Uploading Amazon Inventory UTF 8 Encoding - encoding

I am trying to upload my english inventory to various european amazon sites. The issue I am having is that the accents found in certain different languages are not displaying correctly when an "inventory file" is uploaded to amazon. The inventory file is a tab delimited text file.
current setup:
$type = 'text/tab-separated-values; charset=utf-8';
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="inventory-'.$_GET['cc'].'.txt');
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($data));
header('Content-Encoding: UTF-8');
When the text file is outputted and saved it looks exactly how it should when opened in windows (all the characters are correct) but for some reason amazon doesn't see it as UTF8 and re-encodes it with all of the characters found here:
I have tried adding the BOM to the top of the file but this just results in amazon giving an error. Has anyone else experienced this?

As #fvu pointed out in his comment, Amazon is expecting the ISO-8859-1 format, not UTF-8. That's why you should use PHP's utf8_decode method when writing to your file.

Ok so after a lot of trying it turns out that the characters needed to be decoded. I opened the text files in excel and they seemed to encode themselves as weird characters like ü using php utf8_decode turned them back into the correct characters EVEN THOUGH the text file showed them as the right characters... very confusing.
To anyone out there having difficulties with UTF 8 try decoding first.
thanks for your help


HtmlHelp hhc file doesn't show russian characters

I use free pascal's chmcmd command to create chm file from hhp. After converting content goes right, but left pane side (tree) doesn't show russian characters. I tried to set charset at hhc file to cp1251. And saved file in windows 1251 encoding. After that it shows tree in russian right in cool reader but not in xChm. In windows it still doesnt work, only weird symbols. Utf-8 doesn't work at all.
The Microsoft CHM help format is very old and not maintained anymore. It wasn't created with Unicode in mind and various tricks need to be done in order to be able to generate CHM files for certain encodings:
You Windows is setup in the target language of the help file
The content HTML pages must be created using the proper charset

How should a properly UTF-8 encoded file look in notepad++

I am integrating data using some flat files. I'm getting the flat files delivered by FTP as .csv-files out of MS SQL exports from a business partner.
I asked him to encode it as UTF-8 (just using the standard I thought).
Now I can see in his files that a lot of UTF-8 bytes such as "& # 2 3 3 ;" (w/o the spaces) can be seen as plain text when I open it in Notedpad++ (or also using my "ETL" tool).
Before I ask him to fix it into proper UTF-8, I would like to understand the issue and whether my claim is actually correct?
Shouldn't special characters be shown as special characters when I open them in Notepad++ and not as plain text UTF-8 codes?
Any help is much appreciated :))
é is an HTML entity. For some reason the text is HTML formatted, which I wouldn't count as "plaintext"/flat files. The file may or may not be encoded in UTF-8 in addition to that, we don't know from the information given.
A file containing "special characters" (meaning non-ASCII characters) encoded in UTF-8 opened in a text editor which correctly interprets the file as UTF-8 looks exactly like the text it should look like, e.g.:
正式名称は、ISO/IEC 10646では “UCS Transformation Format 8”、Unicodeでは “Unicode Transformation Format-8” という。両者はISO/IEC 10646とUnicodeのコード重複範囲で互換性がある。RFCにも仕様がある。
Put this in a file, save it as UTF-8, open it in another application as UTF-8, and this is what the text should look like.

What's  sign at the beginning of my source file?

I have a PHP source file where  characters automatically got added in! I don't know from where they have come. I'm not getting any parse errors but it results in weird behavior in the execution of the file. E.g. header location functionality is not working sometimes! I'm curious how these kind of symbols are getting auto generated? I'm using UTF-8 encoding & the sign  is not showing in Notepad++ or Windows Notepad but with Netbeans IDE.
Eg. Code:
echo "no errors!";
header("Location: http://stackoverflow.com");
What is this? How can I prevent it?
You propably save the files as UTF-8 with BOM. You should save them as UTF-8 without BOM.
It's called Byte Order Mark, and doesn't always have to be "". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark
Some Windows applications add BOM by default. In Notepad++ you can use some options in the Encoding menu like Encode in UTF without BOM or Convert to UTF without BOM.
I believe that whether you save it UTF-8 with or without BOM it still happens. I don't think it makes a difference.
Try it, see if it helps.
From a tool like vi or vim, you can modify and save the file without a BOM with the two following commands :
:setlocal nobomb
and then

Decoding Korean text files from the 90s

I have a collection of .html files created in the mid-90s, which include a significant ammount of Korean text. The HTML lacks character set metadata, so of course all of the Korean text now does not render properly. The following examples will all make use of the same excerpt of text .
In text editors such as Coda and Text Wrangler the text displays as
╙╦ ╝№бя└К ▓щ╥НВь╕цль▒Ф ▓щ╥НВь╕цль▒Ф
Which in the absence of character set metadata in < head > is rendered by the browser as:
ÓË ¼ü¡ïÀŠ ²éÒ‚ì¸æ«ì±” ²éÒ‚ì¸æ«ì±”
Adding euc-kr metadata to < head >
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=euc-kr">
Yields the following, which is illegible nonsense (verified by a native speaker):
沓 숩∽핅 꿴�귥멩レ콛 꿴�귥멩レ콛
I have tried this approach with all historic Korean character sets, each yielding similarly unsuccessful results. I also tried parsing and upgrading to UTF-8, via Beautiful Soup, which also failed.
Viewing the files in Emacs seems promising, as it reveals the text encoding a lower level. The following is the same sample of text:
\323\313 \274\374\241\357\300\212
\262\351\322\215\202\354\270\346\253\354\261\224 \262\3\
How can I identify this text encoding and promote it to UTF-8?
All of those octal codes that emacs revealed are less than 254 (or \376 in octal), so it looks like one of those old pre-Unicode fonts that just used it's own mapping in the ASCII range. If this is right, you'll just have to try to figure out what font it was intended for, find it and perhaps do the conversion yourself.
It's a pain. Many years ago I did something similar for some popular pre-Unicode Greek fonts: http://litot.es/unicode-converter/ (the code: https://github.com/seanredmond/Encoding-Converter)
In the end, it is about finding the correct character encoding and using iconv.
iconv --list
displays all available encodings. Grepping for "KR" reveals at least my system can do CSEUCKR, CSISO2022KR, EUC-KR, ISO-2022-KR and ISO646-KR. Korean is also BIG5HKSCS, CSKSC5636 and KSC5636 according to Wikipedia. Try them all until something reasonable pops out.
Even if this thread is old, it's still an issue, and not having found a way to convert the files in bulk (outside of using a Korean version of Windows7), now I'm using Naver, which has a cloud service like Google docs and if you upload those weirdly encoded files there, it deals with them very well. I just edit and copy the text, and it's back to being standard when I copy it elsewhere.
Not the kind of solution I like, but it might save a few passers-by.
You can register for the cloud account with an ID, even if you do not live in SKorea by the way, there's some minimal english to get by.

Hebrew characters processed by HTML Tidy turn into gibberish

I'm using HTML Tidy Online (http://infohound.net/tidy/) to tidy up some very old and messed up HTML file which contains some Hebrew characters. Whenever the page is processed by Tidy the output turns Hebrew characters into gibberish, even after changing encoding methods in the settings. Using different settings, I do manage to get the same output with the Hebrew characters as unicode entities.
I Googled around for a possible solution but found none.
I had a couple ideas in mind, but I'm not sure exactly how to approach them, if at all (maybe someone has a better solution).
I thought maybe I could (after processing the page) scan the page for unicode entities and replace them with the corresponding Hebrew characters (in a systematic way, of course).
Maybe I could take the HTML Tidy source code and modify it to output Hebrew characters appropriately. The problem with this is that I doubt I am knowledgeable enough to even get started on something like this.
I had a similar problem. Document in UTF-8, containing unicode characters. HTML Tidy turned them into HTML entities. This in HTMLTIDY.CFG fixed it:
char-encoding: utf8
input-encoding: utf8
output-encoding: utf8
Hope it helps.
The website http://infohound.net/tidy/ that you are using has a "Char encoding" clause at the bottom right. You need to choose utf-8, but first you need to make sure that the page is encoded in UTF-8 in your test editor. In Notepad++ for example, you can go to Encoding > Convert to UTF-8 without BOM.