Encode file with cmd - encoding

I have a bat file that performs some actions and I need to encode a text file with UTF-8 format.
Is there any way to perform this in windows command line??
Thanks in advance.

Only with other programs which may or may not be installed. If you're targetting Windows 7 and higher you could just use PowerShell:
powershell -Command "&{ param($Path); (Get-Content $Path) | Out-File $Path -Encoding UTF8 }" somefile.txt


Calling another script (here: Python) from a Powershell script with non-ASCII-chars in argument

I'm on Windows 10 with Powershell 5.1
printargs.py is:
#! /usr/bin/python3
import sys
for arg in sys.argv:
Case 1
I have a Windows batch file runme.bat:
chcp 65001
py printargs.py ä
Note: py.exe is the Python launcher for Windows
This is working: I invoke the batch file in a Powershell terminal and I get output
Case 2
Now I want powershell script runme.ps1 doing exactly the same thing:
# What code must go here?
& py printargs.py ä
This is NOT working: Because of some encoding problem I get
I' am aware of this question.
I tried without success:
$OutputEncoding = [console]::InputEncoding = [console]::OutputEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding
This comes up a lot. Powershell 5.1 can't read utf8 no bom. This will covert the script to utf8 with bom. Powershell 7 can handle utf8 no bom.
(get-content -encoding utf8 script.ps1) | set-content script.ps1 -encoding utf8
# bom tests
(get-content script.ps1 -AsByteStream)[0] -eq 0xef -and
(get-content script.ps1 -AsByteStream)[1] -eq 0xbb
# right side gets converted to string
'239 187' -eq (get-content script.ps1 -AsByteStream)[0..1]

Syntax error in powershell command in windows

I try to run two commands in a bat file using the powershell. My goal is to transform a file to a utf8 format. How can I achieve that?
Here is what I have so far:
PowerShell -Command (Get-Content 'ZipCode.csv' | Out-File 'ZipCode1.csv' -Encoding utf8)
I get the following error: "out-file is not recognized as an internal or external command"
The doublequotes seem sufficient to escape the pipe. Single quotes on the outside wouldn't work.
PowerShell "Get-Content ZipCode.csv | Out-File ZipCode1.csv -Encoding utf8"
If you're only using Out-File because your version of PowerShell doesn't include the -Encoding option with Set-Content, then it should read:
#"%__AppDir__%WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -Command "Get-Content -Path '.\ZipCode.csv' | Out-File -FilePath '.\ZipCode1.csv' -Encoding UTF8"
Obviously if you have a Version of PowerShell where Set-Content has the required -Encoding option, use it instead:
#"%__AppDir__%WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -Command "Get-Content -LiteralPath 'ZipCode.csv' | Set-Content -LiteralPath 'ZipCode1.csv' -Encoding UTF8"
These could obviously be shortened to remove the robustness and use aliases/shorthand:
#PowerShell -NoP "GC '.\ZipCode.csv'|Out-File '.\ZipCode1.csv' -E UTF8"
#PowerShell -NoP "GC -LP 'ZipCode.csv'|SC -LP 'ZipCode1.csv' -En UTF8"
I prefer to use -LiteralPath because I have a tendency to use [] in my file naming, and those can be problematic in filenames. Change the output file name to ZipCode[1], then try the -Set-Content version code with -Path or nothing instead of -LiteralPath/-LP option, and you should see what I mean.

PowerShell command - what does this output?

My colleague found this Batch command (Powershell Command in Windows) online and I need to know what "encoding" it is using to output to the file. I know that it is not utf-8. Here is the command:
Select-String logfile.log -pattern "string pattern" | tee-object -filepath "output_file.txt" -append
My Windows edition is Windows Server 2012 RC Standard
Taken from https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849937.aspx
Tee-Object uses Unicode encoding when it writes to files. As a result, the output might not be formatted properly in files with a different encoding. To specify the encoding, use the Out-File cmdlet.
The command Select-String is found in PowerShell.

Notepad++ Open file, change encoding and save from command line

I search a way to do an automated task with Notepad++ from command line:
Open file
Change encoding to UTF-8
Save file
Is there any way to do it with some plugin or even with other program ?
Why do you want to use Notepad++ for that task? Which OS are you using?
Notepad++ got a Plugin-manager where you can install the Python Script plugin.
But if you want to convert files to UTF8 you can do that way easier with PowerShell on Windows or command line on Linux.
For Windows Power-Shell:
$yourfile = "C:\path\to\your\file.txt"
get-content -path $yourfile | out-file $yourfile -encoding utf8
For Linux use (e.g.) iconv:
iconv -f ISO-8859-15 -t UTF-8 source.txt > new-file.txt
Windows Powershell script to change all the files in the current folder (and in all subfolders):
foreach ($file in #(Get-ChildItem *.* -File -Recurse)) {
$content = get-content $file
out-file -filepath $file -inputobject $content -encoding utf8
If you want to change only specific files just change the *.* (in the first line).
Note: I tried the pipe (|) approach in Broco's answer and was not working (I got empty output files as Josh commented). I think is because we probably cannot read and write directly from and to the same file (while in my approach I put the content into a memory variable).

UTF8 encoding without BOM - PowerShell

I have a bat file where I encode some CSV files. The problem is that there are one character at the begining of the file once the encoding have been done (BOM byte I guess). This character bothers me cause after encoding, I use this file to generate a database.
Here is the line for encoding (inside bat file):
powershell -Command "&{ param($Path); (Get-Content $Path) | Out-File $Path -Encoding UTF8 }" CSVs\\pass.csv
Is there any way to encode the file without BOM (if this is the problem)??
I found the solution.
Just change the line with this:
powershell -Command "&{ param($Path); $Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($False); $MyFile = Get-Content $Path; [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($Path, $MyFile, $Utf8NoBomEncoding) }" CSVs\\pass.csv