Matlab Differential Equations Euler’s method - matlab

I need help plotting a differential equation ... it keeps coming out all funky and the graph is not what it's supposed to look like.
function [dydt] = diff(y,t)
dydt = (-3*y)+(t*(exp(-3*t)));
tI = 0;
yI = -0.1;
tEnd = 5;
dt = 0.5;
t = tI:dt:tEnd;
y = zeros(size(t));
y(1) = yI;
for k = 2:numel(y)
yPrime = diff(t(k-1),y(k-1));
y(k) = y(k-1) + dt*yPrime;
grid on
legend(['dt = ' num2str(dt)])
That's my code, but the graph is not anything like what it's supposed to look like. Am I missing something like an index for the for statement?
I am getting an error:
Error using diff
Difference order N must be a positive integer scalar.
Error in diff3 (line 12)
yPrime = diff(t(k-1),y(k-1));

After fixing the errors pointed out by Danil Asotsky and horchler in the comments:
avoiding name conflict with built-in function 'diff'
changing the order of arguments to t,y.
decreasing the time-step dt to 0.1
converting ODE right-hand side to an anonymous function
(and removing unnecessary parentheses in the function definition), your code could look like this:
F = #(t,y) -3*y+t*exp(-3*t);
tI = 0;
yI = -0.1;
tEnd = 5;
dt = 0.1;
t = tI:dt:tEnd;
y = zeros(size(t));
y(1) = yI;
for k = 2:numel(y)
yPrime = F(t(k-1),y(k-1));
y(k) = y(k-1) + dt*yPrime;
grid on
legend(['dt = ' num2str(dt)])
which performs as expected:


Find roots using fsolve

Basically I would like to use the fsolve command in order to find the roots of an equation.
I think I should create a function handle that evaluates this equation in the form "right hand side - left hand side =0", but I've been struggling to make this work. Does anyone know how to do this?
The equation itself is 1/sqrt(f) = -1.74log((1.254/((1.27310^8)sqrt(f)))+((110^-3)/3.708)). So I would like to find the point of intersection of the left and right side by solving for 1/sqrt(f)+(1.74log((1.254/((1.27310^8)sqrt(f)))+((110^-3)/3.708))) = 0 using fsolve.
Thanks a lot!
The code so far (not working at all)
f = #(x) friction(x,rho,mu,e,D,Q, tol, maxIter) ;
xguess = [0, 1];
sol = fsolve(x, xguess ) ;
function y = friction(x,rho,mu,e,D,Q, tol, maxIter)
D = 0.1;
L = 100
rho = 1000;
mu = 0.001;
e = 0.0001;
Q = 0.01;
U = (4*Q)/(pi*D^2);
Re = (rho*U*D)/mu ;
y = (1/sqrt(x))-(-1.74*log((1.254/(Re*sqrt(x)))+((e/D)/3.708)))
Error message:
Error using lsqfcnchk (line 80)
FUN must be a function, a valid character vector expression, or an inline function object.
Error in fsolve (line 238)
funfcn = lsqfcnchk(FUN,'fsolve',length(varargin),funValCheck,gradflag);
Error in Untitled (line 6)
sol = fsolve(x, xguess ) ;
opt = optimset('Display', 'Iter');
sol = fsolve(#(x) friction(x), 1, opt);
function y = friction(x)
D = 0.1;
L = 100; % note -- unused
rho = 1000;
mu = 0.001;
e = 0.0001;
Q = 0.01;
U = (4*Q)/(pi*D^2);
Re = (rho*U*D)/mu ;
y = (1/sqrt(x))-(-1.74*log((1.254/(Re*sqrt(x)))+((e/D)/3.708)));
sol = 0.0054
the first argument of fsolve should be the function not variable. Replace:
sol = fsolve(x, xguess );
sol = fsolve(f, xguess );
And define Rho, mu, e etc before you define f (not inside the friction function).

Trouble using Runge-Kutta 2nd-order shooting method in Matlab

I'm having some issues getting my RK2 algorithm to work for a certain second-order linear differential equation. I have posted my current code (with the provided parameters) below. For some reason, the value of y1 deviates from the true value by a wider margin each iteration. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
f = #(x,y1,y2) [y2; (1+y2)/x];
a = 1;
b = 2;
alpha = 0;
beta = 1;
n = 21;
h = (b-a)/(n-1);
yexact = #(x) 2*log(x)/log(2) - x +1;
ye = yexact((a:h:b)');
s = (beta - alpha)/(b - a);
y0 = [alpha;s];
[y1, y2] = RungeKuttaTwo2D(f, a, b, h, y0);
error = abs(ye - y1);
function [y1, y2] = RungeKuttaTwo2D(f, a, b, h, y0)
n = floor((b-a)/h);
y1 = zeros(n+1,1); y2 = y1;
y1(1) = y0(1); y2(1) = y0(2);
for i=1:n-1
ti = a+(i-1)*h;
fvalue1 = f(ti,y1(i),y2(i));
k1 = h*fvalue1;
fvalue2 = f(ti+h/2,y1(i)+k1(1)/2,y2(i)+k1(2)/2);
k2 = h*fvalue2;
y1(i+1) = y1(i) + k2(1);
y2(i+1) = y2(i) + k2(2);
Your exact solution is wrong. It is possible that your differential equation is missing a minus sign.
y2'=(1+y2)/x has as its solution y2(x)=C*x-1 and as y1'=y2 then y1(x)=0.5*C*x^2-x+D.
If the sign in the y2 equation were flipped, y2'=-(1+y2)/x, one would get y2(x)=C/x-1 with integral y1(x)=C*log(x)-x+D, which contains the given exact solution.
0=y1(1) = -1+D ==> D=1
1=y1(2) = C*log(2)-1 == C=1/log(2)
Additionally, the arrays in the integration loop have length n+1, so that the loop has to be from i=1 to n. Else the last element remains zero, which gives wrong residuals for the second boundary condition.
Correcting that and enlarging the computation to one secant step finds the correct solution for the discretization, as the ODE is linear. The error to the exact solution is bounded by 0.000285, which is reasonable for a second order method with step size 0.05.

Solving Coupled partial differential equations of stiff nature using MATLAB

I want to solve coupled partial differential equations of first order, which are of stiff nature. I have coded in MATLAB to solve this pde's, I have used Method of line to convert PDE into ODE, and i have used beam and warmings(second order upwind) method to discritize the spatial derivative. The discretization method is total variation diminishing(TVD) to eliminate the oscillation. But rather using TVD and ode15s solver to integrate resultant stiff ode's the resultant plot is oscillatory(not smooth). What should i do to eliminate this oscillation and get correct results.
I have attached my MATLAB code.. please see it and suggest some improvement.
∂y(1)/∂t=-0.1 ∂y(1)/∂x + (0.5*e^(15*(y(2)⁄(1+y(2))))*(1- y(1))
∂y(2)/∂t=-0.1 ∂y(2)/∂x - (0.4*e^(15*(y(2)⁄(1+y(2))))*(1- y(1))-0.4
Initial condition: at t = 0 y(1)= y(2)=0
Boundary condition: y(1)= y(2) = 0 at x=0
I have attached my MATLAB code.. please see it and suggest some improvement.
function brussode(N)
if nargin<1
N = 149;
tspan = [0 10];
m = 0.00035
t = (1:N)/(N+1)*m;
y0 = [repmat(0,1,N); repmat(0,1,N)];
p = 0.5
q = 0.4
options = odeset('Vectorized','on','JPattern',jpattern(N));
[t,y] = ode15s(#f,tspan,y0,options);
a = size(y,2)
u = y(:,1:2:end);
x = (1:N)/(N+1);
zlabel('solution u');
%Nested function -- N is provided by the outer function.
function dydt = f(t,y)
%Derivative function
dydt = zeros(2*N,size(y,2)); %preallocate dy/dt
x = (1:N)/(N+1);
% Evaluate the 2 components of the function at one edge of the grid
% (with edge conditions).
i = 1;
%y(1,:) = 0;
%y(2,:) = 0;
dydt(i,:) = -0.1*(N+1)*(y(i+2,:)-0)+ (0.01/2)*m*((N+1).^3)*(y(i+2,:)-0) + p*exp(15*(0/(1+0)))*(1-0);
dydt(i+1,:) = -0.1*(N+1)*(y(i+3,:)-0)+ (0.01/2)*m*((N+1).^3)*(y(i+3,:)-0) - q*exp(15*(0/(1+0)))*(1-0)+0.25;
i = 3;
%y(1,:) = 0;
%y(2,:) = 0;
dydt(i,:) = -0.1*(N+1)*(y(i+2,:)-y(i,:)) + (0.01/2)*m*((N+1).^3)*(y(i+3,:)-y(i,:)) + p*exp(15*(y(i+1,:)/(1+y(i+1,:))))*(1-y(i,:));
dydt(i+1,:) = -0.1*(N+1)*(y(i+3,:)-y(i+1,:)) + (0.01/2)*m*((N+1).^3)*(y(i+3,:)-y(i,:)) - q*exp(15*(y(i+1,:)/(1+y(i+1,:))))*(1-y(i,:))+0.25;
%Evaluate the 2 components of the function at all interior grid
i = 5:2:2*N;
%y(1,:) = 0;
% y(2,:) = 0;
dydt(i,:) = (-0.1/2)*(N+1)*(3*y(i,:)-4*y(i-2,:)+y(i-4,:)) +(0.01/2)*m*((N+1).^3)*(y(i,:)-2*y(i-2,:)+y(i-4,:))+ p*exp(15*(y(i+1,:)/(1+y(i+1,:))))*(1-y(i,:));
dydt(i+1,:) = (-0.1/2)*(N+1)*(3*y(i+1,:)-4*y(i-1,:)+y(i-3,:))+(0.01/2)*m*((N+1).^3)*(y(i+1,:)-2*y(i-1,:)+y(i-3,:)) - q*exp(15*(y(i+1,:)/(1+y(i+1,:))))*(1-y(i,:))+0.25;
end %brussode
% Subfunction -- the sparsity pattern
function S = jpattern(N)
% Jacobian sparsity patter
B = ones(2*N,5);
B(2:2:2*N,2) = zeros(N,1);
B(1:2:2*N-1,4) = zeros(N,1);
S = spdiags(B,-2:2,2*N,2*N);

Why is the MATLAB output of this numerical method precision not getting more accurate?

Posting here vs math.stackexchange because I think my issue is syntax:
I'm trying to analyze the 2nd order ODE: y'' + 2y' + 2y = e^(-x) * sin(x) using MATLAB code for the midpoint method. I first converted the ODE to a system of 1st order equations and then tried to apply it below, but as the discretizations [m] are increased, the output is stopping at .2718. For example, m=11 yields:
ans =
and m=101:
ans =
and m=10001
ans =
Here's the code:
function [y,t] = ODEsolver_midpointND(F,y0,a,b,m)
if nargin < 5, m = 11; end
if nargin < 4, a = 0; b = 1; end
if nargin < 3, a = 0; b = 1; end
if nargin < 2, error('invalid number of inputs'); end
t = linspace(a,b,m)';
h = t(2)-t(1);
n = length(y0);
y = zeros(m,n);
y(1,:) = y0;
for i=2:m
Fty = feval(F,t(i-1),y(i-1,:));
th = t(i-1)+h/2;
y(i,:) = y(i-1,:) + ...
h*feval(F,th,y(i-1,:)+(h/2)*Fty );
Separate file:
function F = Fexample1(t,y)
F1 = y(2);
F2 = exp(-t).*sin(t)-2.*y(2)-2.*y(1);
F = [F1,F2];
Third file:
[Y,t] = ODEsolver_midpointND('Fexample1',[0 0],0,1,11);
Ye = [(1./2).*exp(-t).*(sin(t)-t.*cos(t)) (1./2).*exp(-t).*((t-1).*sin(t)- t.*cos(t))];
Your ODE solver looks to me like it should work - however there's a typo in the analytic solution you're comparing to. It should be
Ye = [(1./2).*exp(-t).*(sin(t)-t.*cos(t)) (1./2).*exp(-t).*((t-1).*sin(t)+ t.*cos(t))];
i.e. with a + sign before the t.*cos(t) term in the derivative.

Fourth-order Runge–Kutta method (RK4) collapses after a few iterations

I'm trying to solve:
x' = 60*x - 0.2*x*y;
y' = 0.01*x*y - 100* y;
using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm.
Starting points: x(0) = 8000, y(0) = 300 range: [0,15]
Here's the complete function:
function [xx yy time r] = rk4_m(x,y,step)
A = 0;
B = 15;
h = step;
t = tic;
xh2 = x;
yh2 = y;
rr = zeros(floor(15/step)-1,1);
xx = zeros(floor(15/step)-1,1);
yy = zeros(floor(15/step)-1,1);
AA = zeros(1, floor(15/step)-1);
while( A < B)
A = A+h;
iteration = iteration + 1;
xx(iteration) = x;
yy(iteration) = y;
AA(iteration) = A;
[x y] = rkstep(x,y,h);
for h2=0:1
[xh2 yh2] = rkstep(xh2,yh2,h/2);
time = toc(t);
hold on
fprintf('x: %f\n', x);
fprintf('y: %f\n', y);
fprintf('A: %f\n', A);
fprintf('Time: %f\n', time);
function [xnext, ynext] = rkstep(xcur, ycur, h)
kx1 = f_prim_x(xcur,ycur);
ky1 = f_prim_y(xcur,ycur);
kx2 = f_prim_x(xcur+0.5*h,ycur+0.5*h*kx1);
kx3 = f_prim_x(xcur+0.5*h,ycur+0.5*h*kx2);
kx4 = f_prim_x(xcur+h,ycur+h*kx3);
ky2 = f_prim_y(xcur+0.5*h*ky1,ycur+0.5*h);
ky3 = f_prim_y(xcur+0.5*h*ky2,ycur+0.5*h);
ky4 = f_prim_y(xcur+h*ky2,ycur+h);
xnext = xcur + (1/6)*h*(kx1 + 2*kx2 + 2*kx3 + kx4);
ynext = ycur + (1/6)*h*(ky1 + 2*ky2 + 2*ky3 + ky4);
function [fx] = f_prim_x(x,y)
fx = 60*x - 0.2*x*y;
function [fy] = f_prim_y(x,y)
fy = 0.01*x*y - 100*y;
And I'm running it by executing: [xx yy time] = rk4_m(8000,300,10)
The problem is that everything collapses after 2-3 iterations returning useless results. What am I doing wrong? Or is just this method not appropriate for this kind equation?
The semicolons are intentionally omitted.
Looks like I didn't pay attention to actual h size. It works now! Thanks!
Looks like some form of the Lotka-Volterra equation?
I'm not sure if if your initial condition is [300;8000] or [8000;300] (you specify it both ways above), but regardless, you have an oscillatory system that you're trying to integrate with a large fixed time step that is (much) greater than the period of oscillation. This is why your error explodes. If you try increasing n (say, 1e6), you'll find that eventually you'll get a stable solution (assuming that your Runge-Kutta implementation is otherwise correct).
Is there a reason why you're not using Matlab's builtin ODE solvers, e.g. ode45 or ode15s?
function ode45demo
[t,y]=odeode45(#f,[0 15],[300;8000]);
function ydot=f(t,y)
ydot(1,1) = 60*y(1) - 0.2*y(1)*y(2);
ydot(2,1) = 0.01*y(1)*y(2) - 100*y(2);
You'll find that adaptive step size solvers are much more efficient for these types of oscillatory problems. Because your system has such a high frequency and seems rather stiff, I suggest that you also look at what ode15s gives and/or adjust the 'AbsTol' and 'RelTol' options with odeset.
The immediate problem is that the RK4 code was not completely evolved from the scalar case to the case of two coupled equations. Note that there is no time parameter in the derivative funtions. x and y are both dependent variables and thus get the slope update defined by the derivative functions in every step. Then xcur gets the kx updates and ycur gets the ky updates.
function [xnext, ynext] = rkstep(xcur, ycur, h)
kx1 = f_prim_x(xcur,ycur);
ky1 = f_prim_y(xcur,ycur);
kx2 = f_prim_x(xcur+0.5*h*kx1,ycur+0.5*h*ky1);
ky2 = f_prim_y(xcur+0.5*h*kx1,ycur+0.5*h*ky1);
kx3 = f_prim_x(xcur+0.5*h*kx2,ycur+0.5*h*ky2);
ky3 = f_prim_y(xcur+0.5*h*kx2,ycur+0.5*h*ky2);
kx4 = f_prim_x(xcur+h*kx3,ycur+h*ky3);
ky4 = f_prim_y(xcur+h*kx3,ycur+h*ky3);
xnext = xcur + (1/6)*h*(kx1 + 2*kx2 + 2*kx3 + kx4);
ynext = ycur + (1/6)*h*(ky1 + 2*ky2 + 2*ky3 + ky4);