Catel MVVM xctk:PropertyGrid = Error - mvvm

I have an error when I use Catel Framework together with Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.PropertyGrid.
The error consists in the fact that the PropertyGrid is invisible custom attributes if I inherit from ViewModelBase
If I inherit from ModelBase that all is normal
This code work wery well
public class PersonViewModel : ModelBase
[Description(#"Название стратегии")]
public string Person
get { return GetValue<string>(PersonProperty); }
set { SetValue(PersonProperty, value); }
public static readonly PropertyData PersonProperty = RegisterProperty("Person", typeof(string));
but this code didn't work
public class PersonViewModel : ViewModelBase
[Description(#"Название стратегии")]
public string Person
get { return GetValue<string>(PersonProperty); }
set { SetValue(PersonProperty, value); }
public static readonly PropertyData PersonProperty = RegisterProperty("Person", typeof(string));
<xcad:LayoutAnchorable ContentId="alarms"
<xctk:PropertyGrid BorderThickness="0"
SelectedObject="{Binding Path=SelectedObject}"
<xctk:PropertyDefinition Name="Person" />

When using a view model, it is important to add a view to it. You have created a PersonViewModel, but there is no PersonView.
If you don't want to create a separate view for Person, then there is no need for a PersonViewModel. We think it is not the right way to create sub-view models inside a view model. That's why we created the nested user controls solution in Catel.
You have 2 options here:
Create a custom PersonView (which will work dynamically with the
Keep the PersonModel (which is what it is, a model of a person)


ViewModels references in ShellViewModel Caliburn.Micro

In this thread : Can anybody provide any simple working example of the Conductor<T>.Collection.AllActive usage? I've had part of an answer but I'm still a but confused.
I would simply like to reference all my view models into my ShellViewModel to be able to open/close ContentControls, but without injecting all of them in the constructor.
In the answer, it is suggested to inject an interface in the constructor of the ShellViewModel. If I do that, do I have to inject all my ViewModels in a class that implements that interface?
public MyViewModel(IMagicViewModelFactory factory)
FirstSubViewModel = factory.MagicallyGiveMeTheViewModelIWant();
SecondSubViewModel = factory.MagicallyGiveMeTheViewModelIWant();
ThirdSubViewModel = factory.MagicallyGiveMeTheViewModelIWant();
Also, I would like to avoid going through IoC.Get<> to get the instances of my view Models, I think it violates the principles of IoC if I am not mistaken.
In a few other examples, they create new viewModels when needed, but what's the point of using IoC in that case, especially when I need services injected inside those new ViewModels?
In my Shell view, I have a layout with 3 different areas, bound to my shell view model by :
<ContentControl x:Name="Header"
<ContentControl x:Name="Menu"
<ContentControl x:Name="Main"
In my ShellViewModel extending Conductor.Collection.AllActive, I reference the 3 areas like this:
public Screen Menu { get; private set; }
public Screen Header { get; private set; }
public Screen Main { get; private set; }
I would like to be able to change them like so:
Menu = Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DisplayName == "Menu");
Header = Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DisplayName == "Header");
Main = Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DisplayName == "Landing");
All my ViewModels have a DisplayName set in their constructor.
I have tried this but GetChildren() is empty
foreach (var screen in GetChildren())
Am I missing something obvious?
Thanks in Advance!
Finally, I managed to find an answer myself. It's all in the AppBootstrapper!
I ended up creating a ViewModelBase for my Screens so that they could all have an IShell property (so that the ViewModels could trigger a navigation in the ShellViewModel) like so:
public class ViewModelBase : Screen
private IShell _shell;
public IShell Shell
get { return _shell; }
_shell = value;
NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => Shell);
then in the AppBoostrapper registered them like this :
container.Singleton<ViewModelBase, SomeViewModel>();
container.Singleton<ViewModelBase, AnotherViewModel>();
container.Singleton<ViewModelBase, YetAnotherViewModel>();
then created an IEnumerable to pass as param to my ShellViewModel ctor:
IEnumerable<ViewModelBase> listScreens = GetAllScreenInstances();
container.Instance<IShell>(new ShellViewModel(listScreens));
then passing the IShell to each ViewModels
foreach (ViewModelBase screen in listScreens)
screen.Shell = GetShellViewModelInstance();
for the sake of completeness, here are my GetAllScreenInstances() and GetShellViewModelInstance() :
protected IEnumerable<ViewModelBase> GetAllScreenInstances()
return container.GetAllInstances<ViewModelBase>();
protected IShell GetShellViewModelInstance()
var instance = container.GetInstance<IShell>();
if (instance != null)
return instance;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not locate any instances.");
Here's what my ShellViewModel ctor looks like:
public ShellViewModel(IEnumerable<ViewModelBase> screens )
Hope this can help someone in the future!

Getting AllowEdit to default to true for a listview with XAF+EF+Generics

Generics aren't officially supported in XAF.
However I use them and love them.
Public abstract class SalesHeader<TSalesLine> : BasicBO
where TSalesLine : SalesProductTransactionLine
public virtual BindingList<TSalesLine> Lines { get; set; }
public class SalesOrder : SalesHeader<SalesOrderLine>, ISalesHeader<SalesOrderLine>
public SalesOrder()
Lines = new BindingList<SalesOrderLine>();
ContactPerson = new Person(); //etc
This creates a view in the model called SalesHeader[SalesOrderLine]_Lines_ListView
By default the AllowDelete and AllowNew property of this listview is True but the AllowEdit is false.
How do I get the AllowEdit to be true so that I don't have to use the model editor to override it?
You can modify model nodes in code using Generator Updaters.
This approach is not related to EF or Generics, however you can trigger this behaviour according to View ObjectType.
You may find the following references helpful:
Devexpress xaf ungroup layout of inherited class. (programmaticaly)
How to: Create Additional ListView Nodes in Code via a Generator Updater
I implemented Erik's advice as
public class CustomListViewItemUpdater : ModelNodesGeneratorUpdater<ModelViewsNodesGenerator>
public override void UpdateNode(ModelNode node)
var a = node["SalesHeader[SalesOrderLine]_Lines_ListView"];
((IModelListView)(a)).AllowEdit = true;

Can Entity Framework be the "the model" in a Catel Framework?

Hoping someone could clear things up. In the following ViewModel, does using Entity Framework as my model eliminate the need to use [Model] and [[ViewModelToModel(...)] attributes? The code runs the same with or without them, because the binding in the view ignores them and binds to the ObservableCollection.
public class MainWindowViewModel : ViewModelBase
Models.OneHour_DataEntities ctx;
public MainWindowViewModel()
: base()
Save = new Command(OnSaveExecute, OnSaveCanExecute);
ctx = new Models.OneHour_DataEntities();
Customers = new ObservableCollection<Models.Customer>(ctx.Customers);
public ObservableCollection<Models.Customer> Customers
get { return GetValue<ObservableCollection<Models.Customer>>(CustomersProperty); }
set { SetValue(CustomersProperty, value); }
public static readonly PropertyData CustomersProperty = RegisterProperty("Customers", typeof(ObservableCollection<Models.Customer>), null);
public Command Save { get; private set; }
private bool OnSaveCanExecute()
return true;
private void OnSaveExecute()
Catel uses different interfaces to take advantage of the models. For example, it uses the following interfaces:
IEditableObject => undoing changes to model when user cancels
INotifyPropertyChanged => update view model when model updates
If your entity model implements these interfaces, you can define a property as a model.
In your example however, you use an ObservableCollection (thus a list of models) as a model. That is not supported (or, again, the collection must support IEditableObject and INotifyPropertyChanged).

How are Views injected into the UI using PRISM and MEF?

I have already searched some tutorials and even looked pluralsite Introduction to PRISM. However, most examples based on using unity containers and the some lack of information on how to implement this feature with Mef container.
My simple helloworld module is based on web tutorial. My code is the same except I’m stuck only on HelloModule and using Mef, not Unity as tutorial shows:
The main my problem how to initialize my view with my view model. The only working way I have found via experimenting is to initialize view-model in View constructor:
namespace Hello.View
public partial class HelloView : UserControl, IHelloView
public HelloView()
Model = new HelloViewModel(this);
public IHelloViewModel Model
//get { return DataContext as IHelloViewModel; }
get { return (IHelloViewModel)DataContext; }
set { DataContext = value; }
And standard module initialization code:
[ModuleExport(typeof(HelloModule), InitializationMode=InitializationMode.WhenAvailable)]
public class HelloModule : IModule
IRegionManager _regionManager;
public HelloModule(IRegionManager regionManager)
_regionManager = regionManager;
public void Initialize()
However, can someone tell the correct way how to this things, I this it must be done in Module initialization section.
MatthiasG shows the way to define modules in MEF. Note that the view itself does not implement IModule. However, the interesting part of using MEF with PRISM is how to import the modules into your UI at startup.
I can only explain the system in principle here, but it might point you in the right direction. There are always numerous approaches to everything, but this is what I understood to be best practice and what I have made very good experiences with:
As with Prism and Unity, it all starts with the Bootstrapper, which is derived from MefBootstrapper in Microsoft.Practices.Prism.MefExtensions. The bootstrapper sets up the MEF container and thus imports all types, including services, views, ViewModels and models.
Exporting Views (modules)
This is the part MatthiasG is referring to. My practice is the following structure for the GUI modules:
The model exports itself as its concrete type (can be an interface too, see MatthiasG), using [Export(typeof(MyModel)] attribute. Mark with [PartCreationPolicy(CreationPolicy.Shared)] to indicate, that only one instance is created (singleton behavior).
The ViewModel exports itself as its concrete type just like the model and imports the Model via constructor injection:
public class MyViewModel(MyModel model)
_model = model;
The View imports the ViewModel via constructor injection, the same way the ViewModel imports the Model
And now, this is important: The View exports itself with a specific attribute, which is derived from the 'standard' [Export] attribute. Here is an example:
[ViewExport(RegionName = RegionNames.DataStorageRegion)]
public partial class DataStorageView
public DataStorageView(DataStorageViewModel viewModel)
DataContext = viewModel;
The [ViewExport] attribute
The [ViewExport] attribute does two things: Because it derives from [Export] attribute, it tells the MEF container to import the View. As what? This is hidden in it's defintion: The constructor signature looks like this:
public ViewExportAttribute() : base(typeof(UserControl)) {}
By calling the constructor of [Export] with type of UserControl, every view gets registered as UserControl in the MEF container.
Secondly, it defines a property RegionName which will later be used to decide in which Region of your Shell UI the view should be plugged. The RegionName property is the only member of the interface IViewRegionRegistration. The attribute class:
/// <summary>
/// Marks a UserControl for exporting it to a region with a specified name
/// </summary>
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false)]
public sealed class ViewExportAttribute : ExportAttribute, IViewRegionRegistration
public ViewExportAttribute() : base(typeof(UserControl)) {}
/// <summary>
/// Name of the region to export the View to
/// </summary>
public string RegionName { get; set; }
Importing the Views
Now, the last crucial part of the system is a behavior, which you attach to the regions of your shell: AutoPopulateExportedViews behavior. This imports all of your module from the MEF container with this line:
private Lazy<UserControl, IViewRegionRegistration>[] _registeredViews;
This imports all types registered as UserControl from the container, if they have a metadata attribute, which implements IViewRegionRegistration. Because your [ViewExport] attribute does, this means that you import every type marked with [ViewExport(...)].
The last step is to plug the Views into the regions, which the bahvior does in it's OnAttach() property:
/// <summary>
/// A behavior to add Views to specified regions, if the View has been exported (MEF) and provides metadata
/// of the type IViewRegionRegistration.
/// </summary>
public class AutoPopulateExportedViewsBehavior : RegionBehavior, IPartImportsSatisfiedNotification
protected override void OnAttach()
public void OnImportsSatisfied()
/// <summary>
/// Add View to region if requirements are met
/// </summary>
private void AddRegisteredViews()
if (Region == null) return;
foreach (var view in _registeredViews
.Where(v => v.Metadata.RegionName == Region.Name)
.Select(v => v.Value)
.Where(v => !Region.Views.Contains(v)))
private Lazy<UserControl, IViewRegionRegistration>[] _registeredViews;
Notice .Where(v => v.Metadata.RegionName == Region.Name). This uses the RegionName property of the attribute to get only those Views that are exported for the specific region, you are attaching the behavior to.
The behavior gets attached to the regions of your shell in the bootstrapper:
protected override IRegionBehaviorFactory ConfigureDefaultRegionBehaviors()
var behaviorFactory = base.ConfigureDefaultRegionBehaviors();
behaviorFactory.AddIfMissing("AutoPopulateExportedViewsBehavior", typeof(AutoPopulateExportedViewsBehavior));
We've come full circle, I hope, this gets you an idea of how the things fall into place with MEF and PRISM.
And, if you're still not bored: This is perfect:
Mike Taulty's screencast
The way you implemented HelloView means that the View has to know the exact implementation of IHelloViewModel which is in some scenarios fine, but means that you wouldn't need this interface.
For the examples I provide I'm using property injection, but constructor injection would also be fine.
If you want to use the interface you can implement it like this:
public partial class HelloView : UserControl, IHelloView
public HelloView()
public IHelloViewModel Model
get { return DataContext as IHelloViewModel; }
set { DataContext = value; }
public class HelloViewModel : IHelloViewModel
Otherwise it would look like this:
public partial class HelloView : UserControl, IHelloView
public HelloView()
public HelloViewModel Model
get { return DataContext as HelloViewModel; }
set { DataContext = value; }
public class HelloViewModel
One more thing: If you don't want to change your Views or provide several implementations of them, you don't need an interface for them.

MVVM - How to wrap ViewModel in a ViewModel?

First of all, I have read this post and did not find the answer for my problem.
I am not sure if this is an aggregated Model class or an aggregated ViewModel class, but this is what I have:
In my WPF (with Prism) application, I have a view 'Filter Customers View' that connects to a service and requests a list of 'Customer' objects, based on a filter.
The list that is returned from the service is this :
List<CustomerDTO> FilteredCustomers;
And the CustomerDTO looks like this:
public class CustomerDTO
public Guid CustomerId;
public String Name;
public String Address;
public String PhoneNumber;
public OrderInfoDTO LastOrderInformation;
public List<OtherClass> ListOfSomething;
And the OrderInfoDTO looks like this:
public class OrderInfoDTO
public Guid OrderId;
public DateTime OrderDate;
public int NumberOfProducts;
public double TotalAmountSpent;
And the OtherClass looks like this:
public class OtherClass
public Guid Id;
public String SomeText;
As you can see - the customer might or might not have a 'Last Order',
I would like to wrap the 'CustomerDTO' object in a ViewModel,
so that I can bind it to the view.
This is what I thought of doing :
public class CustomerViewModel : NotificationObject
private CustomerDTO _customerDTO;
public CustomerViewModel(CustomerDTO customerDTO)
_customerDTO = customerDTO;
public Guid CustomerId
get { return _customerDTO.CustomerId; }
set { _customerDTO.CustomerId = value; RaisePropertyChanged("CustomerId "); }
public String Name
get { return _customerDTO.Name; }
set { _customerDTO.Name = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Name"); }
public String Address
get { return _customerDTO.Address; }
set { _customerDTO.Address = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Address"); }
public String PhoneNumber
get { return _customerDTO.PhoneNumber; }
set { _customerDTO.PhoneNumber= value; RaisePropertyChanged("PhoneNumber"); }
First of all - is 'CustomerDTO' what is known as a Model ? And is 'OrderInfoDTO' also a Model ? and what about 'OtherClass' ?
How do I treat the 'OrderInfoDTO' in my CustomerViewModel class ? Do I create a 'ViewModel' for it also ? where do I create the 'OrderInfoDTO' view-model ??? What happens if now someone updates the customer and sets the 'OrderInfoDTO' value ?
How do I treat the list of 'OtherClass' in my CustomerViewModel class ? Do I create an ObservableCollection for it ? What happens if someone will want to delete an item in it or update an item in it or add an item to it ?
Think about it this way:
The View is your UI that you would bind elements from the View Model to using the {Binding Path=, Mode=TwoWay -- If you want to update based upon the user input
The Model is only the data, this could a record set, file, database records etc. So CustomerDTO and OrderInfoDTO are models.
The View Model is your link between the data (Model) and the UI (View). It will allow to you change the data so it's easier to present on the UI
You would need to use ObservableCollection in all instances where there's a list that could change in the background.
You don't need a view model for OrderInfoDTO unless you need a view to update that data. If you are presenting a CustomerDTO info with OrderInfoDTO in it, then making it a property of the CustomerDTO view model would be fine.