How to detect the browsers language in the EntryPoint SmartGWT - gwt

I'm developping a project with SmartGWT and I want to make it international,but how to know the browser's language in my EntryPoint (onModuleLoad) ?
I'm using Spring in the Server Side, and in my onModuleLoad I'm sending an RPC call to my Service which is gathering data from properties Files and respond with a Map contains all my keys value for internationalization, so while creating IU Widgets I'm using my Map like this lables.get("myLabel").
now that everytings is working fine, I want to detect the browser's language and use it for querying the right properties.
Sorry if my english is so bad

then I ended with a dirty solution, I created a javascript function as Lt_Shade told me,which put the navigator.language, then I retreive it in my EntryPoint thanks to the Document object, the probleme was when I run with IE or FireFox, the EntryPoint run before my HTML Page, so before my Javascript function and I dont find my navigator.language, so what I did is to create a JSNI function which call my javascript object within my EntryPoint (Calling Javascript function from java:gwt code) so I emphasize and insist the call then I'l sure that my navigator.language is loaded and I can retreive it.
in my HTML page
<script language="javascript">
function loadLocaleLanguage(){
document.getElementById("localeLanguage").setAttribute("value",(navigator.language).substring(0,2); // I don't need Country code
<input type="hidden" id="localeLanguage" value="" />
in my EntryPoint
public static native void getLocaleLanguage() /*-{
public void onModuleLoad(){
// I call my javascript function to ensure that the input have my localeLanguage
// now I'm retreiving it using DOM thanks to Document object
String localeLanguage = Document.get().getElementById("localeLanguage").getAttribute("value");
I'm sure that's not the best solution but at least it works
if someone can help me find how to acces the httpRequest within the EntryPoint (it containts the accept-language) or to directly acces the navigator.language in the EntryPoint, it'll be better.
thanks guys

I am not sure if this helps but there is a question like this which includes some java code for getting the language in a Java servlet.
Automatically selecting country and language for user in Java Servlet
You could also try add a JavaScript function into your EntryPoint something like
var userLang = (navigator.language) ? navigator.language : navigator.userLanguage;
alert ("The language is: " + userLang);


Prestashop module development - why is this template redirecting not working

On user-registration confirmation I want to show a simple popup. For the moment, in order to simplify I'm happy to show an "Hello World".
This is the template file, views/templates/hook/registrationConfirm.tpl
<div id="idname" class="block">
<h1 class="title_block">HelloWorld</h1>
In my custom module I have this hook (which I know is being triggered doing debug):
public function hookActionCustomerAccountAdd($params) {
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'registrationConfirm.tpl');
It doesn't show anything (I also tried inspect the source code of the rendered page, but I dind't find the "HelloWorld")
Hooks starting by "Action" react to an action but do not display anything, but those starting with "Display" do.
You should also react to the hook displayCustomerAccount
public function hookActionCustomerAccountAdd() {
$this->is_new_account = true;
public function hookDisplayCustomerAccount()
if ($this->is_new_account) {
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'registrationConfirm.tpl');
I tried the solution posted by #shagshag but for some reason it doesn't work for me. So I share my solution (it's not pretty, nor efficient I think, but it seem to work for me): in the hookActionCustomerAccountAdd I save on a custom table (newCustomersTmp) email and customer id, because these are the data I need after, in the display Hook. Then in the hookDisplayCustomerAccount I check if an user with the current email ($this->context->customer->email) already exists in my table: if so I retrieve the data, do the actions I need with them and delete the row in the table.

How to get user's input from WicketStuff's TinyMCE

Pretty straight-forward question, but I can't find this anywhere. I'm using WicketStuff's TinyMCE to make a Rich Text Editor in my application, and can't find anywhere how to get the input from the text area. For brevity's sake, the following is a simplified version of the code I'm using.
private String input;
TinyMCESettings settings = new TinyMCESettings(TinyMCESettings.Theme.simple);
TextArea<String> textArea = new TextArea<String>("editor", new PropertyModel<String>(this, "input"));
textArea.add(new TinyMceBehavior(settings));
Using this, I would expect the usual manner to simply use my String 'input' since it's set as the model. This always results in null as the model isn't being updated.
I tried using the auto-save plugin in case it was expecting the save button to be clicked (which doesn't update the model either), and neither worked. The only thing I've been able to do to get the user's input is to add a HiddenField, with a new model, and make a JavaScript call like
document.getElementById('hiddenField').value = tinyMCE.get('editor').getContent();
but this has led to other problems with trying to call the JS in the desired place and to get it to work properly. I feel this shouldn't be necessary anyways, as surely someone must have implemented a method to get the contents of the text area being used.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to a blog post at Nevermind Solutions, the way to get the model updated is to add the following JavaScript to the form's submitting button:
My text area is inside a panel with the button outside of the panel, so it doesn't directly work for me. The trick was to add the JavaScript call to the button's onSubmit, move the logic into the onAfterSubmit, and to make the button MultiPart so that it could call the save trigger before doing the other logic associated to the model.
Hope this might help some others in the future.
You have to add a modifier to the submit button so that the model can update.
AjaxButton btnSubmit = new AjaxButton("btnSubmit", new Model()) {
public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
btnSubmit.add(new TinyMceAjaxSubmitModifier());
Have a look here for more info

dynamic value pass to applet based on dropdown value selection

I have to pass value dynamically to applet so that it can pick correct xml from resource based on the value selected from the dropdown .
<applet code="com.vaannila.utility.dynamicTreeApplet.class" archive="./appletjars/dynamictree.jar, ./appletjars/prefuse.jar" width ="1000" height="500" >
How can i do that .
You can handle this by writing a public method in your applet
let's assume
void setXmlName(String xmlName);
you can access this method from java script .. for example this java script method
function updateXmlName(value){
/* Get an object of the applet .. make sure the at 'id' attribute has the 'myappletid' value. */
var myApplet = documents.applets["myappletid"];
update your dropbox HTML
<select id="optionList" onchange="updateXmlName(document.getElementById('optionList').value);>
I hope this could help you.
If you choose a value from dropdown and then send it to the page with applet then used simple <param> tag (as described here). If you want to do it dynamically, then you can invoke java methods via javascript as described here.

create custom widgets

How can I create a widget from the Javascript. For example I need to create a simple button or table . I have some thirdaparty
javascripts which draw tables. Now if I want to create GWT widget by using those javascript what should I do first?
How other frameworks like GWTExt,SmartGWT, are using custom Widgets? Are they starting from the scratch or They reuse the
GWT widget functionality? Like if I want to create one table in my own style, do I need to inherit GWT Table?can anybody
give one example or sample code how to create a widget from the javascript? If my questions are wrong please excuse me.
Mytable table = new Mytable(2,3). then it should draw my own table with 2 columns and 3 rows
You are asking a lot of questions here. In your case you should create as much questions in so as you have qustion marks in your original post.
Regarding your first question, look at JSNI.
Edit: So okrasz gave you a number of references to look at. From my side I’ll try to help with your example using JSNI (because you were asking about binding your existing js to GWT).
Let's say you have your MyTable defined as
<script type="text/javascript">
MyTable = function(a,b){
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
and your js file is called mytable.js
Now, we need this to be a component. In your .java file in GWT library project create a class like this:
public class MyTable extends JavaScriptObject {
protected MyTable(){}
public static native MyTable create(double a, double b) /*-{
return new MyTable(a,b);
public final native double getA() /*-{
return this.a;
public final native double getB() /*-{
return this.b;
Add your original js file to the resources and add a script node to your gwt.xml module like this:
<inherits name=""/>
<script src="path/to/mytable.js"/>
<source path="client"/>
<public path="public"/>
That's pretty much it. I might forgot something but you can reference any oss project that does the same thing you need. For instance, take a look at swfupload-gwt project source code.
Here is the documentation how to create custom widgets. Unfortunately they mostly talk about creating composite widgets out of existing ones. But for creating ones from scratch they suggest either writing in Java as their Button is created - here is Button source code for reference. For widgets in JS they suggest source code for TextBox.
Here is also one more article about creating widgets:

GWT - Create a link to external website

I need to create a link that point to another website, not to the portal itself trought ajax call. I write this at the moment :
InlineLabel fv1=new InlineLabel("Validator W3C : ");
InlineHyperlink linkfv1 = new InlineHyperlink("HTML" , "");
InlineLabel fv2=new InlineLabel(" | ");
InlineHyperlink linkfv2 = new InlineHyperlink("CSS" , "");
but it call the portal. In fact, if i click on HTML it adds # in the navigation bar. How can I fix this? Bye
The docs for InlineLabel say that it's meant to be used for "internal" links -- i.e., only to change the part after the #, like you're seeing.
You want to use Anchor -- this will result in an <a> tag being added to your page.
I prefer this solution:
Define an object of HTML class with the necessary parameters then add that object to a container in your GWT interface, FlowPanel for instance.
HTML link = new HTML("Take me to stackoverflow");