flic.kr/s/ short url for sets base58 issue - encoding

I am having trouble with flickr short urls, specifically those generated for sets.
I can see that for individual photos, if I select share and get the short url, they I would get flic.kr/p/{base58_encode(photoid)}. I can easily decode and encode the photoid and get the correct values.
I have tried the same for sets. If I select share on a set and get the short url, then I would get something like flic.kr/s/{base58_encode(setid)}. However, I am not sure that it is base58 encoded this time as decoding/encoding setid's with a base58 encoder/decoder does not return the correct values.
So, the question is, are the setid's encoded with a different encoder, or is there some sort of salt used with sets?
Many thanks in advance.


Decode base64 data found in mongodb change stream to human readable format

I am developing a small application to test the change stream functionality in MongoDB.
I have found that if one uses a client session, that information is included in the change stream output (change event)
For instance, here is the output when I insert a document:
{"txnNumber"=>1, "lsid"=>{"id"=><BSON::Binary:0x70310118878160 type=uuid data=0x05d30a0fa4db4f24...>, "uid"=><BSON::Binary:0x70310118878040 type=generic data=0x08e97261f57b1617...>}, "_id"=>{"_data"=>"8262D407C4000000022B022C0100296E5A100483BECD0AF46146E4A271EDAC0922356946645F6964006462D407C48C187B092534BD050004"}, "operationType"=>"insert", "clusterTime"=>#<BSON::Timestamp:0x00007fe4b351d4f8 #seconds=1658062788, #increment=2>, "fullDocument"=>{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('62d407c48c187b092534bd05'), "one"=>"one"}, "ns"=>{"db"=>"change_stream_testing", "coll"=>"testing"}, "documentKey"=>{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('62d407c48c187b092534bd05')}}
The "lsid"-field contains information about the session from which the write originated. After taking a closer look at this i found that it contains base64 encoded data (just doing a json.parse() on the id and uid fields)
Now, the problem/question is that i can't decode that base64 string to something readable. Using an online decoder i get
and **éraõ{CWÈa´˜ïítüÕB³÷ËÂA«(Ìí{
respectively - when using the "auto detect" feature or UTF-8 which MongoDB uses internally (according to a quick google search)
The reason I ask is that I have a use case where, in some cases, I would like to be able to identify where an event in the change stream originated from ie. and what client issued the write. The only way I've been able to sort of accomplishing that without using the mutateFields operator to actually change the documents themselves and adding some kind of marker I could inspect in the change stream code (which I ideally don't want to do) is to use explicit client sessions which at least lets me know that whatever was writing the document was using an explicit session. But I would like to be able to go further and actually decipher this session information to, if possible, get some kind of unique identifier.

Base64 Encoding on ng-file-upload

When a file is selected or dropped, is it automatically converted to Base64 encoding?
I need to be able to take files, convert them to strings then pass them into POST requests to our backend.
Is ng-file-upload already converting the file? Or is this something I need to manually do by calling either the:
Upload.dataUrl(file, boolean).then(function(url){...});
I can post the relevant code but this seems relatively straightforward. Thanks for the help!

Is form data automatically encoded by browsers?

I have read some stuff about form data encoding, but one thing remains unclear. In case of enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" we need to urlencode data by hand, don't we?
... Forms submitted with this content type must be encoded as follows
Must be encoded by whom? By browsers? Or by application developers?
The other thing is -- what encoding (if any) is used, or should be used, in case of multipart/form-data?
I'm kindda mislead so big thx in advance.
Actually, browsers url-encode data automatically. And this w3 docs is first of all for those who make browsers. So that phrase, Forms submitted with this content type must be encoded as follows means that data should be encoded by browsers. Anyway, one can check it by viewing raw post in the form data handling script (in case of php in looks like file_get_contents("php://input");)

Hotmail messing with encoded URL parameters

We have a system that sends out regular emails with links in, many of which contain URL encoded parameters such as this:
You can see that the "returnurl" parameter is encoded. However, it seems that a large number of our users (seemingly hotmail) are receiving the emails with this paramater partly decoded such as:
Why would it decode like this? Why only partly decode?? I therefore have no idea how to deal with it. I thought of base-64 encoding but that base64 strings contain characters that would need decoding too... I thought of double encoding but then I will not know whether to double-decode the parameter or not... Can anyone help? Thanks.
One reason this could be happening is because url rules for encoding are different before and after ? so if mechanism that is doing decoding does it from the 'back' of url and apples query decoding rules until it finds first ? then this could cause problem you are describing...
Not sure how to deal with it though as I understand system that does this inappropriate decoding is outside of your control. I would try to hide the ? in return url query somehow...

MVC HttpUtility.UrlEncode

i am attempting to use HttpUtility.UrlEncode to encode strings that ultimately are used in URLs.
/string/my test string
where http://www.google.com is a parameter passed to a controller.
I have tried UrlEncode but it doesn't seem to work quite right
my route looks like:
new { controller = "mString", action = "Index", sText = UrlParameter.Optional }
The problem is the encoded bits are decoded it seems somewhere in the routing.. except things like "+" which replace " " are not decoded..
Understanding my case, where a UrlParameter can be any string, including URL's.. what is the best way to encode them before pushing them into my db, and then handling the decode knowing they will be passed to a controller as a parameter?
It seems this problem has come up in other forums and the general recommendation is to not rely on standard url encoding for asp.net mvc. The advantage is url encoding is not necessarily as user friendly as we want, which is one of the goals of custom routed urls. For example, this:
can be friendlier written as
So custom url encoding has advantages beyond working around this quirk/bug. More details and examples here:
You could convert the parameter to byte array and use the HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode
If the problem is that the "+" doesn't get decoded, use HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode to encode and the decoding will work as desired.
From the documentation of HttpUtility.UrlEncode:
You can encode a URL using with the UrlEncode method or the
UrlPathEncode method. However, the methods return different results.
The UrlEncode method converts each space character to a plus character
(+). The UrlPathEncode method converts each space character into the
string "%20", which represents a space in hexadecimal notation. Use
the UrlPathEncode method when you encode the path portion of a URL in
order to guarantee a consistent decoded URL, regardless of which
platform or browser performs the decoding.