bzr push bzr+ssh gives me an error on webfaction - push

I setup bzr repo on both server and local. I am trying to push the code from my local directory to server, I am using the following command:
bzr push bzr+ssh://<username>#<username>
it asks for password and then gives me the error that bzr comman not found.
does anybody know what do i miss here? I think something is wrong from the server side, do you know how i should setup the servers side correctly?

Adding the
export PATH=/home/< webname>/bin:$PATH
to .bashrc solved the issue :)


How to upload a selenium project on github with below mentioned error?

I have tried uplaoding my project using Git bash but getting an error.
I've also looked at the links provided so far but I'm still getting no where.
Thanks in Advance !
You clearly seem to be very new at Git. I would HIGHLY recommend you look at a tutorial and try and understand for yourself what your problem is. With that said, here is your solution
Assuming you have properly created and committed to a local git repository, add a remote repository as such git remote add origin Then push everything with git push -u origin master.
Your problem is that you have a misunderstanding of how to use the Git Bash. I highly recommend you read this at the minimum.

hg-git repository not found

I would like to configure my Mercurial project to be able to push it into gitHub repository.
While using command:
hg push git+ssh://
I receive a msg:
abort: repository git+ssh://
not found!
I already check and establish SSH connection, and it looks ok:
Hi myusername! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not
provide shell access.
my respository url copied from github (it's a fork from other open-source project):
What else I should check? Why I have an information that it doesn't exist while, in fact, it does? Where can be a problem?
Thanks to rfkortekaas I found a problem with hg-git setup.
In ~/.hgrc there has to be:
hgext.bookmarks =
hggit =
Are you sure that you have enabled and setup the hg-git extension correctly. This error also appears if the extension is not correctly setup.
Can you try it with a local git repository to phase-out github as a possible error.
I'm not sure you can push in Git if you didn't clone your repository from a Git one before using hg-git. It seems me that hg-git manages a .git locally.

Pushing Git repo through SSH chain

I just started a new job, which is trying to start using Git for version control. I am trying to help them with the process but it is turning out to be more complicated than anticipated.
Currently, all new files are uploaded to the dev server via SSH FTP as follows:
SSH into first machine, then SSH from here into the actual Dev server.
Ideally, we'd like to be able to be able to enter "git push dev" and have git skip through both SSH to push the files to the Dev server... However, I'm not sure how to add a sequence of origins to Git...
Does anyone know if this is possible, or how one might go about doing this?
Thanks in advance.

An internal Exception occurred during push: cannot store objects

Hello I am new to Git and trying to setup server part and client part.
On a Server side I have ssh access and Git version 1.5
On a Client side I have eclipse with eGit.
I created git repo on a server side via usual means: git init and added simple html file.
Using eGit I checkout the repo and everything seems to be going well. I made changes on a client side, committed it and decided to push back to the server.
Now I have all permissions set but still get following error:
I don't know how to fix it and error message doesn't provide much details.
Please help.
Thank you!
For me, on Windows eclipse, I had an error like this:
An internal Exception occurred during push:***/***/service=git-receive-pack not found
I just reconfigured the eclipse and added my github account information and store it. Then it worked. Team->Remove->Configure push to upstream->URI, Change->Add authentication details
Ok, I resolved my issue following way:
1) I changed configuration for remote fetch and pull from sftp to ssh
2) Once I did step 1. I got different error:
When I tried to push changes from Terminal I got following:
git push origin
bash: git-receive-pack: command not found
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
3) Found answer to the above error: git-upload-pack: command not found, how to fix this correctly
4) On my old server path to the git is: "/usr/local/git/bin" So I added it to .bashrc file.
Once I done that, everything started to work:
The possible issues are:
1. The source code might not be committed in the first place. Please try committing and see.
2. There is some issue with github authentication. Please re authenticate the credentials and try using: Team->Remove->Configure push to upstream->URI, Change->Add authentication

How do I push to Git Repo given the following error: An internal Exception occurred during push: ssh:// session is down

I recently set up a github account to store the source code of a project I have been working on.
I am using egit eclipse plugin to push changes to github.
I successfully pushed the initial code and 2 subsequent changes. However when I attempted to push the third change I was not able. The following excepiton appears in the eclipse error log.
If someone could tell me the cause of this error, or tell me how I can go about debugging the problem it would be a great help.
org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.JGitInternalException: Exception caught during execution of push command
at org.eclipse.egit.ui.internal.push.PushOperationUI.execute(
at org.eclipse.egit.ui.internal.push.PushOperationUI$
Caused by: org.eclipse.jgit.errors.TransportException: ssh:// session is down
at org.eclipse.jgit.transport.JschSession$JschProcess.<init>(
at org.eclipse.jgit.transport.JschSession$JschProcess.<init>(
at org.eclipse.jgit.transport.JschSession.exec(
at org.eclipse.jgit.transport.TransportGitSsh$SshPushConnection.<init>(
at org.eclipse.jgit.transport.TransportGitSsh.openPush(
at org.eclipse.jgit.transport.PushProcess.execute(
at org.eclipse.jgit.transport.Transport.push(
... 4 more
Caused by: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: session is down
at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.openChannel(
at org.eclipse.jgit.transport.JschSession$JschProcess.<init>(
... 11 more
I experienced the same issue. Resolution follows:
Delete origin push and fetch in remote(Eclipse view --> Git repositories).
Close Eclipse.
Go to .ssh folder(Users/.ssh) and delete the key files(public and private).
Start eclipse and regenerate the keys(Window --> Preferences --> General tab --> Network connections --> SSH2).
Copy the key and add it to github/SSH Keys
In Eclipse add new remote and push.
You may not need to delete all the key files. If you have already added a key file previously (perhaps while setting up native Git), you can just add the name of that file in list of keys, and it will work.
This seemed to work for me:
Do everything Firoz and Nishant say except push:
Create or edit the following file on your desktop:
File : ~/.ssh/config
Content :
User [your_github_username]
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile [path_to_private_key]
In your Eclipse Git Setup for your project do the following:
URI :[repo_owner_username]/[repo_name].git
Protocol : ssh
Username : git
Password : [leave_blank]
Save and push.
See this GitHub SSH Help page for useful info:
Worked for me after initially suffering through "session is down" and "cannot open git-upload-pack" errors. Hope it helps everyone else too.
Good luck!
I faced the same problem and I found out solution which is extremely foolish.
I took following steps:
I logged into git repository of my project from browser and didn't sign out.
I copied the http url to push or pull from project repository from github.
I pasted the url in my eclipse plugin while pushing code (didn't use the already stored one even though both of them were same)
I don't know what and why but above steps have worked for me whenever I have faced above problem. I don't know why does eclipse throw such exceptions and why does it gets solved this way.
You can also try pushing using other ways outside of eclipse. for eg. `TortoiseGit` or `SmartGit` etc.
I had the same problem. I fixed it by pointing the JAVA_HOME variable to jdk 6. It was originally pointing to jdk 5.
I got this error message and it was fixed when one of my co-workers emailed me the two files id_rsa and id_rsa (MS Pub doc), I put them in C:Users\[userID]\.ssh, and shut down and restarted my IDE.
I had this issue with EGit and solved it at last. Somehow sometimes things get messed up. If you can not solve it through Eclipse just go to your "git" folder with git bash with Windows. With Linux it is even easier: just open the terminal.
This problem occurs because of username, password, and ssh keys getting messed up.
So, use the commands "git remote show origin" and make sure if the origin is Sometimes Eclipse just puts "git" as a username so make sure you have the correct user name by changing it with the command git remote set-url origin url. It should automatically change the configurations in eclipse.
I also had this issue.
The following command in Git Bash, comes handy in such scenarios: git remote prune origin
This configured the Pull/Push in the corrupted branch.