dynamic creating class in C# - class

I want to know if there is a way to generate the class dynamically at runtime. I want to use it in Entity framework code first.
Consider if I have 100 tables(or connect to unknown database) I will have to create model/POCO for each table in EF Code First, instead of this I want to generate the POCO class and all its properties at runtime based on the database connected.

Probably not.
Consider this... If the classes aren't defined before compilation, then how is any other code going to use them? If no other code is going to use them, why do you need them?
You can generate objects based on the table schema at design time. Doesn't Entity Framework in fact do this already?
I realize that I've linked to something that is "database first" instead of "code first" but, well, that's what you're asking:
I want to use it in Entity framework code first.
I will have to create model/POCO for each table in EF
You have a database, and you want to generate models based on the schema of that database. That's database-first.

You can use the EF Power Tools (beta 3) for Visual Studio 2010 or 2012 to reverse engineer a database to POCOs. After installation, right click on a project and select Reverse Engineer Code First under the new Entity Framework menu group.
The Power tools: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/72a60b14-1581-4b9b-89f2-846072eff19d
Rowan Miller has a blog post about this, and some advanced uses: http://romiller.com/2012/05/09/customizing-reverse-engineer-code-first-in-the-ef-power-tools/


Entity Framework 7 and EDMX manipulation to auto-generate custom code

I currently use EF6 and use the model first approach. As I understand it, EF7 will be moving away from using an EDMX, and going from a more code-first approach. Now I know I will still be able to reverse engineer from my database into classes if need be.
However one thing I am not sure about is any manipulation I currently do with EF6 will be supported in anyway in EF7.
At the moment, I write T4 templates that read through the EDMX, pick up on the entities, and create new classes based on them. For example, I create partial classes for each entity that has deep clone methods in them. I also create repository classes based on the entities and create methods for finding by primary key, based on which properties in each class have been identified as the primary key.
If I lose the EDMX, does this mean I need to go back to manually creating these? Or is there another way?
If you want to keep using T4 templates, you can switch to something like CodeFirst -> ReverseEngeneer approach.
You update model in code, generate new migration, test it on a database and then use a reverse engeneer code first approach (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/en-en/data/jj593170.aspx) to generate everything else. Theoretically it can be automated.
In my team we do it manually, but we do not need migrations, only a code first contexts and a lot of additional things, that T4 generates whery well.
Yes, you can still use T4 templates with Code First, We navigate Entity Classes instead of the EDMX Model, .
I have been looking at VS2015 recently and having some issues with T4 and asp.net 5 and related projects (FileManager hangs for multiple file outputs and you will need the latest version of Visual Studio, currently Update 1)

Adding Hand-Built Models to an EDMX

I'm following an MSDN article on applying the Repository Pattern and the Unit Of Work Pattern to Entity Framework, but I'm stuck at the mapping between the custom-made domain models and the as-yet-nonexistant database.
The article has me create two simple POCOs, Employee and TimeCard. It also walks through creating generic repositories and custom implementations therein. (I'm using the custom repositories so I can try to keep EF dependencies in the data access assembly.) However, they sort of glaze over an important step in the mapping. The article says:
With the POCOs in place we can create an Entity Data Model (EDM) in Visual Studio (see figure 1). We will not use the EDM to generate code for our entities. Instead, we want to use the entities we lovingly craft by hand. We will only use the EDM to generate our database schema and provide the metadata EF4 needs to map objects into the database.
The "Figure 1" it references is here:
But that's all it says on the subject. There's an aside on how to generate POCOs from an EDMX. There's lots of information via Google on how to generate POCOs, generate EDMX from a database, etc. But in this walk-through we already have the POCOs and I need to use them in the EDMX which would, in turn, generate the database (I'm assuming, based on other code-first walk-throughs).
I've added an "ADO.NET Entity Data Model" to the project, which is basically a blank canvas. But I'm not seeing how to add my existing POCOs to that canvas. Do I have to re-create them manually on the design surface (which would be a pretty significant duplication problem in a larger domain)? If so, how do they map to the existing ones?
Typically when you use the designer the flow is the opposite - you create the model with the designer (or create/update the model from the database) and then the code is created for you. The created code can be either the EF1 style code with entities derived from EntityObject and attributes etc. which is created with a Single File Generator which is a part of VS (Code Generation Strategy set to "Default") or the code can be created with T4 templates (Code Generation Strategy set to "None") in which case you need to add T4 templates to your project. EF matches POCOs with Entities from the edmx file by convention (names of entities have to be the same, names and types of properties have to match etc.). In the article for some reason they went the opposite way which is weird since it requires that you create all the entities and relationships with the designer manually (since the designer does not know how to create entities from the code) and make sure that the requirements for the conventions (you may not even be aware of some of them) are met. However when you start with code the better approach is to use the EF Code First approach and skip the designer entirely. Code First can create database from your code. It also contains migrations feature which allows evolving your database along with your code. Finally (as you seem to use Visual Studio 2010) you could use EF6 which allows using all the goodness that was previously only available on .NET Framework 4.5 to be used on .NET Framework 4. See here for more details: http://entityframework.codeplex.com/
*the names are going to change in the new version designer that supports EF6 and works with Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013
EDIT to address questions from the comment
If you would like to use Code First would use the DbContext API which is a streamlined wrapper of the ObjectContext API. Here is a walkthrough that should help get you started.
You can still use Code First if you have an existing database - the difference is that you will not be able to use migrations. The easiest way to get started with this is to use EF Power Tools. Take a look at this tutorial to see how to do that.
More help here

Entity Framework Code Generation

I'm trying to figure out what the best way to go would be for Entity Framework code generation with a "database first" approach. I want the complete master description of the model to be the actual database schema with annotations stored in database in tables or extended properties. Not interested in a model first or code first approach. Not opposed to writing custom code to implement if it will yield the highest quality solution. Here are some ideas:
(1) Generate EDMX from the database. Use custom code to add annotations to the EDMX regarding uniqueness and other constraints that are not currently built in to EF. Use T4 templates to generate code from the EDMX.
(2) Write a custom tool that generates "code first" classes from the database. No EDMX files in the solution.
(3) Something else?
It seems like #1 requires deeper knowledge of EF and more actual work than #2, which I am now opposed to if there are significant benefits.
Any advice?
Well, nothing is easier than just dragging the tables from the server explorer to the edmx designer surface. That is how I do it. I don't do any customizations to the model so I can just delete parts of it an regenerate.
You can import the model from your database with EF. Right-click on the EF designer and choose "update model from database" option.
If you want a little more you can try http://radarc.net . It's a code generation tool which creates scaffolding and CRUDs. It uses T4 templates and code first so you can customize the way it generates code.

Which type of Entity generator to use?

I am writing my first WPF and EF application. I am using SQL CE database and I have added few tables to the DB. The EF diagram is generated and now I want to generate the classes. I am new to EF and MVVM both.
When I right-click on a Table diagram, it gives option "Add Code Generation Item..". On selecting it, there are two options:
Add Entity Object Generator
Add Self-Tracking Entity Object Generator
I want to know what is the difference between the two. Which one should I use? I also want to know which one is latest and what is POCO?
A POCO is a Plain Old CLR Object... a simple class that has only properties.
There are 3 approaches that the Entity Framework delivers.
Model first (you create a model in visual studio and generate the database)
Database first (thats what you do, you generate a model from a existing database)
Code first (the newest one, you just write you POCOS and the entity framework generates the database)
I think it is enough to generate the diagram from database. The context and models should be available after this.
Neither of those is the POCO generator. The best way to get that is to install Entity Framework 4.1. You'll then see some new options in the list to add a code generation item.
I'm a pretty big fan of the DbContext/POCO generator added in 4.1 as the code it creates is VERY easy to work with compared to the older stuff, and it works well in a DB First setup like you're using (which is also what I use).
You can give this code generator a try:
It generates data annotations and implements INotifyPropertyChanged for CodeFirst approach.

Is there any easy way to generate the Entity Framework Code-First classes?

The method - Entity Framework Code-First - looks good. But its very difficult to create all the classes for a large database.
Is there any easy way to generate the Entity Framework Code-First classes?
You can use the recently released Entity Framework Power Tools CTP1. The tool gives you the ability to reverse engineer code first, meaning the Database will be mapped to Code.
Note that all tables in your large database will be mapped. There currently is no way to choose which tables will be mapped to code. Reading through the comments, this feature will most likely be implemented in a future release.
The point of EF Code-First is that you define your domain model in code, then your user-interface and database can be easily generated from that domain model. This has a number of advantages including reducing the amount of tedious code which needs to be written, and helping to ensure your database, your domain model, and your UI match each other.
However, at some point you are going to have to write your domain model - there's no way that can be "generated" (by which I assume you mean computer-generated) as it is personal to your application.
If I've misunderstood your question, please leave a comment and I'll update my answer.
If you want to use the code-first model, but already have an existing database, you can use the Entity Framework Power Tools to generate classes.
If you're reading this after May/2012, the above tool may be out of beta!
No there is no way to generate classes for you if you are using code-first. Code first means that there is no model and no database so you can't generate classes unless you have some upfront design in any case system (UML) which will autogenerate code for you. Simply generating classes without any input about how they should look like sounds like AI from Sci-fi, doesn't it?
If you already have databse you are not using code first but database first. In such case you can have your classes generated.
Check out the link below. It's a program that will generate POCO classes from your databases. I think that's what you're looking for.
Generate the code from the database first using database first generation and then modify the resulting code to start your code first version