CSRFGuard - request token does not match session token - csrf

I am trying to incorporate the CSRFGuard library in order to rectify some CSRF vulnerabilties in an application. However after configuring as specified here I am now getting the below messages in the log, when I navigate the application:
WARNING: potential cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack thwarted (user:<anonymous>, ip:169.xx.x.xxx, uri:/myapp/MyAction, error:request token does not match session token)
Through including the:
<script src="/sui/JavaScriptServlet"></script>
On my main.jsp page the links have all been built incorporating the CSRFGuard token, e.g.
So I am unable to understand what I'm doing wrong that could cause the links to pass a token other than the expected value.
Please let me know if any additional information would make it easier to understand.

In case anyone stumbles across a similar issue:
Turned out that accessing the app using IE wasn't passing a token to an AJAX call, this would in turn result in the tokens being refreshed but the links in the already rendered page remained, causing the mismatch when clicked.
Found out the issue by building CSRFGuard myself from source and adding extra logging.

The primefaces commandlink and commandbutton seem to cause the csrfguard javascript to malfunction, if you have use these two component with ajax set to true (which is the default), it can prevent the token being injected after the ajax call

One of the possible fixes is to change the following 2 lines in Owasp.CsrfGuard.js file.
function injectTokenForm(form, tokenName, tokenValue, pageTokens) {
var action = form.attribute("action");
function injectTokenForm(form, tokenName, tokenValue, pageTokens) {
var action = form.attributes["action"].value;
function injectTokenAttribute(element, attr, tokenName, tokenValue, pageTokens) {
location = element.getAttribute(attr);
function injectTokenAttribute(element, attr, tokenName, tokenValue, pageTokens) {
var location = null;
if (attr == "action") {
location = element.attributes[attr].value;
} else {
location = element.getAttribute(attr);


Grails withForm, reset token on error?

Currently using grails 2.2.2
I've been trying to implement tokens into my application and have come up with this issue. We try to avoid re-rendering pages because it can be very slow so we return JSON instead. The following is a basic controller call that we use but I'm not sure what I should be doing to reset/get a new token.
public saveThing(ThingCommand cmd) {
Map model = [:]
withForm {
try {
model.success = true
} catch (Exception e) {
model.error = true //any validation errors or anything else
}.invalidToken {
model.invalidToken = true
render model as JSON
From my understanding the token is thrown away once the withForm closure is executed. This causes an issue since I don't actually re-render the form which seems to be the normal way of generating a new token. How could I do this manually or is there an easier way to do this (plugin?)
Form tokens through withForm are not designed to be used with AJAX requests. They are designed to be used with HTML forms and POST requests which re-render the form and generate a new token for the form.
In order to make them work with JSON/AJAX requests you will need to implement your own token generation when you process the request and reject it. A good starting place would be to look at the old tests which test withForm. This should give you an idea on how tokens are created and stored.

The "state" param from the URL and session do not match

In facebook documantion
require('include/facebook/autoload.php'); //SDK directory
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook([
'app_id' => '***********',
'app_secret' => '***********************'
$helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
$permissions = ['email', 'public_profile']; // optional
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl('http://www.meusite.com.br/login-callback.php', $permissions);
When direct it to the url $loginUrl, the return is:
Facebook SDK returned an error: Cross-site request forgery validation failed. The "state" param from the URL and session do not match
I had the same error.
The problem occurred because I did getLoginUrl(...) before getAccessToken()
So rid of getLoginUrl(...) in redirected URL and code should works.
I had the same issue and for me that error was occurring because I did not put session_start(); in my login.php page code before calling getLoginUrl(..) and also at the top of login-callback.php page.
Just put session_start(); in your "login" page and "login-callback" page and it will work surely just like it is working for me now.
There could be 2 reason for this error:
you didn't call session_start(); before getLoginUrl call
You executed getLoginUrl again in login-callback.php, so state value regenerated and mismatched with the redirected value
Possible Fixes : I used the following configuration settings .
Enable WebAuthLogin under the advanced tab . Provide the url in the WebAuthLogin settins as same as that you provide in $loginUrl ;
For example if you use $loginUrl as https://example.com/ use that same in the WebAuthlogin Url
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl('https://example.com/', $permissions);
This problem occures also in case that you generate 2 or more login links on the same page (e.g. one for login and other for registration - even both point to the same url, they have just different labels).
Facebook SDK creates/updates $_SESSION[FBRLH_state] for each new generated loginURL. So if there are 2 generated URLs (using $helper->getLoginUrl()) then the $_SESSION[FBRLH_state] is 2-times rewritten and valid only for the last generated URL. Previous login URL becomes invalid. It means that it is not possible to generate 2 valid loginURLs. In case that 2 same URLs are generated then return the first one and avoid call of Facebook SDK for generation of second one.
I had the same problem.
The reason for this error is because --->
When "$helper->getLoginUrl" calls, it create a session variable "FB_State", and this is something to FB uses to match the token. Every-time getLoginUrl calls, it create new state. Then after user authorized and redirect back, if you codes cannot detect this event and re-run "$helper->getLoginUrl", then this error will occur.
The solution ->
refine your coding, stop run "$helper->getLoginUrl" again if authorized.
if you already rerun, then set the session variable for the token to NULL if you have, then User can re-authorize again.
when user tries re-authorize, they can remove the authorized APP once or you need to generate new link with "$helper->getReRequestUrl"
Yet, token has be called by "getAccessToken()" before the "$helper->getLoginUrl" or "$helper->getReRequestUrl" runs.
Good Luck!!!!!
Finally, looking into FB code, I discovered that the problem "Cross-site request forgery validation failed. Required param “state” missing" and similars are caused by PHP variable $_SESSION['FBRLH_state'] that for some "strange" reason when FB call the login-callback file.
To solve it I store this variable "FBRLH_state" AFTER the call of function $helper->getLoginUrl(...). Is very important to do only after the call of this function due to is inside this function when the variable $_SESSION['FBRLH_state'] is populated.
Below an example of my code in the login.php:
$uri=$helper->getLoginUrl($uri, $permissions);
foreach ($_SESSION as $k=>$v) {
if(strpos($k, "FBRLH_")!==FALSE) {
if(!setcookie($k, $v)) {
} else {
And in the login-callback.php before calling all FB code:
foreach ($_COOKIE as $k=>$v) {
if(strpos($k, "FBRLH_")!==FALSE) {
Last, but not least, remember also to include code for PHP session so..
if(!session_id()) {
<?php session_write_close() ?>
I hope this response can help you to save 8-10 hours of work :)
Bye, Alex.
This issue was a bit confusing for me, because I had to change a line at the facebook src file:
at the function: "validateCsrf" like this:
if ($result !== 0) {
throw new FacebookSDKException('Cross-site request forgery validation failed. The "state" param from the URL and session do not match.');
And change it into:
if ($result === 0) {
throw new FacebookSDKException('Cross-site request forgery validation failed. The "state" param from the URL and session do not match.');
I don't know if this makes a violation to the facebook SDK security, so I truly opened to any exlanation or recommendation for this answer.
You may also make the following changes at the facebook app manager:
add your site and callback-url into your facebook app account at:
setting->advanced:Valid OAuth redirect URIs
Don't forget to add another url with slash (/) at the end of each url and check all 4 checkboxes at Client OAuth Settings.
I had the same error. Are you using 1 file or 2? I was trying to get by using 1 file but my error was resolved when I split into login.php & fb-callback.php as the documentation recommended. My sessions were being re-written so the state was never saved properly.
Good luck!
Happens when the session in missing a needed variable.
might be caused by several things.
In my case I left the "www" out of the callback URL
You could actually be parsing the data from another domain... for example:
website.com is different from www .website.com
If you're parsing data from http ://website.com/login.php to http://www.website.com/fb-callback.php this would be a cross-domain problem and the error you are receiving would be because of that....
http ://website.com and http ://www.website.com are the same but the script identifies them as different..... hope that gives insight to the problem.

Authentication That Doesn't Require Javascript?

I have a Web API app, initialized thusly:
For calls to most controllers, it works great. However, it also requires a bit of javascript before client-side service calls are made:
function getSecurityHeaders() {
var accessToken = sessionStorage["accessToken"] || localStorage["accessToken"];
if (accessToken) {
return { "Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken };
return {};
The problem is that we have a certain type of controller (one that accesses files) where no javascript can be run during the call. For example, the call might be to:
...where the value is assigned as the src attribute of an img tag. The call works, but Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity is unauthenticated with a null name, so there's currently not a way to enforce security.
I'm new to Web API, so it may be a dumb question, but what's the way around this? What switches do I need to flip to not require javascript to add security headers? I was considering trying to find a way to force an authorization header in an IAuthorizationFilter or something, but I'm not even sure that would work.
So I figured out the solution to my problem.
First, I needed to configure the app to use an authentication type of external cookies thusly:
//the line below is the one I needed to change
app.UseCookieAuthentication(AuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ExternalCookie);
Second, it turned out there was a line of code in my WebApiConfig file that was disabling reading the external cookie:
//this line needed to be removed
After that, I could see the external cookie from Google, which passed along an email address I could identify the user with.

Redirect to referer after a POST Request

I have a web application in Play. The web application consists of several pages. In every page there is a small flag that enables the user to change the language (locale) from german to english and back.
I handle this with a redirect to referer:
def referer(implicit request: Request[AnyContent]) =
def locale(l: String) = Authenticated { user =>
implicit request =>
Redirect(referer).withCookies(Cookie(LANG, if (l == "de" || l == "en") l else "de"))
It is working fine. Well, at least for GET requests.
I have a specific page where the user has to input data in a form. This form is then POSTed to the server. Were errors found, the form is displayed again with the error messages, as usual. Now, if the user wants to change the language (by clicking on the flag), the redirect to referer does not work, because it tries to use a GET request, and Play complains that a GET route does not exist for this method (which is true).
I am solving this by caching the form and defining another method where the form is taken from the cache:
# User data is POSTed to the server
POST /create/insert controllers.MyCreate.insert()
# After a redirect the cached form is displayed again
GET /create/insert controllers.MyCreate.insertGet()
It works, but I don't like this solution. It does not seem normal to have to create another entry in the routes and another method just to adress this problem. I would need to add this hack for every POST route in my application!
Is there a more elegant solution to this?
You could change it into something like this (untested):
def changeLang(lang:String, returnUri:String) = Action {
.withCookies(Cookie(LANG, if (lang == "de" || lang == "en") lang else "de"))
In you template you would output the route to changeLang in the link, you can get the uri via the request
#routes.Application.changeLang("en", request.uri).url
I suggest you make request implicit in your action and define it as implicit in your template so you don't need to pass it on to each template.
// in the controller
def myUrl = Action { implicit request =>
// in the template
#(title:String)(implicit request:play.api.mvc.RequestHeader)
As for the POST requests, it common (for these types of framework) to have POST requests simple handle stuff and then redirect to another page. The usual flow is like this:
Form submits to a handler
Handler does something with the form information
Handler redirects to a page
An example:
// Hooked up to a GET route
def edit(id:Long) = Action {
// render the view with a form that displays the element with given id
// if the flash scope contains validation information, use that in display
// Hooked up to a POST route
def editHandler = Action {
// validate the form
// if validation succeeds
// persist the object
// redirect to edit
// else
// put the form information into the flash scope
// put any validation messages into the flash scope
// redirect to edit
If you do not want to use this flow you need to have both a GET and POST route anyway. The user might do a page reload on the resulting page.

How to use Zend_Form_Element_Hash?

Then I'm trying to use Zend_Form_Element_Hash it regenerates a hash every request.
In my code:
// form
$this->addElement('hash', 'hihacker', array('salt' => 'thesal'));
Then I dumping $_SESSION I see a new value each page reload.
Then I send a form it reports an error "The token '28a5e0e2a50a3d4afaa654468fd29420' does not match the given token 'a64407cc11376dac1916d2101de90d29'", each time - new pair of tokens
$form = new Form();
$form->addElement('hash', 'hihacker',
array('salt' => 'YOUR TOO MUCH SALTY TEXT !!##'));
if ($this->_request->isPost() && $form->isValid($this->_request->getPost())) {
// Valid ! you are safe do what ever you want .
} else if (count($form->getErrors('request_token')) > 0) {
///get him to the error controller
$this->_forward('csrf-forbidden', 'error');
its working very well for me but double check your session setting
Internally, the element stores a unique identifier using Zend_Session_Namespace, and checks for it at submission (checking that the TTL has not expired). The 'Identical' validator is then used to ensure the submitted hash matches the stored hash.
The 'formHidden' view helper is used to render the element in the form.
form ZF docs
Zend_Form_Element_Hash is supposed to regenerate every request. What you're describing is your tokens going out of synch. This generally happens with multiple forms or with redirects/forwards.
If you're using ajax somewhere on the page you can put this in the controller action (near the end)
$this->view->hash = $form->hash->getValue();
Then when you do the ajax call, just pull the token and replace the token on the form using a selector and .replaceWith(). This is how you deal with multiple forms as well
Otherwise you're probably either redirecting something or loading something twice and you should change the hop in the Zend library. The hop is how many times a token can be requested before it expires
Check that there is not a hidden redirect or forward somewhere in your script... the hash has a hop count of 1 so any redirect will make it expire.
FWIW i think there was a subtle bug in the hash a few versions of ZF ago. I got stuck on exactly the same problem, and hacked the code to make the hop count = 2. When I upgraded ZF this problem went away.