Synchronous Counter - counter

I'm trying to create a 32-bit synchronous counter using J-K flip-flops. I have a functional module for individual J-K flip-flops...
jkff(J, K, CLK, Q) where the first three are wire inputs and the last is a reg output.
I then have another functional module for the counter...
thirty_two(J, K, CLK, OUT[31:0]) where the first three are inputs and the last is output
In the thirty_two module, I instantiate many jkff modules, but I seem to be restricted to using wires as my output. Thus, OUT[31:0] is a wire instead of the desired reg I want.
Any suggestions?

A common mistake when starting out with verilog is thinking that wire & reg types have to match across hierarchy, they do not. A modules inputs are always wires and outputs can be regs or wires. Connectivity between modules are wires. The difference between usage of the two is purely down to how values are assigned or driven.
For example module thirty_two can use reg type to drive its output:
module thirty_two(
output reg [31:0] OUT
always #* begin
OUT = 32'bx;
When instantiating thirty_two, outputs must drive wires. This make sense as the level that instantiates it can not directly change a sub modules output.
module top_level();
wire [31:0] thirty_two_out;
thirty_two thirty_two_i0 (
.OUT( thirty_two_out )


I can't compile a .sv file (SystemVerilog)

I'm learning SystemVerilog for the university. I installed the extensions in Visual Studio Code for syntax highlighting: SystemVerilog, Verilog-HDL/SystemVerilog/Bluespec SystemVerilog (Names of extensions).
I installed the compiler Icarus Verilog and inserted the address in the environment variables (PATH).
So I copied this code:
module adder
(s, b, c_in, sum, c_out);
input logic [7:0] a;
input logic [7:0] b;
input logic c_in;
output logic [7:0] sum;
output logic c_out;
logic [8:0] result;
assign result = a + b + c_in;
assign sum = result [7:0];
assign c_out = result[8];
endmodule: adder
And tried to run it, but it gave me this error:
Module end labels require SystemVerilog.
I even tried to compile from the cmd with the same result.
A thing that I noticed is that when I do the same thing with a .v file (Verilog), it works.
I get a compile error in your port list. Change:
(s, b, c_in, sum, c_out);
(a, b, c_in, sum, c_out);
You didn't declare a in the list, and you use a in the code. s is not in the code.
After that change, your code is legal SystemVerilog syntax, and it compiles without errors on multiple simulators on edaplayground.
I did get different compile errors from yours with Icarus Verilog 0.10.0 on edaplayground. Perhaps you are compiling with a different version. Keep in mind that iverilog does not support all SV features yet.
If the module label is still causing problems for you, you can simply remove it because it is optional. Change:
endmodule: adder
Regarding the file extensions (.v and .sv), some compilers will automatically enable SV features when you use .sv; perhaps some even require .sv. Since your code uses an SV keyword (logic), you must have SV features enabled to compile.
Here is a version of your code that does not rely on SV features:
module adder
(a, b, c_in, sum, c_out);
input [7:0] a;
input [7:0] b;
input c_in;
output [7:0] sum;
output c_out;
wire [8:0] result;
assign result = a + b + c_in;
assign sum = result [7:0];
assign c_out = result[8];
Using logic in the port declarations is optional, and you can declare result as a wire.

How to use a parameter to add or remove a signal from a system verilog interface and modport

Here is a snippet of some interface code that has some parameterized sizes to it. The fourth parameter, HAS_BURST is something I have experimented with, but it has only resulted in compilation errors.
Effectively I am looking for a way to ADD/REMOVE a signal from a interface based on parameter. Is there a way to have a generic interface with removable signals?
interface axi_if
#(parameter ID_WIDTH = 4,
logic aw_ready;
logic aw_valid;
logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] aw_bits_id;
logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] aw_bits_addr;
logic [7:0] aw_bits_len;
logic [2:0] aw_bits_size;
logic [1:0] aw_bits_burst;
logic [2:0] aw_bits_size;
modport slave (
output aw_ready,
input aw_valid,
input aw_bits_id,
input aw_bits_addr,
input aw_bits_len,
input aw_bits_burst,
input aw_bits_size
modport master (
input aw_ready,
output aw_valid,
output aw_bits_id,
output aw_bits_addr,
output aw_bits_len,
output aw_bits_burst,
output aw_bits_size
No, there isn't. Ports aren't valid in generate blocks. Parameters can be used to asjust the width of a port but not remove it entirely. You could use an `ifdef to compile it conditionally but that's an all-or-none solution. There can't be some instances with the signal and others without it.
Having the signal unconditionally present is fine in many situations and it's the easiest way to handle this problem. Tie any unused inputs to logic 0 and unused outputs can remain unconnected.
If neither of these options work there's no other way than to define two different interfaces. Doing this by hand quickly becomes unmaintainable. If there are two variations now you can be sure a third one will be needed soon, then a fourth, a fifth... Many chip design companies have SystemVerilog code generators which create customized modules for each instance.

Multidriven nets: Synthesis ok, Simulation fails

I have a fundamental understanding problem with System Verilog. I am working on a processor design, where some bus systems should be shared between several processing units (System Verilog modules). With an arbiter only one module at a time should be active, driving the bus, while all other are high impedance.
I got rid of the multidriven nets warnings in Vivado during synthesis and there are not anymore any bus conflicts, but the simulator gives a warning, that the bus signals 'might' be multidriven. I made a tiny example code and I would expect to get for 'data' '11', when 'select' is '10'?
While simulation stops at all in Vivado, it works with Cadence simulator, but with wrong results - screenshot simulation
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module testbench_top();
logic [1:0] select;
logic [1:0] data;
top top_inst(.*);
select = 0;
#2 select = 1;
#2 select = 2;
#2 select = 0;;
$monitor("t=%3d s=%b,d=%b\n",$time,select,data);
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module top
input logic [1:0] select,
output logic [1:0] data
driver_1 driver_1_inst(.*);
driver_2 driver_2_inst(.*);
module driver_1
input logic [1:0] select,
output logic [1:0] data
if (select == 2'b10)
data = 2'b11;
data = 'z;
module driver_2
input logic [1:0] select,
output logic [1:0] data
if (select == 2'b01)
data = 2'b01;
data = 'z;
I'm assuming you expect the value of data signal the top module, which is driven by the two outputs of your driver modules, to be resolved (e.g. when one drive 'z, the other gets the bus.
This will happen if you declare the signal as output wire logic [1:0] data.
Section Rules for determining port kind, data type, and direction of the IEEE 1800-2012 standard states that
For output ports, the default port kind depends on how the data type
is specified: — If the data type is omitted or declared with the
implicit_data_type syntax, the port kind shall default to a net of
default net type. — If the data type is declared with the explicit
data_type syntax, the port kind shall default to variable.
In your case, the second clause applies, since you declared data as output logic[1:0], meaning that it was interpreted as a variable and not a net. Multiple values on variables aren't resolved (and in some tools are also illegal).

SystemVerilog Interface in a vertical hierarchy

I'm implementing a system that uses an interface to connect two blocks that implements AXI4 lite functions.
Problem is the master and the slave blocks are inside other blocks.
The code above shows an example of what I'm trying to do:
interface bus
logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] wr_addr; // Write address
logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wr_data; // Write data
logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rd_addr; // Read address
logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] rd_data; // Read data
modport master (
output wr_addr,
output wr_data,
input rd_addr,
input rd_data
modport slave (
input wr_addr,
input wr_data,
output rd_addr,
output rd_data
// innermost master block
module m0(bus.master bus_inst_m0);
// write/ read data from/to master modport
bus_inst_m0.wr_addr <= ...
if(bus_inst_m0.rd_addr == ...
// instance of m0 block connected
// to interface
module m1(bus.master bus_inst_m1);
m0 m0_inst(.bus_inst_m0 (bus_inst_m1))
// innermost slave block
module s0(bus.slave bus_inst_s0);
// write/ read data from/to slave modport
bus_inst_s0.rd_addr <= ...
if(bus_inst_s0.wd_addr == ...
// instance of ms block connected
// to interface
module s1(bus.slave bus_inst_s1);
s0 s0_inst(.bus_inst_s0 (bus_inst_s1))
// top module
module top();
bus local_bus;
m1 m1_inst (.bus_inst_m1 (local_bus));
s1 s1_inst (.bus_inst_s1 (local_bus));
In Cadence Incisive simulator, the code compiles, but it not works. Looking in the schematic I see that the top interface is connected, but the inner interfaces are just open.
I made a small test connecting directly the master and slave blocks and it worked fine.
I have tried other combinations of interface/modport too, like using modport just in the innermost blocks, but it didn't work.
I read the LRM and did not found any clue about what I'm doing wrong.
Can anyone help?
First of all, you have a bunch of options to use.
You can use generic interfaces as module parameters to avoid type errors. In this case, as long as the connected interface has all the signals that the module use, you will be okay. (And if the tool finds the proper interface...) Eg.:
module mod_gen_inf(interface gen_if);
module top();
m_bus_if m_bus;
m_1 slave_actor(.gen_if(m_bus.master));
endmodule: top
Secondly, you can, but you are not required to specify the modport (type) at the module declaration. You can use the interface's name, and connect the specific modport at the module instantiation. Eg.:
module slave_actor(m_bus m_bus_if);
module top();
m_bus_if m_bus;
m_1 slave_actor(.m_bus_if(m_bus.slave));
endmodule: top
Think of this as the modport is a compatible type of the given interface.
Thus a corrected/shortened version of your code:
interface m_bus;
logic [1:0] a;
modport master(input a);
modport slave (output a);
module m1(m_bus.master bus_inst_m1);
m2 m2_inst(.bus_inst_m2(bus_inst_m1));
module m2 (m_bus.master bus_inst_m2);
module s1(m_bus.slave bus_inst_s1);
module top();
m_bus local_bus();
m1 m1_inst (.bus_inst_m1 (local_bus.master));
s1 s1_inst (.bus_inst_s1 (local_bus.slave));
This worked me fine in QuestaSim 10.5c.
If your code compiled but does not work, make sure that your innermost block sees the interface as well. (include the library that your IF is compiled into.)

How do I sign extend in SystemVerilog?

Below is the code I have for my module:
module sext(input in[3:0], output out[7:0]);
assign out = {4'b0000,in};
assign out = {4'b1111,in};
For some reason this is not working. Instead of sign extending it is zero extending. Any ideas to why this might be the case?
I'm going to assume you meant (input [3:0] in, output [7:0] out). If that is true, then all you needed to write is
module sext(input signed [3:0] in, output signed [7:0] out);
assign out = in;
You could also write
module sext(input [3:0] in, output [7:0] out);
assign out = 8'(signed'(in));
And perhaps you don't even need to write this as a separate module.
Few things you need to take care is,
you haven't declared a data type for in and out, so by default they are wire and wire can't be used at LHS inside procedural block. Refer Section 6.5 Nets and variables (SV LRM 1800-2012). So either use a continuous assignment or declare it as a variable (i.e. reg/logic etc.).
The assignment of unpacked array is illegal in your example, so either use packed array or follow the instructions given in Section 10.10 Unpacked array concatenation (SV LRM 1800-2012)
It is not illegal syntax but assign used inside an always block probably does not do what you think it does. Use assign for wires and do not use it inside initial or always.
You have defined your port ranges after the name, this results in 4 and 8 1-bit arrays rather than a 4 and 8 bit value.
You have used {} for concatination, but they can also be used for replication ie {4{1'b1}}.
module sext(
input [3:0] in,
output reg [7:0] out ); //ranged defined before name
//No assign in always
//concatenation with replication
always_comb begin
out = { {4{in[3]}}, in};
Or :
module sext(
input [3:0] in,
output [7:0] out ); //out left as wire
assign out = { {4{in[3]}}, in};
I have seen your code.
There are some mistake in your code that you have to take care whiling writing the code.
You have use unpacked array so your targeted elements and actual elements are not match.
ERROR : Number of elements in target expression does not match the number of
elements in source expression.
This error can solve by using packed array.So, your targeted elements and actual elements are matched.
Here is link from where you will get better understanding regarding packed and unpacked array.
LINK : [][1]
2.Another thing that you have to take care is you are storing some value in out signal(variable) like assign out = {4'b0000,in};
So you have to use reg data type to sore the value.
ERROR : Non reg type is not valid on the left hand side of this assignment
When you use reg data type then you can store value in out data type.
So, your problem is solved.
Here I also provide code which will run fine.
module sext(input [3:0]in, output reg [7:0]out);
assign out = {4'b0000,in};
assign out = {4'b1111,in};