How to fetch a list inside a list using LINQ to Entities - entity-framework

I have a requirement where i need to display a list in jquery DATATABLE. one of the column in a row will have multiple items (list).
So, in Busines Logic while fetching the DB details i'm trying to fetch a list which has another list in a row.
listTest =
(from TestA in context.Business
join Status in context.BStatus
on TestA. BStatus_Id equals Status.ID
join Prior in context.Priority
on TestA.Prior_ID equals Prior.ID into PriorityDetails
from PrtryDT in PriorityDetails.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new PModel
Id = TestA.ID,
Name = TestA.NM,
PriorityEvaluatedOnTS = TestA.PRI_EVAL_ON_TS,
//RequestPriority = i need to write a linq here to fetch a list for RequestPriority


Not able to use IN query in LINQ with Entity Framework

I am using EF Framework to retrieve the data from SQL DB.
Sub Request Table looks like below:
In this table "org_assigneddept" is foreign key to another Department Table.
I have list of Departments as Input and I want to retrieve only those rows from DB whose org_assigneddept is matching the list.
Please find my whole code:-
private List<EventRequestDetailsViewModel> GetSummaryAssignedDeptEventRequests(List<EmpRoleDeptViewModel> vmDept)
List<EventRequestDetailsViewModel> vmEventRequestDeptSummary = new List<EventRequestDetailsViewModel>();
RequestBLL getRequestBLL = new RequestBLL();
Guid subRequestStatusId = getRequestBLL.GetRequestStatusId("Open");
using (var ctxGetEventRequestSumm = new STREAM_EMPLOYEEDBEntities())
vmEventRequestDeptSummary = (from ers in ctxGetEventRequestSumm.SubRequests
where vmDept.Any(dep=>dep.DeptId == ers.org_assigneddept)
select new EventRequestDetailsViewModel
SubRequestId = ers.org_subreqid
It is giving the following error at the LINQ Query level:-
System.NotSupportedException: 'Unable to create a constant value of
type 'Application.Business.DLL.EmpRoleDeptViewModel'. Only primitive
types or enumeration types are supported in this context.'
Please let me know as how can I achieve the result
You cannot pass the department VMs to SQL, it doesn't know what those are.
// Extract the IDs from the view models.. Now a list of primitive types..
var departmentIds = vmDept.Select(x => x.DeptId).ToList();
then in your select statement...
where departmentIds.Contains(id=> id == ers.org_assigneddept)

Entity Framework: selecting from multiple tables

I have a statement:
var items = from e in db.Elements
join a in db.LookUp
on e.ID equals a.ElementID
where e.Something == something
select new Element
ID = e.ID,
LookUpID = a.ID
// some other data get populated here as well
As you can see, all I need is a collection of Element objects with data from both tables - Elements and LookUp. This works fine. But then I need to know the number of elements selected:
int count = items.Count();
... this call throws System.NotSupportedException:
"The entity or complex type 'Database.Element' cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query."
How am I supposed to select values from multiple tables into one object in Entity Framework? Thanks for any help!
You are not allowed to create an Entity class in your projection, you have to either project to a new class or an anonymous type
select new
ID = e.ID,
LookUpID = a.ID
// some other data get populated here as well
Your code doesn't work at all. The part you think worked has never been executed. The first time you executed it was when you called Count.
As exception says you cannot construct mapped entity in projection. Projection can be made only to anonymous or non mapped types. Also it is not clear why you even need this. If your class is correctly mapped you should simply call:
var items = from e in db.Elements
where e.Something == something
select e;
If LookupID is mapped property of your Element class it will be filled. If it is not mapped property you will not be able to load it with single query to Element.

Entity Framework, How to include related entities in this example

I have a table AccountSecurity which is a many-to-many table that relates Account entities and Securities. When I write the query below it returns all Securities that satisfy the where clause. However each Security instance in the list no longer has the reference to the AccountSecurity it came from. So when I do list[0].AccountSecurity it is empty. Is there anyway to include that information? I know I can rewrite the query to return AccountSecurities instead and use .Include("Security") on that, but I wonder if it can be done another way.
var list = (from acctSec in base.context.AccountSecurities
where acctSec.AccountId == accountId
select acctSec.Security).ToList();
Of course if I do two queries the graph gets populated properly, there has to be a way to do this in one shot.
var securities = (from acctSec in base.context.AccountSecurities
where acctSec.AccountId == accountId
select acctSec.Security).ToList();
//this query populates the AccountSecurities references within Security instances returned by query above
var xref = (from acctSec in base.context.AccountSecurities
where acctSec.AccountId == accountId
select acctSec).ToList();
var list = (from sec in base.context.Securities
where sec.AccountSecurities.Any(as => as.AccountId == accountId)
select sec).ToList();
Try this:
var list = (from acctSec in base.context.AccountSecurities.Include("Security")
where acctSec.AccountId == accountId
select acctSec).ToList();
Then simply use the Security property as needed, and since it's read at the same time AccountSecurities is (single SQL with join), it will be very efficient.

Entity Framework: Find EntityKey Values for One-to-Many

In EF, it is possible to write the following line:
Which results in the ID of the associated OrderReference.
What would be the solution if I wanted to know the ID's of the orderLines associated with an order?
The point of the line you show is to get the ID without loading orderLine.Order. But you can't get the IDs of a collection without loading. So just look at the ID property, either directly or from the context.
// from context
var lineIds = (from o in Context.Orders
where o.Id = someId
from l in o.Lines
select l.Id).AsEnumerable();
// from loaded order
if (!order.Lines.IsLoaded) order.Lines.Load();
var lineIds = from l in order.Lines
select l.Id;

Using ObjectQuery Include and using a nested where clause

Using entity framework, I'm trying to get back a customer with order details but I want to filter out those Orders that are active.
Customer is our EntityObject which has a collection of Order EntityObjects. CustomerDetails is our ObjectContext.
The code below will attach all orders but I want to filter and only attach those that are active. ( == true). How can I do this?
I know Include builds up a nested query statement (I can observe by using .ToTraceString().) I was hoping to attach a Where clause to this nested select statement or the Include.
Customer cust;
CustomerDetails custTable = new CustomerDetails();
cust = custTable.Customer
.Where("it.cust_id = " + id)
.Include("Order") // But we only want == true!!!
Untested, but might work?
var temp = custTable.Customer.Where("it.cust_id = " + id).Include("Order");
cust = (from t in temp
where == true
select t).ToList().First();