Single request to jetty interpreted twice with http error code 401 - rest

When I send GET http requests to an EJB served by jetty, I often get a 401 response even though the auth parameters are correct.
When I look into jetty logs I see this :
2013-06-27 11:54:11.004:DBUG:oejs.Server:REQUEST /app/general/launch on AsyncHttpConnection#3adf0ddc,g=HttpGenerator{s=0,h=-1,b=-1,c=-1},p=HttpParser{s=-5,l=34,c=0},r=1
2013-06-27 11:54:11.021:DBUG:oejs.Server:RESPONSE /app/general/launch 401
2013-06-27 11:54:11.066:DBUG:oejs.Server:REQUEST /app/general/launch on AsyncHttpConnection#3adf0ddc,g=HttpGenerator{s=0,h=-1,b=-1,c=-1},p=HttpParser{s=-5,l=102,c=0},r=2
I suspect that the request is not fully read (too large request entity or too large headers?)
as it is parsed twice for a single request. Is there a way to fix this ?
what does HttpParser{s=-5,l=34,c=0} and HttpParser{s=-5,l=102,c=0} mean ?
when I desactivate authentication (security constraints using simple jetty realm). the request is only parsed once.

401 means that the server requires authentication credentials that the client either has not sent or the ones sent by the client have not been authorized.
Some client implementations will resend the request if they receive a 401 including the credentials. If your client is doing that, that would explain why you get the request twice on the server.
The HttpParser toString() method returns the current status of the HttpParser. Here's the code:
return String.format("%s{s=%d,l=%d,c=%d}",
So s is the state. -5 is STATE_HEADER. And l and c represent the length and the contentLength.


Axios get request always returns a blank response

I launched my app on heroku.
And ever since all of my axios get request return a blank html. + '/create/get-users')
axios.get(process.env.REACT_APP_baseServerurl + '/create/get-users')
the response i get is always blank.
but if i change the same request to a post it works fine.
The get request works fine when i try it on my localhost. But when i deploy it on heroku it returns blank.'/get-users', (req,res) => {
router.route('/get-users').get((req,res) => {
the POST request works but GET request returns a 304.
The 304 HTTP Status code means that the resource has not been modified since the last get request. This indicates that the server thinks you already have a copy of up-to-date data. The Server makes this assumption by looking at the If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since in your request header. (
These are the actions you could take:
Cache the data manually on your first successful request (if there is one, otherwise there must be an error in the usage of the If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since headers) and re-use the cached data if the server returns a 304 status code.
Disable the mechanism and live with the fact that you might request the same data the server already gave you.

HTTP Sender and REST conventions

I'm writing a C# Web API server application, and will send JSON to it via a Mirth HTTP Sender destination. This post is about how to handle error conditions. Specifically, there are three scenarios I want to handle:
Sometimes we take the C# application server offline for a short period for system upgrade or maintenance, and Mirth is unable to connect at all. I want Mirth to queue all messages in order, and when the server is available, process them in the order they were received.
The server receives the request, but rejects it due to a problem with the content of the request, e.g., missing a required field. In accordance with REST conventions, the server will return a 400-level HTTP response. This message would be rejected every time it's submitted, so it should not be re-sent; just log the failure and move on to the next message.
The server receives the request, but something goes wrong on the server, and the server returns an HTTP 500 Server Error response. This would be the appropriate response, for example, when something in the server environment has gone wrong. One real-world example was the time the Web API server was running, but somebody rebooted the database server. REST conventions would suggest we continue to resend the message until the transient problem has been resolved.
For #1, initially I had it queue on failure/always, but it appears the response transformer never runs for messages that were queued (at least, the debug statements never showed in the log). I have turned queueing off, and set it to retry every ten seconds for an hour, and that seems to give the desired behavior. Am I on the right track here, or missing something?
For #2 and #3, returning any HTTP 400 or 500 error invokes the 1-hour retries. What I want is to apply the 1-hour retries for the 500 errors, but not the 400 errors. I’ve tried responseStatus = SENT in the response transformer, but the response transformer only runs once, after the hour has expired, and not for each retry.
This seems like a common problem, yet I’m not finding a solution. How are the rest of you handling this?
You're close!
So by default, the response transformer will only run if there's a response payload to transform. For connection problems, or possibly for 4xx/5xx responses that contain no payload, the response transformer won't execute.
However, if you set your response data types (From the Summary -> Set Data Types dialog, or from the Destinations -> Edit Response, Message Templates tab) to Raw, then the response transformer will execute all the time. The reason being that the Raw data type considers even an empty payload to be "transformable".
So turn queuing back on, and set your response data types to Raw. Then in the response transformer, if you look at the Reference tab there's a category for HTTP Sender:
You'll want the "response status line", that's the "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" line of the response that contains the response code. Here's a response transformer script that forces 4xx responses to error:
if (responseStatus == QUEUED) {
var statusLine = $('responseStatusLine');
if (statusLine) {
var parts = statusLine.split(' ');
if (parts.length >= 2) {
var responseCode = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
// Force 4xx responses to error
if (responseCode >= 400 && responseCode < 500) {
responseStatus = ERROR;
responseStatusMessage = statusLine;

Watson Speech-to-Text register_callback returns only 400s

The Watson Speech-to-Text asynchronous HTTP interface allows one to register a callback url through a call to register_callback. This call is clearly not working; for illustration, please see these six lines of code.
# Illustration of how I can't get the Watson Speech-to-Text
# register_callback call to work.
r =
urllib.urlencode({ "callback_url": callback_url })),
auth=(watson_username, watson_password),
# This outputs:
# 400
# {u'code': 400,
# u'code_description': u'Bad Request',
# u'error': u"unable to verify callback url '' , server responded with status code: 400"}
# and no http call is logged on the server.
r = requests.get(
callback_url, params=dict(challenge_string="what does redacted mean?"))
# This outputs:
# 200
# what does redacted mean?
# and an HTTP GET is logged on the server.
I first call register_callback with a perfectly valid callback_url parameter, in exactly the way the documentation describes. This call returns with a 400 and, according to my callback URL server logs, the callback URL never receives an HTTP request. Then I GET the callback URL myself with a challenge_string. Not only is the callback URL responding with the right output, but a log appears on my server indicating the URL received an HTTP request. I conclude that register_call is not working.
We identified the issue on our end: the server that makes the outbound calls to your URL did not support the SSL encryption method that your callback server uses. We have fixed that and we are in the process of pushing to the production environment very soon.
Also FYI:
The error message with 400 indicates the callback URL does not meet
request or does not exist. Please refer to the detail in
Speech-To-Text service API document,
If the service does not receive a response with a response code of 200
and a body that echoes a random alphanumeric challenge string from the
callback URL within 5 seconds, it does not whitelist the URL; it
sends response code 400 in response to the registration request.
we just fixed the issue you reported. The problem was on our end, the servers responsible for making the callback to the server you set up did not support the cipher suites needed for establishing the SSL connection. We just updated the servers and we are happy to learn that it is now working for you: )

Long GET request on REST API, handling server crashes

I have a REST API where the GET request can take 10-20 seconds. So I usually return a 202 code with a location like http://fakeserver/pending/blah where the client can check the status of this request. pending/blah returns a 200 code with "Status: pending" if the request is still pending, and a 303 code when it's done, with a final location for the result: http://fakeserver/finished/blah .
But what if the server crashes during the request processing? Should pending/blah return a 303 code, and then finished/blah returns a 404? How can I alert the client that the resource may be available at a location, but I'm not sure? Assume the requests are persistent, so that when the server reboots, it continues processing the request.
First of all I'll make the state of processed resource an internal field of this resource. This way you can avoid using strange endpoints like: /finished/blah/ or /pending/blah/ and instead of it introduce a single endpoint /resources/blah/ which will among other fields return the state it's currently in.
After changing architecture to the endpoint mentioned above if you ask for blah and server has crashed you can:
return 200 with pending status - client doesn't have necessarily to know about the crash
return 404, simple not found with and extra message that server has crashed.
return 500 and inform the client explicitly what the problem is.
Other useful codes may be also 409 or 503. Returning any 3XX is not a good idea IMO since no redirection applies here. Personally I'd go for 200 or 500(3).

Picking HTTP status codes for errors from REST-ful services

When a client invokes my REST-ful service, it needs to know if the response came back was 'from me' or rather a diagnosis from the containing web server that something awful happened.
One theory is that, if my code is called, it should always return an HTTP OK(=200), and any errors I've got to return should be just represented in the data I return. After all, it's my code that gets the response, not the naked browser.
Somewhat self-evidently, if I'm using REST to generate HTML read directly by a browser, I absolutely must return an error code if there's an error. In the case I care about, it's always Javascript or Java that is interpreting the entrails of the response.
Another possibility is that there is some family of HTTP status codes that I could return with a high confidence that it/they would never be generated by a problem in the surrounding container. Is this the case?
I use the following:
200 OK
400 Bad Request (when input criteria not correct)
202 Accepted (returned by authorization method)
401 Unauthorized (also returned by authorization)
201 Created (when creating a new resource; I also set the location header)
400 Bad Request (when data for creating new entity is invalid or transaction rollback)
Same as POST
201 Ok
400 Bad Request
200 OK
404 Not Found (same as GET)
I would not know how to avoid that some container returns codes like 404.
4xx codes are meant to handle client errors along with possibly some entity that describes the problem in detail (and thus would mean a combination of both of your mentioned approaches). Since REST relies on HTTP and the according semantics of status as well as methods, always returning 200 in any possible case is a violation of this principle in my opinion.
If you for instance have a request such as which represents a bar ressource with id=123 and you return 200 with some content, the client has no chance to figure out if this was the intended response or some sort of error that occured. Therefore one should try to map error conditions to status codes as discussed in REST: Mapping application errors to HTTP Status codes for example.