Watirwebdriver - Drag and drop using watir webdriver - watir-webdriver

I'm trying to drag and drop an element on a webpage through the below code. I can see the drag and drop, but--after couple of seconds--the dropped element is disappearing and the scenario is passed successfully. And it didn't work as expected when I checked manually by visiting the webpage.
I've tried my_element.drag_and_drop_on target as well, but it didn't work!
When(/^I drag and drop Basket rule to the position slot on the emailcreate page$/) do
my_element = #browser.span(:text => "Abandoned Basket")
target = #browser.div(:class => "droparea ui-droppable ui-sortable")
target = #browser.div(:id => "0")
sleep 15
sleep 15

Focus the Element before drag and drop
My_element.focus #and try after that


Unity UI : How to reenable a dropdown after its panel was deactivated and then reactivated?

I am new to Unity, so this is probably a dumb question but here goes:
I have a Unity app; it has several scenes. One of those scenes has a Canvas upon which there are several overlapping Panels. On one of the Panels (PanelA), there is a Dropdown. When the app first runs PanelA is active and on top by default and the dropdown works fine. But after I deactivate PanelA with a C# call to
panelA.SetActive(false);// hides the panel
and then later reactivate it like so:
panelA.SetActive(true); // redisplays the panel
The dropdown no longer displays its list of option when clicked on. The dropdown is still there and still shows its first option "None" and when clicked on the drop-down changes color to indicate that it was touched, but the dropdown does not drop down its list of options.
What am I missing? Why doesn't the dropdown show the list of options?
Windows 10 Pro v1709, unity 2017.1.1f1 Personal
My hierarchy is like so, PanelB is the panel that gets set active after PanelA is inactivated:
The script called when the dropdowns option is selected is called like so in Start():
PickDropDown.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate {
and the called function is:
private void myDropdownValueChangedHandler(Dropdown target) {
Debug.Log("selected: "+target.value);
stage = 0;
currentval = PickDropDown.options [PickDropDown.value].text;
advice.text = "";
title.text = currentval;
if (currentval != NONE) {
advice.text = "You chose to do "+currentval;
void newVal(){
Debug.Log("newVal " );
PanelA.SetActive (true);
PanelB.SetActive (false);
Debug.Log("options count="+ PickDropDown.options.Count );
void nextVal(){
Debug.Log("nextSet " );
PanelB.SetActive (true);
/*** next line shows the answer to my problem - from killer_mech **/
Destroy(PickDropDown.transform.Find("Dropdown List").gameObject);
PanelA.SetActive (false);
Yes, this is a bug in unity. I can reproduce this now. This is happening because Unity is creating a game Object called "Dropdown List" inside dropdown which should get destroyed after the closing. But I have noticed a slight delay is happening while destroying(I used editor debug mode for this). When you set the game object active flag as false, it somehow stops the destroy object and results in object Dropdown List staying there so next time when you try to interact with it the object will still present. You will also notice a white box below the Dropdown list after this which indicates the dropdown list still is present.
For the solution what I did was just before I was about to turn my gameobject off I used
Destroy(PickDropDown.transform.Find("Dropdown List").gameObject);
Destroying this object solves the problem. I know this is not a good way to do it, but I checked whether any references to options are destroyed while destroying this which resulted in no error for me. And Dropdown creates new "Dropdown List" gameobject. So it is safe to assume that destroying is OK. Well not sure if any other good solution for this is out there but for now you can use this.
Note: I have tested this bug with Panel, Empty Gameobject as parent and finally with Dropdown
This shows what is happening inside the drop-down. 1) During No popup 2) During Open 3)After setactive off before the child is destroyed.

How can I show a specific record near the top in list view without screen flicker?

I have a script (in FileMaker 14) that sets a variable, $_record_number, to Get ( RecordNumber ) based on a specific criterion. Once it's been set, I want to bring that record to the top in list view. (It's possible that the criterion is never fulfilled and that $_record_number is empty.)
The portion of the script that does this looks like the following:
Go to Record/Request/Page [ Last ]
Refresh Window []
Go to Record/Request/Page [ No dialog ; Max ( $_record_number ; 1 ) ]
When the Refresh Window step isn't present, the script doesn't work correctly. Instead of bringing the record to the top of the list view, it brings it to the bottom.
Unfortunately, the Refresh Window step causes the window to flicker as the script redraws the layout.
Is there a way to duplicate the end results of the above steps without using Refresh Window and avoid the screen redraw?
Failed techniques I've tried:
Using Refresh Object instead of Refresh Window targeting objects in both the header and body
Using Go to Related Record with a relationship to the target record
If you're using FileMaker 13 or higher, you can try the Refresh Object script step instead of Refresh Window. See http://www.filemaker.com/help/13/fmp/en/html/scripts_ref2.37.62.html for more details on that specific step.
I've sometimes had issues refreshing portals without Refresh Window, but if you just need the text on a label or button to update when the variable does, it should work fine.
Chuck, one straightforward option would be to add an unstored calc field to your portal table, with a calc of Get(RecordNumber) = $_record_number. You could set the sort of your portal to reverse sort on this calc field. Since only the matching field should match, this should always pop the desired record (if any) to the top, and otherwise, this condition would be ignored.
Another option would be to manually step through your portal in a Loop and stop when you find a match.
Last, I'd wonder if it might be cleaner to store and test against your portal table's primary key instead of its record number, but that's of course beyond the scope of this question. Good luck :-)
I am in FM14, and I think this works: get rid of your lines that go to last record and refresh window and instead insert 'Scroll Window [ End ]', e.g.
Scroll Window [ End ]
Go to Record/Request/Page [ No dialog ; $recordNumber ]

KineticJS: Animate an item to go back to initial position when not dropped in drop target

I made an application which performs drag and drop of different items: images and shapes. I limited the drop target to a specific layer: rightLayer in my case using a simple test with if ... else. Everything works great, except that I want to make an item revert back to its original position in the leftLayer when it doesn't attempt the borders of rightLayer (just like jquery, but in kineticJS). Or just disappear instantly.
Here's a JSFIDDLE . For a better understanding, try this use case:
drag the rectangle,
drop it right before the grid,
click on an item from the left layer.
You can self-destruct any clone dropped other than in the dropzone with a test in dragend.
A Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/m1erickson/2T68g/
// destroy this clone if dropped outside the dropzone

Detect drop target with HammerJS

I'm using HammerJS to abstract drag, scale and rotate for desktop and mobile. All I'm missing is drop. How do I define an element as a drop target that throws an event when another element is dragged over or dropped onto it? Something like jQueryUI's droppable that will work with HammerJS?
Just solved that today.
On dropping object, set a global "look for me" flag. and then setTimeout() to shortly (say 30ms) set it back to false.
Hide (and move) the dropped object, putting it back after a short time allowing the onMouseOver and onMouseOut events to trigger on the drop target object.
Watch those events for the "look for me" flag.
I haven't really tried it much yet.
(My first post.)
The only one fast way for detect drop target element is to use
Like this:
function dragEnd($event){
var targetEl = document.elementFromPoint($event.gesture.center.pageX, $event.gesture.center.pageX);
your code

jstree Drag node is not selected

I can click on a node to select it, it marks node as selected.
Multi select works great as well.
I can then drag the selected node(s)
However, without the above mentioned selection Dragging a node does not select
it (.bind("select_node.jstree", function (e, data) only fires on mouseup)
If i have nodes selected and then drag another node ; these previously selected nodes are not deselected.
Basically,how do i emulate windows explorer drag and drop functionality ?
to deselect the previously selected nodes, just call this function before selecting the current node.
Call the above function and then go on with selecting the current node followed by your code.