Strange issue with non retina display in iphone - iphone

My app was working fine both in simulator and iPhone 4 when i had only "image.png" . When I added "image#2x.png" screen's UI became distorted in actual device,simulator has no issues. Device is iphone 4 non-retina.
Do I need to specify anything when #2x images are added?

Just to confirm, you're not using a prerelease of Xcode 5, are you? If so, no one here is allowed to help you, and you should march yourself over to the Apple Developer forums.
That is strange. You shouldn't need to do anything other than creating the #2x version. Double and triple check that the files look as expected, and that the 2x version is exactly double the resolution in each direction (that is: if the original is 50x50, the 2x must be 100x100).
Next, try doing Product->Clean, delete the app from the device and then run it again. Sometimes weird things are solved that way. Also, restarting Xcode can't hurt, I've had that resolve more than a few Really Weird Issues.


Why does the iPhone Simulator show parts of the springboard behind the app?

While revising one of my apps to work with the latest iPhone dimensions I noticed the simulator was (wrongly) displaying icons behind the app like the app wasn't sized correctly for the new 1136 x 640 dimensions. I couldn't find anywhere in my Cocos2d 2.0 code that affected this issue and changing the size of the white background image did nothing. When I told the simulator to go "Home" and then relaunched the app, it appeared normal. This only happened when testing localization languages like German in the following image.
Sounds like a bug to me. Maybe report this to Apple?
Yes this is definetly a bug, if not then apple will help
Reset your simulato.
then run your project.
Removing all references to armv6 eliminated this issue.

IOS 6.0 ignores my launch image

I have been trying to get my app to work for the iPhone, after successfully getting it into the Google play store. I am finding the process for iPhone to be worse than I even expected.
My problem duJour is that though I have launch images specified for every display, when I test in the IOS 6.0 simulator OR on an iPhone 5 I get the stupid default launch image and not the one I specified.
I assumed I had something mis-configured, but when I got the idea of trying it on the IOS 5.0 simulator it WORKED! This is extremely frustrating.
I am using XCODE to do this 'visually'. I am too much of a noob to be sure how to do this manually in the .plist and I cannot find any real documentation from apple about it.
I could sure use a link to some actual useful documentation, or even some help from someone who has experienced the same thing and found a solution.
BTW: I am using xcode 4.5.2
A few things to check...
First, your naming conventions:
Default.png (320 x 480) for support of the original iPhone thru iPhone 3GS
Default#2x.png (640 x 960) for support of the iPhone 4 and 4S
Default-568h#2x.png (640 x 1136) for support of the iPhone 5
CaPiTaLiZaTiOn counts, so be careful.
Second, make sure each image is 72 dpi.
Third, do a Product->Clean from Xcode to make sure you've gotten rid of any old files lying around. Also delete the app from the simulator and try running again.
Finally, try running on actual hardware. Although the simulator is pretty good, there are a few differences in the way they work -- particular with how accommodating they are with images.

iphone application splash image looks blurry on (iPhone 4) device

I have an Default#2x PNG image (640x920) for splash screen of our iPhone app. For some reason, it looks blurry on the device (iPhone 4) where the app is deployed, but instead on emulator it looks just fine. We are using XCode 4.2 for development. Any reasons why that's happening? And also, we assume that the image size of 640x920 should be fine (to not including the status bar - 40px in high res), correct?
Try to clean the build - an old Default.png may be used instead of the newer one. If that doesn't work, it might help to see the image used.
Also, as #barley said, check that the file name is Default#2x.png, as it is case-sensitive.
The size of Default.png and Default#2x.png should be 320x480 and 640x960, the entire screen. This is probably because Apple allows apps to remove the status-bar at startup, but can also have resizing-effects (not sure about that).
Make sure that the file name matches exactly Default#2x.png including the case. The device is case sensitive although the simulator is not.
The math of the resolution seems correct, but since the doc says 640x960, it is also a suspicious point.

iOS - Build Freezes When I Build To Device but Not in Simulator

I'm curious if someone can help me figure out what is going on...
I have an app that works fine in the simulator with no warnings or errors but when I try to even build with the device selected it appears to freeze. I've left it building for over 20minutes with no luck.
The application uses a large number of animated PNG sequence and a few videos but that didn't appear to be a problem until today.
Any insight would be appreciated...
What has changed in your environment since yesterday?
Can you back off the number of images to say 3 small ones, and one short video, and see if it builds then? Then add them back in a few at a time to see where it's breaking. Divide an conquer.
Turned out to be an odd problem with XCode compressing the PNGs in my project.
Turned off the PNG compression and it complied in no time.

iPhone 4 apps automatically scale up on iPad?

I thought I read/saw/heard something saying that apps built for iPhone 4's Retina Display would automatically run at 640x960 when installed on an iPad. However, can't find any documentation on that specific feature, and my app still runs at 320x480 when installed on an iPad.
Is there a step I've missed to make this happen? Or did I just imagine this being a feature?
Apps do not auto-upscale, BUT if you have an image larger than the UIImageView you are placing it in, you will get as large a version as the iPad can draw.
I don't think it knows to pull in #2x images, just ones that are actually larger than the space you are placing them into.
This is not the case; currently, apps won't auto-upscale on an iPad. Perhaps Apple will add this in iOS 4.x for iPad, but certainly there's been no indication from them that they will.