Powershell script not recognizing my function - powershell

I have a powershell script that parses a file and send an email if it detects a certain pattern. I have the email code setup inside a function, and it all works fine when I run it from the ISE, but I used PS2EXE to be able to run the script as a service but it does not recognize the function "email". my code looks similar to this
#Do things |
function email($text){
#email $text
When I convert it to exe and run it I get this error:
The term 'email' is not recognized as teh name of a cmdlet, function, script file,
or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included,
verify that the path is correct and try again.

Powershell processes in order (top-down) so the function definition needs to be before the function call:
function email($text){
#email $text
#Do things |
It probably works fine in the ISE because you have the function definition in memory still from a prior run or test.

When it comes to the Function-Calls, PowerShell is fairly different from other programming-languages in the following ways:
When passing the arguments to a function, parentheses are NOT allowed (and will raise a parse error if Set-StrictMode is set to -version 2.0 or above/Latest), however, Parenthesised arguments must be used to call a method, which can either be a .NET method or a user defined method (defined within a Class - in PS 5.0 or above).
Parameters are space-separated and not comma separated.
Be careful in where you define the function. As PowerShell sequentially processes line-by-line in top-down order, hence the function must be defied before that function is called:
Function func($para1){
#do something
func "arg1" #function-call
In Windows PowerShell ISE (or Visual Studio Code) if a function-call appears to be working even though the function-definition is defined below the function-call, (beware) this is because it's cached in memory from a previous execution(s), which too will fail as soon as you update the function-definition.


Is there a way to create an alias to a cmdlet in a way that it only runs if arguments are passed to the alias?

I am trying to create an alias (named which) of the Get-Command cmdlet in a way that it doesn't run if I'm not sending any arguments (because if it's run without arguments it outputs all the commands that are available).
I know this can be done using a function but I would like to keep the tab completion functionality without having to write a sizeable function that is to be placed into my $PROFILE.
In short, I only want the alias to work if it is being passed arguments.
You can't do it with an alias, because PowerShell aliases can only refer to another command name or path, and can therefore neither include arguments nor custom logic.
Therefore you do need a function, but it can be a short and simple one:
function which { if ($args.count) { Get-Command #args } else { Throw "Missing command name." } }
Note that while passing -? for showing Get-Command's help does work, tab completion of arguments does not.
In order to get tab completion as well, you'll need to write a wrapper (proxy) function or at least replicate Get-Command's parameter declarations - which then does make the function definition sizable.
If the concern is just the size of the $PROFILE file itself, you can write a proxy script instead - which.ps1 - which you can invoke with just which as well, assuming you place it in one of the directories listed in $env:Path[1]; see next section.
Defining a wrapper (proxy) script or function:
Defining a wrapper (proxy) function or script is a nontrivial undertaking, but allows you to implement a robust wrapper that supports tab completion and even forwarding to the original command's help.
Bug alert: As zett42 points out, as of PowerShell [Core] 7.1, System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand.Create neglects to include dynamic parameters if the target command is an (advanced) function or script; however, compiled cmdlets are not affected; see GitHub issue #4792 and this answer for a workaround.
For simplicity, the following creates a wrapper script, which.ps1 , and saves it in the current directory. As stated, if you place it in one of the directories listed in $env:PATH, you'll be able to invoke it as just which.
The code below can easily be adapted to create a wrapper function instead: simply take the contents of the $wrapperCmdSource variable below and enclose it in function which { ... }.
As of PowerShell Core 7.0.0-preview.5, there are some problems with the auto-generated code, which may or may not affect you; they will be fixed at some point; to learn more and to learn how to manually correct them, see GitHub issue #10863.
# Create the wrapper scaffolding as source code (outputs a single [string])
$wrapperCmdSource =
[System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::Create((Get-Command Get-Command))
# Write the auto-generated source code to a script file
$wrapperCmdSource > which.ps1
Even though System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand.Create requires a System.Management.Automation.CommandMetadata instance to identify the target command, the System.Management.Automation.CommandInfo instances output by Get-Command can be used as-is.
Re comment-based help: By default, the proxy function simply forwards to the original cmdlet's help; however, you can optionally pass a string to serve as the comment-based help as the 2nd argument.
By using [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetHelpComments() in combination with output from Get-Help, you could start with a copy of the original command's help and modify it:
[System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetHelpComments((Get-Help Get-Command))
You now have a fully functional which.ps1 wrapper script that behaves like Get-Command itself.
You can invoke it as follows:
./which # Same as: Get-Command; tab completion of parameters supported.
./which -? # Shows Get-Command's help.
You can now edit the script file to perform the desired customization.
Note: The auto-generated source code contains a lot of boilerplate code; however, typically only one or two places need tweaking to implement the custom functionality.
Specifically, place the following command as the first statement inside the begin { ... } block:
if (-not $MyInvocation.ExpectingInput -and -not ($Name -or $CommandType -or $Module -or $FullyQualifiedModule)) {
Throw "Missing command name or filter."
This causes the script to throw an error if the caller didn't provide some way of targeting a specific command or group of commands, either by direct argument or via the pipeline.
If you invoke the modified script without arguments now, you should see the desired error:
PS> ./which.ps1
Missing command name or filter.
Other common types of customizations are:
Removing parameters from the wrapper, by simply removing the parameter declaration.
Adding additional parameters to the invocation of the wrapped command, by modifying the following line in the begin block:
# Add parameters, as needed.
$scriptCmd = { & $wrappedCmd #PSBoundParameters }
Preprocessing pipeline input before passing it to the wrapped command, by customizing the process block and replacing $_ with your preprocessed input in the following line:
# Replace $_ with a preprocessed version of it, as needed.
For an example of a complete implementation of a proxy function, see this answer.
[1] Caveat for Linux users: since the Linux file-system is case is case-sensitive, invocation of your script won't work case-insensitively, the way commands normally work in PowerShell. E.g., if your script file name is Get-Foo.ps1, only Get-Foo - using the exact same case - will work, not also get-foo, for instance.

Shorter execution of powershell script

Say I have a script to be executed in a single call, how do I do it?
Like, say I have a powershell script saved at E:\Fldr\scrpt.ps1.
Now if I have to normally execute that script is PowerShell ISE then I would have to use:
& "E:\Fldr\scrpt.ps1"
and the scrpt.ps1 gets executed.
But whatI want is, when I write a word, say "exeScrpt" instead of & "E:\Fldr\scrpt.ps1" then I want scrpt.ps1 to get executed.
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you for checking in..
You can wrap your call to the script in a function:
function Invoke-Script
Then you can run your script by executing a single command anywhere after the definition:
Note that it is good practice to name your functions according to the Verb-Noun cmdlet naming standard, so something like Invoke-Script instead of exeScrpt. If you really want a single word as the name, then you can additionally create an alias for your function:
New-Alias -Name exeScrpt -Value Invoke-Script

Inbuilt function in *.ps1 is not recognizing [duplicate]

I have a powershell script that parses a file and send an email if it detects a certain pattern. I have the email code setup inside a function, and it all works fine when I run it from the ISE, but I used PS2EXE to be able to run the script as a service but it does not recognize the function "email". my code looks similar to this
#Do things |
function email($text){
#email $text
When I convert it to exe and run it I get this error:
The term 'email' is not recognized as teh name of a cmdlet, function, script file,
or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included,
verify that the path is correct and try again.
Powershell processes in order (top-down) so the function definition needs to be before the function call:
function email($text){
#email $text
#Do things |
It probably works fine in the ISE because you have the function definition in memory still from a prior run or test.
When it comes to the Function-Calls, PowerShell is fairly different from other programming-languages in the following ways:
When passing the arguments to a function, parentheses are NOT allowed (and will raise a parse error if Set-StrictMode is set to -version 2.0 or above/Latest), however, Parenthesised arguments must be used to call a method, which can either be a .NET method or a user defined method (defined within a Class - in PS 5.0 or above).
Parameters are space-separated and not comma separated.
Be careful in where you define the function. As PowerShell sequentially processes line-by-line in top-down order, hence the function must be defied before that function is called:
Function func($para1){
#do something
func "arg1" #function-call
In Windows PowerShell ISE (or Visual Studio Code) if a function-call appears to be working even though the function-definition is defined below the function-call, (beware) this is because it's cached in memory from a previous execution(s), which too will fail as soon as you update the function-definition.

Referencing text after script is called within PS1 Script

Let's take the PowerShell statement below as an example:
powershell.exe c:\temp\windowsbroker.ps1 IIS
Is it possible to have it scripted within windowsbroker.ps1 to check for that IIS string, and if it's present to do a specific install script? The broker script would be intended to install different applications depending on what string followed it when it was called.
This may seem like an odd question, but I've been using CloudFormation to spin up application environments and I'm specifying an "ApplicationStack" parameter that will be referenced at the time when the powershell script is run so it knows which script to run to install the correct application during bootup.
What you're trying to do is called argument or parameter handling. In its simplest form PowerShell provides all arguments to a script in the automatic variable $args. That would allow you to check for an argument IIS like this:
if ($args -contains 'iis') {
# do something
or like this if you want the check to be case-sensitive (which I wouldn't recommend, since Windows and PowerShell usually aren't):
if ($args -ccontains 'IIS') {
# do something
However, since apparently you want to use the argument as a switch to trigger specific behavior of your script, there are better, more sophisticated ways of doing this. You could add a Param() section at the top of your script and check if the parameter was present in the arguments like this (for a list of things to install):
$Install | ForEach-Object {
switch ($_) {
'IIS' {
# do something
or like this (for a single option):
if ($IIS.IsPresent) {
# do something
You'd run the script like this:
powershell "c:\temp\windowsbroker.ps1" -Install "IIS",...
or like this respectively:
powershell "c:\temp\windowsbroker.ps1" -IIS
Usually I'd prefer switches over parameters with array arguments (unless you have a rather extensive list of options), because with the latter you have to worry about spelling of the array elements, whereas with switches you got a built-in spell check.
Using a Param() section will also automatically add a short usage description to your script:
PS C:\temp> Get-Help windowsbroker.ps1
windowsbroker.ps1 [-IIS]
You can further enhance this online help to your script via comment-based help.
Using parameters has a lot of other advantages on top of that (even though they probably aren't of that much use in your scenario). You can do parameter validation, make parameters mandatory, define default values, read values from the pipeline, make parameters depend on other parameters via parameter sets, and so on. See here and here for more information.
Yes, they are called positional parameters. You provide the parameters at the beginning of your script:
You could then write your script as follows:
switch ($appToInstall){
"IIS" {"Install IIS here"}

Execute a parameter passed into a powershell script as if it were a line in the script

I've got a wrapper powershell script that I'm hoping to use to automate a few things. It's pretty basic, and accepts a parameter that I want the script to run as if it were a line in the script. I absolutely cannot get it to work.
param( [string[]] $p)
echo $p
# Adds the base cmdlets
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
# Add the following if you want to do things with Update Manager
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VumAutomation
# This script adds some helper functions and sets the appearance. You can pick and choose parts of this file for a fully custom appearance.
. "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI\Scripts\Initialize-VIToolkitEnvironment.ps1"
In the example above, I want $p to execute as if it were a line in the script. I know this isn't secure, and that's probably where the problem lies.
Here is how I try running the script and passing in a parameter for $p:
D:\ps\test>powershell -command "D:\ps\test\powershell_wrapper.ps1" 'Suspend-VM servername -Verbose -Confirm:$False'
How can I get my parameter of 'Suspend-VM servername -Verbose -Confirm:$False' to run inside my script? If I just include the value in the script instead of pass it in as a parameter it runs without any issues...
You can basically approach this two ways, depending on what your needs really are and how you want to structure your code.
Approach #1 - Invoke-Expression
Invoke-Expression basically allows you to treat a string like an expression and evaluate it. Consider the following trivial example:
Invoke-Expression '{"Hello World"}'
That will evaluate the string as if it were an expression typed in directly, and place the string "Hello World" on the pipeline. You could use that to take your string parameter and run it on-the-fly in your script.
Approach #2 - Using a ScriptBlock
PowerShell has a special data type called a ScriptBlock, where you can bind a script to a variable, and then invoke that script as part of your code. Again, here is a trivial example:
function Test-SB([ScriptBlock]$sb) {
Test-SB -sb {"Hello World"}
This example creates a function with a single parameter $sb that is of type ScriptBlock. Notice the parameter is bound to the actual chunk of code {"Hello World"}? That code is assigned to the $sb parameter, and then a call to the .Invoke method actually executes the code. You could adapt your code to take in a ScriptBlock and invoke it as part of your script.
Approach #3 - Updating your profile
OK, so I said there were two ways to approach it. There is actually a third... sort of... You could add the VMWare cmdlets to your $profile so they are always present and you don't need your wrapper to load in those libraries. Granted, this is a pretty big hammer - but it might make sense if this is the environment you are constantly working in. You could also just create a shortcut to PowerShell that runs a .ps1 on startup that includes those libraries and hangs around (this is what MS did with the SharePoint admin shell and several others). Take a look at this TechNet page to get more info on the $profile and if it can help you out: