Let .Net framework be Localization - deployment

I add .Net framework to the deploying to be requirement, but when I try to setup my software, it is Chinese in the explanation(Maybe is I'm in Taiwan). Like the picture:
I want the explanation (like the area of red eclipse in the picture) to be English( although the agent is Japanese, they want it is English)
How can I do?
Or what's the keyword about the question?
Any advice appreciated!

I find the method!
My .Net is Visual Studio 10,
And try to change the file of eula.rtf by:
C://Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/v7.0A/Bootstrapper/Packages/DotNetFX35SP1/(your local document like "zh-Hant" for me)
And my .Net framework is 3.5 SP1, so I change the files in DotNetFX35SP1.
My eula.rtf is Chinese original, so I try to change it to English(In DotNetFX4.0, there is several language of the eula.rtf file)
So I fix it!


As-you-type spell-checking for VS2012

After Google I couldn't find As-you-type spell-checking for VS2012.
I have used one for VS210. I don't remember name of it which was quite useful to avoid spell mistakes in Aspx/razor Views
Does anyone know any free plugin,extension for VS2012?
Here's a spell checker you might try for VS 2012. You could download it from the Visual Studio Extensions Gallery.

MonoGame content builder

Is it possible to build content for MonoGame 3.0 without having to install Visual Studio 2010 and XNA 4.0?
The content I have to build is:
3D models
sprite fonts
I am aware that there exists MGCB, but before I try and use it I need to know if it is reasonably reliable for what I need it to do.
I'm no expert in this area, but I noticed you don't have an answer yet so I'll try my best.
Having Visual Studio and XNA Game Studio 4.0 installed will allow you to create Content projects that can compile your content into XNB files. Those XNB files can be used in your game without Visual Studio. You can use Xamarin Studio instead.
However, it's also possible to use some content directly. For example, you can use raw PNG files instead of compiled textures and you can build your own system for fonts. I'm not sure about 3D models.
I can't vouch for MGCB but I've read that the MonoGame team are currently developing the content pipeline. If it's not working now it probably will be in the not so distant future.
So yes, it's probably possible.
Just some helpful links. I don't know if the MGCB is finished or completed. I say that because i though i saw a todo list some where on their Git repo. I could be wrong about that.
docs on git say build from source
Video shows how to build MGCB from source.

Netbeans and Insubstantial

I recently saw that there was an approach to integrate the Substance LAF with Netbeans that was abandoned in 2008. Now, the active development is made within the Insubstantial - project and since 2008, a lot of advances where made.
Everytime i see an article about Substance (and/or Flamingo) and Netbeans, the authors are using an outdated version of Substance, but not the new Insubstantial libraries.
Does someone know how to use them with Netbeans? The standard way by just adding the --laf parameter doesn't seem to work and i guess there wouldn't have been the integration project if it's that simple.
My target is to use a self-written SubstanceSkin with my Netbeans Platform application.
Kind regards,
You can try using -Dswing.defaultlaf in netbeans.conf.
For example :
Here is the documentation and the available skins.

Filemaker plugin development in c# IDE for window

Is there any IDE which allow to produce .fmx file extension, Actually i am developing filemaker plugin with .fmx extension so that i can simply put it in "Extension" folder in where tha all plugin is resided used by filemaker pro application software and start using, when i tried to search extension .fmx in visual basic 2008 then it didn't show any result , still i am searching over internet, but i am not able to find. please sugest me some alternative, or some thing related
FileMaker plug-ins are regular Win32 DLLs. The .fmx extension is just a custom extension. I'm not sure you can produce such a DLL with Visual Basic or C# (but I'm not an expert in these); you might have to use Visual C++.
Check out http://www.dotnet2fm.com/ They provide a tool to write filemaker plugin in c#

Netbeans - How to extend HTML vocabulary

I've been using netbeans for a couple of years now, mainly on PHP / CakePHP projects.
Recently I've started using Coldfusion, which isn't directly supported. I've found, however, that if I use PHP as a project type, I can load the files and the HTML Renderer does an admirable job with the Coldfusion tags.
I want to make it better and help the renderer to understand some of the tags and, hopefully, thereby improve code indentation and syntax highlighting.
My question, then, is how can I access the HTML dictionary to extend the vocabulary?
NB: This isn't a 'which IDE' question so don't recommend them. I want to know if and how I can achieve this in NetBeans and only Netbeans.
Here are a few ideas. If you render it in HTML, you could probably add a custom name space to the HTML. If setup correctly it can help NetBeans realize that the tags are valid and shouldn't show as an error. It might not give you all the preview and WYSIWYG functionality, but it may be better than what you are getting now. I have only done this on other platforms, but I'm pretty sure NetBeans supports it.
Also I think that NetBeans will let you add CustomTags doing something like this:
Just to note, in terms of ColdFusion the other alternatives are NotePad++ with the CF plugin and IntelliJ now supports CF.
I really like Eclipse - the number of plugins available (SVN, Javascript, CSS, CodCollab, Flashbuilder etc.) is what makes it indispensable IMHO.
I am, however, looking forward to the new version of CFBuilder.
This answer on the same/similar question suggests that there is nothing out there for ColdFusion on netbeans : NetBeans as an editor for ColdFusion scripts?
If you want to build your own ColdFusion plugin for netbeans you need to look at plugin development; http://platform.netbeans.org/tutorials/60/nbm-google.html You could use the Dictionary project from cfeclipse as a basis for your plugin. See this Google Group thread for a bit more information