of autocompletes default action is to put the value object (if specified) as the value of your input. you could also put event.preventDefault() in the select function and it will put the label as the value (as you have)
select: function( event, ui ) {

If you want your label to be your value in the text box onFocus AND onSelect use this code:
select: function(event, ui) {
$("#search").val(ui.item.label); },
focus: function(event, ui) {
I was missing the onFocus event (only setting the onSelect event). Thus, the value continued to show in the text input.

I was still haveing a problem with arrow keys showing the values. So I actually found it better to assign both the value and label to the label, and then put the value on a 3rd property of the data. For example let's put it on id.
var ac = [
label: "One Thing",
value: "One Thing",
id: "One-Thing",
label: "Two Thing",
value: "Two Thing",
id: "Two-Thing"
Then when you use the select event, you can get id from ui:
select: function( event, ui ) {


ag-Grid Master / Detail - Row Selection

I am trying to add row selection functionality which is connected between the master grid and detail grid.
When a checkbox on a master grid row is selected, I want to select all the checkboxes in the associated detail grid.
When a checkbox on a master grid row is deselected, I want to deselect all the checkboxes in the associated detail grid.
When only partial checkboxes inside of a detail grid are selected, I want the master grid row to show a partial selection icon in the checkbox.
I want to keep count of how many items were selected in all of the detail grids
All of this functionality already exists for Groups, but I cannot get it to work for Master/Detail. I've tried adding in the line that I believe should add this for Groups cellRendererParams: {checkbox: true}, but that does nothing for the detail grid.
I've also tried implementing the functionality myself, but I hit a couple of roadblocks.
I don't know how to set the partial-checkbox icon manually or if that's even possible.
I implemented the onSelectionChanged event handler for the detail grid, but inside of the function it looks like I can't access the Angular component context to update the count of selected items. Not sure how to pass in the context this.
Code that I have working so far:
When a checkbox on a master grid is selected/deselected, the checkboxes in the associated detail grid are all selected/deselected.
public onMasterRowSelected() {
this.gridOptions.api.forEachNode(masterRowNode => {
if(masterRowNode.isSelected()) {
} else {
this.gridOptions.api.getDetailGridInfo(`detail_${masterRowNode.id}`).api.forEachNode(detailRowNode => detailRowNode.setSelected(false));
Added the onSelectionChanged() event listener for the detail grid.
constructor() {
this.gridOptions = {
detailCellRendererParams: {
getDetailRowData: function(params) {
params.successCallback(params.data.items); // Defines where to find the detail fields out of the rowData object
detailGridOptions: {
rowSelection: 'multiple',
defaultColDef: {
sortable: true
getRowNodeId: function (rowData) {
return rowData.id; // detail items are indexed by id field
onSelectionChanged: function (params) {
console.log(this); // I expected this to print out my Angular component object, but instead it prints out this.gridOptions.detailCellRendererParams.detailGridOptions
console.log("TEST"); // I know that this function is successfully being called because this line is printed
this.selectedItems = 0;
params.api.forEachNode(detailRowNode => {
if(detailRowNode.isSelected()) {
this.selectedObs++; // I believe that this would work if I had access to the correct "this" context
columnDefs: [
{headerName: 'Column 1', field: 'column1', checkboxSelection: true},
{headerName: 'Column 2', field: 'column2'},
Here is an Angular example where you can push the parent component as a reference to the detail grid and set it as its context. Doing this allows you to register a component method as a callback for the detail grid's onRowSelected method.
Move the onSelectionChanged(params) function to the same level as the detailCellRendererParams object.
this.detailGridApi = params.api;
this.detailGridColumnApi = params.columnApi;
Then, on the onSelectionChanged, do this:
onSelectionChanged: this.internalOnSelectionChanged.bind(this);
This solved my issues that were very similar to yours.

ComboBox with entered text filtering - SAP UI5

I have had a select control where I could select from user names. Now I want to convert that select into combo box so I can give the user ability to enter text as well. The values populated in the combo box are in text property as {FirstName}, {LastName}. I do not want to use additional text as it shows at end of the row wih lot of space in between. My issue with Combo box is :
Values get populated but how do I filter? There is already some logic that is written on change method. I want to do custom filtering on the values. For example: If I write "P" it should show all the values that have P in the text (First name and last name). Where to write filter function? Also I found custom filtering code in demokit, I want to use it - but when I use it in inti method under delegate, I get error - this.get....setfilterfunction().. is not a function
<ComboBox items= "{path:'items>/name'}" id="A"
selectedKey="{item>/Header/Name}" change="nameSelected">
<core:ListItem key="{order>NameID}" text="{order>LastName} ,{order>FirstName}"/>
_initializeData: function () {
var name = this.getView().byId("A");
onAfterRendering: function() {
this.getView().byId("A").setFilterFunction(function(sTerm, oItem) {
return oItem.getText().match(new RegExp(sTerm, "i")) ||
oItem.getKey().match(new RegExp(sTerm, "i"));
nameSelected: function () {
......some logic processing..
You have to bind this in your function. I guess.
Can you access this.getView().byId("A") , when you put a break point in the onAfterRendering part ?
Try this solution: You are not working in the right scope.
_initializeData: function () {
var name = this.getView().byId("A");
onAfterRendering: this.setFilter.bind(this) });
setFilter: function() {
this.getView().byId("A").setFilterFunction(function(sTerm, oItem) {
return oItem.getText().match(new RegExp(sTerm, "i")) ||
oItem.getKey().match(new RegExp(sTerm, "i"));

Is it possible to have a date input in a w2ui toolbar

I am wondering if there is any way one could place a date input control in a toolbar similar to the one used for date input on a form?
Yes, it's possible, but it's quirky.
You will have to define the input field as a toolbar button:
{ type: 'html', id: 'roles', html: '<input id="id_role">' },
and in the toolbar's onRefresh() event you will have to cast the input to the desired w2filed:
onRefresh: function(event) {
if(event.target == 'roles'){
// w2field in toolbar must be initialized during refresh
// see: https://github.com/vitmalina/w2ui/issues/886
event.onComplete = function(ev){
$("#id_role").w2field('list', { items: roles });
In my example I'm inserting a drop down list, but you can adjust it to your needs.
Please see https://github.com/vitmalina/w2ui/issues/886 for an "official" reply.

Dynamically updating a TinyMCE 4 ListBox

I'm trying to modify the TinyMCE 4 "link" plugin to allow users to select content from ListBox elements that are dynamically updated by AJAX requests.
I'm creating the ListBox elements in advance of editor.windowManager.open(), so they are initially rendered properly. I have an onselect handler that performs the AJAX request, and gets a response in JSON format.
What I need to do with the JSON response is to have it update another ListBox element, replacing the existing items with the new results.
I'm baffled, and the documentation is terribly unclear. I don't know if I should replace the entire control, or delete items and then add new ones. I don't know if I need to instantiate a new ListBox control, or render it to HTML, etc.
Basically, I have access to the original rendered ListBox (name: "module"} with
I have the new values from the AJAX request:
var data = tinymce.util.JSON.parse(text).data;
And I've tried creating a new Control configuration object, like
newCtrlconfig = {
type: 'listbox',
label: 'Class',
values: data
but I wouldn't know how to render it, much less have it replace the existing one.
I tried
var newList = tinymce.ui.Factory.create(newCtrlconfig);
and then
but even then, the rendered HTML did not contain any markup for the items. And examining these objects is just frustrating: there are "settings", "values", "_values", "items" all of which will happily store my values, but it isn't even clear which of them will work.
Since it's a ListBox and not a simple SELECT menu, I can't even easily use the DOM to manipulate the values.
Has anyone conquered the TinyMCE ListBox in 4.x?
I found this on the TinyMCE forum and I have confirmed that it works:
tinymce.PluginManager.add('myexample', function(editor, url) {
var self = this, button;
function getValues() {
return editor.settings.myKeyValueList;
// Add a button that opens a window
editor.addButton('myexample', {
type: 'listbox',
text: 'My Example',
values: getValues(),
onselect: function() {
//insert key
//reset selected value
onPostRender: function() {
//this is a hack to get button refrence.
//there may be a better way to do this
button = this;
self.refresh = function() {
//remove existing menu if it is already rendered
button.menu = null;
button.settings.values = button.settings.menu = getValues();
Call following code block from ajax success method
//Set new values to myKeyValueList
tinyMCE.activeEditor.settings.myKeyValueList = [{text: 'newtext', value: 'newvalue'}];
//Call plugin method to reload the dropdown
The key here is that you need to do the following:
Get the 'button' reference by taking it from 'this' in the onPostRender method
Update the button.settings.values and button.settings.menu with the values you want
To update the existing list, call button.menu.remove() and button.menu = null
I tried the solution from TinyMCE forum, but I found it buggy. For example, when I tried to alter the first ListBox multiple times, only the first time took effect. Also first change to that box right after dialogue popped up didn't take any effect.
But to the solution:
Do not call button.menu.remove();
Also, the "hack" for getting button reference is quite unnecessary. Your job can be done simply using:
var button = win.find("#button")[0];
With these modification, my ListBoxes work just right.
Whole dialogue function:
function ShowDialog() {
var val;
win = editor.windowManager.open({
title: 'title',
body: {type: 'form',
items: [
{type: 'listbox',
name: 'categorybox',
text: 'pick one',
value: 0,
label: 'Section: ',
values: categories,
onselect: setValuebox(this.value())
{type: 'listbox',
name: 'valuebox',
text:'pick one',
value: '',
label: 'Page: ',
values: pagelist[0],
onselect: function(e) {
val = this.value();
onsubmit: function(e) {
//do whatever
var valbox = win.find("#valuebox")[0];
function setValuebox(i){
//feel free to call ajax
valbox.menu = null;
valbox.settings.menu = pagelist[i];
// you can also set a value from pagelist[i]["values"][0]
categories and pagelist are JSONs generated from DB before TinyMCE load. pagelist[category] = data for ListBox for selected category. category=0 means all.
Hope I helped somebody, because I've been struggling this for hours.
It looks like the tinyMCE version that is included in wordpress 4.3 changed some things, and added a state object that caches the initial menu, so changing the menu is not enough anymore.
One will probably have to update the state object as well. Here is an example of updating the menu with data coming from an ajax request:
editor.addButton('shortcodes', {
icon: 'icon_shortcodes',
tooltip: 'Your tooltip',
type: 'menubutton',
onPostRender: function() {
var ctrl = this;
$.getJSON( ajaxurl , function( menu) {
// menu is the array containing your menu items
ctrl.state.data.menu = ctrl.settings.menu = menu;
As far as I can tell, these other approaches are broken in TinyMCE 4.9.
After spending most of the day tinkering to fix my own usage of these approaches, this is the working function I've found:
function updateListbox(win, data) { // win is a tinymce.ui.Window
listbox = win.find('#listbox'); // Substitute your listbox 'name'
formItem = listbox.parent();
label: 'Dynamic Listbox',
type: 'listbox',
name: 'listbox',
values: data

Truncated text with jEditable

So I have an editable line of text on my website. Whenever the text is changed and is above a certain length, I truncate the text.
Simplified jsfiddle here - http://jsfiddle.net/3kwCr/1/
On subsequent clicks on the text to edit, the truncated value with ellipsis is picked up. How do I get jEditable to pick up the actual value which is present as an attribute in the div?
data: function() { $('.editable-value').attr('value') }
will not work as I have several of these editable lines of text
I need something like
data: function() { this.attr('value') }
where this would the div object to which .editable has been applied to.
Just wrap this into jQuery object so you can use jQuery methods on it. Below is updated code. I also updated the example jsFiddle.
$('.editable').editable(function(value, settings) {
$(this).attr('value', value);
if (value.length > 10) {
return(value.slice(0,10)) + '...';
} else {
}, {
data : function(value) { return($(this).attr('value')); },
type : 'text',
submit : 'OK'