Detect paired bluetooth devices from application - iphone

How to discover non-apple compliant Bluetooth devices with iPhone..???
I have made an app where i need to detect non- apple compliant Bluetooth car kit with my iPhone.i have to detect Bluetooth devices paired with my iPhone when car kit comes in range i have to call a method. Unable to detect device using external accessory framework. so any help regarding this will be appreciable.Thanks in advance

I am not from iPhone but i think Bluetooth communication to external devices for non-jailbroken iOS devices is restricted to MFi-compliant Bluetooth hardware.


Bluetooth Connection with Handheld and iPhone

I am trying to establish a bluetooth connection between a Windows CE handheld device(A bank card reader) and iPhone. I want to make data transfer betweeen the two. I have read that prior to IOS 6.0 this was not possible. But with IOS 6.0 I can use core bluetooth to establish a connection.
I would like to know whether the handheld devices bluetooth should be of certain spec to make it work with IOS devices? Or are there any restriction fro any bluetooth device to communicate with an IOS device?
I have read here that the device should be Bluetooth LE. How can I detect whether my handheld device is bluetooth LE?
It would be nice if you would provide more information about this Windows CE device.
Just search for the specs of it. If it supports Bluetooth 4.0 LE you have to look if it specifies any of the known profiles. If not the manufacturer may have implemented an own profile to provide certain services and characteristics.
If this is not the case, there is no possibility to establish a connection over CoreBluetooth.
But if its a bank card reader I can't imagine, that it supports BLE.
If the device just supports Bluetooth 2.x you can only connect via the External Accessories Framework. But this only works if the manufacturer bought the MFi (Made for iPod) license and implemented the required specs into the hardware (only then the device is "MFi approved").

Bluetooth connectivity to non iOS receiver

Can iPhone Bluetooth be connected to non iOS Bluetooth receivers? Or which Bluetooth receiver I can use to communicate my iPhone to external device?
If you want to build one non-iOS bluetooth receiver that can communicate with iPhone/iPad on Classic Bluetooth (not Bluetooth 4.0 aka. Bluetooth Low Energy), you must get a MFi license for that (see Apple MFi FAQs) and use the iOS accessory framework to carry out the connection. However, with Bluetooth Low Energy, Apple provides a very easy and open framework 'CoreBluetooth' to establish communications between iOS devices and BLE devices, no license is needed. This may probably because Apple doesn't have to worry about the energy consumption of BLE devices.

How can I connect an iOS device to non iOS device (Arduino devices) via Bluetooth?

After searching on Google, I found that people say it's only possible to connect an iOS device with a non iOS device with the 'MFi program'. Is that true?
My project is mainly focused on sending and receiving information with the Arduino device via Bluetooth directly.
Is communication between iOS and non iOS devices without jailbreak possible? If yes, is there a reference?
(I viewed Stack Overflow question How can an iPhone access another non-iPhone device over wireless or Bluetooth?.)
As I stated in the above-linked question, general Bluetooth communication to external devices on non-jailbroken iOS devices is restricted to MFi-compliant Bluetooth hardware.
However, newer iOS devices (iPhone 4S, new iPad) are capable of Bluetooth 4.0 LE communication with external devices without the need for those devices to be MFi-compliant. This interaction is done through the new Core Bluetooth framework, which lets you send and receive arbitrary data to and from Bluetooth LE devices. This only works with those listed newer iOS devices, though.
Tim points out an interesting hack that you might be able to get away with in making your device appear like a Bluetooth HID keyboard. Devices like this barcode scanner have special modes to appear as HID devices to iOS. You might be able to pull something together based on this, but all data transfer will be one-way from your device, and it looks like this will require entering that data into text fields as if you had a keyboard connected.
Alasdair Alan's "iOS Sensor Apps with Arduino" is a good resource to look at. I've used Wifi with another microprocessor (mbed) but not sure about bluetooth. Alasdair is active on Twitter and he usually is kind enough to answer questions.

Bluetooth on iOS

What are the limitations of the Bluetooth on iOS? Can I program a Bluetooth in a way it makes the discovery procedure to find neighbor devices, selects a device from list, pair with it and starts over sockets exchanging some data (e.g. for peer2peer game? Is that possible?
All hardware that can communicate with iOS devices using Bluetooh must comply with the MFI (made for iPhone) program. It requires the vendor to use certain kinds of hardware and require a device certification. The program is under a strict NDA.
It basically means that you can only make a connection between iOS devices or devices with the MFI label and not just connect to a another cellphone -unless your iOS device is Jailbroken of course.
yes it is possible. BTW only iOS devices are supported.
Take a look at GameKit framework in the documentation.

turn on bluetooth device from iphone

in my application i'm trying to turn on a bluetooth device from the iphone. The bluetooth device is one of those you put in your ear to talk without holding the phone. I wonder if it's possible to turn on the bluetooth wirelessly from my application.
No, because the bluetooth device would have to be ON to receive the signal to turn ON.
The user manages paired bluetooth devices. If you just need input, see: Can the iPhone 3.0 SDK provide full access to Bluetooth devices (headsets)?.