issue with JQuery toggle - toggle

I think I typed the code right, but when it runs, p fades out and in. (the toggle is in tab %)

It's because you're calling this function directly after it.
Take a look at this.

You need to combine the fadeIn() method with the toggle() method. There is a method specific to combining toggle with fade: fadeToggle()
If you don't care about the fade effect, then nevermind had a working example above (comment 2).
See this jsFiddle
$(document).ready(function () {
$('button').click(function () {


Summernote WYSIWYG : set code view as default view

I can't find anything about this on the web. Is there a way to set the default view of Summernote (WYSIWYG jQuery text editor) to be the code/html view. I want to see directly the HTML code when landing on the form page.
Thank you
You can simulate a click on the codeview button (after summernote initialization), it works for me :
oninit: function() {
$("div.note-editor button[data-event='codeview']").click();
From Summernote documentation:
After v0.7.0, every callbacks should be wrapped by callbacks object.
So, in order to work, the js should be like this:
callbacks: {
onInit: function() {
$("div.note-editor button.btn-codeview").click();
Not very elegant and I don't know if there is a proper way to do it but give this a try if you like:
From what I can tell, and I didn't look very hard, the codeview button does this:
adds a 'codeview' class to div.note-editor
disables all the buttons
adds an 'active' class to the codeview button elemment.
You may discover that it does other things as well but this should put you on a workable path.
$('div.note-editor.codeview button').addClass('disabled');
$("div.note-editor.codeview button[data-event='codeview']").removeClass('disabled').addClass('active');
Well, you can use the init callback.
$('.summernote').on('summernote.init', function () {
height: 300,
placeholder: 'Paste content here...',
codemirror: {
theme: 'monokai'

Twitter Bootstrap Modal Form: How to drag and drop?

I would like to be able to move around (on the greyed-out background, by dragging and dropping) the modal form that is provided by Bootstrap 2. Can anyone tell me what the best practice for achieving this is?
The bootstrap doesn't come with any dragging and dropping functionality by default, but you can add a little jQuery UI spice into the mix to get the effect you're looking for. For example, using the draggable interaction from the framework you can target your modal ID to allow it to be dragged around within the modal backdrop.
Try this:
handle: ".modal-header"
Demo, edit here.
Update: bootstrap3 demo
Whatever draggable option you go for, you might want to turn off the *-transition properties for .modal.fade in bootstrap’s CSS file, or at least write some JS that temporarily disables them during dragging. Otherwise, the modal doesn’t drag exactly as you would expect.
You can use a little script likes this.
simplified from Draggable without jQuery UI
(function ($) {
$.fn.drags = function (opt) {
opt = $.extend({
handle: "",
cursor: "move"
}, opt);
var $selected = this;
var $elements = (opt.handle === "") ? this : this.find(opt.handle);
$elements.css('cursor', opt.cursor).on("mousedown", function (e) {
var pos_y = $selected.offset().top - e.pageY,
pos_x = $selected.offset().left - e.pageX;
$(document).on("mousemove", function (e) {
top: e.pageY + pos_y,
left: e.pageX + pos_x
}).on("mouseup", function () {
$(this).off("mousemove"); // Unbind events from document
e.preventDefault(); // disable selection
return this;
example : $("#someDlg").modal().drags({handle:".modal-header"});
Building on previous answers utilizing jQuery UI, this, included once, will apply to all your modals and keep the modal on screen, so users don't accidentally move the header off screen so they can no longer access the handle. Also sets the cursor to 'move' for better discoverability.
$(document).on('', function(evt) {
let $modal = $(;
handle: ".modal-header",
containment: $modal
$modal.find('.modal-header').css('cursor', 'move')
}); is the .modal which is the translucent overlay behind the actual .modal-content.
jquery UI is large and can conflict with bootstrap.
An alternative is DragDrop.js:
DragDrop.bind($('#myModal')[0], {
anchor: $('#myModal .modal-header')
You still have to deal with transitions, as #user535673 suggests. I just remove the fade class from my dialog.

Isotope callback not happening after window resize

I need to run a script after window get resized and isotope finish operating.
I thought callbacks would help but they're not fired in case of window resize.
As I need the updated container 's width value after resize, is there another way ?
Thanks for your help!
this worked..
Similiar to a callback, onLayout is a function that will be triggered after every time an Isotope instance runs through its layout logic.
onLayout: function( $elems, instance ) {
// `this` refers to jQuery object of the container element
console.log( this.height() );
// callback provides jQuery object of laid-out item elements
$elems.css({ background: 'blue' });
// instance is the Isotope instance
console.log( instance.$filteredAtoms.length );
i was looking into that eather and couldnt find a solution. so i picked this ugly one:
$(window).smartresize(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
//your function
}, 810);
so on resize i set a timeout that calls 810ms after isotope relayout, which should take 800ms in jquery, or 0.8s in css3.
like is said, its ugly, but for now i fits the purpose..

Click not firing first time after rebind with live() method

I understand that this is a probably a noob-ish question, but I've had no luck with the other threads I've found on the same topic.
I've devised a workaround to hack a views exposed filter to hide and show products with a stock count of "0". The exposed filter for the stock count (input#edit-stock) is hidden with CSS and inside a custom block is a link to manipulate the form and trigger the query (with ajax). This is working great, but with one exception - after resetting the form with the views-provided "reset" button, toggle() will not rebind properly to the link, and click won't fire the first time. Works fine on the 2nd click. I'm sure that the solution is very simple, but I'm at a loss..
How to rebind toggle() effectively?
Sorry, I'm unable to provide a live example. Many thanks for any input.
<a id="toggle" href="#">exclude</a>
$(document).ready(function () {
var include = function () {
$('input#edit-stock').attr('value', 0).submit();
var exclude = function () {
$('input#edit-stock').attr('value', '').submit();
$('a#toggle').toggle(include, exclude);
$('input#edit-reset').live('click', function (event) {
$('a#toggle').unbind('toggle').toggle(include, exclude).html('exclude');
if i get the problem right you need to reset the toggle. Why instead of unbind toggle and rebinding it you just don't simulate a click if the link is == to include?
$(document).ready(function () {
var include = function () {
$('input#edit-stock').attr('value', 0).submit();
var exclude = function () {
$('input#edit-stock').attr('value', '').submit();
$('a#toggle').toggle(include, exclude);
$('input#edit-reset').live('click', function (event) {
//if the link is include, click it so that it resets to exclude, else do nothing
if ($('a#toggle').html() == 'include'){
fiddle here:
(Hope this is what you were looking for)

jquery selection with .not()

I have some troubles with jQuery.
I have a set of Divs with .square classes. Only one of them is supposed to have an .active class. This .active class may be activated/de-activated onClick.
Here is my code :
jQuery().ready(function() {
$(".square").not(".active").click(function() {
// some action here...
$('').click(function() {
My problem is that the first function si called, even if I click on an active .square, as if the selector was not working. In fact, this seems to be due to the addClass('active') line...
Would you have an idea how to fix this ?
Just to give something different from the other answers. Lonesomeday is correct in saying the function is bound to whatever they are at the start. This doesn't change.
The following code uses the live method of jQuery to keep on top of things. Live will always handle whatever the selector is referencing so it continually updates if you change your class. You can also dynamically add new divs with the square class and they will automatically have the handler too.
$(".square:not(.active)").live('click', function() {
$('').live('click', function() {
Example working:
Note: I'm not saying this is how I would do it (depends exactly on your requirement) but it is just another way to look at things.
This is because the function is bound to elements that don't have the active class when you create them. You should bind to all .square elements and take differing actions depending on whether the element has the class active:
var clicked = $(this);
if (clicked.hasClass('active')) {
} else {