Reading binary file into matlab - matlab

I have a data file that uses (char(1 byte), char[n](array of n chars), word(2 byte unsigned int), short(2 byte signed int), dword(4 byte unsigned int), long(4 byte signed int) and float(4 byte real)) and is supposedly in the following format. I am reading the data file into MATLAB with fopen, fread, etc. but the values I am getting are not what I expect.
<-- outputs 8 ascii values that spell the correct string identifier
<--version of the data files, msw-major version, lsw-minor version (have tried reading as 1 uint32 and 2 uint16's)
<--number of window displays in program
<--contains display window params in the following structure: (not sure what data type this is)
(end of display window params; some are specified as must be a number in [0,3] and they aren't coming out like that)
word <-- supposed to be year data was collected (2013) but coming up as 0
fid = fopen('MIC1.001','rb');
fileIdentifier = fread(fid, 8,'char');
dataFileMajorVersion = fread(fid,1,'uint16');
dateFileMinorVersion = fread(fid,1,'uint16');
numModules = fread(fid,1,'uint32');
fread(fid,1,'uint32'); % value not used
numSwipesCollected = fread(fid,1,'uint32');
numWindowDisplays = fread(fid,1,'uint32');
% display info vars:
displayType = [];
moduleNumber = [];
channelNumber = [];
beginningBar = [];
endBar = [];
vertExpFactor = [];
voltageOffset =[];
isGridEnabled = [];
isEngineeringUnitEnabled = [];
colorOfDisplay = [];
multiChannelIndex = [];
numChannelsForMultiChannelDisp = [];
multiChannelDispStyle = [];
% or does it go through loop for all 8 whether or not there are 8 displays??
for i=1:numWindowDisplays
displayType = [fread(fid,1,'uint32'); displayType];
moduleNumber = [fread(fid,1,'uint32'); moduleNumber];
channelNumber = [fread(fid,1,'uint32'); channelNumber];
beginningBar = [fread(fid,1,'uint32'); beginningBar];
endBar = [fread(fid,1,'uint32'); endBar];
vertExpFactor = [fread(fid,1,'uint32'); vertExpFactor];
voltageOffset =[fread(fid,1,'uint32'); voltageOffset];
isGridEnabled = [fread(fid,1,'uint32'); isGridEnabled];
isEngineeringUnitEnabled = [fread(fid,1,'uint32'); isEngineeringUnitEnabled];
colorOfDisplay = [fread(fid,1,'uint32'); colorOfDisplay];
multiChannelIndex = [fread(fid,1,'uint32'); multiChannelIndex];
numChannelsForMultiChannelDisp = [fread(fid,1,'uint32'); numChannelsForMultiChannelDisp];
multiChannelDispStyle = [fread(fid,1,'uint32'); multiChannelDispStyle];
fread(fid,1,'uint32'); % value only used internally
fread(fid,16,'char'); % unused parameter for future use
yearOfDataCollection = fread(fid,1,'uint16');

I would recommend first, just read in all the data at once as a byte array. You'll be able to debug the problem much faster:
fid = fopen('MIC1.001','rb');
data = fread(fid);
% could look at it as all chars, just for debugging
The data is read in as a large array of bytes. Then you would go through and parse the bytes by casting them appropriately. You may want to try just testing your method first:
% create a binary file to follow the same format as the specified file
fid = fopen('test.dat','wb');
% Put in 8 character string for file ID
aa = 'myfile0';
% Null terminate it, (I guess)
% write the 2 byte file major revision
aa = 1000;
% write the 2 byte file minor revision
aa = 5000;
% write the 4 byte number of modules
aa = 65536;
% read the entire file in
fid = fopen('test.dat','rb');
A = fread(fid);
% Try to read the file id
% Try to read the file major revision
majorByte1 = dec2hex(A(9));
majorByte2 = dec2hex(A(10));
% see if it needs byte swapped
tmp1 = hex2dec([majorByte1 majorByte2]);
tmp2 = hex2dec([majorByte2 majorByte1]);
fprintf(1,'File Major: %d ? = %d\nFile Major: %d ? = %d\n',1000,tmp1,1000,tmp2);
For output I get:
File Major: 1000 ? = 3715
File Major: 1000 ? = 1000
So, for me, I'll need to byte swap the data, maybe you do too? :-)
To do this using fread, from the Matlab docs:
A = fread(fileID, sizeA, precision, skip, machineformat) reads data
with the specified machineformat.
For your case:
A = fread(fid,2,'uint16',0,'b');
I'm assuming you're on a little endian machine, to swap it to little endian, just use a l instead of a b.

number of digit of dec2hex conversion should be given (0x0A0C != 0xAC):
majorByte1 = dec2hex(A(9), 2);
majorByte2 = dec2hex(A(10), 2);
% see if it needs byte swapped
tmp1 = hex2dec([majorByte1 majorByte2]);
tmp2 = hex2dec([majorByte2 majorByte1]);


Excel Range object throws error 0x800A03EC because of a string longer than 255 characters

Using an ActiveX server from MATLAB, I am trying to highlight many cells in an Excel sheet at once. These are not in specific columns or rows so I use Range('A1,B2,...') to access them. However the string accepted by the Range object has to be less than 255 characters or an error:
Error: Object returned error code: 0x800A03EC
is thrown. The following code reproduces this error with an empty Excel file.
hActX = actxserver('Excel.Application');
hWB = hActX.Workbooks.Open('C:\Book1.xlsx');
hSheet = hWB.Worksheets.Item('Sheet1');
col = repmat('A', 100, 1);
row = num2str((1:100)'); %'
cellInd = strcat(col, strtrim(cellstr(row)));
str1 = strjoin(cellInd(1:66), ','); %// 254 characters
str2 = strjoin(cellInd(1:67), ','); %// 258 characters
hSheet.Range(str1).Interior.Color = 255; %// Works
hSheet.Range(str2).Interior.Color = 255; %// Error 0x800A03EC
How can I get around this? I found no other relevant method of calling Range, or of otherwise getting the cells I want to modify.
If you start with a String, you can test its length to determine if Range() can handle it. Here is an example of building a diagonal range:
Sub DiagonalRange()
Dim BigString As String, BigRange As Range
Dim i As Long, HowMany As Long, Ln As String
HowMany = 100
For i = 1 To HowMany
BigString = BigString & "," & Cells(i, i).Address(0, 0)
Next i
BigString = Mid(BigString, 2)
Ln = Len(BigString)
MsgBox Ln
If Ln < 250 Then
Set BigRange = Range(BigString)
Set BigRange = Nothing
arr = Split(BigString, ",")
For Each a In arr
If BigRange Is Nothing Then
Set BigRange = Range(a)
Set BigRange = Union(BigRange, Range(a))
End If
Next a
End If
End Sub
For i = 10, the code will the the direct method, but if the code were i=100, the array method would be used.
The solution, as Rory pointed out, is to use the Union method. To minimize the number of calls from MATLAB to the ActiveX server, this is what I did:
str = strjoin(cellInd, ',');
isep = find(str == ',');
isplit = diff(mod(isep, 250)) < 0;
isplit = [isep(isplit) (length(str) + 1)];
hRange = hSheet.Range(str(1:(isplit(1) - 1)));
for ii = 2:numel(isplit)
hRange = hActX.Union(hRange, ...
hSheet.Range(str((isplit(ii-1) + 1):(isplit(ii) - 1))));
I used 250 in the mod to account for the cell names being up to 6 characters long, which is sufficient for me.

Extraction of data from DWT subband

I am attempting to extract data from a DWT subband. I am able to embed data correctly (I have followed it in the debugger),cal PSNR etc. PSNR rate seem very high 76.2?? however,I am having lot of trouble extracting data back!It is sometimes extracting the number 128?? Can anyone help or have any idea why this is? I would be very thankful.I have been working on this all day & having no luck!I am very curious to know??
Data Embedding:
coverImage = imread('lena.bmp');
message = importdata('minutiaTest.txt');
%message = 'Bifurcations:';
[LL,LH,HL,HH] = dwt2(coverImage,'haar');
if size(message) > size(coverImage,1) * size(coverImage,2)
error ('message too big to embed');
bit_count = 0;
steg_coeffs = [4, 4.75, 5.5, 6.25, 7];
for jj=1:size(message,2)+1
if jj > size(message,2)
charbits = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
charbits = dec2bin(message(jj),8)';
charbits = charbits(:)'-'0';
for ii=1:8
bit_count = bit_count + 1;
if charbits(ii) == 1
if HH(bit_count) <= 0
HH(bit_count) = steg_coeffs(randi(numel(steg_coeffs)));
if HH(bit_count) >= 0
HH(bit_count) = -1 * steg_coeffs(randi(numel(steg_coeffs)));
stego_image = idwt2(LL,LH,HL,HH,'haar');
Data Extraction:
new_Stego = imread('newStego.bmp');
[LL,LH,HL,HH] = dwt2(new_Stego,'haar');
message = '';
msgbits = '';
for ii = 1:size(HH,1)*size(HH,2)
if HH(ii) > 0
msgbits = strcat (msgbits, '1');
elseif HH(ii) < 0
msgbits = strcat (msgbits, '0');
if mod(ii,8) == 0
msgChar = bin2dec(msgbits);
if msgChar == 0
msgChar = char (msgChar);
message = [message msgChar];
msgbits = '';
The problem arises from reading your data with importdata.
This command will load the data to an array. Since you have 39 lines and 2 columns (skipping any empty lines), its size will be 39 2. However, the program assumes that your message will be a string. For example, 'i am a string' has a size 1 13. This expectation of the program compared to the data you actually give it creates all sorts of problems.
What you want is to read your data as a single string, where the number 230 is not one element, but 3 individual characters. Tabs and newlines will also be read in as well.
To read your file:
message = fileread('minutiaTest.txt');
After you extract your message, to save it to a file:
fid = fopen('myFilename.txt','w');

MATLAB Execution Time Increasing

Here is my code. The intent is I have a Wireshark capture saved to a particularly formatted text file. The MATLAB code is supposed to go through the Packets, dissect them for different protocols, and then make tables based on those protocols. I currently have this programmed for ETHERNET/IP/UDP/MODBUS. In this case, it creates a column in MBTable each time it encounters a new register value, and each time it comes across a change to that register value, it updates the value in that line of the table. The first column of MBTable is time, the registers start with the second column.
MBTable is preallocated to over 100,000 Rows (nol is very large), 10 columns before this code is executed. The actual data from a file I'm pulling into the table gets to about 10,000 rows and 4 columns and the code execution is so slow I have to stop it. The tic/toc value is calculated every 1000 rows and continues to increase exponentially with every iteration. It is a large loop, but I can't see where anything is growing in such a way that it would cause it to run slower with each iteration.
All variables get initialized up top (left out to lessen amount of code.
The variables eth, eth.ip, eth.ip.udp, and eth.ip.udp.modbus are all of type struct as is eth.header and eth.ip.header. WSID is a file ID from a .txt file opened earlier.
MBTable = zeros(nol,10);
tval = tic;
while not(feof(WSID))
packline = packline + 1;
fl = fl + 1;
%Get the next line from the file
MBLine = fgetl(WSID);
%Make sure line is not blank or short
if length(MBLine) >= 3
%Split the line into 1. Line no, 2. Data, 3. ASCII
%MBAll = strsplit(MBLine,' ');
%First line of new packet, if headers included
if strcmp(MBLine(1:3),'No.')
newpack = true;
newtime = false;
newdata = false;
stoppack = false;
packline = 1;
%If packet has headers, 2nd line contains timestamp
if newpack
Ordered = false;
if packline == 2;
newtime = true;
%MBstrs = strsplit(MBAll{2},' ');
packno = int32(str2double(MBLine(1:8)));
t = str2double(MBLine(9:20));
et = t - lastt;
if lastt > 0 && et > 0
L = L + 1;
MBTable(L,1) = t;
%newpack = false;
if packline > 3
dataline = int16(str2double(MBLine(1:4)));
packdata = strcat(packdata,MBLine(7:53));
%if t >= st
if packline > 3
stoppack = true;
newpack = false;
if stoppack
invalid = false;
%eth = struct;
eth.pack = packdata(~isspace(packdata));
eth.length = length(eth.pack);
%Dissect the packet data
eth.stbyte = 1;
eth.ebyte = eth.length;
eth.header.stbyte = 1;
eth.header.ebyte = 28;
%Ethernet Packet Data
eth.header.pack = eth.pack(eth.stbyte:eth.stbyte+27);
eth.header.dest = eth.header.pack(eth.header.stbyte:eth.header.stbyte + 11);
eth.header.src = eth.header.pack(eth.header.stbyte + 12:eth.header.stbyte + 23);
eth.typecode = eth.header.pack(eth.header.stbyte + 24:eth.header.ebyte);
if strcmp(eth.typecode,'0800')
eth.type = 'IP';
%eth.ip = struct;
%IP Packet Data
eth.ip.stbyte = eth.header.ebyte + 1;
eth.ip.ver = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte);
%IP Header length
eth.ip.header.length = 4*int8(str2double(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+1)));
eth.ip.header.ebyte = eth.ip.stbyte + eth.ip.header.length - 1;
%Differentiated Services Field
eth.ip.DSF = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte + 2:eth.ip.stbyte + 3);
%Total IP Packet Length
eth.ip.length = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+4:eth.ip.stbyte+7));
eth.ip.ebyte = eth.ip.stbyte + max(eth.ip.length,46) - 1;
eth.ip.pack = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte:eth.ip.ebyte);
eth.ip.ID = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+8:eth.ip.stbyte+11);
eth.ip.flags = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+12:eth.ip.stbyte+13);
eth.ip.fragoff = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+14:eth.ip.stbyte+15);
%Time to Live
eth.ip.ttl = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+16:eth.ip.stbyte+17));
eth.ip.typecode = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+18:eth.ip.stbyte+19);
eth.ip.checksum = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+20:eth.ip.stbyte+23);
%eth.ip.src = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+24:eth.ip.stbyte+31);
eth.ip.src = ...
[num2str(hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+24:eth.ip.stbyte+25))),'.', ...
num2str(hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+26:eth.ip.stbyte+27))),'.', ...
num2str(hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+28:eth.ip.stbyte+29))),'.', ...
eth.ip.dest = ...
[num2str(hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+32:eth.ip.stbyte+33))),'.', ...
num2str(hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+34:eth.ip.stbyte+35))),'.', ...
num2str(hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+36:eth.ip.stbyte+37))),'.', ...
if strcmp(eth.ip.typecode,'11')
eth.ip.type = 'UDP';
eth.ip.udp.stbyte = eth.ip.stbyte + 40;
eth.ip.udp.src = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.stbyte:eth.ip.udp.stbyte + 3));
eth.ip.udp.dest = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.stbyte+4:eth.ip.udp.stbyte+7));
eth.ip.udp.length = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.stbyte+8:eth.ip.udp.stbyte+11));
eth.ip.udp.checksum = eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.stbyte+12:eth.ip.udp.stbyte+15);
eth.ip.udp.protoID = eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.stbyte+20:eth.ip.udp.stbyte+23);
if strcmp(eth.ip.udp.protoID,'0000')
eth.ip.udp.proto = 'MODBUS';
%eth.ip.udp.modbus = struct;
eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte = eth.ip.udp.stbyte+16;
eth.ip.udp.modbus.transID = eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte:eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte+3);
eth.ip.udp.modbus.protoID = eth.ip.udp.protoID;
eth.ip.udp.modbus.length = int16(str2double(eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 8:eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 11)));
eth.ip.udp.modbus.UID = eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 12:eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 13);
eth.ip.udp.modbus.func = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 14:eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte+15));
eth.ip.udp.modbus.register = eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 16: eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte+19);
%Number of words to a register, or the number of registers
eth.ip.udp.modbus.words = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte+20:eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte+23));
eth.ip.udp.modbus.bytes = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte+24:eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte+25)); = eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 26:eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 26 + 2*eth.ip.udp.modbus.bytes - 1);
%If func 16 or 23, loop through data/registers and add to table
if eth.ip.udp.modbus.func == 16 || eth.ip.udp.modbus.func == 23
stp = eth.ip.udp.modbus.bytes*2/eth.ip.udp.modbus.words;
for n = 1:stp:eth.ip.udp.modbus.bytes*2;
%Check for existence of register as a key?
if ~isKey(MBMap,eth.ip.udp.modbus.register)
MBCol = MBCol + 1;
MBMap(eth.ip.udp.modbus.register) = MBCol;
MBTable(L,MBCol) = hex2dec(;
eth.ip.udp.modbus.register = dec2hex(hex2dec(eth.ip.udp.modbus.register)+1);
lastt = t;
%If func 4, make sure it is the response, then put
%data into table for register column
elseif false
%need code to handle serial to UDP conversion box
invalid = true;
invalid = true;
invalid = true;
if ~invalid
%Display Progress
if int64(fl/1000)*1000 == fl
for x = 1:length(mess);
%fprintf('Lines parsed: %i',fl);
mess = sprintf('Lines parsed: %i / %i',fl,nol);
%Check execution time - getting slower:
ext = toc(tval);
mess = sprintf('\nExecution Time: %f\n',ext);
ext = toc - exst;
Update: I updated my code above to remove the overloaded operators (disp and lt were replaced with mess and lastt)
Was asked to use the profiler, so I limited to 2000 lines in the table (added && L >=2000 to the while loop) to limit the execution time, and here are the top results from the profiler:
SGAS_Wireshark_Parser_v0p7_fulleth 1 57.110 s 9.714 s
Strcat 9187 29.271 s 13.598 s
Blanks 9187 15.673 s 15.673 s
Uigetfile 1 12.226 s 0.009 s
uitools\private\uigetputfile_helper 1 12.212 s 0.031 s
FileChooser.FileChooser> 1 12.085 s 0.006s>FileChooser.showPeerAndBlockMATLAB 1 12.056 s 0.001s
...nChooser>FileOpenChooser.doShowDialog 1 12.049 s 12.049 s
hex2dec 44924 2.944 s 2.702 s
num2str 16336 1.139 s 0.550 s
str2double 17356 1.025 s 1.025 s
int2str 16336 0.589 s 0.589 s
fgetl 17356 0.488 s 0.488 s
dec2hex 6126 0.304 s 0.304 s
fliplr 44924 0.242 s 0.242 s
It appears to be strcat calls that are doing it. I only explicitly call strcat on one line. Are some of the other string manipulations I'm doing calling strcat indirectly?
Each loop should be calling strcat the same number of times though, so I still don't understand why it takes longer and longer the more it runs...
also, hex2dec is called a lot, but is not really affecting the time.
But anyway, are there any other methods I can use the combine the strings?
Here is the issue:
The string (an char array in MATLAB) packdata was being resized and reallocated over and over again. That's what was slowing down this code. I did the following steps:
I eliminated the redundant variable packdata and now only use eth.pack.
I preallocated eth.pack and a couple "helper variables" of known lengths by running blanks ONCE for each before the loop ever starts
eth.pack = blanks(604);
thisline = blanks(47);
smline = blanks(32);
(Note: 604 is the maximum possible size of packdata based on headers + MODBUS protocol)
Then I created a pointer variable to point to the location of the last char written to packdata.
pptr = 1;
dataline = int16(str2double(MBLine(1:4)));
thisline = MBLine(7:53); %Always 47 characters
smline = [thisline(~isspace(thisline)),blanks(32-sum(~isspace(thisline)))]; %Always 32 Characters
eth.pack(pptr:pptr+31) = smline;
pptr = pptr + 32;
The above was inside the 'if packline > 3' block in place of the 'packdata =' statement, then at the end of the 'if stoppack' block was the reset statement:
pptr = 1; %Reset Pointer
FYI, not surprisingly this brought out other flaws in my code which I've mostly fixed but still need to finish. Not a big issue now as this loop executes lightning fast with these changes. Thanks to Yvon for helping point me in the right direction.
I kept thinking my huge table, MBTable was the issue... but it had nothing to do with it.

Excessively large overhead in MATLAB .mat file

I am parsing a large text file full of data and then saving it to disk as a *.mat file so that I can easily load in only parts of it (see here for more information on reading in the files, and here for the data). To do so, I read in one line at a time, parse the line, and then append it to the file. The problem is that the file itself is >3 orders of magnitude larger than the data contained therein!
Here is a stripped down version of my code:
database = which('01_hit12.par');
[directory,filename,~] = fileparts(database);
matObj = matfile(fullfile(directory,[filename '.mat']),'Writable',true);
fidr = fopen(database);
hitranTemp = fgetl(fidr);
k = 1;
while ischar(hitranTemp)
if abs(hitranTemp(1)) == 32;
hitranTemp(1) = '0';
hitran = textscan(hitranTemp,'%2u%1u%12f%10f%10f%5f%5f%10f%4f%8f%15c%15c%15c%15c%6u%2u%2u%2u%2u%2u%2u%1c%7f%7f','delimiter','','whitespace','');
matObj.moleculeNumber(1,k) = uint8(hitran{1});
matObj.isotopeologueNumber(1,k) = uint8(hitran{2});
matObj.vacuumWavenumber(1,k) = hitran{3};
matObj.lineIntensity(1,k) = hitran{4};
matObj.airWidth(1,k) = single(hitran{6});
matObj.selfWidth(1,k) = single(hitran{7});
matObj.lowStateE(1,k) = single(hitran{8});
matObj.tempDependWidth(1,k) = single(hitran{9});
matObj.pressureShift(1,k) = single(hitran{10});
if rem(k,1e4) == 0;
display(sprintf('line %u (%2.2f)',k,100*k/K));
hitranTemp = fgetl(fidr);
k = k + 1;
I stopped the code after 13,813 of the 224,515 lines had been parsed because it had been taking a very long time and the file size was getting huge, but the last printout indicated that I had only just cleared 10k lines. I cleared the memory, and then ran:
S = whos('-file','01_hit12.mat');
fileBytes = sum([S.bytes]);
T = dir(which('01_hit12.mat'));
diskBytes = T.bytes;
disp([fileBytes diskBytes diskBytes/fileBytes])
and get the output:
524894 896189009 1707.37141022759
What is taking up the extra 895,664,115 bytes? I know the help page says there should be a little extra overhead, but I feel that nearly a Gb of descriptive header is a bit excessive!
New information:
I tried pre-allocating the file, thinking that perhaps MATLAB was doing the same thing it does when a matrix is embiggened in a loop and reallocating a chunk of disk space for the entire matrix on each write, and that isn't it. Filling the file with zeros of the appropriate data types results in a file that my short check script returns:
8531570 71467 0.00837677004349727
This makes more sense to me. Matlab is saving the file sparsely, so the disk file size is much smaller than the size of the full matrix in memory. Once it starts replacing values with real data, however, I get the same behavior as before and the file size starts skyrocketing beyond all reasonable bounds.
New new information:
Tried this on a subset of the data, 100 lines long. To stream to disk, the data has to be in v7.3 format, so I ran the subset through my script, loaded it into memory, and then resaved as v7.0 format. Here are the results:
v7.3: 3800 8752 2.30
v7.0: 3800 2561 0.67
No wonder the v7.3 format isn't the default. Does anyone know a way around this? Is this a bug or a feature?
This seems like a bug to me. A workaround is to write in chunks to pre-allocated arrays.
Start off by pre-allocating:
fid = fopen('01_hit12.par', 'r');
data = fread(fid, inf, 'uint8');
nlines = nnz(data == 10) + 1;
matObj.moleculeNumber = zeros(1,nlines,'uint8');
matObj.isotopeologueNumber = zeros(1,nlines,'uint8');
matObj.vacuumWavenumber = zeros(1,nlines,'double');
matObj.lineIntensity = zeros(1,nlines,'double');
matObj.airWidth = zeros(1,nlines,'single');
matObj.selfWidth = zeros(1,nlines,'single');
matObj.lowStateE = zeros(1,nlines,'single');
matObj.tempDependWidth = zeros(1,nlines,'single');
matObj.pressureShift = zeros(1,nlines,'single');
Then to write in chunks of 10000, I modified your code as follows:
... % your code plus pre-alloc first
bs = 10000;
while ischar(hitranTemp)
if abs(hitranTemp(1)) == 32;
hitranTemp(1) = '0';
for ii = 1:bs,
hitran{ii} = textscan(hitranTemp,'%2u%1u%12f%10f%10f%5f%5f%10f%4f%8f%15c%15c%15c%15c%6u%2u%2u%2u%2u%2u%2 u%1c%7f%7f','delimiter','','whitespace','');
hitranTemp = fgetl(fidr);
if hitranTemp==-1, bs=ii; break; end
% this part really ugly, sorry! trying to keep it compact...
matObj.moleculeNumber(1,k:k+bs-1) = uint8(builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{1},hitran),1:bs));
matObj.isotopeologueNumber(1,k:k+bs-1) = uint8(builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{2},hitran),1:bs));
matObj.vacuumWavenumber(1,k:k+bs-1) = builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{3},hitran),1:bs);
matObj.lineIntensity(1,k:k+bs-1) = builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{4},hitran),1:bs);
matObj.airWidth(1,k:k+bs-1) = single(builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{5},hitran),1:bs));
matObj.selfWidth(1,k:k+bs-1) = single(builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{6},hitran),1:bs));
matObj.lowStateE(1,k:k+bs-1) = single(builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{7},hitran),1:bs));
matObj.tempDependWidth(1,k:k+bs-1) = single(builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{8},hitran),1:bs));
matObj.pressureShift(1,k:k+bs-1) = single(builtin('_paren',cellfun(#(c)c{9},hitran),1:bs));
k = k + bs;
The final size on disk is 21,393,408 bytes. The usage breaks down as,
>> S = whos('-file','01_hit12.mat');
>> fileBytes = sum([S.bytes]);
>> T = dir(which('01_hit12.mat'));
>> diskBytes = T.bytes; ratio = diskBytes/fileBytes;
>> fprintf('%10d whos\n%10d disk\n%10.6f\n',fileBytes,diskBytes,ratio)
8531608 whos
21389582 disk
Still fairly inefficient, but not out of control.

converting number to string in matlab

is there a way to convert numbers to str in matlab
for example, 30120 turns into cat
where c is 03 a is 01 t is 20
here is my progress on RSA encryption/decryption I am trying to decrypt into plain text.
% variables
% how to convert plaintext to integer mod 26
abc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
word = 'acryptographicallystrongrandomnumbergeneratorwhichhasbeenproperlyseededwithadequateentropymustbeusedtogeneratetheprimespandqananalysiscomparingmillionsofpublickeysgatheredfromtheinternetwasrecentlycarriedoutbylenstrahughesaugierboskleinjungandwachteracryptographicallystrongrandomnumbergeneratorwhichhasbeenproperlyseededwithadequateentropymustbeused';
[temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7,temp8,temp9] = split(word)
[int1,int2,int3,int4,int5,int6,int7,int8,int9] = intsplit(temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6,temp7,temp8,temp9)
[encrypt1, encrypt2, encrypt3, encrypt4, encrypt5, encrypt6, encrypt7, encrypt8, encrypt9] = encrypt_this(int1, int2, int3, int4, int5, int6, int7, int8, int9)
[decrypt1, decryt2, decrypt3, decrypt4, decryt5, decrypt6,decrypt7, decryt8, decrypt9] = decrypt_this(encrypt1, encrypt2, encrypt3, encrypt4, encrypt5, encrypt6, encrypt7, encrypt8, encrypt9)
From 30120 to 'cat':
num = 30120;
l = ceil(numel(num2str(num))/2); % number of characters
num2 = sprintf('%06i', num); % num in string form, with leading zero if needed
% '030120'
str = '';
for i = 1:l
str = [str char(96+str2num(num2(2*i-1:2*i)))];
end % 96 is the ASCII offset needed to get a=1, c=3 etc like in your example
Results in str = 'cat'. I think that's what you want.